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On SR25, the azimuth of travel from the end project point to PI2 is most nearly:
@ The forward Az is 75 degrees, therefore the back azimuth is 75+180 = 255.
a. 45
b. 135
*c. 225
d. 315
2. The straight line distance (as the crow flies) from the begin to end project point is most
@ dist = sqrt((change in north^2)+(change in east^2)) = sqrt(1808^2+3326^2) = 3786.
a. 3300
b. 3500
*c. 3700
d. 3900
3. Which triangle is used to derive the formula for calculating the long chord of a
horizontal curve?
@ PC, chord midpoint, radius point Sin (delta/2) = (LC/2)/R
a. PI, radius point, PC
b. chord midpoint, PC, PI
c. PI, chord midpoint, PC
*d. PC, chord midpoint, radius point
4. Which best explains why the following formula works? L = (Delta/D)*100
@ Since the vehicle covers one station for each increment of D, Delta/D gives the
decimal number of stations in the arc length, multiplying by 100 gives total arc length.
*a. the vehicle travels one station for each increment of D
b. the chord length is the opposite side of a triangle with hypotenuse R
c. the arc equals the radius times the central angle in radians
d. the quantity (Delta/D) is a universal constant for curves
5. If TTL is Total Tangent Length, TL is Tangent Length, T is Curve Tangent, L is Curve
Length, which formula will calculate the correct PI station of Curve 2 on SR25?
@ from the PT of curve 1, add the TL2 tangent length to get the PC2 Sta, then add T2 to
get the PI2 station.
a. PI2 Station = PT1 Sta + TTL2
b. PI2 Station = PI1 Sta + TTL2
*c. PI2 Station = PT1 Sta + TL2 + T2
d. PI2 Station = PC1 Sta + L1 + TTL2
6. Considering Curve 1 alone, the largest radius that will avoid an overlap with the begin
project point is most nearly:
@ To bring PC1 to the Begin Proj. point, the first TTL = 1000 is the curve's tangent T,
and R=T/tan(Delta/2) = 1000/tan(21) = 2605.
a. 2400
b. 2500

*c. 2600
d. 2700
7. If the radii of both curves 1 and 2 are set to 1000 ft, the tangent distance between the
PT of Curve 1 and the PC of Curve 2 is most nearly:
@ TL = TTL2 T1 T2 = 2000 1000 tan(21) 1000 tan(16) = 1329.39
a. 700
b. 1000
*c. 1300
d. 1600
8. The pre-solution's Cartesian E coordinate of the PC of Curve 2 is most nearly:
@ 7164.632from the pre-solution directly.
a. 6900
*b. 7100
c. 7300
d. 7500
9. Why are parabolas used for route vertical curves?
@ because geometric properties make computations easy
a. increased safety
b. national codes
c. old tradition
*d. ease of computation
10. On an existing ground profile drawing, which are graphic conventions? 1. spline to
model the ground with curves, 2. series of straight lines, 3. station tick marks on the
ground profile, 4. bold solid lines 5. profile follows parabolic curves, 6. dashed lines.
@ an existing ground profile has 2. straight lines and 6. dashed lines only.
*a. 2, 6
b. 1, 4
c. 2, 4, 5
d. 1, 3, 4
11. For a vertical parabolic curve with a known rotation rate r and known incoming
percent grade g1, the slope (dy/dx) at a particular station (STA) on a vertical curve is best
calculated as:
@ dy/dx = 2ax+b = 2(r/2)(STA PVCsta) + g1 = r*(STA-PVCsta)+g1
*a. r*(STA-PVCsta)+g1
b. r/2*(STA) g1
c. r/g1 + STA
d. (PVCsta-STA)/r + g1
12. The high point station of vertical Curve 2 on the pre-solution is most nearly:
@ since g2 for curve 2 is 0%, the high point is at the PVT, station 37+50.
a. 36+00

b. 36+50
c. 37+00
*d. 37+50
13. The elevation of station 22 on the pre-solution vertical profile is most nearly:
@ the point is on vertical curve 1, r = .5%/sta, PVC el = 32, g1 = -2%, X = 2 sta, vertical
curve equation, Y22 = (.5/2)*2^2 + (-2)*2 + 32 = 29
*a. 29
b. 30
c. 31
d. 32
14. If the length of vertical curve 1 remains at 1000 as in the pre-solution, the maximum
possible length of vertical curve 2 to avoid an overlap is most nearly:
@ The maximum possible L/2 for vertical curve 2 is the horizontal distance PVI1 to
PVI2 1000 ft L1/2 = 500 ft. Therefore, the maximum possible L2 = 1000 also.
a. 600 ft
b. 800
*c. 1000
d. 1200
15. The pre-solution offset distance to the right slope limit point at station 30 is most
@ the right hand slope hits the ground at 28 ft right approximately.
*a. 28
b. 30
c. 32
d. 34
16. Which statement is true regarding cut end areas?
@ area is measured to the bottom of the pavement box because the earth material must be
cut to make room for the rock base and pavement brought in from off the project.
a. area is measured to the pavement surface
*b. area is measured to the bottom of the pavement box
c. area is measured to a line midway between the top and bottom of the pavement box
d. area is measured from the existing ground up to the bottom of the pavement box
17. Which surface model is most used in today's route practice?
@ Triangulated Irregular Network
a. cross section
b. contour
c. DEM, digital elevation model
*d. TIN
18. Which of the following terrain surface models are "continuous" models? 1. field
cross sections, 2. DEM, 3. TIN, 4. Contour

@ All are continuous except field cross sections

a. 3, 4
*b. 2, 3, 4
c. 1, 2, 4
d. 1, 2, 3
19. On the pre-solution earthwork calculations, which statement is correct?
@ cut volume is about double the fill
a. cut volume exceeds fill by a small margin
b. fill volume exceeds cut by a small margin
*c. cut volume is about double the fill
d. fill volume exceeds cut by a large margin.
20. Which cross section is partially in cut and partially in fill?
@ the end project cross section is the only one with cut and fill end areas.
*a. the end project
b. Sta 45
c. Sta 25
d. Sta 15

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