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young people also start a business based on a specic interest, rather

than a market need, which increases the risk of failure, Bao Chunlei, a
researcher at the Ins=tute of Labor Science, said (hAp://

BA 199
Business Research

Cheryl Joy Fernandez, PhD

BS Economics, cum laude (UP Visayas)
Postgraduate Diploma in Business AdministraBon (Massey Business
School, Massey University, New Zealand)
Master of Management (Massey Business School, Massey University,
New Zealand)
Doctor of Philosophy (James Cook University, Australia)

Current Designa5on
Assistant Professor 5
Faculty-in-Charge for Research, College of Management
Member, UPV University Research Board
Teaches: QuanBtaBve Approaches to Decision-making, Economic Analysis,
Management/Business Research, OrganizaBonal Behavior/Behavioral

Cheryl Joy Fernandez, PhD

Current research:
Small island tourism
Coastal well-being
Ecosystem services of marine protected areas and residents life saBsfacBon
User acceptance on the use of technology

Previous research:
Quality of life (happiness), work-life balance
Tourists and residents saBsfacBon of the Great Barrier Reef in Australia
PercepBons/buying behavior of consumers (residenBal properBes)
Cost-benet analysis
value of non-priced goods and services (e.g. conservaBon)

BA 199
Methods of social research in the eld of business/
management with emphasis on the major steps in the design
and conduct of research from problem idenBcaBon to
analysis, interpretaBon, and the actual wriBng of the research
Course Credit: 3 units (3 hours/week)

Course objecBves
At the end of the course, the students are expected to:

Appreciate research as the best source of knowledge.
Understand the basic concepts and principles in the conduct of
Undertake research in the eld of management and reect
research competencies learned in the course.

Course outline

The Nature of ScienBc Enterprise A social science perspecBve

Overview of Research
Ethics in Social Research
Problem IdenBcaBon
Other Components of Research Problem IdenBcaBon
Research Designs & Methods


Data GeneraBon Techniques

Data Processing, Analysis & InterpretaBon
WriBng the Research Paper
PresentaBon of the Research Paper

Course requirements
Regular workshops and wrijen reports (3)


Final workshop presentaBon


Dral research report (to be submijed during the nal workshop)


Final research report


Ajendance and class parBcipaBon


Total 100%


What do you think?

What do you think a faculty-in-charge expects
of students?
What does a faculty-in-charge do?
What does a student do?

Class policies
Ajending the class at minimum 80% of the number of
meeBngs is a must. Otherwise, you will be dropped. [Art
346, UP Code 1975]. For ocial dropping of the subject, go
to the secretarys oce and ask for the necessary
paperwork. The oce will provide a deadline for which the
form must be returned, completed and signed.
Assessments are usually given at the start of the class.
Latecomers will have less Bme to complete the quiz/exam.
No special quiz/exam or workshop is given to those who
have not taken as scheduled.


Class policies
There will be deducBons in the scores for late
submission of assignments/papers.
Cellphones must be switched o or in silent mode
during class, and must not be used at all Bmes. If you
really need to send a text message or answer a call,
do it outside the room.
Only use laptops/handheld devices when asked by
the faculty.
Yellow pads will be used for quizzes/ assignments.

Lecturers expect students to

Be responsible for your own learning
Be self moBvated, acBve learners
Use criBcal thinking

Lecturers wont tell you what to do and how

to do it
They expect you to make the decisions

How have the students studied in the

What style of learning have your teachers
expected of you?
What strategies did you use for learning?
Some strategies might need to change
WaiBng for your teachers to tell you what to do
Memorizing, learning by heart

Being an independent learner

Lecturers expect to:
Organize your study yourself
Make sure you do all the work you need to do
Read supplementary reading


Being an independent learner

Lecturers expect to:
Find out what you need to know
Lecture Bmetable
Topics per week
Assignment informaBon/instrucBons
WriBng guidelines
Reference style (we will use APA style)
Exam, workshop and other assessment informaBon


Policy on dishonest academic pracBce

Plagiarism. Plagiarism is using others ideas and words without clearly acknowledging
the source of that informaBon. To avoid plagiarism, you must give credit whenever
you use, another persons idea, opinion, or theory; any facts, staBsBcs, graph,
drawings any pieces of informaBon that are not common knowledge; quotaBons of
another persons actual spoken or wrijen words; or paraphrase of another persons
spoken or wrijen words (
Collusion. The submission of work done in whole or in part with another person or
persons, but submijed as if it had been completed by the named author alone (or
joint authors if a group item of work).
Ghost wri5ng. The use of another person (with or without any form of payment) to
prepare all or part of an item of work submijed by the group for assessment.
Fabrica5on of data. The presentaBon of data, which are not obtained through
experimentaBon or research.
Plagiarism can be avoided by familiarizing yourself with the material referred to in
Point 1. Plagiarism can be readily detected and the penalBes are severe. It is your
responsibility to ensure that you know how to avoid it.


Being an independent learner

Lecturers expect to:
Ask help if you need it!


Contact details
Oce Landline (Dept. of Mgt.): (033) 3377626
CM Dept. of Management Faculty Room

ConsultaBon Hours: Monday MTH 9am to 12nn and 1pm to
3pm or you can email me anyBme for consultaBon

Emails: or


For assessments, lecturers expect

students to
Use good organizaBonal skills

Plan and Bmetable all your assessments

Start work on assignments/exams/workshops in plenty of
Bme and complete due date
Follow instrucBons provided, e.g. structure and word

Use academic wriBng skills

Build a constructed essay or presentaBon, making a

reasoned/comprehensive arguments
Understand what meant by plagiarism
Construct an original piece of work, referenced freelyin
the correct style

Lecturers expects you to

Enjoy your Bme in UPV
Achieve good results
Expects to help you achieve! J


Important dates
Mid-semester March 19
Deadline for dropping subjects April 19
End of classes May 19
Final examinaBons May 23 (graduaBng students) and
May 24 to May 29 (other students)
Deadline of grades May 30 (graduaBng students) and
June 5 (other students)
Commencement Exercises June 23


Everything must have a beginning, a middle and

an end a good research is no dierent.

Much like a perfect day, a good relaBonship, or
a job interview, starBng a research project/
paper right is crucial to its success. Olen, this
part of the process is challenging for researchers
at all levels: what topic to choose, where to
begin, how to review the literature, and
especially how many pages to write!


Now, its your turn

Favorite management/business topic. Why?
What are your expectaBons from this course,
from me as your FIC,
and your classmates?


Select your group mates

The secret to enjoying research and succeeding at it is
choosing a topic that is important to you but not too
close that you cannot step back and be objecBve.

For example you might want to study how students
balance school-work and Facebook and socializing. This
topic is quite broad but could be a good launching point.
However, if you decide to research why a specic
employer has policies that are unfair to working mothers
and your mother happens to work for this company, it
might be more dicult for you to be objec=ve.


Group acBvity/assignment
1) IdenBfy one topic you are interested in.
2) What are the major and minor concepts associate with this
topic (remember your previous management/business
3) Complete Table #1 using Table #2 as a guide.
4) Discuss possible relaBonships between these concepts and
construct a concept map (see Figure #1 as an example).
5) To be submijed on Tuesday.








Why concept maps?

The keywords will be use in your online and library
research library later. This should be updated as you
progress with your research.
The relaBonships/associaBons will help you in
construcBng your hypothesis later. These will conBnue
to be modied through the research process.
Not all concepts/relaBonships will be use in this
subject, probably, your group will only choose parts of
the map.
Keep and update your maps.


Next mee'ng, we will discuss the importance and elements of research,


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