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Designing Enterprise Architecture of Smart City

Case Study Kota Bandung

Samsun Hidayat1, Suhono Harso Supangkat2, Albarda3

Number of people living in the city always increase expected in 2050 and the percentage of residents who live in the city is
67% of the population worldwide.
With the increase in population in the city, then the city has a variety of risks, concerns, and issues, for example, the risk of
deterioration / decrease in air quality and transportation, as well as problems related to the economy such as unemployment.
In addition the city also has future challenges such as population growth, poverty, elderly aged population, security, energy
requirements, and the level of pollution.
The problems and challenges of the city should look for a solution through the use of the smart city concept in managing
the city. Smart city is a city with a development concept using existing resources effectively and efficiently as well as to
be used for maximize benefit of the citizens through the use of information and communication technology.
Needed an enterprise architecture as a medium of communication by all stakeholders of smart city can be achieved in
accordance with its intended purpose. Assuming no enterprise architecture and the development of a simple and clear,
holistic approach, and the results of the comparison of the four framework Zachman Framework, FEAF, Gartner, and
TOGAF, the framework that will be used for development enterprise architecture of smart city is TOGAF.
This research aims to prove that TOGAF framework can be used to provide solutions of problems and challenges of the city
through the development of enterprise architecture smart city.
The results showed that Enterprise Architecture of Bandung Smart City developed using TOGAF contain enough
information and can be used as a reference to build Bandung becoming Bandung Smart City.
Keywords : Smart City, Enterprise Architecture, TOGAF.


Percentage of population living in cities in 1950 was

approximately 30% of the population of the entire world's
population [1], 52% in 2011, and is estimated by 2050
the percentage of residents who live in the city is 67% of
the population worldwide [2 ].
The increase in the population of a city cause the city
have a variety of risks, concerns, and issues, for example,
the risk of worsening / decrease in air quality and
transportation issues, as well as problems related to the
economy like unemployment.

Besides having the problem, a city also has future

challenges that need to look for a solution such as the
elderly population, the need for energy, and CO2
Smart city is one of solution that can be used to solve the
problems and challenges of the city. Smart city is a
concept to manages resources effectively and efficiently
to maximize service to its citizens.
Smart city can be achieved through the use of
information and communication technology are well
planned and the existence of a medium of communication
used by all stakeholders which includes a basic

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understanding of the system, the components that exist in

the system, and the relationships between components, as
well as the principles that govern the design and the
evolution of the system [3] which is an Enterprise
Architecture (EA).
There are various kinds of frameworks that can be used
for designing enterprise architecture, but nearly 90% of
enterprise architecture design using one of the four
following framework: Zachman Framework, Federal
Enterprise Architecture Framework (FEAF), Gartner, and
The Open Group Architectural Framework (TOGAF) [4].
Assuming the city does not have an enterprise
architecture, and several factors such as the purpose of
the development of a simple and clear, holistic approach /
whole [5, 6], as well as a comparison of the results of the
framework to four [4] TOGAF is one of the best, then
framework that will be used to construct enterprise is
TOGAF architecture.
Bandung is one of the major cities in Indonesia where the
population is always increasing, ie 2,141,837 in 2000,
2,270,970 in 2005, 2,394,920 in 2010, and predicted in
2025 the population of Bandung reach 3,118. 290 [7].
The increase in the population of Bandung cause
problems, risks, and challenges, such as: provision of
appropriate housing is less, above the level of educational
services and adequate health services have not covered
all residents, security threats, the number of high
unemployment, as well as environmental issues such as
air quality decreases [7].
Problems and challenges of Bandung, as well as
resources which include natural resources and minerals,
as well as human resources are managed effectively and
efficiently to provide maximum service to the citizens of
Bandung, the smart city is one solution Bandung can be
used to develop Bandung to be Bandung Smart City.
Bandung Smart City can be achieved through good
planning and the availability of a medium of
communication between stakeholders such as enterprise
architecture Bandung Smart City are prepared using


II.1 Smart City Definitions
Smart city concept is already popular and used in all
corners of the world with different names and in different
conditions. Smart City has a very diverse definitions,
here are some definitions Smart City:
Smart City Definition
A city that monitor conditions and integrate infrastructure,
which includes roads, bridges, tunnels, railways,
underground roads, airports, seaports, communication,
water, electricity, and even buildings, so that the optimum
resources through planning preventive maintenance and
condition monitoring security in order to maximize
service to its citizens [8].
A city that connects the physical infrastructure, IT
infrastructure, social infrastructure, and business
infrastructure by utilizing the intelligence data set that
belongs to the city [1]
A city built to make himself "smarter" (more efficient,
sustainable, equitable and livable) [9]
The use of intelligent computing technology to create
infrastructure components and services in the city
including administration, education, health, public safety,
real estate, transportation, and utilities more intelligent,
interconnected and efficient [10]
Smart City is a city to use ICT in improving governance
and participatory process to determine the appropriate
public services and transport investment, which can
ensure the social and economic development sustainable,
improving the quality of life and management of natural
resources well [11]
Of the various definitions above it can be interpreted as a
smart city as a city integrated management concept with
intelligent technology to connect and monitor various
resources owned and used effectively and efficiently in
order to maximize service and improvement of the
quality of life of all its stakeholders and support
sustainable urban development.
II.2 Smart City Components
The main component in smart city are: technology
(Infrastructures of hardware and software), people
(creativity, diversity, and education), and government

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(governance and policy) [12], which can be described as


Each typically has a different EAF in accordance with the

ideas of the stakeholders to the problems they face in
their work [6]. Stakeholders also tend to have differences
in approach and level of depth, the proposed guidelines,
and methodologies to be done to solve the problems
faced [6].
Some of the benefits gained by using the EAF are:
improving the speed and simplification in architecture
development, ensure the completeness of the solutions
that are designed and selected to ensure that the
architecture is able to provide answers to the growth and
business needs in the future [14].

Figure 1 Komponen Smart City


III.1 Enterprise Architecture Framework (EAF)
Enterprise Architecture Framework (EAF) describes all
the application development process within an
organization and shows how the relationship and
interaction between applications to achieve the mission
of the organization [12]. The goal of the EAF is to
simplify the architecture development, and ensure
complete architectural solutions that are designed to
conform to the general principles [17]. In practice, the
EAF has two roles: as a tool for documentation and
specifications of the components used to facilitate
planning and problem solving in the organization as a
whole [17].
EAF has become a common tool used to manage the
complexity that exists in the current EA, because the
EAF provides a method to design and describe an
architecture [14]. The use of the EA framework will
speed up and simplify architecture development, ensure
the completeness of the solution and ensure the chosen
architecture allows for future development as a response
to the needs of the business [13].
There are various kinds of frameworks that can be used
for the development of enterprise architecture, such as:
Zachman Framework, Federal Enterprise Architecture
Framework (FEAF), DoD Architecture Framework
(DoDAF), Treasury Enterprise Architecture Framework
(TEAF), The Open Group Architectural Framework
(TOGAF), and others [13].

EAF provides guidance on how to describe architecture,

but typically do not provide instructions on how to build
or implement the architecture or how to develop the
systems needed [14].
III.2 Choosing TOGAF
TOGAF selected for use in this research for several
reasons as follows:

Vendor Neutrality

Vendor neutrality is a tendency to lock / lock-in the use

of the methodology. TOGAF is a framework that the
level of lock-in the lowest [4].

Process completeness

TOGAF provide clear explanations of each stage / phase

in developing Enterprise Architecture, using the ADM

Architecture Modeling

TOGAF has an advantage by adopting the ArchiMate is

an open and independent that supports the description,
analysis and visualization of architecture [11].

Information availability

Ease of getting information than other frameworks [5].


Organizational interoperability

TOGAF very concerned about the coordination and

alignment of business processes and information
architectures both within and between organizations, so
that will happen suitability of methods, processes, and

e-Indonesia Initiatives (eII-Forum) 2014, Institut Teknologi Bandung

ICT For Smart Society | Smart System Platform for the Nation

shared services, which will be used for collaboration,

workflow, decision-making and business linkages [5].

maintain an enterprise architecture (EA). ADM includes

9 basic steps are:
1. Stage of preparation (Preliminary Phase): Defining the
framework and principles.

The Open Group Architecture Framework (TOGAF) is a
framework architecture, which is the methods and tools
used to develop an enterprise architecture (EA), which is
based on iterative process is supported by best practices
and a re-usable set of existing architecture assets [6 ].

2. Phase A: Architecture Vision. Defining the scope,

vision and map out a strategy.
3. Phase B: Business Architecture. Describe the current
architecture and business objectives and determine the
gap (gap) between them.

By using TOGAF, can be prepared 4 domain architecture

[6], namely:

4. Phase C: Information Systems Architecture. Develop

target architectures for data and applications.

1. Business Architecture

5. Phase D: Technology Architecture. Creating the

overall target architecture that will be applied to the next

Business architecture defines the business strategy,

governance, organizational structure, and business
processes that will be the main reference for the other
components of the enterprise architecture. Business
architecture can act as a motivator in developing business
plans, technology, usage and application implementation.
2. Data / Information Architecture
Architecture of data / information describing the logical
structure and physical resource management and data
used in support of the business and assets will be used to
establish the needs of the application system, which is
used to manage a set of entity data or information.
3. Application Architecture
The application architecture is seen as defining the major
types of applications that will be used to manage the data
that has been collected and is also required to support the
Smart City. Here also contains the relationship and
interaction of the information systems with business
processes in the organization / company.

6. Phase E: Opportunities and Solutions. Developing an

overall strategy, determining what to buy, build or re-use,
and how to implement the architecture described in phase
7. Phase F: Migration Planning. Prioritize projects and
develop a planned migration.
8. Phase G: Implementation Governance. Determining
preparation for implementation.
9. Phase H: Architecture Change Management. Monitor
the running system to the benefit of the change and
determine the stage of the cycle.
These stages can be described as follows:

4. Technology Architecture
Technology Architecture is seen as the defining
technology platform that will be used for the provision of
environments and applications in managing data as a tool
in support of the business.
The methodology for the architectural design within the
TOGAF architecture development method called (ADM)
is a process that is thorough, integrated to develop and
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2. Value Chain
Smart City Bandung value chain composed
identifying processes that Bandung in running
organization and provide services to the citizens of
city can be optimized as well as the achievement of
vision of the city that has been set.


Figure 2 TOGAF 9 - Metodologi Desain Arsitektur dalam

TOGAF [14]

The design solution is used to construct the enterprise
architecture Bandung Smart City is:

Figure 4 Value Chain Smart City, diadopsi dari [16]


Solution Concept Diagram

The concept of achieving a solution to realize the vision

of the Smart City Bandung is done by first
understanding the existing conditions in Bandung,
which include: issues, challenges, and plans for the
construction of the city of Bandung.

Figure 3 Rancangan Solusi EA Bandung Smart City

From the preparation of the architecture with TOGAF

ADM, then obtained the following results:

Bandung Smart City Vision

London Vision Smart City was developed based on the

vision, issues, challenges, and resources Bandung.
Table 1 Bandung Smart City Vision

Bandung Smart City Vision


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Figure 5 Konsep Solusi

Necessary services based on the issues, challenges,

expectations and needs of the citizens, as well as the city
government plans.


Architecture Enterprise Principles of Bandung

Smart city
Enterprise Architecture Principles are principles that
should be used by ICT is used, which consists of the
principles of business, information, application of
principles, principles of technology, infrastructure
and principles.

Figure 8 Prinsip Arsitektur Enterprise

Figure 6 Layanan Bandung Smart City



Architecture Principles

Architecture principles are used as a reference in making

decisions in information management and ICT support.
The Principles as a guide to determine the evaluation
criteria relevant to the programs that will be
implemented, so that the solution to the program-a
program that will be implemented in accordance
enterprise architecture
The process of drafting the principles of the architecture
can be described as follows:

Enterprise Architecture of Bandung Smart City

The Smart City Bandung enterprise architecture that has

been structured as follows:
a. Business Architecture
Business architecture was developed by identifying
business functions, processes, organization, and flow of
data / information to achieve the vision of the Smart
City Bandung. Bandung service efficiency can be
achieved if each service that enables the sharing of data
built to service the other so there is no duplication of
services built functional.

Visi Kota Bandung

Visi Bandung Smart City

Prinsip Bandung Smart City





Prinsip Arsitektur Enterprise dari Bandung Smart City

Business Principles

Information Principles

Application Principles

Figure 7 Prinsip Arsitektur

Figure 9 Arsitektur Bisnis

Technology Principles


Information System Architecture

Information system architecture to be achieved in the

Smart City Bandung is there interaction between
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ICT For Smart Society | Smart System Platform for the Nation

systems through the sharing of data and the existence of

a system used to perform the analysis and prediction of

specified in the enterprise architecture will be used

in the operation of Bandung Smart City to provide
services to stakeholders
Systems used in Bandung Smart City will be
disseminated to stakeholders in order to deliver
optimal value.

Figure 10 Arsitektur Sistem Informasi


Enterprise Architecture

Enterprise architecture in the form of high-level

descriptions that integrates all the components in the
city, which includes the business processes, information
systems, and infrastructure.

Figure 11 Arsitektur Enterprise


Migration and Strategy Implementation

Strategy of implementation and migration in Bandung

Smart City is:



Systems that already exist and are still needed to be

adapted to the needs of the system in Bandung
Smart City
If there is a system that is required in Bandung
Smart City but the system is not available, then the
system will be constructed in accordance with the
principles and requirements specified in the
enterprise architecture
Systems that are in accordance with the principles
and requirements and meet the requirements

Figure 12 Migration & Implementation Planning



Smart city enterprise architecture framework TOGAF

prepared using produce information technology needs,
information systems, and business processes are
appropriate to develop the city into a smart city because it
was developed based on an analysis of the problems,
challenges, expectations / needs of citizens, and the
vision of urban development. The information generated
in enterprise architecture can be tracked (traceable) and
has a clarity of sequence information that describes the
relationship of technology domains, applications, and
business processes are easily understood city.
Enterprise architecture is needed as a reference in
selecting, planning, and developing ICT to be
implemented. Enterprise architecture also serves as a
medium of communication between stakeholders, so that
all stakeholders have an understanding of ICT to be
implemented so that the use of ICT increases the city's
performance in delivering services.
The development of the smart city refers to the enterprise
architecture in selecting and implementing ICT are likely
to succeed, because the enterprise architecture developed
in accordance with the problems and challenges and
needs of the city.

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