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PostPost-Installation Guide

System Landscape
Directory of SAP
NetWeaver 2004s
Document Version - October, 2005

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Example Text

Words or characters that appear

on the screen. These include
field names, screen titles,
pushbuttons as well as menu
names, paths and options.
Cross-references to other

Example text

Emphasized words or phrases in

body text, titles of graphics and


Names of elements in the

system. These include report
names, program names,
transaction codes, table names,
and individual key words of a
programming language, when
surrounded by body text, for
example, SELECT and

Example text

Screen output. This includes file

and directory names and their
paths, messages, names of
variables and parameters,
source code as well as names of
installation, upgrade and
database tools.

Example text

Exact user entry. These are

words or characters that you
enter in the system exactly as
they appear in the

<Example text>

Variable user entry. Pointed

brackets indicate that you
replace these words and
characters with appropriate


Keys on the keyboard, for

example, function keys (such as
F2) or the ENTER key.


Post Installation Guide: SLD


Post-Installation Guide System Landscape Directory of SAP

NetWeaver 2004s ......................................................................................... 5
1 Introduction....................................................................................................... 5
2 Post Installation Checklist............................................................................ 6
3 Prerequisites..................................................................................................... 8
4 Configuring SLD Security................................................................................ 9
5 SLD Server and SLD Bridge .......................................................................... 11
5.1 Setting Server and Persistence Parameters .....................................................11
5.2 Fine Tuning the SLD Server................................................................................12
5.3 Performing Initial Data Import ............................................................................13
5.4 Configuring the SLD Bridge ...............................................................................14

6 Information in SAP Service Marketplace...................................................... 16

October 2005

Post Installation Guide: SLD

Post-Installation Guide System Landscape

Directory of SAP NetWeaver 2004s
System Landscape Directory (SLD), a component of SAP NetWeaver is the central directory of system
landscape information relevant for your software lifecycle management.

Bear in mind that the abbreviation SLD is not intended to define a product, since the System
Landscape Directory is part of SAP NetWeaver. This abbreviation is only intended to improve
SLD contains a description of your system landscape (that is, actually installed software components) and a
repository of software components that can theoretically be installed in your landscape (such as the software
components available from SAP). As this data gets updated automatically, SLD provides reliable and up-todate system landscape information with as little effort for you as possible. This way, SLD is a central
information provider for SAP and third-party tools that use this data to deliver the services you need to keep
your landscape up and running.

1 Introduction
SLD is already contained in the installation of every SAP NetWeaver 2004s system with usage type AS Java.
Therefore, no further installation is required to activate SLD. Furthermore, the initial configuration is also
performed during installation. The configuration of the data suppliers in the systems of your landscape is also
very easy; you only have to specify the SLD address there. This Post-Installation Guide describes the
configuration of the SLD server side, For configuration of the data suppliers and the ABAP API please see
respective Chapters in SLD User Guide.
Therefore, this Post-Installation Guide is mainly intented to describe how to control or eventually change the
configuration after the installation and to describe the configuration of the SLD security.

For newer SAP products, the configuration of the data suppliers is already included in the
standard installation and configuration procedure.
For more information, see Media Library Planning Guide - System Landscape

This paper does not contain information about installing SAP NetWeaver 2004s systems. For more
information, see the Installation Guide SAP NetWeaver available in SAP Service Marketplace at  Installation.

October 2005

Post Installation Guide: SLD

2 Post Installation Checklist

You can use the table below as checklist to navigate through the configuration steps after you installed your
System Landscape Directory.
All necessary configuration phases on the SLD server side are listed in the table. Use the links to the
general descriptions of the actions and to any additional information to help you perform the actions. This
prevents you missing important information.

Activities on SLD Server Side

Prerequisites Adjusting JVM heap size for the server nodes:
The SLD server requires a minimum heap size of 512MB. The value is set using the
J2EE Engine Config Tool.
For more information, see 3 Prerequisites [page 8].
Configuration of SLD security Assigning SLD security roles and actions to
users/user groups:
1. Configure the SLD UME Roles and Groups in a Web browser
2. Start the J2EE Engine Visual Administrator.
3. Navigate to Administration Server Services SLD Data Supplier to apply
the standard SLD role mapping.
For more information, see 4 Configuring [page 9].
Setting of Server Parameters Activating the SLD Server:
1. Open the SLD home page http://<host>:<port>/sld in a Web browser.
2. Choose Administration Profile Server Settings.
3. Enter a name for the Object Server. Preferably, use a prefix reserved on the SAP
Service Marketplace as an Object Server name.
4. If you have multiple server nodes, the profile parameter ObjectManager
BufferInstances must be set to false (default true).
5. Start the SLD Server.
For more information, see 5.1 Setting Server and Persistence Parameters [page 11].
Performing Initial Data Import:
1. On the SLD home page, choose Administration Import.
2. Press Import CR Content.
For more information, see 5.3 Performing Initial Data Import [page 13].
Configuring the SLD Bridge
1. On the SLD home page, choose Administration Profile datasupplier.
2. Maintain the gateway host and the name of the gateway service. If you are using
the SAP NetWeaver AS Java standalone configuration, a standalone SAP Gateway

October 2005

Post Installation Guide: SLD

has to be installed from the presentation CD first.
For more information, see 5.4 Configuring the SLD Bridge [page 14].

October 2005

Post Installation Guide: SLD

3 Prerequisites
You have:

Set the heap size of the Java VM for your J2EE Engine to the minimum value of 512 MB by using
the J2EE Engine Config tool. Restart the J2EE Engine after setting the heap size.

For more information about using the J2EE Engine Config Tool, see the following in the SAP
Library: SAP NetWeaver Library SAP Net Weaver Key Capabilities Application Plattform
by Key Capability Java Technology Administration Manual  J2EE Engine  J2EE Engine

The value of 512 MB only relates to the scenario that the SLD server runs as the single
application in the relevant J2EE Engine. If you run multiple applications in the same J2EE
Engine, extend the value appropriately.
You must:

Be a J2EE administrator for user management configuration (section 4 Configuring [page 9]).

Be a J2EE administrator or be assigned to the J2EE group SAP_SLD_ADMINISTRATOR for all

other SLD-specific configuration steps.

October 2005

Post Installation Guide: SLD

4 Configuring SLD Security

The SLD functions are protected from unauthorized access. There are several J2EE security roles and
corresponding UME actions assigned to different SLD functions. UME actions are prefixed by
For example, the UME action corresponding to J2EE role LcrUser is called

There is no corresponding UME action for J2EE security role DataSupplierLD.

J2EE Security Role

UME Action



Read access to SLD data


Read-only access to all SLD

data and UIs, including the
Administration area (used for
SAP support)


Create, modify and delete

CIM classes (includes the
LcrUser role )


Create, modify and delete

CIM instances of the
Landscape Description subset
(includes the LcrUser role)


No corresponding UME action.

Create, modify and delete

CIM instances of the
Landscape Description subset
as a data supplier without
access to the SLD UI.


Create, modify and delete

CIM instances of the
Component Information
subset (includes the LcrUser


Create, modify and delete

CIM instances of the Name
Reservation subset (includes
the LcrUser role)


Create, modify and delete all

types of CIM instances
(includes the LcrUser,
LcrInstanceWriterLD, and
LcrInstanceWriterNR roles)


Administrative tasks (includes

all other roles)

Figure 1
Before you can use the SLD, you have to map these security roles and actions to individual users or user

October 2005

Post Installation Guide: SLD

To simplify configuration efforts it is advisable to create user groups and map them to the
appropriate security roles and actions instead of assigning them to individual users.
Users belonging to a particular group will receive all permissions granted to the group. We recommend that
you use the following user groups with the specified role assignment:

User Group

Assigned Security Role






LcrInstanceWriterLD and LcrInstanceWriterNR








Figure 2

You need to create these groups with the appropriate tool for your user store (for example, J2EE, ABAP or
LDAP). If the User Management Engine (UME) is used with an ABAP-based system as the back-end user
storage, these groups will already exist except for SAP_SLD_DATA_SUPPLIER and SAP_SLD_SUPPORT.
(ABAP user roles appear as user groups on the J2EE side. The ABAP Engine of the SAP Web AS 6.40 or
above contains these default user roles.)
Once these groups exist, you can perform the required mappings as defined in the table above.

1. Log on to the UME User Management with your Web browser (/useradmin).
2. Choose Roles to create UME roles for each UME action related to the SLD. We recommend that you
define these roles with the same name as the corresponding J2EE role. Associate each role with the
corresponding UME action, e.g.
LcrUser ->
3. Assign each new UME role to the appropriate user group as defined in the table above. For example,
assign group SAP_SLD_GUEST to UME role LcrUser.
4. Log on to the J2EE Engine Visual Administrator as an administrator.
5. Choose Services SLD Data Supplier.
6. Click

with the quick info text Assign User Groups to Roles.

The SLD configuration service performs the default mappings of user groups to J2EE security roles.

A sandbox SLD security set-up for test purposes requires only the role LcrAdministrator to be mapped to
SAP_SLD_ADMINISTRATOR and an administrator user to be assigned to this group.


October 2005

Post Installation Guide: SLD

5 SLD Server and SLD Bridge

SLD is a Web application. You can access it from your Web browser.

To access the administration area, you require a user ID with the security role LcrAdministrator. The
standard role mapping provides this security role for the J2EE administrator. If you do not have a user ID
with this authorization, contact your system administrator.

1. Enter the URL of the application using the following pattern: http://<host>:<port>/sld.

<host> stands for the host name or the IP address of the host

<port> represents the HTTP service port

The default setting of the port number is 5xx00, where xx is the instance number of the SAP Web
Application Server. This page is referenced as the main page of SLD in this document.

When you call a server function for the first time, the system prompts you to log on so that it can
check your authorizations. If you do not have the necessary authorizations for the function that
you want to call, the system prompts you to log on again.
2. Enter your User ID and Password and select Log on.

The system checks your user ID and password. If both are valid, the Web browser displays the SLD main

5.1 Setting Server and Persistence Parameters

After you have entered the URL for the SLD, the system prompts you to enter logon data for authentication.
Any user from the group SAP_SLD_ADMINISTRATOR or the J2EE user group administrators is authorized
for administrative tasks on the SLD server.

You can make server settings only if the SLD server is stopped.
The SLD service supports two ways of saving data:

Database persistence

File system persistence

We recommend that you use database persistence. File system persistence is useful for (local)
test purposes only.


You have navigated to the Administration screen.You have stopped the SLD

October 2005


Post Installation Guide: SLD

Server Parameters
1. On the main page choose Administration Profile Server Settings.
2. Enter the name of the object server.

Make sure that the object server name is unique at least within your system landscape, if not
globally. Use an ABAP prefix that has been reserved at SAP, without the slashes. If you cannot
reserve an ABAP prefix, use the name of the host where your SLD is running. The working
directory is /usr/sap/<SAPSID>/SYS/global/sld (UNIX) or
\\<server>\usr\sap\<SAPSID>\SYS\global\sld (Microsoft Windows). You have to set
the server parameters for each type of persistence.
If SLD acts as:

Landscape directory in the system landscape, the host name of the system is sufficient, for example

Name server for SAP NetWeaver Development Infrastructure, the name must be reserved on the
SAP Service Marketplace at (for more information, see SAP
Notes 105132 and 710315).

Database Persistence
Under persistence, choose Database Set.

File System Persistence

Under persistence, choose File System Set

The SLD server sets the relevant persistence method.

5.2 Fine Tuning the SLD Server

You can fine tune the SLD server by using server parameter settings to influence how the server acts, and to
influence its performance. This configuration is called a system profile.
Administration Profile leads you to the page of server parameter settings where you can:

Adjust the parameters on the SLD Web UI

Download the profile and modify it locally

After you have finished the modifications, you can upload the profile onto the SLD server.
If you run the SLD server in a cluster (more than one J2EE engine instance or node), the profile parameter
BufferInstances in the section ObjectManager must have the value false.

If you change this parameter, the change will only take effect after the SLD server has been

To modify configuration data, you require the user role LcrAdministrator.


October 2005

Post Installation Guide: SLD

Setting Parameters
To modify a system profile online, proceed as follows:
1. On the main screen, choose Administration Server Profile. The browser displays the Profile screen.
2. Make the modifications and then choose Save. The modifications are saved.
If you want to discard modifications that you made, choose Reset to Defaults. All parameter values
recommended by SAP take effect again.

Uploading a Profile
When you start the SLD server for the first time, the system profile is automatically uploaded. This profile
contains default settings.

We recommend that you use the default settings when you use the SLD server for the first time
with one exception: On an SAP J2EE Engine cluster with more than one node, you must set the
parameter BufferInstances to "false".
To modify a system profile offline, you have to download and upload it to a file. Proceed as follows:
1. On the Administration screen, choose Server Profile.
2. On the Profile screen, choose Download.
3. Choose Save This File to Disk, and then enter the file name and the directory where you want to save
the file.
The configuration file is now available for processing in the specified directory. After you have processed
the configuration file as described in the previous section, you have to transfer this file back to the
server. You must also do this after the SLD server has been installed.
4. On the Profile screen, choose Upload. The browser displays the Profile Upload screen.
5. Enter the file name (or choose Browse to navigate to the file), and then choose Upload. The browser
transfers the file to the server.

The default profile is located in the file sldprofile.xml in the following directory (on Microsoft
Windows): \\<server>\usr\sap\<SAPSID>\SYS\global\sld. You can transfer the
configuration file to the server directly as an XML or ZIP file.

The changes to the configuration take effect only when you restart the SLD service.

5.3 Performing Initial Data Import

The SLD server implements the Common Information Model (CIM) of the Distributed Management Task
Force (DMTF The SAP CIM model and SAP components ( are
automatically imported when the SLD is started the first time during the installation.. In case you want to
import another than the default SAP CIM model or import files after the installation, please
follow the procedure below.

October 2005


Post Installation Guide: SLD

The model file and CR content file are located in the file system in the directory <system-installdir>\SYS\global\sld\model.

Since contains all available SAP components, the content of this file grows
with time. The extensions contain information about new components (new releases and
Support Packages, for example). This content in the SLD has to be updated from time to time.
You can download the most up-to-date files from the SAP Service Marketplace. See SAP Note
669669 for details.


You have navigated to the Administration screen.

The instance descriptions must be either XML files or compressed XML files in ZIP format.

You have set the heap size for all nodes to 512 MB in the J2EE Engine Config Tool.

1. Choose Content Import. The browser displays the Import Selection screen.
2. Next to the Import File field, choose Browse.
3. To import the component information data, navigate to the following file:
\\<server>\usr\sap\<SAPSID>\SYS\global\sld\model\ (Microsoft
Windows) and then choose Open.

Objects that already exist in the system are automatically overwritten.

4. If you do not want to import the instances into the current namespace, you can change the namespace.
5. Choose Import.

If the import process has been interrupted due to memory lack (for instance, the Java VM runs
out of memory), you must increase the heap size of the Java VM and restart the J2EE Engine.
After that you must re-import the file in order to have the complete data. In
case you re-import after a failed import, you can exceptionally ignore a warning about a non
fitting content update.

After you have triggered the import, the browser returns to the Administration screen. The status bar on this
screen indicates the status of the import procedure.

5.4 Configuring the SLD Bridge

In order to receive automatically reported data that is sent by data suppliers that run in individual systems,
you have to configure and start the SLD bridge. The SLD bridge transforms the system data sent by data
suppliers to the SLD server into the CIM-compliant format.
The data exchange between the data suppliers of ABAP-based systems and the SLD bridge takes place by
means of RFC. Therefore, an SAP Gateway service has to be configured. We strongly recommend using a
local gateway. If no local gateway is available yet (SAP NetWeaver AS Java only), install a standalone
gateway with a non used instance number from the Presentation DVD (front-end software). Choose a
instance number for the gateway not being used on your computer so far.

October 2005

Post Installation Guide: SLD

The configuration of the SLD Bridge is also performed during the installation. In case you want to change the
settings, please follow the procedure below.

1. Choose Administration Data Suppliers on the main page of SLD.
2. Set the parameter Update local namespaces for sld/active to true, so that the SLD data supplier bridge
forwards system data received from data suppliers to the default namespace sld/active of this SLD
3. Specify the SAP Gateway server and the service number at Administration Profile datasupplier.
You can find this information on the main page of SLD under Administration Profile at Data Supplier.

After you have set up the gateway service, the SLD bridge has to be restarted so that the
settings can take effect.

One SAP Gateway server must only be linked to one SLD server as data receiver. Sharing an
SAP Gateway server for multiple SLD servers leads to errors.

Make sure that you have correctly set up the data suppliers in the systems that have to report
system data automatically. See section for detailed information.
4. If you want the SLD bridge to send data to multiple SLD servers, choose Administration Data Supplier
Bridge Add SLD.... on the main page of SLD. Specify the server and logon data for the additional SLD

October 2005


Post Installation Guide: SLD

6 Information in SAP Service Marketplace

Information on SLD is available in SAP Service Marketplace.


Internet Address


SAP Notes


SLD User Guide Media

Planning Guide - System

Landscape Directory (SAP

Planning and topology

information Media

Planning Guide - System

Landscape Directory

Front-end installation (CD


Standalone Gateway
Installation Guide


Security Guide for the SAP

System Landscape


October 2005

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