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CSM Technical Features



//// Table of contents

//// Table of contents ................................................................................................... 2
//// Introduction............................................................................................................ 4
//// Key Features ........................................................................................................ 5
> DOUBLE CANTILEVER BEAM COMBINED TO PIEZOELECTRIC ................................................................... 5
> ACTIVE FORCE FEEDBACK................................................................................................................... 5
> PATENTED PANORAMA MODE ............................................................................................................. 6
> DETERMINATION OF EARLY FAILURE EVENTS ........................................................................................ 7
> ACCURATE WEAR TESTING .................................................................................................................. 8
> POSITIONING SYNCHRONIZATION AND VISUAL SCRATCH........................................................................ 8
> HIGH QUALITY OPTICAL IMAGING ......................................................................................................... 8
> APPLICATION FLEXIBILITY ................................................................................................................... 9
> MODULAR SYSTEM ............................................................................................................................. 9

//// Nano Scratch Head ............................................................................................. 10

> UNIQUE DESIGN WITH EXCEPTIONAL FEATURES .................................................................................. 10

//// Measurement Principle ........................................................................................ 11

> GENERAL PRINCIPLES OF THE NANO SCRATCH HEAD .......................................................................... 11

//// Applications ......................................................................................................... 12

//// General Information ............................................................................................. 13
> COMPLETE NANO SCRATCH TESTER SYSTEM INCLUDES ...................................................................... 13
> OPTIONS .......................................................................................................................................... 13
> CONSUMABLES ................................................................................................................................. 13
> RECOMMENDATIONS FOR USE OF THE NANO SCRATCH TESTER........................................................... 13

//// Nano Scratch Technical Specifications ............................................................... 14

> DEPTH ............................................................................................................................................. 14
> NORMAL LOAD - CANTILEVERS .......................................................................................................... 14
> FRICTION LOAD FRICTION TABLE .................................................................................................... 14
> SCRATCHING SPEED ......................................................................................................................... 14
> SCRATCH LENGTH ............................................................................................................................ 14

//// CSM Instruments Platform................................................................................... 15

//// Platform Specifications ........................................................................................ 16
> POSITIONING ACCURACY ................................................................................................................... 16
> VIBRATION ISOLATION SYSTEM .......................................................................................................... 17

//// Scratch Software V4.0 ......................................................................................... 18

> Complete measurements modes............................................................................................... 18
> Data analysis ............................................................................................................................. 18
> GENERAL FEATURES ......................................................................................................................... 19
> Positioning control ..................................................................................................................... 19
> Automated calibration procedure wizards ................................................................................. 19
> Preferences for scratch test parameters ................................................................................... 20


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> Select cantilever in use, verify stored calibration files: .............................................................. 20

> Data acquisition ......................................................................................................................... 20
> Data analysis ............................................................................................................................. 21
> Measurement report .................................................................................................................. 22
> MEASUREMENT CONFIGURATION ....................................................................................................... 23
> Single scratch test ..................................................................................................................... 23
> Advanced scratch test ............................................................................................................... 23
> Scratch map............................................................................................................................... 24
> Scratch map by stage ................................................................................................................ 25
> User defined scratch sequence ................................................................................................. 25

//// Video Software V4.0 ............................................................................................ 26

> GENERAL FEATURES ........................................................................................................................ 26
> PATENTED PANORAMA MODE ............................................................................................................ 27
> Panorama Specifications ........................................................................................................... 27
> Synchronized User Interface ..................................................................................................... 27
> Interactive offline Optical Lc ...................................................................................................... 28
> MULTI FOCUS IMAGE (ONLY WITH Z AXIS AUTOMATION)....................................................................... 29

//// Microscope .......................................................................................................... 30

//// CCD Camera ....................................................................................................... 30
//// Optional Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) ........................................................... 31
> AFM FEATURES ................................................................................................................................ 31
> AFM SOFTWARE ............................................................................................................................... 31

//// Contact us ........................................................................................................... 32



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//// Introduction
For the past twenty years, CSM Instruments and its mother company CSEM (Swiss Center for
Electronics and Microtechnology) have been a very active part in the development and also the
normalization of the Scratch testing method. Scratch testing instrumentation was first used to analyze
the mechanical properties of PVD and CVD materials. The first Revetest Scratch Tester (designed by
CSEM at the time as a Macro Scratch Tester) has seen a huge success over the past thirty years
reaching more than 500 users on various applications. New functionalities and measurements
capabilities have been introduced over the years and provide state-of-the-art technology of scratch
CSM Instruments has largely continued this philosophy of instrumental design development and has
brought to the market new Micro and Nano Scratch Testers. Following a large collaboration between
the most advanced industrial and academic researchers on Nano Scratch testing, the CSM Nano
Scratch Tester instrument has reached unmatched functionalities. The Nano Scratch Tester is
completely unique in its design and capabilities. It is clearly the best Nano Scratch testing device in
terms of force accuracy in the mN range over long distances of scratch and/or wear tests.
First and foremost, it must be highlighted that the CSM Nano Scratch Tester has been specifically
designed with scratch testing in mind. It is not an indentation tester that has been marketed or slightly
modified to have Scratch testing abilities. CSM's Nano Scratch Tester is designed for the on-line
measurements of both vertical and lateral forces, providing robustness, reliability and measurements
accuracy over long periods of time. This is not the case with an indentation system that has been
modified to perform some scratch tests and has a detrimental effect on the long-term performance of
the system.
Penetration depth measurements with profilometry, analysis of elastic and plastic behaviour,
adhesion, scratch resistance or/and wear testing, Nano Scratch combined with 3D imaging (AFM or
ConScan) are among other things important features of the Nano Scratch Tester with no compromise
on force accuracy over the scratch distance or sample shape.
It must be also highlighted that a new ASTM standard, ASTM D7187, specifically written around the
CSMs Nano Scratch Tester, has been now released for Scratch/Mar Behaviour of paint coatings.



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//// Key Features

> Double cantilever beam combined to piezoelectric
The design feature that truly sets the CSM Instruments Nano Scratch Tester (NST) apart from other
instruments is its double cantilever system combined to a piezoelectric. As shown in the Figure below,
the design of the Nano Scratch Tester incorporates a double cantilever beam for application of the
load and a piezoelectric for a fast response on the load applied and its slight correction caused by any
event occurring during the scratch (appearance of cracks and failure, defects in the sample, or nonuniform and non-flat sample).

Figure 1. Nano Scratch Tester design schematic

> Active force feedback

The closed active force-feedback loop is a key feature for accurate Nano Scratch testing. The design
of the Nano Scratch Tester incorporates a sensor for force measurement that directly feeds back to
the normal force actuator. This ensures that the force intended is the force that is actually applied.





















normal load (mN)

depth (m)

Active force-feedback makes reproducible scratch testing possible even with more complex surface
geometries like non-parallel, rough or curved samples (as shown in the example below). CSM scratch
testers are the only commercially available systems that have active force feedback. This becomes an
absolute necessity in environments where you'd like to spend the majority of your time performing
analysis rather than focusing on sample preparation.

Pd (m)
Rd (m)
Profile (m)
Fn (mN)


scratch length (mm)


Figure 2. 30 mN constant load scratch of length 10 mm on a curved surface



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> Patented Panorama Mode

The panorama mode is the most important feature of your scratch software. After the scratch, you
have the option of recording the full panorama. When your panorama is recorded, you can re-analyze
your scratch after a delay! As you can see, it is an incontrovertible tool for traceability.

Figure 3. Scratch Panorama on hard coatings

> True penetration depth measurements for elastic recovery studies

Force-feedback also makes performing analysis on the recovery properties of a material possible.
With a CSM system, you can perform a "Pre-scan" prior to the scratch as a method for measuring the
background profile of the surface of your sample. This scan provides you with the true depth of
penetration of the scratch, taking into account any tilt or curvature that was discovered in making the
Pre-scan. After the scratch is complete, you can perform a "Post-scan", which is also a profile-type of
scan created in the same location as the scratch. This scan will reveal the residual depth of the
scratch, accounting for any elastic recovery that has happened to the material. This is the permanent
damage that has occurred as a result of the scratch. This is a very important feature for scientists
interested in creating materials for aesthetic purposes, with elastic recovery from slight deformation a
main goal of development (paint, car interiors, packaging, etc.).
CSM Instruments has been at the forefront of research in studying the viscoelastic response of
materials to deformation. This has included the recovery of automotive topcoats after controlled
scratching and the correlation of such properties to other parameters, such as UV exposure
(weathering) and ageing (hardening over time), as well as the effect of liquid immersion on the surface
scratch resistance of the coating. The figure below shows how Nano Scratch testing can be used in
recovery analyses.
Residual depth, Rd
(after scratch)


Penetration depth, Pd
(during scratch)

Figure 4. Performing elastic recovery and deformation studies using the Nano Scratch Tester


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> Advantage of the fast response control (high speed load control feedback)
A further investigation of CSMs Active Force Feedback design warrants an explanation a feature
called High Speed Load Control (HSLC). HSLC is made available by the incorporation of a
piezoelectric nanopositioning device that controls the load applied by the measurement head at a very
rapid rate, with response as fast as few milliseconds. This ensures that the normal force applied will
not deviate from the programmed force. The importance of load control at high speeds is made
apparent in the example below, a test of the NST on an AFM calibration step sample. Without HSLC,
each step of the calibration sample causes a significant jump or dip in the force applied to the surface
at that point. With CSM Instruments HSLC, the normal force remains always constant.

AFM calibration sample


Fast Response option


Figure 5. Scanning of the surface (profilometry) at a normal force of 0.3 mN

without and with the piezoelectric activated (on left without the piezo, on right with the piezo)

> Determination of early failure events

In the case of fracture events of the material (a basic goal of the test itself), High Speed Load Control
becomes imperative for successful analysis. The study of failure in materials requires a perfect control
of the imposed normal scratch load. A fracture event (such as a crack or a chip) causes a sudden drop
of the scratch indenter into the sample. On other scratch systems, this event causes a drop in the
normal force which is not detected nor compensated immediately. This instantaneous drop in force
stops the fracture propagation and prevents the detection of the fracture event on a great number of
materials. The CSM system is capable of detecting this force drop and will immediately increase the
force applied to its intended level. In the presence of cracks, delamination and ruptures, the normal
force will be accurately controlled and compensated with the High Speed Load Control (HSLC)
Feedback, making the CSM Nano Scratch Tester the only system capable of accurately detecting
early fracture events.



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> Accurate wear testing

The unique active force-feedback design of the Nano Scratch Tester allows an unsurpassed level of
flexibility and accuracy in friction and wear measurements. In order to obtain a normalized wear
measurement, the applied normal force must be kept constant during the total scratch distance.
However, as the material wears away, the indenter will lower into the sample surface. Active forcefeedback control ensures that there is no drop in normal force during the wear test, making CSMs
Nano Scratch Tester the only system to actively compensate for the wear depth during this type of

> Positioning synchronization and visual scratch

The modules (testing and imaging options) are positionally synchronized to each other, meaning that
the position of each scratch tip and focus point is precisely calibrated to the locations of the others.
This method of configuration provides you with an unmatched level of flexibility and throughput from
the system, as a single sample (or multiple samples) can be tested, imaged, and analyzed very
With a single click, the location of the beginning of the scratch can be exactly positioned under the
optical microscope, ConScan or AFM for subsequent imaging. The CSM method of module
integration also allows you to pre-select very specific locations for testing. For example, you can
center an area of interest under the crosshairs of the video microscope, click a button in the software,
and that location will be moved under the testing module of choice, here the scratch head.

Figure 6. Nano Scratch tests on Micro-slit reflective coatings

> High quality optical imaging

Our integrated microscope system consists of a turret having high-quality
Nikon objectives and a USB 2.0 video camera rather than a singleobjective microscope of lesser quality. When imaging a nanoindent, the
ease in changing from a magnification from x200 to x4000 (objectives x5
to x100) becomes ever-more important for testing throughput. Our
combination of automated sample platform, ease in changing tips, and
flexible microscope makes the system the most favorable instrument
available for a laboratory with different testing needs.

Figure 7. Turret with objectives



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> Application flexibility

The CSM Nano Scratch head brings great flexibility to the instrument, for Nano Scratch tests as well
as for wear, friction or even fatigue tests on MEMS devices. A variety of scratch/indentation tips can
be installed very easily on the scratch head
A very wide load range is available for the applied force in a Nano Scratch testing experiment. Three
different cantilevers exist for the different load range: the standard cantilever (from 0.05 mN to
100mN), the high-resolution cantilever (from10 N to 10mN) and the high-load cantilever (from 1 mN
to 1N).
This range of load capacities allows you to measure a much wider range of materials, and investigate
much more completely the failure mechanisms of the coating-substrate system. Moreover, our
cantilevers are a dual-beam design rather than a single beam, to increase the robustness of the
cantilever and minimize any x-direction component of applied force that can occur with a single-beam
cantilever system (also a negative factor when AFM is used for indentation).
The CSM Nano Scratch Tester allows for a scratch length up to 60mm long with optical analysis
available on the entire length. With other systems, the scratch length can be limited to 500 m. The
larger length range of a CSM NST allows you to perform analysis that models real surface effect much
more accurately, with influence of curvature taken into account when performing research and
development experiments. Similarly, the microscope is a high-quality microscope with multiple
objectives and video camera rather than a single-objective microscope of lesser quality. When
imaging a Nano Scratch, the ease in changing from a magnification of 50X to 1000X becomes evermore important for throughput and ease of failure characterization.

> Modular system

The modular system of the Compact and Open
Platforms can include different measuring
heads, which can be installed together with the
Nano Scratch head or at a later stage. Additional
possible measuring heads are as follows:

Nano Hardness
Micro Scratch
Micro Hardness
Micro Combi (Micro Scratch + Micro
with an additional 3D imaging head:
AFM objective
ConScan objective
(confocal-based objective)
Figure 8. The CSM modular platform



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//// Nano Scratch Head

> Unique design with exceptional features
The unique design of the Nano Scratch measurement head includes two sensors for force and depth
measurements associated with a state-of-the-art piezoelectric. These unique features provide fast
response time (down to milliseconds), great accuracy and great flexibility for all kinds of scratch

Figure 9. Nano Scratch Tester module on a CSM platform (left) and Nano Scratch design with the
double cantilever beam associated with a piezoelectric (right)

It is important to understand that the Nano Scratch Tester has been specifically designed for scratch
testing under low loads and provide unique and exceptional technical characteristics compared to any
other existing instrument. The technical reasons of the unmatched capabilities of the Nano Scratch
Tester are explained in the following paragraphs.
The double cantilever beam associated with a piezoelectric for fast response time, two sensors for
continuous force and depth measurements during the Nano Scratch test, as well as the active force
feedback loop control combined with the piezoelectric are key characteristics for scratch testing under
low loads (from microNewtons to one Newton force).
Among the various measurements capabilities, a few technical features can be introduced:

Early detection of failure events

Accurate force application even in the presence of cracks and failure of the sample

Elastic and plastic deformation measurements

Scratch resistance evaluation

Multicycle scratch testing for fatigue, wear and adhesion measurements

Wear testing capabilities with monitoring of normal force applied and resultant friction force

Force and depth measurements in basic indentation testing for MEMS



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//// Measurement Principle

The load is applied by a displacement actuator
which consists of an electromagnetic cell coupled
with a piezoelectric nanopositioning device. The
adjustable feedback system allows the applied
load to be maintained at the desired value. The
piezo-nanopositioner gives a very fast response
time for the load feedback control loop and
provides a very accurate application of the load.
The double cantilever beam directly applies the
force on the sample surface. The displacement
sensor measures the deflection of the double
cantilever beam and hence the normal load, Fn.
The displacement sensor, Dz, monitors the
surface profile of the sample before, during and
after a scratch.
The sample is mounted on a friction table which
measures the coefficient of friction during a
scratch test.
Figure 10. Nano Scratch head principles (see Figure also)

> General principles of the Nano Scratch head

The load is applied by a double cantilever beam, while the position of the Nano Scratch head is
controlled by the displacement actuator.

The displacement sensor, FN, measures the deflection of the double cantilever beam and the
displacement sensor, DZ, monitors the surface profile of the sample under load.

Pre-scan and post-scan modes are very useful methods of measuring the penetration depth
during a scratching operation and the residual depth after a scratch test has been completed.

Three interchangeable cantilevers of varying stiffness can be mounted on the measuring head
to provide maximum applied load ranges of 10 mN, 100 mN and 1 N with respective resolutions
of 0.15, 1.5 and 15 N.

Several loading modes available: progressive and constant force mode, applied either as a
single pass or a multipass scratch. Numerous automation matrices options available



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//// Applications
The CSM Nano Scratch Tester (NST) has been used for a very wide range of applications. It
represents a very efficient automated method of determining the adhesion or scratch resistance of
coatings and thin films.
A variety of sample configurations and types of materials have been analyzed, from very thin hard
coatings to soft polymeric films, from bulk materials to very thin films ((DLC of 10 nm thickness).
Optical coatings, automotive varnish clear coats, hard disk coatings, semiconductor wafers,
components for spatial and aerospace applications, amongst many other devices, have been
The NST is equipped with a thorough, easy-to-use Scratch software package that allows the user to
perform scratch and wear tests in a wide variety of testing modes, including simple scratch (with
increasing, incremental or constant loads), advanced scratch (with pre-scan and post-scan
profilometry), multi-cycle scratch wear testing, automated matrices, and location-pinpointed scratch

Figure 11. Localized Nano Scratch test on DLC-coated

MEMS structure (progressive load scratch test from 0 to 5
mN, indenter: spherical radius 2 m, scratch length: 100



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//// General Information

> Complete Nano Scratch tester system includes

CSM platform: Compact Platform or Open Platform configuration

Nano Scratch head assembly with piezoelectric for High Speed Load Control (HSLC)
Standard force spring (ST)
Spherical scratch diamond indenter (R = 2m cone angle 90) with calibration certificate
Optical imaging system with microscope, Nikon objectives and CCD USB2.0 camera
Computer workstation (Dell Computer) with dual 17 monitors
Data acquisition card
Electronic control module
Motorized sample manipulation (x, y, and z tables), sample stage, holder, accessories
CSM Xpert Scratch software
(with automated matrices and test protocols - see Scratch software functionalities below)
CSM Video software
Industrial joystick controller
Anti-vibration table with air compressor

> Options

Friction module
High resolution force spring
High resolution friction table
High load force spring
AFM Objective
ConScan Objective
Micro Scratch
Micro, Nano Indentation

> Consumables

Spherical indenter (R=1m - 90 or 60)

Spherical indenter (R=2m - 90 or 60)
Spherical indenter (R=5m - 90 or 60)
Spherical indenter (R=10m - 90 or 60)
Spherical indenter (R=20m - 90 or 60)
Berkovich indenter
Vickers indenter
Other indenters available by request

> Recommendations for use of the Nano Scratch tester

The Nano Scratch instrument includes an anti-vibration table with the Compact Platform and
Open Platform. It should be placed in an environment isolated from mechanical vibrations
Temperature-controlled room (preferable)



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//// Nano Scratch Technical Specifications

> Depth

200 m
0.6 nm

High Range
2 mm
6 nm

> Normal Load - Cantilevers

Max. Load
Max. Loading Rate

Standard (ST)
100 mN
1.5 N
10 N/min

High Load (HL)

15 N
100 N/min

High Resolution (HR)

10 mN
0.15 N
1 N/min

> Friction Load Friction Table

Max. Load

Standard Table
6 N

High Resolution Table

200 mN
0.3 N

> Scratching Speed

from 0.4 to 600 mm/min with Standard displacement tables
from 0.1 to 600 mm/min with High Resolution displacement tables

> Scratch Length

With optical inspection
Without optical

Open Platform
60 mm

Compact Platform
30 mm

245 mm

120 mm

The Nano Scratch head is installed on a CSM platform. The possibility of installing a Nano Indentation
head on the same platform (even at a later stage) is an important advantage for these platforms.
For combination of Nano Scratch and Nano Indentation, please consult CSM Instruments about the
scratch length



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//// CSM Instruments Platform

CSM Instruments provides excellent configuration flexibility to grow with all customers needs.
Multiple testing and imaging modules could be installed together on the 2 CSM platform:
Compact Platform or Open Platform.
All the measurement and imaging modules are Positionally Synchronized to each other, the optical
microscope being included as a standard module on the platform.
These platforms include a video microscope with at least 2 optical objectives and a video camera
(USB2.0 camera).
(a) Compact Platform

(b) Open Platform

Figure 12. Indentation and/or Scratch CSM modules can be mounted on one of two platforms,
depending on how many modules will be required. The Compact Platform (a) can accommodate 2
modules, whereas the Open Platform (b) can accommodate 3 modules total. A full video microscope
comes standard on either platform.



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//// Platform Specifications

CSM Instruments proposes two platforms of measurements: Compact Platform (CPX) and Open
Platform (OPX) (please see Figure 1 for pictures of the platforms). The descriptions of the platforms
are also available on a separate brochure.

OPX Range

CPX Range

245 mm
120 mm
30 mm

120 mm
20 mm
30 mm

0.25 m
0.25 m
10 nm

Maximum sample size

X, Y and Z

Compact Platform:
Open Platform:

Usable areas of analysis

X and Y

Compact Platform : 70 x 20 mm
Open Platform :
195 x 120 mm

System Dimensions
(with anti-vibration table)

Compact Platform:
Open Platform :
Total weight:

High Resolution
0.1 m
0.1 m

300 x 300 x 120 mm

300 x 300 x 120 mm

600 x 600 mm, 1200 mm height

900 x 600 mm, 1200 mm height
~ 150 kg

The usable areas of analysis indicate the areas of possible automated analysis in the X&Y directions.
This area will also vary with the other modules installed (Scratch, AFM and/or ConScan).

> Positioning accuracy

Standard resolution of X&Y tables:

Repositioning accuracy of standard tables:

0.25 m per axis

1 m per axis

For the high resolution tables, please ask CSM Instruments for more details.
All table movements (X, Y, Z) can be controlled with Joystick.



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> Vibration isolation system

Standard active air table including compressor
Optional acoustic enclosure (not required under normal operation due to the top
reference system design)

Figure 13. Compact Platform table



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//// Scratch Software V4.0

> Full software package for data acquisition and analysis including
> Complete measurements modes

Real time display of force and depth data during acquisition

Patented Panorama mode

Fully user definable scratch modes (single and multiple scratches, multicycle wear, constant
load, incremental or progressive loads, user-defined load profiles, etc.)

Large range of testing modes: scratch, wear, indentation

System setting programmable for every single scratch in a multi-scratch experiment

Automated correlation between scratch and imaging analysis

Fully customized user access rights management

Automated positioning correlation between scratch tip and imaging analysis

Full integration of AFM and Video imaging into the indenter control software (with AFM option)

MultiFocus Image

Multi language support

> Data analysis

Critical loads, LC, as a function of normal loads, FN, and optical observation

Powerful and fully integrated statistical module (data and graphical tools)

Automatic measurement report generator, unlimited templates and test protocols

Logging of all operations executed on the instrument

Data export in ASCII format top open files in Excel and Text software

ALSO INCLUDED: Material deformation modelling software (additional modelling software

based on elastic contact mode)



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> General features

(Windows XP and Vista compatible)
> Positioning control
X-Y-Z Position control for sample positioning and motion between measurements

Sample positioning with industrial joystick, keyboard, mouse, table crosshairs, or vectors.

> Automated calibration procedure wizards

Calibrating procedure:
NST Optical Microscope



Optical Microscope AFM

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> Preferences for scratch test parameters

> Select cantilever in use, verify stored calibration files:

Different Scratch Cantilevers are available (Standard, High Resolution, High Load)

> Data acquisition

Continuous real-time data acquisition of normal force (FN), frictional force (FT), displacement (DZ) and
user input signals during a scratch.
Normal force FN sampling rate: > 5000 points/sec
Frictional force FT sampling rate: > 5000 points/sec
Displacement DZ sampling rate : > 5000 points/sec
2 User input channels sampling rate: > 5000 points/sec
FN, FT, DZ and user input channel filtering: 30 points/sec



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During the measurement process, real-time monitoring of the scratch curves is displayed:

Record and display the force applied (FN), tangential force (FT), frictional coefficient (), penetration
depth (Pd) and residual depth (Rd) profile.

> Data analysis

In a single file, scratch curves, statistical data and corresponding sample images are saved.
Comments can also be included to provide a more comprehensive analysis.
Data is presented in a clear and easy-to-understand format on the screen, with all sensor data
available for easy overlay and interpretation.



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Using the automated correlation between a graphical cursor on the left-hand screen and the real-time
image of the scratch on the right-hand screen, define the optical critical loads and capture the relevant
sample pictures

> Measurement report

A complete data report for a set of measurements can be automatically generated (multiple report
templates can be stored):



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> Measurement configuration

> Single scratch test
Constant load
Progressive load (initial/final/loading rate)
Scratch length, scratch speed
Indenter, hardware preferences
Possibility to perform an indentation when selecting a zero scratch length

> Advanced scratch test

Scratch type:

Single scratch
- Multi-pass scratch (uni- or bidirectional wear test)

Scratch options:

- Prescan (low load scanning to measure the profile before scratching)

- Postscan (low load scanning to measure the profile after scratching)

Load parameters:

- Constant load
- Progressive load (initial/final/loading rate)
- Incremental load (initial/final/loading rate)



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> Scratch map

Series of scratch with defined Delta Y between each scratch
One scratch setting
Possibility to store the scratch setup for future use



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> Scratch map by stage

Possibility to program a batch (Stage count) of constant load scratches

The first scratch is performed with the initial constant load (First stage load)
The last scratch is performed with the final constant load (Last stage load)
A regular increment from the first scratch to the last one is calculated by the software
Possibility to store the scratch setup for future use

> User defined scratch sequence

Series of scratches with user-defined X and Y distances between each scratch

User defined set of scratch parameters for each measurement
Precise positioning of each scratch
Possibility to store the user-defined scratch sequence for future use:



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//// Video Software V4.0

> General Features
Instruments are delivered with a video microscope. Objectives are available from x5 to x 100 Nikon
Two video cameras (USB2.0) are available: the standard unit with a resolution of 768 x 582 or the
optional high resolution (1280x1024) model using a progressive scan sensor with a very high
The CSM Video Software is the perfect companion of the CSM Indentation and Scratch Testers for the
optimal use of video microscopy:

Real-time video display

Crosshair, scales, differential measurement tools
Automatic image scaling
Objectives available: x5, x20, x50, x100 for magnifications x200, x800, x2000, x4000
Image capture, the picture will automatically be added to Scratch or Indentation image gallery
Layer thickness measurement (with the Calotest)

With this software, you can:

Capture the picture of an indentation,

Measure the distances with the cursors,
Show the picture scale,
Calculate the radius of a circle
(if you have the Calotest, you can also calculate the thickness of the coating).



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> Patented Panorama Mode

The panorama mode is the most important feature of your scratch software. After the scratch, you
have the option of recording the full panorama. When your panorama is recorded, you can re-analyze
your scratch after a delay! As you can see, it is an incontrovertible tool for traceability.
> Panorama Specifications
Automated acquisition
The Panorama with MultiFocus is only available on NST, MST, MCT
Offline Lc analysis
Navigate in real time with full image resolution
Curves / Image synchronization: Understand material behavior
Panorama acquisition time:
20s <> 2 min Panorama only
40s <> 4 min with MultiFocus activated

> Synchronized User Interface



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> Interactive offline Optical Lc

> Automated acquisition

The image acquisition of the complete length of the Scratch is performed automatically in a short
period of time: a simple click allows to record the full Scratch.
> Offline Critical Load analysis
The complete Scratch test data are fully recorded : it is possible to analyze and compare data several
months later.
> Navigate in real time with full image resolution
The offline analysis is straightforward, and the navigation with the cursor is providing the complete
relationship between the image and the different sensors: normal force, acoustic emission, penetration
depth and friction force.
> Curves / Image synchronization
The synchronization of the coating failure on the image and the variations of the sensor signals bring a
better understanding of materials behavior.
> Panorama acquisition time
The image acquisition of the panorama is quite fast: from 20 seconds to 2 minutes depending on the
scratch length.



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> Multi Focus Image (only with Z axis automation)

Multifocus produces a picture with a perfect depth of field. During the video capturing, our platform will
move in Z direction in order to take and combine different levels of focused depth into one image.



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//// Microscope

The measuring head and the microscope are mounted side-by-side and linked by the two Xand Y- translation tables

Video microscope magnification from 200x to 4000x

Allows a specific sample site to be selected

Modular focusing unit

- Stroke
- Coarse focusing
- Fine focusing
- Distance optical axis
Mounting surface

30 mm
5.2 mm/rotation
0.1 mm/rotation
141 mm

Objectives available:

- 5x
- 20x
- 50x
- 100x

22.50 mm
3.10 mm
0.54 mm
0.30 mm

Revolving Nosepieces

- Nosepiece

Working distance
Working distance
Working distance
Working distance

4 or 5 objectives

//// CCD Camera

Standard Resolution Camera
Frame Rate
Mount adapter
Power supply
Size (HxWxD)


768 x 582 (CCIR/PAL)

High Quality 1/2'' SONY CCD sensor with square pixels
Progressive scan
Up to 50 fps
USB 2.0
Via USB (<1.5W)
34 x 32 x 34.4 mm
75 g


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//// Optional Atomic Force Microscope (AFM)

An AFM objective can be mounted together aside the standard optical objectives

The AFM head is approached automatically until its cantilever tip contacts the sample surface

Cantilever deflection is detected using an optical interferometer

The compact AFM head is manufactured by Surface Imaging Systems (SIS)

> AFM features

Scanning unit:

Piezotube with integrated fiberoptic sensor plug, sensor for

closed-loop X-Y scanner linearization

Scan modes

contact, non-contact & friction optional

(see different modes in AFM technical specifications)

Deflection detection

Glass fibre interferometer with laser diode


Wave length
Max. Power

Scan range (X, Y) :

40 x 40 m / 80 x 80 m

Vertical scan range (Z) :

780 nm
5 mW (direct at diode)
500 W (at the fibre end)

4 m 6 m respectively
(estimated maximum depths of analysis)


X, Y, Z < 1 nm

Data acquisition

12 bit DSP board

Scan control

Power supply
Security class
Security type

230V, 50 Hz, 100 VA

IP 20

HV (High Voltage) out put for XYZ

HV out put for cantilever actuator

150 V
0-60 V

> AFM software

2D and 3D imaging
Image treatment (plane and step correction, filtering, rotation, contrast, mirror, size, colours)
Image analysis (profile, roughness, asperity count, Fourier transformation)
Export format : .bmp (256 Colour Bitmap



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//// Contact us

//// CSM Instruments SA

Rue de la Gare 4
CH-2034 Peseux

//// CSM Instruments, Inc.

197 1st Ave, suite 120
Needham, MA-02494
United States

T : +41 32 557 56 00
F : +41 32 557 56 10

T : (781) 444-2250
F : (781) 444-2251

//// CSM Instruments Germany

Basler Strasse 115
79115 Freiburg

//// CSM Instruments China

1518 15th floor NCI Tower
12A, Jianguomenwai Ave
Chaoyang District, Beijing 100022

T : +49 7 61 47 87 150
F : +49 7 61 47 87 100

T : +86 10 8523 3119

F : +86 10 8523 3001

The content of this document is subject to change without prior notice.

Copyright CSM Instruments.


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