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Analysis of Soap Opera Episode

Name of Soap:....Hollyoaks......................................................................................

Wednesday 30th June

Episode Title/Date:............................................................................................

Complete the table below:

Storylines: Characters: Camera Angles: Sound:

How many How many What camera What sound is

storylines in the characters in the angles are used used in the
episode? episode? and why? episode and why?
6 15

List the storylines List the type of Establishing shot Low key extra-
found: characters found to show where the diegetic music at
Racist Graffiti and examples: characters are, the beginning of
over dina doors e.g the pub scene the scene to
Gaz the bad nasty between Zack and reflect the moods
Carmel and Jackie character who Dez. Or when Ravi of the characters
opening the letter plays the villain and Anita discover
to discover the the graffiti so we Non- diegetic of
gun is planted Jackie the sister can see the affect sad tapping music
where the sewer of the McQueen’s on the doors of in the middle of
is going to be who has a dark restaurant scene again to
placed secret reflect the mood,
Over the shoulder as Jackie becomes
Anita and Gaz Carmel the from Jackie to worried as she
meeting in the innocent widow Carmel to show knows where the
park her as the bad gun is situated but
Elliot the geeky person and Carmel cannot get to it
Zack and Dez guy the good
meeting at the Diegetic music in
pub to discuss Anita the victim Panning down to the student bar of
Des’ attack on Jackie as she digs students partying
Ravi and his Dave looking for up the gun from
hatred towards love the ground The Hollyoaks
him themed music and
Chris the mad Close up of the scene then
Anita finding the bisexual man who characters to begin after the
gun in the salon dresses up for fun intensify the break and
scenes beginning/end.
Party at the SU Dom the middle
bar for bisexuals, ages, lost. Mid show to show
transsexuals and paint as well as
heterosexuals. wide angle

Mise-en-scene: Editing: Time: Target Audience?

Are there common How is the soap How is time Who is the target
settings/props edited? managed in the audience for this
that are shown Continuous/Non- episode? Is more soap?
regularly continuous? time spent on one
throughout the storyline than Teenagers.
episode? If so, The soap is mainly another? 15-19.
what? edited using cut Features younger
There are popular aways. By using Most of the time characters, such
settings within cutaways the is separated as student bar,
this episode such different shots differently and more recent
as Ravi’s diner can be built however if there realistic
that has been together to show is more important storylines for
graffiti’s mainly something else characters that teens.
because this is a going on in a link to the
main story in this different area storyline then What time is it
episode so it is within the village. they are seen scheduled to be
being intensified more than others, shown on the
by showing it The episode is for example television?
more than once. continuous to Carmel, Jackie. Or
make it more Ravi and Anita as 6:30 pm
The student bar is realistic for they are all This is most young
also shown viewers, it if was involved in the two people’s dinner
familiarly and the not continuous main stories. time, around the
salon, this is to then it would not time teens begin
again make it be believable Other than that to relax in the
more realistic as most characters evening to switch
these are things all have a part to the television on
we come across in play in the episode
real life, this is which makes it
also because for more realistic
part of the than focusing on
episode the gun is just one storyline,
situated in the so the time is
salon, making it an managed
important place differently
for later in the
episode, and the
student bar which
is a popular known
place for
teenagers or soon
to be which makes
it a popular place
and makes viewers

A familiar prop in
this episode would
be the gun that is
used in Jackie’s
flashback as well
as when it comes
from her bag and
when she finds
the gun, which
makes it an
important thing to
take note of and
is important to
the character and

Why have specific

Settings been
chosen for this

Student bar

household to
reflect that they
are the most
important story in

Other Key Notes on the Episode:

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