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Salipot, Renee Adrianne P.
Title: Waveforms Used in Control Systems
Experiment # 1
d. Exponential

Exp(t) = eat

I. Introduction
A control system, an integral part of the modern
society, consists of subsystems and processes assembled for
the purpose of obtaining a desired output with desired
performance, given a specified input. An example of this is
an elevator where the passenger would push the button of
the desired floor (input) and in response; he will land on his
desired floor (output). The figure below represents the
simplest form of a control system.

Control systems have many advantages for it can

provide precision. The four main reasons are power
amplification, remote control, convenience of input form and
compensation for disturbances. These reasons why we build
control systems put an ease in everyday living and work. The
performance of a control system is also essential. The
transient response refers to the comfort and patience of the
passenger in our example. Another important specification of
the performance is the steady-state error where the safety
and convenience of the passenger is at hand.
This experiment basically focuses on the basic
input and output relationship in a control system represented
by equations showcasing how a desired input must display a
desired response.

II. Data/Results
a. Sinusoidal Signal

V(t) = Vmaxcos(wt+)

I(t) = Imaxsin(wt+)

b. Ramp or Velocity

r(t) = t

c. Acceleration

a(t) = t2

Exp(t) = e-at

e. Constant Position or DC Signals


III. Analysis of Results

With the use MATLAB, the waveform behaviors of
the given functions were observed. First, a certain value of
input must be substituted to the variables in the equations
whereas all the constants remain as it is. Setting that to the
equation its waveform was plotted with time as the variable
and period and phase as the constants. As observed, the
sinusoidal waves behave according to time and repeat every
period of 60 and have no phase shift. The waveform of
ramp or velocity shows a linear relationship between the
output and input of time, where it can be seen that as the
time increases the ramp or velocity as the output also
increases. For the acceleration, a parabolic waveform was
generated indicating that any input will result to a positive
value of response. The exponential waveform shows a nonrepetitive waveform that rises or falls exponentially from
some initial value of time, for it rises without bounds for a>0
with increasing time and when time is set as a negative
value and still a>0, the waveform behaves the same
however approaching the negative side of the abscissa.
Lastly, the constant position or DC Signal behavior, the
response is constant regardless of the value of time.

IV. Conclusion
With the experiment, the waveforms are very
important in observing the behavior of a control system.
Whether the desired input results to a desired response the
waveform displays whether the control system can be an
advantage in everyday work. Sinusoidal, linear, parabolic,
exponential and constant waveforms were observed in this
experiment and how the input of varying time, constant
period and phase would affect its response and how it would
change the behavior of its waveform. Such applications of
these are the graphs of voltage, current, ramp or velocity,
acceleration, exponential and constant or DC signal in which
each change according to time. It can be seen this
experiment that a desired input must display or should
display a desired response.

V. References

Nise, N. S. (n.d.). Control System Engineering (Sixth

Exponential Waveform. (n.d.). Retrieved November
27, 2016, from


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