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Carbon 12 is an isotope of the element carbon . One atom of carbon 12 weighs exactly
12.000 a.m.u. How many carbon 12 atoms are present in 12 000 grams?
6.02 x 1023
Suppose you were given one mole pesos as a gift. If you spend 100,00,00 pesos per day, how
many years would it take to consume your money?
More than 1,000,000 years
A Dalton is a unit to report the masses of large biochemical molecules. Which of the following
is NOT true regarding the Dalton?
a. One atom of carbon 12 is 12 Dalton
b. Dalton is used as a unit for molecular weight
c. One Dalton is the reciprocal of 6.022 x1023
d. The abbreviation for the Dalton is Da
Which of the following molecules will have the MOST number of moles
a. 1.00 g Na2SO4 (MM = 142.04 g mol-1)
b. 1.00 g BaSO2 MM = 233.388 g mol-1)

d. 1 mole FeSO4 (MM = 151.906 g


c. 1 mole (NH4)4SO4 (MM = 132.138 g

Which of the following molecules will have the HEAVIEST mass?
a. 1.00 g Na2SO4 (MM = 142.04 g mol-1)
b. 1.00 g BaSO2 MM = 233.388 g mol-1)

d. 1 mole FeSO4 (MM = 151.906 g


c. 1 mole (NH4)4SO4 (MM = 132.138 g

What is the unit for ppm? Mg L -1
What is the unit for molarity? Moles L-1
What is the unit for molality? One mole per 1000 gram solvent
What is the unit for normality? Equivalents L-1
Which of the following is TRUE regarding dilutions
a. The mass of the solute is the same
before and after dilution

b. The final diluted volume is lower

than the initial volume

c. The concentration of the solute is

the same before and after dilution

d. The number of moles of the solute

is the same before and after

What is the concentration in Molarity, if .20 grams K1Cr2O7 is dissolved in 250 mL water. (At.
Wt. K = 39.098, Cr = 52.996 O= 15.9994)

0.20g =


= 6.80x10-4


M = 6.8-4 mol
0.25L (250mL)
M of K2Cr2O7 = 2.7 x10-3 m

What is the wt./vol % of the solute in 52.3 g Na2SO4 L-1

52.3 g/L = 5.23%

Calculate the molar concentration (M) of a 1ppm solution of AgNO2 (Mol wt = 169.87)

169.87g /mol = 1000mg/1g = 169870 mg/mol

1ppm = 1mg/L = mol/169870mg

M of AgNO3 = 3.89x10- 6

The European Union has set the maximum concentration of Pb (At. Wt = 207.2) in tuna at 0.2
Suppose a sample of tuna contains the maximum concentration of Pb, how many grams of Pb
is present in 25.0 g of tuna?

= 5x10-3
gPb = 5x10-6 g

Patis (a salty, fermentend condiment) contains concentration of 25% (w/v) NaCL. If a person
ingest 10 mL of patis, how many grams of NaCl did the person just absorb?

25% (w/v) NaCl

x 100L = 2.5g
Mercury (Hg. Atm Wt. = 200.59) is a containment in cosmetic products. In the Philippines, the
maximum concentration of Hg in cosmetics is a limited at 0.5 ppm. What is the maximum mg
of mercury is found in 1.0 g of lipstick (a cosmetic product)

0.5 mg / g = x / 1.0 g
X= 0.5 mg
Mg Mercury = 0.0005 mg

Drinking water contains 55.5 ppm CaCO3 (Mol wt = 100.09) Suppose 10.0 mL of drinking water
is diluted with distilled water so that the final volume is 100.00 mL, what is the concentration
(in ppm) of the CaCO3?

McaCO3 = 55.5 mgCaCO3 / L x10-3 g/mg

100.09 g/mol

Which of the following is NOT true when a reversible reaction has reached a state of
a. The forward and reverse reaction rates are equal
b. Concentrations of reactant and products remain constant
c. The reaction has not stopped
d. The reaction has ended
The statement the position of chemical equilibrium always shift in a direction that tends to
relieve the effect of the applied stress is a statement of? Le Chateliers Principle
Which of the following is true regarding the K (equilibrium constant) when equilibrium
concentrations are changed?
a. The K value, product concentration and reactant concentrations are changed
b. The concentration of the products and products remain unchanged, the K value
c. K remains unchanged, the concentration of products and reactant change
d. The K value, product concentration and reactant concentrations are unchanged
Given the dissociation of a slightly soluble salt: Hg2Cl2(s) <-> Hg2-2 + 2Cl-1
Which of the following the Ksp expression?
a. [Hg2+2]2[Cl-1]2
b. [Hg2+2][Cl-1]2
c. [2Hg2+2][Cl-1]2
d. [Hg2+2]2[2Cl-1]2

What is the meaning of the common ion effect? the effect of a common ion on a system in
Given the equilibrium system at 25oC: NH4+(aq) + Cl-(aq) NH4Cl(s) + heat
What change will shift the equilibrium to the right? Decreasing the temperature to 15o.

Given the reaction at equilibrium: N2(g) + O2(g) 2NO(g) as the concentration of N2(g)
increases, the concentration of O2(g) will decrease
Given the reaction at equilibrium: 2CO2 (g) 2CO (g) + O2 (g) When the reaction is subjected
to stress, a change will occur in the concentration of products only.
In which reaction will the point of equilibrium shift to the left when the pressure on the
system is increased?

a. C(s) + O2(g) <-> CO2(g)

b. 2Mg(s) + O2(g) <-> 2MgO(s)
c. CaCO3(s) <-> CaO(s) + CO2(g)
d. 2Hg2(g) + O2(g) <-> 2H2O(g)

Hydrocyanic acid (HCN) dissociates according to the equation: HCN (aq) = H+1 + CN-1
If the equilibrium constant of HCN is 7.2 x10-10, compute the [CN-1] at equilibrium if the
concentration of HCN is 0.1003 M.
7.2x10-10 = (x)2 / 0.1003
X2 = 7.2216x10-11

= 8.498x10-6
Ag3PO4 is a slightly soluble salt. It dissociates according to the equation: Ag3PO4 Ag+1 + PO4-3
If the equilibrium constant of Ag3PO4 (Ksp) is 1.3x10-2, compute the concentration of PO4-3 in a
saturated solution of Ag3PO4

Ksp = 1.3x10-2

PO4-3 conc. = 1.11 x10-1

A 0.1 M solution of Ch3COOH ionizes reversibly according the equation CH3COOH CH3COO-1
+ H-1
Suppose 0.1 M CH3COO-1 was added to the solution. Compute the resulting concentration. Ka
for CH3COOH is 1.75 x 10-5
B = 0.1
C = 0.1

1.75x10-5 =
1.75x10-5 =
= 1.75 x10-5


Given the following reaction: X + H2O H3O+1 + X-1

The substance X acts as a...
Bronsted Lowry Acid

Given the following reaction: NH3(l) + HCl(l) NH4+1 + Cl-1

HCl acts as a bronsted Lowry acid because? HCl donates a proton

Given the following reaction: HClO4 + CH3COOH <-> ClO4-1 + CH3COOH2+1

HClO4 is acting as a? acid whose conjugate base is ClO4-1

Which of the following is the conjugate acid of AlO3O3H2-1?

a. AlO3-3
b. AlO3H-2
c. Al(OH)3
d. AlO3H2-1
The Kw of H2) at 37oC is 2.5 x10-14 What is the pH of pure water at 37oC?6.80
The Kw of pure water at 24oC is 1.00 x10-14 . What is the pH of pure water at 24oC? 7.00
Which of the following is NOT true?
a. [H+1] + [1OH] = Kw

d. pKa + pKb = pKw

b. Ka x Kb = 1x10-14
c. pH + pOH = 14
Which of the following salts will hydrolyze in water?
a. NH4Cl

d. LiClO4

b. Na2SO4
c. KNO3
Which anion will hydrolyze?
a. Cl-1

b. NO3-1

c. SO3-2
d. SO4-2
Which of the following mixtures is a buffer?
a. Na2CO3 + H2CO3
b. Na3PO4 + NaH2PO4
c. H3PO4 + Na3PO4
d. NaHCO3 + Na2CO3

HOCl dissociates in water according the equation: HOCl(aq) H-1 + -1OCl
Compute the [H+1] concentration (in molarity) of a 0.1 M HOCl solution. The Ka of HOCl is 1.1
HOCl H+ + OCl
HCl = 0.1 M
Ka = 1.1 x 10-8
[H+1] = ?
[H+1] =
[H+1] =
[H+1] = 3.32x10-5

HONH2 (hydroxylamine) dissociates in water according the equation: HONH2 +H2O H2ONH2-1
+ -1OH
Compute the pOH of a 0.1003 M HONH2 solution. The Kb of HONH2 is 0.1 x109
HONH2 + H2O H2ONH2 +1
[HONH] = 0.1003M
Kb = 9.1x10-9
pOH = log
(-1OH) =
(-1OH) =
(-1OH) = 4.52

Compute the Ka of H2ONH2-1. Refer to problem #2 for the required data.

Ka = ?
Kb = 9.1 x10-9
Ka =
Ka = 1.099x10-6

Compute the pH of a 0.122 M aqueous solution of NaOCl. Refer to problem #1 for the required
[NaOCl] = 0.122M
pH = ?
[-OCl] = 0.122 M

+ H2O = HOCl + OH-

OH =
pOH = log
Given the following Ka data for H3AsO4:








Compute the Kb of HAsO4-2

Kb = 2.22
Kb = =

Given the following Ka data for H3PO4:








Compute the pH of a buffer formed by the addition of 50 mL 0.1 M Na2HPO4 and 50 mL 0.1M
7.12 = < CANCEL
= 7.12
The pKa1 of H2CO3 at body temperature 37oC is 6.10. If the pH of blood is to be maintained at
7.40, what is the ratio of H2CO3-1 in blood at 37oC? (Assume that this is the only buffer
present in the blood).

pKA = H2CO3 = 6.10

pH = pKa + log (HCO3-1) / H2CO3

7.40 = 6.10 + log (HCO3-1) / H2CO3
107.40 6.10 (ANTI LOG)
= 19.95 -> 20
Ratio is 1:20

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