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STORY: AMISOM lauds Burundis

contribution to peace and stability in

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1. Wide shot, Burundian Chief of Defence Forces Lt. Gen.
Prime Niyongabo, the Deputy AU Special Representative for
Somalia Hon. Lydia Wanyoto arriving for the meeting
2. Med shot, Deputy AU Special Representative for Somalia
Hon. Lydia Wanyoto speaking at the meeting
3. Wide shot, Deputy AU Special Representative for
Somalia Hon. Lydia Wanyoto speaking at the meeting
4. Close up shot, AMISOM Head of Political Affairs,
Ssebirumbi Kisinziggo, listening at the meeting
5. Close up shot, Hon. Lydia Wanyoto speaking
6. SOUNDBITE: (English) Hon. Lydia Wanyoto,
Deputy AU Special Representative for Somalia
They oversaw the formation of HirShabelle; they secured and it was
possible to form a state. Secondly, they also helped secure the
entire process of electing regional leaders in the state. We value
Burundi very much, their contribution to the mission is visible and
they have our full support.
7. Med shot, Lt. Gen. Prime Niyongabo, Burundi Chief of
Defence Forces speaking at the meeting
8. Wide shot, Lt. Gen. Prime Niyongabo, Burundi Chief of
Defence Forces speaking at the meeting
9. SOUNDBITE: (English) Lt. Gen. Prime Niyongabo,
Burundi Chief of Defence Forces
I congratulate the mission and particularly the Head of Mission and
also thank you for the support offered to Burundi. There are
challenges in terms of logistics and others but the troops have
benefited from the support of the Head of Mission hence enabling
our soldiers to do their job as required.

Wide shot, Hon. Lydia Wanyoto hands over gifts
from AMISOM to Lt. Gen. Prime Niyongabo
Close up shot, Lt. Gen. Prime Niyongabo smiling
Med shot, Lt. Gen. Prime Niyongabo receiving the
AMISOM lauds contribution by Burundi towards restoration
of peace in Somalia
January 29 2017, Mogadishu-The leadership of the African Union
Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) has commended the continued role
played by Burundi in support of the process for restoration of peace
in Somalia. Speaking during a meeting with the Burundian Chief of
Defence Forces Lt. Gen. Prime Niyongabo, the Deputy AU Special
Representative for Somalia Hon. Lydia Wanyoto said the impact that
Burundi is making alongside other Troop Contributing Countries has
been central to the progress notable in Somalia today.
Lt. Gen. Prime Niyongabo is on a working visit to Somalia during
which he has visited and interacted with troops at the forward
bases, commending their bravery. He also held meetings with the
AMISOM Force Commander, Lt. Gen. Osman Noor Soubagleh and
other senior officials.
Flanked by representatives of the AMISOM senior leadership, the
DSRCC Hon. Wanyoto pointed to the most recent achievements by
the Burundian contingent, including enabling security for the state
formation process of HirShabelle state, recovery of territory from Al
Shabaab militants and supporting electoral security, among others.
They oversaw the formation of HirShabelle state, they secured and
it was possible to form a state. The second one was the whole entire
process of electing the regional leaders to form a state and also the
current elections for the federal government. They have overseen
elections, even beyond the sector. This is how much value Burundi
and their contribution to the mission is visible and they have our full
support, Hon Wanyoto stated.
The Burundian CDF Lt. Gen. Prime Niyongabo, congratulated
AMISOM upon successfully securing the electoral process for federal
Members of Parliament across the various regional states, noting
that this was a major milestone for the mission and Somalia in
I congratulate the mission and particularly the Head of Mission and
also thank you for the support to Burundi. It has its challenges in
terms of logistics and others but they benefit from the support of

the Head of Mission and this has enabled our soldiers to do their job
as required, said Lt. Gen. Niyongabo.
He reiterated the commitment of the Burundian Contingent to
continue executing their mandate alongside their counterparts from
Djibouti, Ethiopia, Kenya and Uganda, in support of the effort at
restoration of peace in Somalia.
Burundi has the second largest contingent of troops under AMISOM
with 5,432 soldiers.

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