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My England

Irina Novoslavska

Social and cultural changes of the modern Britain affect the English
national identity today. The search for national identity in Great
Britain these days is relevant to the English nation more than ever.
Not surprisingly, if you ask an Englishman: What is English
culture? he will not be able to answer or would mention the
stereotypes of the English culture such as fish and chips, afternoon
tea and the Queen which are so familiar to the world. But what
does it really mean to Be English now and do these stereotypes
still matter in the modern England? What, if anything, makes Britain
This project is dedicated to the study of the English traditions,
the current worldview of the British society, the perception of the
English culture and plural opinion how it might look like in the
future. The opinion of British and non British Kent residents is
something that composes the current portrait of English culture
and what makes England indifferent and eccentric.

Photographs presented in this book are a result of an outsiders

curiosity about England and its people as well as the opportunity to
share other peoples views about English culture including native
British and people who has come to England for better lives. Some
of them will show typical afternoon tea England but some of them
will reveal England from its non-stereotypical perspective.

Q: Do you consider yourself British or English? Why?

I dont know. I have never thought about that before actually. I consider
myself English. Just because I was born in England. Nothing too deep.
Q: It is argued that the British today do not have a strong sense of a
British identity. Do you agree with this statement? Why?
I think weve lost our identity as a power house within the world, within
trading and business things. I suppose back in my parents day when
they were younger it was less multicultural. It might have seemed to
someone else ignorant it might have seen a bit more English back then.
I feel like England today has got a strong identity in terms of being able
to connect and interrelate with other cultures. In terms of what makes
us British I dont think we have that as much anymore apart from our
teas and fish and chips, the stereotypical things that makes you English.
I think England has changed now. I dont think its how it was 30 40,
years ago so I dont think our identity would be the same as it was 30
40 years ago. And thats what our issue is. A lot of people want it to be
how it was back in their days. Its changed now and its changed for the
better. Its not as segregated anymore.
Q: Do you think the United Kingdom has maintained its national cultural
identity to this day under the current increase number of migrants?
I dont know because I have never really noticed national cultural identity
for England. I have never known it to be anything different like it is now. I
dont think its changed because when I was younger it was always

like this. I have always lived in Chatham. It was always quite a lot of
immigrants. When I was younger, there were a lot of Irish immigrants.
I feel a lot of that stuff is mainly due to media trying to perpetuate
negative image of immigrants and trying to turn peoples opinions that
we are losing British identity but I dont think you can lose it. It has
always been there through the history but I think its just becoming
different. Its so different now to what it was. In terms of what makes
someone British I dont know. Thats up to someones individual
perspective, but for me Im still as English as I can ever be. Society
is more open and welcoming to immigrants. I dont think weve lost
Q: Do you think that one cant exist without another? Immigrants cant
exist without English and vise versa.
I think immigrants are very integral to what we do in England because
nothing we would have without them anyway. All our best workers
are mainly immigrants, people that work hard. We can always learn
from each other and integrate from each other. Things like currys and
kebabs theyre not even English food. Everyone loves a kebab and a
bit of curry. Overall, immigrants are really important to what we do in
England. They always have been. What Ive learned about the history
and World War is that we had like 2.5 million Africans fighting for our
country in the frontline but people dont want to talk about that type of
stuff because I suppose they want to stick with their negative image
of immigrants. I think that immigrants are really important with what
were doing.
Q: What is your definition of the English culture?
With people like the Royal family and things like that are stereotypical
British and what people may assume to be British. Its not what
connects us. I think that being English for me and from where I come
from, from my community, its accepting and open to different cultures.
I have never known anything different. Imagine a time in my life and its
just me and around white English/British fully born and bred people.

Ive always lived around people of different ethnicities and nationalities.

This to me is what it means to be English. Its just being in a community
where there are more than just you. On the paper or in the TV they
might try to show you different version of England like Our England is
so great! but if you question someone what is so Great about England,
they will not probably give you an answer. They wont show you my
area, they wont show you Luton Road and normal Chatham High
Street. They will probably show you Westminster and London but thats
an old ideology. I think that old ideology of what makes you British is
what keeps you separated from the rest of the world. So for me, my
perception of what it would be to British, is to be multicultural and
accepting of that.
Q: Give me the first thing that comes to mind when I say English
It literally is like a cup of tea and crumpets. Because I think thats what
everyone knows us for. A cup of tea and crumpets.
Q: Could you give me an example of things that in your opinion make
England old fashioned and backward looking?
I dont want to put everyone in the same box but a lot of older
generation that grew up in post War times, they are still trying to keep
England British. They are worried about loosing something I dont
know what they are worried about but I think they are people that make
it backward looking because they always refer how it was back in
their days and cant seem to let it go. Things are different now for us,
for our future. The whole Brexit thing, leaving the EU I dont want to do
it. Most of my generation doesnt want to do it. Most of the older people
have voted out and I think that they are the ones that keep us in old
days. Thats very backward looking. With those kinds of people not
being accepting of things like multiculturalism, working together and
living in amongst of each other. I was 13 when I went to get a tattoo
of England on my stomach and I really regret it to this day. I should
not have done it. I still dont know what made me get it. When I was in
school we were taught the war and that was the only history we got

taught about. There is a lot of history before that of other Empires,

other countries and another cultures. We were never taught that. We
were taught England, England, England! And I think it gives you the
whole sense of We won the World War, weve done this, and weve
done that. So you have this weird fake mosaic complex.
Q: What is the role of the monarchy in modern Britain?
I think theyre meant to be leaders or some kind of leadership but I dont
see them and I dont think anyone does. In a crisis within an England I
cant remember a time the Queen has stood up and made a big speech
and made everyone feel like Were going to get through. I dont feel
any sense of leadership from the monarchy. I dont know really what
they do. I know they do a lot for charity but we keep them living in a
luxury and we pay taxes, which keeps them richer. I think it shouldnt be
the way it is. I dont think we should have a monarchy, to be honest. I
think thats another old ideology.
Q: Do you think that its stereotype now and a clich?
Yes. I have asked my dad and his friends soldiers, they go to war and
they fight for the Queen. And Ive asked my dad Why do you fight for
the Queen? and hes been saying Ill die for the Queen! Ive asked him
Why? and he doesnt know the reason why. Ive asked people What
does the Queen do? and they dont know.
Q: Do you think there is a class division in Modern Britain and if so how
do you feel about that?
Yes, definitely there is. The opportunities are not equal for the people
that dont have the money. If youve grown up in Chatham where there
is not much going on for you and the influences are a lot more negative
than being somewhere in the richer area. It needs to be changed. But
the class division is definitely there. I think in every country there is
a class division. There is always going to be a rich and a poor. I have
some assumption that people want us to be poor, because without

poverty there will be no rich people.

Q: In your opinion, what moral values and social ideals form English
My morals of being British might be different to someone elses. Maybe
because Ive come from this area where there is not a lot of money
and Im used to being around multicultural societies. My ideals mean
that Im quite accepting and neighborly with people. I dont like flashy
stuff. I think British people dont normally like it anyway. I think its
quite British thing to not like people that are showy, they dont like to
show off too much. Being underdog, being a part of underdog. Thats
my morals. Being accepting and supporting underdog. Its starting
to change now. We could go out and play, we would know everyone,
everyones family. We would let our dog out for the whole day and we
wouldnt see him for a day and everyone looked after him because
everyone knew who it was. Now I feel I cant let my dog out because
someone would steal it. Thats my England that I remember I grew
up. Thats for me a sense of community, being underdog. No one was
better than anyone else, we all were the same. Now England is different.
Q: Would you agree with the fact that English society becomes less
aware of their cultural identity?
I dont think its important anymore. I think our identity is not important
anymore. I dont walk around and say, There is my Britishness. I dont
think about it and I dont think a lot of people do either. I think maybe we
are loosing a sense of our identity as a country. Its not as important for
us to be a dominant country anymore. Before England didnt like people
coming in, didnt like black people or didnt like gay people.
Q: How is the cultural identity of a nation such as Britain strengthened
and is that necessarily a good thing?
England is strong because of the history of what made Britain rich in
the first place. Where over the history England invaded a lot of

countries, took a lot of money and recourses from other countries. That
made us strong because we have the money to put into our military
and we had money to put in our infrastructure. Whats made us strong
is not a good thing by the way but it is the fact that for our history
England kind of robbed from another countries. What I think could
strengthen it is just a bit of honesty. Be a little bit more honest with
our kids and raise them to know why we are rich in a first place and
become socially aware of what we did in a history to get to this point. I
feel that would make us a lot more unified as people.
Q: What does it mean for Britain to be Great?
For me what made Britain Great are community values that I remember
when I was younger and family value. Now, to be Great for Britain its
different. I think the reason to be Great Britain would be transparent and

Q: If someone asks you if you are English, what will be your answer
and why?
I would say no because Im not.
Q: Would you be offended by this question?
I just think that its not really important for me if someone judged
me as English or Polish because it doesnt matter to be honest.
When I think about myself, first thing is, Im human being, after that
Im a woman, Im my boyfriends girlfriend, after that Im Polish and
European. Its not really important for me.
Q: Since you live in the UK, are there any English traditions that
became part of your lifestyle?
Not really, but there is something I would like to change. What I like
in England is that people are going out with their friends couple of
times in a week. In Poland we dont do it. Its not usual thing to do. I
really like the idea to go out with my friends, have a coffee or just to
go and walk, anything really.
Q: Why do you think foreigners often call British people English?
After all, English are part of Britain in the same way as Scottish,
Welsh or Northern Irish.
They see differences between themselves but for me they are all
the same.

Q: What is your definition of the English culture?

I see it as a multicultural place and people are really opened for
different nationalities and different traditions because they got used
to it for ages. Thats why I think its multicultural. In my life I dont see
English people wanting to be separated from the rest of the world. I see
on the Internet and Television but not in my life. When I talk to people
at work or anyone else, they are really opened and they are not happy
about Brexit and they dont want to be closed from the rest of the
world. They are not like that. For me its really weird that Brexit is really
happening. I mostly work with young people and they are modern. They
dont mind our nationalities; they are fine with our English that its not
that good as theirs.
Q: How did life in Britain have changed your view about the English
people and their society?
Not much, it didnt change really. I like all the people so for me they
are just fine. Im always curious about others opinion or traditions.
For me they are just nice and open people. However, they are not well
educated. I was surprised about that, seriously. Because its free, big
country and it does a lot of things for other countries and they are not
well educated. They dont even know where my country is or where
your country is. For me it was surprising. They dont know many
things that we do. What I can see here if you are 16 or 17 you start
working and you want to survive. In Poland when youre 16 or 17 you
are thinking just about going in uni and get really good education so
you can do something that you like and you can earn better money, and
improve yourself.
Q: Give me the first thing that comes to mind when I say English
I can say English weather obviously. Its different and it was something
new for me. I can say, English poetry because Im really in to it. When
I think about England I think about Shakespeare. What are really
important for me are English streets! Those narrow streets, for example

in Rochester. Oh I love them, those old buildings! We dont have it in

Poland so for me it was something special to see because Ive seen it
just in a TV. It looks really romantic for me.
Q: Over the past years that you live in the UK, how does English
stereotypes have affected your lifestyle, if any?
I think that Im surrounded by people who dont follow English traditions
so thats why it didnt change anything in my life.
Q: Could you give an example of things that in your opinion make
England old fashioned and backward looking?
I would say monarchy and places like the one that Ive been last week.
It was a small pub in Brompton where we went to this place and it was
surprising for me because it was full of pretty old real English people.
I think they could be even old soldiers because that area is for army.
They talked about politics because it was the day when the Queen was
here. They were really strict about Brexit. I felt weird and I think these
people make England old fashioned and backward looking.
Q: What do you think about the monarchy in modern Britain?
For me its funny and useless. I dont understand it because we dont
have it in Poland for ages. I dont know why people love the Queen and
the Royal family, why they give them money and they dont pay taxes. I
just dont understand that because there are many people who have no
money for food, for good education, for their kids and medicine. These
guys are sitting somewhere in their huge houses Why? I just dont
understand it and for me its useless. We dont have the Queen or King
in our countries and we are still Polish, you are still Russian/Latvian.
I dont understand that thing on Internet or TV that people are really
excited about their kids. Why is it exciting? I dont think that it keeps
English people together. What keep them together are traditions, their
language, history and literature, not one old lady who sits somewhere
with the crown on her head. I wanted to say that monarchy is old

system and they shouldnt keep it here because democracy is the one,
which is the best for our times. Its not perfect, but its better for our
Q: In your opinion, what moral values and social ideals form English
People in our area (not all of them, but mostly), they just give up. They
just work and they dont want to improve themselves. Their job is fine
for them even if its not the best one. I think it works better in bigger
cities like London or Manchester. There, people are more focused on
their career and to set their lives in a better way, to get nice house,
family, friends and life. Here is just survival, thats what I can see. If you
go anywhere here, its like that.
Q: What do you think makes a good English person?
I think being a good person makes you a good English person. You
shouldnt see the difference between English or Polish. If you know
your traditions, your history, if you respect people, your nationality and
others, that makes you a good English.

Q: Do you consider yourself British or English? Why?

Im part Irish and I tend to stick with that more than being English.
Unfortunately Im more English than Irish but I came to that little
section of Irish that Ive got. I would probably define myself as
being English but I couldnt give you the valid reason why. I think its
more of a place rather than anything else.
Q: It is argued that the British today do not have a strong sense of
a British identity. Do you agree with this statement? Why?
Its got very warped with their sense of being British because there
is no really a true British in this country anymore, which is why it
probably got so warped. No one really knows what British is.
Q: Do you think the United Kingdom has maintained its national
cultural identity to this day under the current increase number of
I think we are loosing it but thats purely because of our laziness. At
the end of the day people are just so busy being at home and sit in
front of the telly but they dont really realize that actually there is a
whole country to explore. Not because of more people coming in.
Its just laziness, no one wants to learn about their identity, they just
label themselves.

Q: Do you think that the current increase of immigrants to the United

Kingdom since old times is an integral part of English culture?

Q: Could you give me an example of things that in your opinion make

England old fashioned and backward looking?

There always been people coming in and out of the country. There
are more people that come in and there are people that leave. Part of
our culture with people coming in and out because you learn about
other parts of the world. If youre going to be that person who stays
in this country then you obviously come across people from different
countries. Ive met people from Hungary, Poland etc. Its just part of our
culture. I think its a good thing really.

I would probably end up saying those with traditional values, those

who still hold on to traditional values. Again, now its the girls who
are staying at home. The majority of girls are staying at home,
raising babies and the man going out and doing the work. Thats very
backward for me now because considering the amount of women who
fought and died for us to be able to work and be able to move up in a
business. Its very backward for me; its the fact that we are literally
going back in time. Weve progressed to that point in time where there
are very powerful people in the world that are women and now we
seem to be going backwards where women are actually preferring to
stay at home and be mums whereas I cant think of anything boring
than staying at home and cleaning the house. I think thats where its
going very backward.

Q: Do you think that one cant exist without another? Immigrants cant
exist without English and vise versa.
Yeah, if you think about it Going back to old times England was one
of the biggest countries where people have immigrated. We went to
America, Australia; weve invaded India and Ireland. The Brits has gone
pretty much everywhere. We rely; we dont produce really anything in
Britain nowadays. We dont make cars or anything like that. We get
everything imported. People immigrated in here are what makes us us.
Q: What is your definition of the English culture?
The definition of English culture generally from my perspective and
from what I see on the daily basis is kids getting knocked up and living
of benefits. Thats the English culture nowadays. Weve become very
Americanized Id say. With us being very lazy towards views about how
life should be lived. Very warped and very lazy.
Q: Give me the first thing that comes to mind when I say English
Countryside. Most people would probably say London. I tend to
see England, as being Cornwall, Peterborough, little villages and a
countryside because thats to me what is England, whereas if you go
to London or Manchester its very build up and its very industrialized.
There are mass loads of fields, which is what England used to be.

Q: What is the role of the monarchy in modern Britain?

Weve always had Royalty. Theres never not been time when weve
been not run by a King or a Queen. I would probably trust the queen
more running my country than I do to Parliament. Quite frankly I would
not mind the Queen having full power back.
Q: Do you think there is a class division in Modern Britain and if so how
do you feel about that?
Yes, there is definitely a class division. If youre not of a certain class
you dont get that certain life and thats the most annoying thing. With
us going to university we come out with this massive debt because they
are bumping up and bumping up. I personally feel that the government
only wants those who are wealthy enough to go to university. If your
parents earn a certain amount then yeah, you get to go to uni but if
your parents dont you shouldnt be in university and thats the sad part
about our culture. There always is going to be a class division no matter
how much theyre saying there is not.

Q: In your opinion, what moral values and social ideals form English
Id say that the values nowadays are pretty much on how youve been
raised. It changes no matter what generation you go to. Our generation
is very university orientated but there is a generation of my brothers lot
who are all 18 and couple of them who I work with view university as
just a massive piss up for three years. Thats where you get the values
of how youve been brought up and also where you live. So much
depends on where you live.
Q: Would you agree with the fact that English society becomes less
aware of their cultural identity?
The more as generation go on we loose more and more in touch of
our identities. You got people up here who are back in a day type of
people who would talk about how was it like back when they were
growing up. I would sit there for hours listening to my grandparents.
My nanny, bless her heart, used to tell stories of how my granddad
used to caught her. I think as the generation goes on you loose who
you are in England because you mix with your friends and theyve been
brought up differently. Friends definitely have a big impact on your life
and it all depends if you hang around with the right friends. If you hang
around with the wrong friends then your cultural identity gets warped.
Im still fighting to find out my identity. As long as you got your family
at the end of the day then you shouldnt loose it depending on how your
family is really.
Q: How is the cultural identity of a nation such as Britain strengthened
and is that necessarily a good thing?
Id say that the cultural identity of Britain is strengthened through
learning. Were strengthened by education, by learning and by teaching.
All the while were teaching, there is hope for our country but at the
moment when that teaching stops there is no hope.

Q: What does it mean for Britain to be Great?

Unity. There is no unity. Think about it you walk down the street and
you dont say hello to people. I can honestly say when I walk in to town
my headphones going in and my head is down because the idea of
saying hello to someone is not only terrifying but you know its going to
come back to you. You going to get a swear word, you going to get the
harassment and things like that.
Q: Do you think that it is part to be English not to be open to anyone?
Yes. Were not open to anyone. My old job required me to go and
approach people and get them to have some photos taken with their
children or grandchildren. Now in England thats not normal. Someone
comes up to you on the High Street and automatically in your head:
Harassment! and thats how weve been brought up: you dont talk
to strangers. Most people have been brought up to be quite rude and
thats not how I think Britain should be. We are looked upon by every
country. America, France, Germany, even Russia every now and then
and were getting judged. All the while there are problems here how
we can help other countries if we cant help ourselves. This is where
England is messed because there is no that sense of We need whats
best for the rest of generation. We need to think for ourselves. This
country is very Every man for themselves rather than Well, this isnt
working. We all need to work together.

Q: If someone asks you if you are English, what will be your answer
and why?
I wouldnt say Im English. No because I like where Im from, I still
follow my culture from my country.
Q: Would you be offended by this question?
No, not at all but I like England and its like my second home
Q: Since you live in the UK, are there any English traditions that
became part of your lifestyle?
I dont think so. To be honest since I moved here when I was 11
I was already following culture where Im from. My parents were
helping me with this because when they came here it was late for
them to start following English traditions so they were teaching me
traditions of the country where Im from
Q: Do you think that you will stay in the UK for most of your life and
would you make your children to follow your country traditions or
English traditions, or both?
I dont know. Yes, Im living here, working and studying but I might
move somewhere abroad, you never know. The world is changing
and you dont know whats going to happen. If I will stay here and
will have children first of all will be my nationalities culture and then
to respect the English traditions.

Q: Are you moving away from your original Russian/Latvian culture,

which is peculiar to you since childhood?

people walking in parks like that. I see them very rarely now because I
think this generation is decreasing.

No, because my parents do not allow me to move away from that and I
dont really want to because when I came here I was already at the age
when I have adapted to our traditions.

Q: Give me the first thing that comes to mind when I say English

Q: Why do you think foreigners often call British people English? After
all, English are part of Britain in the same way as Scottish, Welsh or
Northern Irish.
I dont know, when I was in school here and from childhood I
understood that even English people like to call themselves English at
some point, at least my generation. When I was in school and would
ask, Are you British or English? most of them would say English. Some
of them were Scottish but nobody really say Great Britain in general,
maybe one or two odds. I think my generation feels more English than
Q: What is your definition of the English culture?
First thing that comes to my head is respectfulness. People are trying
to be polite but in my personal opinion, imagine you stood on my foot
and you said sorry but what that sorry will do to me. I dont really
like this. People think just about themselves and thats the nature of
humanity because I think thats fake.
Q: How did life in Britain have changed your view about the English
people and their society?
To be honest when I came here when I was 11 years old all the things
that I have been told before never changed. The only difference was the
layout and the structure of England, all those hills, castles and houses
put together. In terms of people, polite, always dressed nice especially
the older generation with an umbrella and a hat walking the dog out.
Maybe a little bit stereotypical but when I came here I saw quite a few

Drinking tea. Also a person standing on the street with an umbrella and
its raining.
Q: Over the past years that you live in the UK, how English stereotypes
have affected your lifestyle, if any?
To be honest it havent affected me at the moment because my parents
and my family always support me and told me how to do things in the
way how we would do it in my country.
Q: Could you give an example of things that in your opinion make
England old fashioned and backward looking?
The houses and things that make England at some point. To be honest
I dont think the Queen makes England old fashioned. Queen is a
Queen. If they will start moving away from where they are now, for
example the monarchy it will cause chaos at some point.
Q: What do you think about the monarchy in modern Britain?
It keeps England where it is now. At some point it needs to be changing
because if you leave people a little bit more freedom of choosing who
they want to be the next person to lead the country Id say itll be more
fair. Id say the Queen always got the last word for whatever it is and I
think she will always have the last word
Q: In your opinion, what moral values and social ideals form English
Im 21 first of all and I would say that my generation is in between of
two generations, really younger and older generation. The older

generation, which were able to build up the family but at the same time
to work and look after their kids, and give them good education and
manners. Now, some people would get pregnant at 16 but still able to
raise them well, some wont, some didnt want kids at the moment and
would go straight to education and have a good job. At the moment
from what I see on the streets just walking outside on the High Street
or driving past I see a lot of young mums. My younger brother told me a
couple of days ago that his friend got pregnant and she is only 15.
Q: What do you think makes a good English person?
First of all, to be dressed nice and it does change a lot now in younger
generation. You might be dressed nice in terms of modern look but you
still need to be polite and respectful person. Even though the person
might not like you he can still be polite to you because that person will
know that if he doesnt want to talk to you he wont. It makes a nice
impression of the person.

Q: Do you consider yourself British or English? Why?

I consider myself British because I have family from Wales,
Scotland and Ireland.
Q: It is argued that the British today do not have a strong sense of
a British identity. Do you agree with this statement? Why?
I think I agree that British today do not have a strong sense of
British identity because of the whole EU referendum. Although
we want to split off and be part of our own we are not because
Scotland is now trying to separate from us and everyone else
wants their independence. We dont have a strong sense of identity
because everyone is trying to break away. We are not longer just
one as we were years ago.
Q: Do you think the United Kingdom has maintained its national
cultural identity to this day under the current increase number of
I think yes and no. Yes because we do have strong sense of identity
because there are products that make our identity such as the
Queen, very traditional United Kingdom but I think weve opened up
to a lot of other cultures. There are some things that I think we do
slightly differently or done differently than they were because of the

Q: Do you think that the current increase of immigrants to the United

Kingdom since old times is an integral part of English culture?
Yes, definitely. If we go way back before anything was built we would
have people coming in to the country to build things for us, people that
have those skills, even from Australia and different countries. I think
that was an important part of making us who we are today and without
that we wouldnt be who we are today. I think migration everywhere is
part of how we are developing and growing.
Q: What is your definition of the English culture?
I see it as the Queen, London, big red buses and red traditional kind
of culture. People are travelling around the world to see Buckingham
Palace. But I also see it as tea and scones! The food, because it plays a
massive part in every culture.
Q: Give me the first thing that comes to mind when I say English
Tea! Of course!
Q: Could you give me an example of things that in your opinion make
England old fashioned and backward looking?
I dont know, depends where you go. Depends on part of the history
thats there. So now we are currently set in Maidstone that doesnt look
very old fashioned and traditional English, it looks very modernized
building after building. Whereas if you head to Central London you will
have traditional looking buildings like brick buildings usually with cast
iron railing, thats what comes to mind. Also bone china with the gold
Q: What is the role of the monarchy in modern Britain?

I dont know. Im against the whole brick wall family. They bring in so
much money so I get why they are here. The positives that they bring
in are the money and the tourism. She oversees everything but doesnt
play too much of a role. What is the point in it? Why is she here? It
is definitely a symbol now and I think that is quite traditional. Thats
probably the part of English culture because I dont think you go to
many other countries and see somebody on the throne still. Its very
dated but thats part of English Heritage.
Q: Do you think there is a class division in Modern Britain and if so how
do you feel about that?
Yes, there is definitely a division in a class. I would like to say that
the gap is a lot bigger than it used to be although you dont see it. Its
not like back on the streets when people would wear slightly different
things. You can probably see it a little bit but the rich are richer. Youve
got a lot of middle class and its not necessarily people that are poor its
more that they can just about to get by whereas the rich are just getting
Q: In your opinion, what moral values and social ideals form English
I dont think I could say that there is a certain amount that maybe
chooses to just stay on benefits but I think that is a really small number.
You always see on the news all the time that someone had 9 kids and
not going to stop. I think they are very rare cases that the media pick
out on to make you hate these people whereas I know people that are
on benefits because they need help even if they work. With inflation
going up there are lots of people that need support. I personally think
thats the same with migrants either because they are coming here for
better lives or they come from the background where they cant work or
there are no jobs, they have been chased out of their country and they
have to come here. I want to say that the values of English society are
just to get by. Everyone just does their best and you kind of go through
life providing for your family as much as you can.

Q: Would you agree with the fact that English society becomes less
aware of their cultural identity?
We are less aware because we are being influenced by so many things
and I wouldnt necessarily say that you have to have English identity.
Q: How is the cultural identity of a nation such as Britain strengthened
and is that necessarily a good thing?
I dont know if it is strong. I think weve got our values but I wouldnt
necessarily say that we have a strong cultural identity. I think everyone
got their own identities. I dont think whether its a good thing. No. I
think when you start to have believes and different views on it thats
when its not a good thing.
Q: What does it mean for Britain to be Great?
Thats a good question I like that! That takes me back to the history
when it reminds me that we are Great Britain for a reason. Id like
to think we were Great actually because we stuck together as a
community and would support each other. I dont see that anymore. I
dont know if we are Great.

Q: If someone asks you if you are English, what will be your answer
and why?
I have mixed feelings about that. I would say that I am Russian but
over the past years that I live in England this has changed a little
bit. When Im home I am 100% Russian, my traditions and how I
feel is Russian, even the food but when I go outside of my house I
feel that part of me integrates to English culture. Im surrounded by
English people, English language, and basically English culture and
this kind of became part of me over the past years that I live here.
Q: Would you be offended by this question?
Not at all because I am open person and I am open to any culture.
Q: Since you live in the UK, are there any English traditions that
became part of your lifestyle?
Not really because Ive been brought up in Russian family and
its a little bit too late for me to change anything in my lifestyle, I
mean traditions. Things like tea drinking I do drink tea, but I dont
make a cult out of that. I like tea in the same way I like coffee.
25th December for example we dont celebrate as Christmas
because I am Russian Orthodox and my Christmas is in January
so 25th December for me is normal working day. I celebrate 31st of
December as English people would celebrate 25th.

Q: Are you moving away from your original Russian/Latvian culture,

which is peculiar to you since childhood?
No, I wouldnt say that I am moving away from my Russian/Latvian
culture because I have been brought up as I am now and when I came
to England I was 13 14 years old and it was too late for me to change
my mind perspective about that. Maybe if my parents would bring me
up here when I was 5 or somewhere before 10 years old maybe then I
would be more English. Its really hard to say what is it to be English. Its
really easy for me to say what is it to be Russian but English because
Im not.
Q: Why do you think foreigners often call British people English? After
all, English are part of Britain in the same way as Scottish, Welsh or
Northern Irish.
I think its because England is the dominant part of Britain and at
all times all attention was brought up to England. Everything is
concentrated in England, things like London, Queen and pretty much
all the clich things like red bus or telephone booth. Before I came to
England I have never thought of Manchester or cities like Birmingham
and Liverpool. I was thinking like: Britain, England and London but there
are of course more than that. There are Scottish, Welsh and Northern
Irish people and their culture with their traditions. I think that at these
days its not important anymore in Britain and I think its sad. I think
United Kingdom is not united anymore!
Q: What is your definition of the English culture?
My definition of the English culture is that English people worry too
much. They always run everywhere and they always worry about
everything. For example if in the winter time there will be a little bit of
snow everything will stop and for me when I just came to UK about 10
years ago it was really weird and I think for me this is England. Also, I
think English culture is all about improvisation. They dont think for the
future, they dont plan things and they dont think whats going to

happen and what consequences it will bring.

Q: How did life in Britain have changed your view about the English
people and their society?
Before I came to England I have only portrayed England as rainy and
as I have seen it in the movies. I never thought of England how I think
about it now from the perspective of the person who lives here quite
a long time and has successfully integrated to English culture. For me
England before was more of a stereotype country. It seemed successful
and independent country but I dont think it is like that now. Yes it is
powerful but it becomes less united and I think being united for England
is the most powerful thing that could be in England. I think English
people are loosing it and I think they should work on it especially now
with the things that happen in the world now with Britain trying to leave
EU. I think its not right and people should be united especially in their
Q: Give me the first thing that comes to mind when I say English
Years ago when I first came to England or maybe even 5 years ago I
would probably say tea, Big Ben, London and the Queen. Now, when I
have lived here for a long time and I have studied here for the whole
time especially in university where it was next to the seaside, I would
probably say seagulls is the first thing that comes to mind. Every time
Im somewhere and if I hear seagulls I remember the seaside and the
places next to the sea where I used to study and take pictures. Seaside
and the seagulls remind me of English. No one thinks of England
from this side. They forget that Britain is an island, which has a lot of
beautiful seasides. The first time in my life when I have seen the sea
was in Broadstairs and it was amazing for me. Since then I love British
seasides, especially for the fact that they are different depending on the
Q: Over the past years that you live in the UK, how English stereotypes
have affected your lifestyle, if any?

I wouldnt say that any English stereotypes have changed anything in

my lifestyle but I would say that going back to what I think is English,
the seaside, this changed my lifestyle. I have started to think differently
and for sure sea calms my mind and this is one of the reasons why I
love being next to the sea.

get money for the job they like to do and to build up a good life with the
good family which they will be able to support. And I think this is very
important in the life of any person to do the job he or she loves and not
to be stuck in this boring routine job that slowly eats you inside and
gets you into depression.

Q: Could you give an example of things that in your opinion make

England old fashioned and backward looking?

Q: What do you think makes a good English person?

I think I will be like most of the people and say that its monarchy and
as more people would say its those old generation people like back in
the day. I think United Kingdom should move on and monarchy is not
working anymore, as it should because it does not play a big of a role in
this country so what is the reason for that?
Q: What do you think about the monarchy in modern Britain?
Monarchy in modern Britain is there just as a symbol of England. I think
it doesnt have much power now and if there is not much power from
the monarchy I dont think there is a reason to keep it. I dont want to
say anything bad about the Royal family but if there would be more
power from it I think British people would be more united and I think
this is really important in nowadays because British people became
separated and less aware of what is happening in their country. Maybe
someone would explain me better what is the reason for the Queen in
Britain now?
Q: In your opinion, what moral values and social ideals form English
It depends on the person really. From what I see what people surround
me a little bit older than me generation dont strive to be better, they
dont want to live better, get better wage at least or get better quality
life. Younger generation like me I guess they use older generation as an
example and they strive for better. They want to progress, they dont
stay at one job, they improve their skills and educate themselves to

I think to be a good person in the first place is to respect everyone. It

doesnt matter if you like this person or not. We are all human beings,
we all have feelings and we are all different. I think its also very
important to be real and honest to anyone, be who you are. It is also
very important for a good English person to respect other nationalities
and ethnicities, be open to everything and everyone. Not to be afraid
of changes. A lot of people will say that it is important to respect older
generation people and I completely agree with that but for the good
English person you have to remember that you have to respect younger
generation in the same way! I think if all these qualities will make up a
good English person England will be a better place to live in and Britain
will be Great again.

My England
Copyright Irina Novoslavska 2017. All rights reserved.
Text, photography, design and layout by Irina Novoslavska
No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or
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Print and bound: Blurb, UK

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