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This is classified as using Blue-Ray/DVD

that an adult is not needed for the

child to watch the movie at home.

Scene that can be emotional

with ages 8 and above should
not be shown. Topics such as
bullying should be avoided.

Many Themes can be

used but has to be
appropriate for all
young children.

This stands for Parental

guidance. The violence
shown can be only mild with
a limit to the drug scenes

U stands for universal that

stand for anyone that is
above the age of 4 can watch
with the movie that comes
under this classification.



Drugs shown on
screen should not
encourage young
adults to have any
use of drugs.

Maheen Hashmi


String language can be used but

should not be recognised as an

BBFC British Board of film


Limited amount of violence is

allows and language should
be appropriate. Mild sexual
scene are only allowed to be
shown such as a kissing

Violence is allowed to be shown but

within limit and topics that consist of
discrimination can be shown as one of
the topics.

Strong violence and language
can be used.

Films can be classified if they

have strong horror and
sexual violent scenes.

Drugs can be shown during

the movie but should not
come across as encouraging
to the audience.

Topics of discrimination can

be used with appropriate

Behaviour counted as
danger could be copied
such as Suicide.

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