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1. Choose the correct form from those given in brackets:

- (near, nearly)
1. They resemble each other.
2. The book is at hand.
3. She fainted.
- (hard, hardly)
1. I could understand what he was saying.
2. He tried and finally found the right solution.
- (short, shortly)
1. They will .. return from their holidays.
2. Our supplies ran
3. The chairman cut the proceedings.
- (direct, directly)
1. The bus goes there
2. Go to him and tell him about it.
3. Come in
- (late, lately)
1. I think hell be
2. Have spoken to him ?
- (right, rightly)
1. Turn to the and then go straight on.
2. He went to the end of the street.
3. You have acted
4. It serves him
2. Make sentences with adverbs of manner:
Model: He is a good student.
He learns well.
1. He is a careful reader of English books. 2. The rooms have poor furniture. 3.
She is a fast typist. 4. He spoke in a loud voice. 5. He gave us correct answers. 6.
They sent a prompt reply to our letter. 7. His answer was clear and concise. The
correspondent must use a courteous tone in his letters. 9. His greeting was
3. Add an adverb of time to each of the following sentences (either an adverb of indefinite
time or frequency or an adverb of definite time):
- He is reading a novel.
- He is reading a novel now.
- He wrote a reply to the letter.
- He wrote a reply to the letter yesterday.
- He has asked some questions.
- He has often/seldom asked some questions.
- He had arrived.
- He had arrived before.
1. It is cold. 2. They have run fast. 3. I went to the theatre and saw an interesting
performance. 4. They will attend the lectures. 5. We had opened the window. 6.
Mary plays the piano. 7. She has performed a well known tune. 8. She will spend
her holidays at the seaside. 9. We spent our holidays in a mountain resort. 10.
Have you been to the Danube Delta?
4. Find the right place for the adverbs in the following sentences:
1. I have not answered her letter (yet). 2. They have failed in the exams. (seldom).
3. Have you been to theatre performances (often)? 4. We have met there (never).
5. You have received a prompt reply from them (usually). 6. They have found

someone suitable (already). 7. George is late for school (never). 8. Mr.Smith

travels to London by car (always). 9. John Brown goes shopping (every week).
10. He bought a new car (last month). 11. He called on us (two days ago). 12. He
had left the office (an hour before).
5. Use the following adverbs in different degrees of comparison in sentences of your own:
-well, fast, high, easily, far, little, slowly.
- hard
- He works harder than you.
- He works as hard as you.
- He does not work as hard as you.
- He works the hardest of you all.
6. Put the adverbs in the right place:
a) 1. Father talked to her (kindly). 2. He speaks English (fluently). 3. He watched
the children play (silently). 4. They wrote the homework given by the teacher
(carefully). 5. I know English (very well). 6. He liked our house (very much). 7. I
agree to the terms of the contract (fully). 8. It is cold (too). 9. We have anything
to say on this (scarcely).
b) 1. He is due to arrive (early, tomorrow). 2. He will come (here, next week). 3.
They arrived (there, yesterday evening). 4. He left Bucharest (at night, late). 5.
She will work (gladly, tomorrow, there). 6. They return (home, always,

7. Use still, yet or already:

1. Are you here? 2. He has left home, but he hasnt arrived at my office
3. He is there. 4. They havent answered 5. We havent received the advice
of dispatch , but we hope the goods are on their way to us.
8. Translate into English:
1. Am mers i mai departe i am acceptat ideea lui. 2. Am mers mai departe dect
tine n excursia de sptmna trecut. 3. El tie mai puin dect tine, iar fratele lui
tie cel mai puin dintre voi toi i trebuie s lucreze srguincios ca s poat s se
prezinte la examen. 4. Ne plcea tot mai puin felul n care i ndeplinea
obligaiile sale. 5. Cu ct mergem mai iute, cu att vom ajunge mai departe. 6. n
cele din urm el gsi soluia cea mai bun. 7. Cel mai trziu mine vom expedia
marfa comandat de clienii notri. 8. Mi-ai dat mai puin de lucru ca de obicei.

9. Add enough to the following sentences:

1. He is tall to reach where the things are. 2. I have money to pay the bill. 3. He is
old to decide for himself. 4. It is cold to make a fire inside. 5. They have time to
think it over.
10. Replace each group of underlined words by an adverb given at the end of the exercise:
1. Although unwilling to do it, he had to be rude in his answer. 2. Certain natural
substances can be obtained by artificial means. 3. He was known to have worked
with unremitting effort. 4. He had always worked with care and thoroughness. 5.
They were waiting for the answer with anxious fear. 6. His point of view seemed
correct but from the opposite point of view he was wrong.
- apprehensibely, conversely, conscientiously, sythetically, reluctantly, tirelessly.
11. Translate into English, paying attention to the different ways in which the Romanian
adverb mai is expressed in English:
1. Ce i-a mai spus? 2. Mai d-mi o can de ceai. 3. Cel mai bun lucru e s
atepi. 4. Mai niciodat nu m-a crezut pe mine. 5. Acest rspuns e i mai
prost. 6. Mai stm cteva minute.
12. Translate, using some compound adverbs from the list given below.
1. n zilele noastre tiina a realizat progrese enorme. 2. A gsit metodele prin care
s obin rezultatul dorit. 3. A semnat i prin aceasta a confirmat primirea
coletului. 4. Prile contractante vor fi denumite mai jos n acest document
vnztorul i cumprtorul. 5. Care sunt metalele din care se fac bijuteriile? 6.
Orice acord la care se va ajunge de acum ncolo trebuie s fie conform cu
nelegerile anterioare.
- hereafter, hereinafter, nowadays, thereby, whereby, whereof.
13. Replace the underlined adverbial phrases by simple adverbs and make any necessary
1. At last he won the prize. 2. In the long run he proved he was right. 3. Little by
little he persuaded us to support him. 4. He lives a long way off. 5. They parted for
good. 6. At that time the things were not clear. 7. You are wrong, to a large extent.
8. From time to time we paid them a visit. 9. I lived in this place some years ago.
10. He has been absent in recent times, on account of his illness.

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