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Topographical anatomy of the lumbar region, retroperitoneal space and pelvis
1. The lumbar region: borders, layers, departments.
2. The weak places of a lumbar region.
3. The topographical anatomy of the spine.
4. The topographical anatomy of a spinal cord and its meninges.
5. Intermeningeal spaces of the spinal canal.
6. Retroperitoneal space: fascias, fat tissue spaces (the layers).
7. Organs and anatomical structures of a retroperitoneal space.
8. Topographical anatomy of the abdominal aorta.
9. The topographical anatomy of inferior vena cava.
10. The topographical anatomy of a kidney: external and internal structure, relationship to peritoneum.
11. The topography of a kidney: skeletotopy, holotopy.
12. Syntopy of the kidney.
13. Blood supply, segments of the kidney.
14. Innervation of the kidney, venous and lymphatic outflow.
15. The anomalies of the development of kidney.
16. External and internal structure of adrenal gland.
17. The topography of adrenal gland: syntopy, skeletotopy.
18. Blood supply and innervation of the adrenal gland.
19. Syntopy of the adrenal gland.
20. General structure of the ureters.
21. The topographical anatomy of ureters, their relationship to peritoneum.
22. The topographical anatomy of the small pelvis: bone base, ligaments, muscles.
23. The diaphragm of pelvis.
24. The division of the pelvis in to floors. The organs of the small pelvis.
25. Fascias and fat tissue spaces of the pelvis.
26. General structure of the urinary bladder, its relationship to peritoneum.
27. Syntopy of the urinary bladder.
28. Blood supply and innervation of the urinary bladder.
29. Venous and lymphatic outflow from the urinary bladder.
30. General structure of the prostate gland.
31. The topography of the prostate gland.
32. Blood supply of the prostate gland, venous and lymphatic outflow, innervation.
33. General structure of the uterus, its relationship to peritoneum.
34. The topography of uterus, the variants of its position.
35. Blood supply of the uterus, innervation, venous and lymphatic outflow.
36. General structure of the uterine tube.
37. The topographical anatomy of the uterine tube: relationship to peritoneum, syntopy, blood supply.
38. General structure of the ovary.
39. The topographical anatomy of an ovary: relationship to peritoneum, syntopy, blood supply.
40. Coverings of testicle.
41. The topographical anatomy of man perineum: borders, layers, particularities of the structure.
42. The topographical anatomy of the male urethra.
43. The topographical anatomy of woman perineum: borders, layers, particularities of the structure.
44. The topographical anatomy of the rectum: structure, syntopy.
45. Blood supply, innervation of the rectum.
46. Venous and lymphatic outflow from the rectum.
The Operations on organ of retroperitoneal space and pelvis


The technique of the performance of lumbar puncture, indications, possible complications.

The operations on kidneys: indications, accesses, types, technique of the performance.
Paranephral blockade by A.V. Vishnevsky: indications, technique of the performance.
The puncture and high section of urinary bladder: indications, technique of the performance.
The accesses to uterus and its appendages. The types of operations. The operation at abdominal
6. The blockade of pelvic nervous trunks by Shkolnikov-Selivanov: indications, technique of the
7. Drainage of fat tissue spaces of small pelvis by Kupriyanov and McWorter-Buyalsky.
8. The anatomy-physiological substantiation of the transplantation of kidney. Principle of the functioning of the device artificial kidney.
Topographical anatomy of upper limb
1. The topographical anatomy of upper limb: division in to region, the sources of blood supply and
innervation. Venous and lymphatic outflow.
2. The topographical anatomy of the deltoid region: borders, layers, innervation.
3. The topographical anatomy of the shoulder joint: structure, the form, volume of the motion, ligaments.
4. The topographical anatomy of subclavian region: borders, layers, vessels, nerves.
5. The topographical anatomy of the scapular region: borders, layers, vessels, nerves. Prescapular
6. The scapular arterial network.
7. The topographical anatomy of axillary region: borders, layers. The walls and contents of axillary cavity.
8. The topographical anatomy of the vascular-nervous bundle of axillary cavity.
9. The topographical anatomy of the brachial plexus, its branches.
10. The topographical anatomy of the anterior region of arm: borders, layers, vessels, nerves.
11. The topographical anatomy of the posterior region of arm: borders, layers, vessels, nerves.
12. The topographical anatomy of the anterior cubital region: borders, layers, vessels, nerves. The
cubital fosse.
13. The topographical anatomy of the elbow joint: construction, the form, range of the motion, ligaments.
14. The arterial network of the elbow joint.
15. The topographical anatomy of the anterior region of the forearm: borders, layers, vessels,
16. The topographical anatomy of the hand: divisions, layers, blood supply, innervation.
17. The topographical anatomy of the hand fingers: synovial sheeths, innervation and blood supply.
The zones of skin innervation of hand.
Topographical anatomy of lower limb
1. The topographical anatomy of lower limb: division into region, the sources of blood supply and
innervation. Venous and lymphatic outflow.
2. The topographical anatomy of lumbar and sacral nerve plexuses, their branches.
3. The topographical anatomy of hip joint: the structure, the form, range of the motion, ligaments.
4. The topographical anatomy of gluteal region: borders, layers, vessels, nerves.
5. The borders, bottom and vascular bundle of the hip triangle.
6. Muscular and vessel lacunas, their walls and contents.
7. The topographical anatomy of the femoral canal: walls, holes, the contents.
8. The topographical anatomy of the anterior region of thigh: borders, layers, vessels, nerves.
9. The adductor canal: walls, holes, the contents.
10. The topographical anatomy of the posterior region of thigh: borders, layers, vessels, nerves.
11. The topographical anatomy of the anterior region of the knee: borders, layers.
12. The topographical anatomy of the knee joint: structure, the form, range of the motion, ligaments.

13. The topographical anatomy of the posterior region of the knee: borders, layers. The topographical anatomy of popliteal fossa, its contents.
14. The arterial network of the knee joint.
15. Cruro-popliteal canal: walls, holes and contents.
16. The topographical anatomy of the anterior region of leg: borders, layers, vessels, nerves.
17. The topographical anatomy of the posterior region of leg: borders, layers, vessels, nerves.
18. The topographical anatomy of ankle joint: structure, the form, range of the motion, ligaments.
19. Medial malleolar canal: its walls and contents.
20. Lateral malleolar canal: its walls and contents.
21. The topographical anatomy of the foot: borders, divisions, layers, vessels, nerves.


Operations on the vessels, nerves and tendons

The conception of collateral and reduced blood supply, their importance.
The methods of temporary and permanent arrest of bleeding.
The ligation of vessels in wound and on length. Direct and roundabout accesses. The examples.
The vascular suture: classification, demands, technology of the performance.
The principles of the surgical treatment of the varicose disease of veins.
The principles of the surgical treatment of obliterating diseases of arteries.
Puncture catheterization of veins. The indications, points of puncture.
The suture of the tendon: demands, types, technology of the performance.
The suture of the nerve. The technology of the performance.

Operations on limb
The general questions.
1. The operations on joints: puncture, arthrotomy, resection. The indications to these operations.
2. The definitions of amputation and disarticulation. The general principles of amputations and
disarticulations of the limbs.
3. The classification of amputations based on the time of performance and method of cutting the
4. The conception of one-, two-, three-moment amputations. The types of skin incision; calculation
of sizes of the skin flaps.
5. The methods of the processing of bone section and periostium, muscles, vessels, nerves during
amputations of the limbs.
6. Laminectomy: indication, technique of the performance.
7. The methods of forming of the stump, variants of the plastic closing of stumps. Phantom pains.
8. Characteristics of the stump necessary for of prosthetics of the limbs. The conception of vicious
amputation stump.
Operations on upper limb
9. The accesses to vessels and nerves of upper limb.
10. The incisions at phlegmons of the upper limb.
11. The puncture of joints of upper limb. The indications, technology of the execution.
12. The classification of panaritiums (agnails), their surgical treatment, methods of the anesthetization.
13. The amputation of distal phalanx of finger. The technology of the performance. The anesthetization.
14. Disarticulation of fingers of the hand: types, technology of the performance, substantiation.
15. The amputation of the forearm: technology of the performance, processing of vessels, nerves.
16. Arthrotomy of shoulder joint. The indications, accesses, technology of the performance.
17. The resection of the shoulder joint. The indications, technology of the performance.
18. Arthrotomy of the elbow joint. The indications, technology of the performance.
19. The resection of the elbow joint. The indications, technology of the performance.
20. The amputation of the arm: technology of the performance, processing of vessels, nerves. The
particularities of amputation of the arm by Farabef.

Operations on lower limb

1. The accesses to vessels and nerves of lower limb.
2. The incisions at phlegmons of the lower limb.
3. The puncture of the joints of lower limb. The indications, technology of the performance.
4. Arthrotomy of the hip joint. The indications, accesses, technology of the execution.
5. Three-stage amputation of thigh by Pirogov: technology of the performance.
6. Bone-plastic amputation of thigh by Gritty - Shimanovsky.
7. Arthrotomy of the knee joint. The indications, accesses, technology of the performance.
8. The resection of the knee joint by Textor. The indications, technology of the performance.
9. The resection of the knee joint by Kornev. The indications, technology of the performance.
10. Bone-plastic amputation of the leg by Pirogov: technology of the performance.
11. Arthrotomy of the ankle joint. The indications, technology of the performance.
12. Disarticulations of the foot by Lisfrank. The indications, technology of the performance.
13. Disarticulations of the foot by Shopar. The indications, technology of the performance.
14. The amputation of the foot by Sharp. The indications, technology of the performance.
15. Disarticulations of the fingers of foot by Garanzho. The indications, technology of the performance.

Chief of the departament of the topographical

anatomy and operative surgery, prof. _____________Fominykh T.A.

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