Parent Letter 8 TH Grader DG Still Inger

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8th Grade Reading

Welcome to 8th Grade Reading! I am looking forward to working with

you this year. Please read below and return the bottom portion of the
last page signed.
Common Core Standards
Here is a link to the family friendly guide to Common Core Standards:

Self-selected reading
Besides the assigned reading, students are required to select novels that interest
them in order to make reading an enjoyable and educational experience. Students
will be given time in class to read, discuss novels, and give book talks. Students will
be expected to respond in writing periodically to questions involving any element of
literature such as theme, characters, and conflicts. Students should bring their selfselected novels to class every day.

Grading Policy
Each assignment will be weighted. Homework and choice boards will each count as
10%, classwork will count 20%, quizzes will count 25%, and tests, projects, and
writing assignments will count 35%.
I expect every assignment to be turned in on time. If an assignment is turned in late,
the student cannot earn a grade higher than a 70. I know that special circumstances
occur, and if this happens and a student is unable to complete an assignment on
time, please let me know. I am also a parent and a reasonable person but must also
prepare the students for high school and college deadlines.

Parental/Guardian Notification of Grades and

Parent Portal is the best way to keep up with your childs grades; if you have not
received your childs password, please contact the front office.
If you were not at Meet The Teacher, please e-mail me, so I can have your e-mail
address on file: Feel free to e-mail me at anytime.
You will also be getting instructions on how to sign up for Remind 101 so that I
can keep you informed through that texting system as well.
If you would like to set up a parent-teacher conference, please contact the front

Make Up Work
All students are expected to turn in all assignments on time. If a student is absent,
he or she must make up the work according to the following guidelines:

If a student is absent on the day that an assignment is due, he/she is

expected to turn it in the day that he/she returns.

If a student is absent the day a daily assignment is given, he/she has three
school days to make up the work.

If a student is absent the day a test is given, he/she must make it up within
one week, during lunch or after school.
8th Grade Reading, Mrs. Stillinger

*****If a student chooses not turn in an assignment or make up a test as stated by

the above guidelines, he/she will receive a zero.
*****A daily plan and a calendar of important dates will be in the room. When a
student is absent, he will be responsible for using these tools to keep up-to-date.

Classroom Expectations
Remember Wildcat PRIDE!
Students should treat each person with respect and dignity.
Students should be in their assigned seat and working on bell work when class
Students should not get out of their seat without permission.
Students should bring all books and materials with them to class and take them when
they leave.
Students should follow directions the first time they are given.
Rewards include praise, homework passes, positive call home, classroom treats, and
school-wide privileges (through the Wildcat P.R.I.D.E. program).
1st offense verbal warning and student / teacher consultation
2nd offense Courtyard detention
3rd offense Lunch detention and consultation with parent, student
4th offense Written referral
Severity clause: In the case of severe disrespect to teacher, classmate or severe
disruption, the student will be removed from class and sent to the office.

Classroom procedures
Students should use complete sentences, capital letters, and punctuation on all work.
Students should use MLA headings on all work.
Students must bring a novel of his or her choice to class everyday.

Online textbooks
Instructions for how to access online textbooks will be coming home soon.

Web site
Please check my school web site for updates and extra resources.

Please sign and return

Grade Reading


Students name: ___________________________________ Parents name:

8th Grade Reading, Mrs. Stillinger

Class period: _______ Parents contact number: __________________ E-mail:

Student signature: _________________________________ Parent signature:

8th Grade Reading, Mrs. Stillinger

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