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How to predict horoscope

Through K.B system-4

By: A. Devaraj (Jyothish Kalaa Rathna )
Sri Bruhaspati K.B. Jyothish Training School,
No, 68. P.G. Avenue, 3rd St., Kattuppakkam,
Chennai-600056, Ph.044-24765320, Cell: 9382339084
We will get more experience, when try to analyze a chart by the
way of various angles and we will become an expert to predict in horoscope, while we applied the
previous experience in the various chart. So, I analyzed the chart of my best friend, Mr.
sivadhasan Ravi who expert in the Nadi astrology, by the way of so many angles and wish to
share my experienced result with the readers.
Mr. Sivadhasan Ravis chart is calculated in the K.B. method and given below. Further, the 12
bhavas and 9 planets interlinks tables are given here to the readers, to understand easily.
Now, we try to analize the chart according the base of the various questions.
1. How is the Health?
Lagna bhava sub lord is Saturn. Saturn is in the Kethu star and Venus sub lord. Kethu
is the sub lord of 3, 9 bhavas. Venus is the 11th bhava sub lord. Moreover, the Lagna sub lord
Saturn is the sub lord of 4, 7,10th bhava also.
Here the Saturns sub lord is having favorable bhavas (Venus 11th) to its star lord (i.e3 and 9th
bhavas). So, the 3, 9 bhavas gets strengthen and make weaken the Saturns 4 and 10th bhavas.
So, the lagna bhava strongly inter-linked with the 3, 7, 9 and 11th bhavas. The above indicates
bahvas are good to the lagna bhavas and gives good health to the lagna. So, his physical body,
mostly, is in the healthy condition. So, the lagna bhava Fate supports to be a healthy physical
A person often and often may affect by the disease (6th bhava) if the lagna bhava connecting
with the 6, 8, and 12th bhavas. Through the disease, a person may get the pain and disturbance
(8th bhava) and the 12th bhava indicates that the physical part will affect and inactivate by the
disease. These incident happen to the lagna,
Here, the lagna bhava is not connected to the 6,8,12 bhava. So in any manner, the person cant
affect any long time disease in his life.
Particularly in Saturn dasa, bhukthi and anthra period (which is lagna sub lord) this person
health condition will be so good. Moreover, this person will be in good healthy condition in the
period of lagna bhava and the 5th bhava inter-linked dasa bhukthi period (5 bhava is 12th bhava
to 6 bhava and gives favorable to health)
Please see the table 2. Mars, mercury, Jupiter, Saturn planets are indicating and interlinks
strongly 3,7,11 bhavas and these bhavas are favorable bhavas to the 1, 5 bhavas. So, in these
Dasa, bhukthi period, disease will not attack and he will be in the healthy condition.
But, which planets are connected with the 6,8,12 bhavas, these planets related period, a
person health will suffer. In this horoscope, Rahu is the 6, 12 bhava sub lord. The moon is the
8th bhava sub lord. So, this person will affect with disease in the period of planets which is
connected with the Rahu and Moon.
I.e., planets in the star and sub lord of Rahu and Moon are give the 6,8,12 bhava result and
the result will be very strongly than the rahu and moon. As per table 2, Venus, Rahu, kethu

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planets are connected with the 6, 8,12th bhavas. (I left the moon, because the moon will
changes its position according the dasa and bhukthi)
The health condition becomes worse in the dasa, bhukthi period of venus, rahu and kethu.
But in this chart, the lagna bhava is strongly favored to the health condition. So, the 6,8,12th
bhavas planets dasa, bhukthi period will not so much health trouble to this person and always he
will be at the normal healthy condition.
2. Which way this person will thinks?
The langna bhava indicates the individual thinking ideology. Lagna bhava indicates the head of
the human body and particularly referred the brain. So, a person always thinks about the
particular bhava karakas which was interlinked to lagna bhava. (i.e lagna bhava sub lord, connects
through its star lord and sub lord.)
Here,lagna bhava sublord interlinked with the 3, 7,9,11 bhavas of the soul related bhavas. So
this person always thinks about the soul related bhavas (less material related). So, he thinks,
mostly in his life about the writing matter and communication, (3rd bhava), out side society of
the people (7th bhava), higher education, Research, activities of the hereditary (9th bhava),
friends, society and meetings (11th bhava)
However, the above mentioned thinking ideology just varies up and down according the
change of the dasa, bhukthi. Particularly, the thought is just over in the dasa bhukthi period of
mars, mercury and Saturn.
But, this person ideology will change, from the above referred matter, in the dasa, bhukthi
period of Venus, rahu and kethu.
3. Is this person, always will be at the prestigious position?
Lagna bhava indicates ones prestige life. A person cant live as a prestigious position among
the people, while the lagna sub lord connected 8,12 bhavas through its star lord and its sub
lord, in any manner..
Here, the lagna bhava interlinked with the 3, 7, 9,11th bhava. So, the fate result is strongly
identified, that this person always will be at the prestigious position.
So, this person will be with the prestigious position in the dasa bhukthi period of Mars,
Jupiter, Saturn and mercury (which are favorable to lagna ) and will be just less prestige in the
dasa bhukthi period of venus rahu and kethu.
4. Is he resides at the birth native place?
A person may live in the birth native place, while the lagna bhava connects with the 4th bhava
or favorable related bhavas to 4th bhava. (4th bhava indicates the native place). 3rd bhava is the
12th bhava to the 4th bhava and the 3rd bhava indicates that a person not living in the native
place and migrated from the native place to other place. 9th bhava indicates that a person
migrated and living far away from his birth native place. (3rd bhava indicates the short distance
and 9th bhava indicates the long distance).
In this chart, the lagna cusp interlinked with the 3, 7, 9, 11th bhavas. So, this gentleman
residing far away from the birth native place. Surely, this person living outside from thre native
In next articles, I will explain the same horoscope for analyze , marrage life,profession
,education,etc through the K.B. system. I submit this article to
my beloved guruji

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