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The Vitamin B-3 Therapy Reports By: Bill Wilson From 1965 to 1971 Bill ison, co-founder of AA, authored these three studies on the Therapeutic effects of Vit. B-3 (Niacin) and assembled the supporting clinical research. These documents consist of the 3 Books listed as follows: BOOK 1 ~ 1" Communication ~1965 Pages 1 to 28 BOOK 2~ 2“ Communication ~ 1968 Pages 1t0 46&1to3 BOOK 3 ~ 3" Communication ~ 1971 Pages 1 to 15 ‘This facsimile POF reprints from PASS IT ON ~ TECH. Publication ofthis document in no way implies endorsement oreffiation with AA World Services ine. Copies ofthis material are available free to Interested persons from: sitonetech amailcom This Is Ver. 1.0. NB. Or. Russell F SmithMt.D, in ‘Book 2s Dr. Bob's son. Bill Wilson & The Vitamin B-3 Therapy 1965 - 1971 ‘The Bishop of Books makes no met for the material reprinted here. Publication ot this material in no way implies endorsement by nor affiliation with Alcohotics Anonymous World Services, tno. ‘The original publication of these three “communications in 1965, 1968, and 1971, edited by Bill Wilson, Co-Founder of AA, ‘and written to and by some doctor: was inno way endorsed by, affiliated with, or in any way part of Alcoholics Anonymous. itamin 8-3 Therapy was the main project that Il W.'s last years until his death Jan, 24, 1971. The occupied June, 1993. The Bishop of Books [304 ] 242-2937 46 Eureka Ave., Wheeling, WV 26003 Price $10. ‘write for a FREE Catalog ! conrenrs [INTRODUCTION ‘THE SASKATCHEWAN RESEARCHERS {THE SASKATCHEWAN FINDINGS DR, HOFTER'S EIDORSHNESMT GP KIACHI/IMICOTTUSEDE AS SAFE UNDER ‘ALL coNDITToRs ‘Wo TESTS FOR RECOGUIZING SCHIZOPHRENIA rutRopuctron Dear Puysteiais of A.A. s sud as ‘been in progress for over ten Years, the Peailts ate nov 80 inpressive that cen Go as‘ ise tae sogeeltt neu with then. % this presentation, special euphusio vill be placed upon the recently emerged fact that schizophrenia, or a 2 ry frequent ‘Gea of feenting with nincls yos'ansieally ‘the pellagra peychoste. More recently devised urine and prychological tests are now ai ‘Fpgartoe, of fhe sebdsophrenta toxin in a vast nuaber of eaves 2 19 ealady £0 several, tas ueully estinsted for the total world popalations 2 Since massive vitanin B-3 appears to be snmensely effective upon milder and reviougly uniiagnosed cases of schizophrenia or tendencies thereto, the 3-3 ‘herany"shoulé rapidly deccne the concern of nearly ull physiciens ~~ especially ‘the general practitioners. Tous of A.A., this new and wider view appears to have « very special signifi- gence, For example, it is nov statistically established that approsimitely one- third? of a11 hospital adnissions for alcoholisa are nore ar less bedeviled By cuenta eu eopcatty by sehiophrenic tenlncies. ‘What have often bet, snot ton regarded as ordinary varieties of neuroses are now geen as cases 20 toxin ifticalties are greatly aggravated by the longtine presence of + even though the quantity be minute, Since the vitanin B-3 therapy evidently has no contraindications of any kind, and because of its many favorable effects on the general health of perscas ta middle or late life, the materiel can be freely given to everyone suffering coa- Pulsive or unexplained emotional 4iffieuities. Aucng this very large class, those Who have schzoid tendencies will usually respond renariably well. Many ehrente sufferers are often relieved in a matter of uonths, simply by giving thea three grams daily of niacin or nicotinanide. This T have directly witnessed over the past year or so in a group of thirty of wy friends, mostly A.A.'s, Practically all of these have benefited in respect of general health. Siguificantly, hovever, ten of this croup have be and radicslly reldeved of severe and longstanding euctional aifticult Gue to schizo tendencies or possibly other puthological adrenalin condi 3.3 can aleo normalize, However, the bulk of this presentution 4s a pure reporting job, in vbich T shall nerély paraphrase or directly quote my ivo medical iriewle, respecting their concepts, activities, and results attained to date. Because of the suail coupass of this brochure extensive scientific docunentation cannot yell be included. We my be witnessing a renartable breakthrough in the field of uental healthy gud algo one of great relevance to all who are suffering alcoboltaa or itt sone: ‘ines “unhappy” aftermath. Therefore, it ie to be hoped that ia couing pages you who are A.A. physicians will find sousthing for your bigh interest and direct partieipation, Belov will be seen references to several comprehensive books by Hotter and Qsuond respecting the 5-3 theraty; also indepontent confirasticn by Altachule of ‘the urine test: 2, Misotinic Acid and/or Weotinaaide for Treating Schizophrenia" (a com pilation of Saskatchewan research information by A. Hoffer, University Hospital. Seckatom, Gask., Canada - 1965) 2, ‘miacin Therapy in Psychiatry" - A, Hoffer - 1962, Chas, Thonas Publ, Springfield, TL. * Murther on, "please see discussion of this statistic. 3. 3. "he Chemical Basis of CLisioal Peysbiatry" - Hoffer end Osamnd, Chas. ‘thomas, gurigefiela, TL, - 1960 1, ow Mo Live with Schizophrenia" ~ Hoffer and Osnand, University Boots, New Hyde Park, N.Y, (to be published January, 1966) 5, "Eroblens in the Measurement of Adrencchrome” - Mark Altschule ~ (Harvard University) MATO Conference, lorvay - 1965 Dr. Osnood 1s s-poychiatrist and so is Dr, Hoffer, Dr. Hotter outotending biochenist ant Dr. Osaond is highly imowledgeabie upon Yor years both plysicians have vorked with A.A,, for which they ‘unusual understanding, Yor more than a decade their res ‘the adrenals and the adrenalin setab ‘function, underfunction or al finetien, nental states -- nansly the neuroses ad sat Investigators, capsule their inforaation given to it by ‘Probable thet thie organte coadition 1s genetic.® 2, Vitamin 3-3 (niacin or nicotinamide) given contiquously and in massive doses Of three grams or more daily, is a highly effective eounteractive to the schizophrenia toxin. 3. Massive doses of nincin or nieotinanide -- though ccastentiy given for my Years = have never yet produced any harafil side effects. There appear to be no contrainitestions. # Beust Mayr ~ (Warvard University); also P. Kallman. Dr. Hotter has rédently amplified this atatencnt: "Bear Me. W, Agressble to your request, ill comment on the naseive use of niacin and nicotinamide as follow niacin nor nicotinaride spp. Many years of experience ha snall doses 0 that the degree bo ascertained, A, The Urine Test! in sone 75% oF all A chief merit of the B.U.r. po At can reveal typicelly echiiophrenie departures ception tn large numbers ‘the hospital, provided they Le May ‘who hed fornérly been A.ty oF peyehiatrie failufee vere thus enabled to mintain scbricty an AsA. (or, Hoffer vin gladly supply additional, information.) Gile original,"but more Limited test, vas culled "NOD." -Dr. Osmond has recently tee Nev Jersey Facility, using the " centage was the same as in Saskatcheven; nine of thee 27 aleoholice tested scnizoia. he immense relevance of a11 of this to AeA, and to alecholics in such as were just described in the Intx Alnost certainly with favorable res Actually no predlagnosie observing what happens. The only practical, persuade people to stay on the viteain for FURTHER EyIDEWCR he of the early indications thet achizopiwrenia {s organic arose from an astonishing occurrence, Sone ten years ago a business man guffering severely fron astina enterea a country drugs medication that bed been on the sh color. On taking this material, the subject became payehatie for several days. When be reyorted this incident in detail to Dre. fffer and Omond, they eew this episode to be typically schizophrenic in characters Of course this squarely posed the question: "Why did the stale adrenalin Produce an artificial schizopieniat” naturally this experience suggested pos sible defects in the adrenalin wetabolicin, After © great deal of work in subsequent years, sone of it done by independent investigators, tvo toxins (adrenochroue and taraxeln) were isolated from acute gehizopbrenics. Either of these, ven injected into normal persons, causes then $0 become temporarily schizo. ‘This var the phenouehon thet lead to the develop- nent of the urine tert, The validity of the urine tect 1s further confizae by the fact thet when pettente are placed for s tine op niaotn the siderable periods, the urine and many, ‘becomes positive and the patients suffer setbacks. test Tater on mich the same kind of thing cetcal tests wore gtvens On their firs 1 Meanvhile, he tuproved so rapidly, ve couldn't believe 1¢, fe becase nore-comminicstive; taiked about iio illness, and ves able to study rather ‘than looking at the wall.” ily confimed the Saskatchewan findings, and Dr. Mark De Aitocule has ct, (Gee Altechule tn Bibliography) ‘bas published papere to thi: At the recent 1965 MANO Dr, Hofter read an ext Harvard Professor lelaae ef the Univer Of course the foregoing are but a Gocumented evidence that schizophrenia counteractive to the toxin, and that excellent. indicators of the presence o glsily supplied by Dr. Hoffer, Univers! Where this vork still ‘chiefly centers. ‘ Sce appendix - Hoffer treatuent directions for severe cases. ‘** Zased on a gréup of 104 cases treated since 1954 -- 85 of these are well and ‘Row usefully enployed.) In this Intter connection, it should be said that the relatively nev society of Schizophrenies 8 has alreaty shown iteel? Belov Dr. Hoffar cites three typical cases in this particular chronic elses: 1 coanttted to mental hospital, barge, ho "Mais 1s a man vio had been a nenber of A.A, alcoholic. decane a great nuisance to hia enployer ani to ‘tion Board. We vithdrey fron his friends, be ouvss yoeosdiée upoera Tre Sura108 eoxapay saa350H “aq 3900, sD sxante Buy: qou “AGH Os of wang? soA0t Savy T 1804 30 BEDS w F rE be if cE ee a i eswapacs ony axo ax0q ‘soqdnmxe oy 06 4noay*auatreoxs cous ATSATSUTOZ ¥ UE poyeTEMOD verve Suyqz0léne 20 3tee upovya 30 sup29 somqy wo oT “W'Y repuez3@ wopros pO +098 axves anos ou 998 08 ST ‘uBnosq pow ‘pausoste9 320m axon opmoyay Rob aia improve to the point vhere renove him against the wishes of Sincerely yours, Iast spring I wrote you at the ‘bad been in correspondence regarding old chizophrente sen, Kevin. vith whom 7 cor our 1-year 2 tn order to diai ‘this damage to cur con. Soon we were getting sicker and I even began to bel Might go on the rocke. sir heme. It ing her daughter, Kay, and yphrenia and seeing how ong in ny nenory. Of course this viatt sold me on your treatment without any qualifica- tons. Not oaly hao Kevin begun to inprove, but our fantly relationships ateo, Love and’ harmony prevail rather than discord en! rancor. We have ‘mich to be grateml for. Many; many thanks to you, Dr. Rofter, and our best wishes for suc- cess in your great work." + Schizo Tendencies as First Revealed by Urine and E.W.I, Tests, For this class of cases, the prognosis is extresely bright. assfieulttos and the sone goes for altobollea, Of sartistiae isteret ne us to the fact that many very serious drinkers ve fad failed tacos 32 Ake now susoeed with our progran ven placed en Bese 23. Hotter, whose schizo troubles were fen October 196 for alcoholism. His peyc! 4 Six months ago in despair she tric nfcctinaside. The severe depression left her in vo weeks. ‘This was accoapanied by acunting wéneréy and enthusiasm, (She had ‘never been at all tanic, She recently reported that she vas hard at work, ant could not renenber being happier. (Az of Dec. 1/65) Case "Bs Housevite, good A.A. meaber for 18 years. ‘ho years ago, Becalise of an environnental change (for the worse, she thought) im her Life, he becane chronically and sonetines acutely depressed ‘Six montis ago she started on niacin in enall doses, with very Little result. Then she tried three grane da‘ly. A month later, she wrote: “hn nov thirty daya on nfacin -- three grams. “Wy responie is extrenely good, Have had a coaplete face-abouts RO more depressions. fm working lard to harness sy nov eneray. My Trusband shakes nia head in siazenent..” Note: Her condition has since remained excellent. (Dee. *65) She has never been manic at any tie in her history. Gage "0": dian, 63, acute tension. This was so severe he bod to vear a epectal undergarment to etop sweat coming through his shirt ani cost. liad been coupletely unabie ‘to work for two years. Observing thet his wife, an A.A. uonber, bod improved in energy and stability on nicotinamide, he decided to go on a full dose hinvel? ‘two nonthe ago. Within two vesks, the sweating ond teneion had entirely gone. Te soon returned to hie old which he bat never really Liked. ia wife contimes £6 report ‘ransformation is astonishing, Case "D": Mah, 58, ina yours. hovever. suicidal at times, paranoia Yo relapes into.arinicing. Wi ‘though undiagnosed . ft others; a typical chronie Taree months ago he wrote: “The psychiatrist finally put ce on niacin, You have no idea how much better Ian, This 12 the sane doctor ‘who told uy wife two years ago that T cught to commit suicide.” Hote: With occasional mild setbacks, this case hes contimed his impressive over-sll ingrovauent. Gase "E": Marked paranoia, nonaleoholic. A friend of mine reports on one of his employees wa follows: "A 35-year-old. femile vho vorkss for us hae hud very serious opelle a. of paranoia, Stace tating nicotinic acid, sho bas leveled cut her SCHTZOPERENTCS ANCITIIOUS ‘This nev society is still in the ploneering stage, Hevertheless, ite ‘sccomplishnents during the past year (1965) are noteworthy. cases referred to the group umally identified with the sore However, those vho vere noi so sick soon isproved to such an extent nouths the greater part of then felt they no longer needed "S.A." moe group life, ‘They are eager "12th referrals, Dr, Hoffer feels thet his sponsorship aid attendance at two or three of the early'uietings as of considerable importance. However, he now purpocely stays Mr evay, except vhen specially needed, Therefore the Sackatehevan group is virtually on ite own today ond ie a year old, In California, the Sackstchevan experience has been largely repeated. In ‘this instance the group was started near Los Angeles in February 1965, by the A.A. Wife of @ longstanding and diagnosed schizo -- aleo sn A.A, member. The vife vas fortumate in fining that her omm peychiatrist vas willing to prescribe mssive vitamin 3-3, and would in addition send in sose referrals. For additional cases, wife and husband canvassed the nearby A.A, groups, talking mstly ‘to “mbappy sobriety" people, Considerable numbers then began to cone to the "S.A." group meetings, and miny of these could identify quickly with the nore serious cases, Just as vith Dr, Hoffer, the milder cases in a fey months vent ‘heir om vay, still of course continuing %0 take alacin, Bat the group's hart core, comprising the sore severe situstions, nearly all of then mich improved -- have stayed on and still continue to search for nov prospects. This group is 12 months old. Apparently the bond between these chronic people is very close. Tt vas an enotional chock to the grou ‘Though this Jarre the mesbers, they cane novbere near the breaking point. Several of my Western A.A, friends, end also a vell-known Mey York psychistrist, have recently visite the California group and all of thea report that the Aiture pros- ‘pect sens really good. Since every nev "S.A." group realy needs a doctor to get it off the ground, it 4s to be hoped that sone A.A. physicians will lend @ hand when such opportun- Of course these tvo "S.A." groupe are still experimental. Therefore pre~ mature publicity cught to be avoided. Jo general benefite of vitenin 3-3 have already been the West Coast Groups -- A.A, mesbers who would never saige they do not wish or need to be tagged as schizos, and (2) becaise A.A. meets all their needs, with just a strong assist from nitein, ‘Male develoment does begin to suggest that niacin or nicotinantde is apt to coue into very videspresd use anong A.A, neubers generally. Guite aside from any schizo implications, this has begun to happen here in Nev York, where T've sug~ gested niacin to perhaps three dozen Local niacta ‘that in the paot three ronths, his erders fron individuals have been three tinea ‘iis natber.” The good vord 13 evidently ‘round 8. In the end, we shall probably see the "S.A," groups specializing in only the more serious ani obvious situations, Many cases of this sort will in the future Aoubtleagbe referred to S.A. by physicians ond paychiatrists, as "S.A." groupe grov in mumbers and effectiveness But in many more instances -- maning the milder situstions -- physicians wil1 merely prescribe massive 2-3 althful therapy, and this avoid those horrendous terms "eehizophrenic" or “having aéhizo tendencies” even though perhaps a third of such a cross section night vell have been so diagnosed by the urine and 2.W,I, teste, Perhaps the only valid reason for telling such persons that they are "suspected. ‘schizos" yould be in those cases vhere, feeling vel1 ogain, they might abenton the ‘use of B.3 entirely ant so lay themselves open to additional trouble. Atter a good recovery, the dosage can soncties be reduced; but seldom can B03 be wholly abenoned, ad mich experience has nov shom, (OTHER USES FOR MASSIVE VIED 3-3 According to Hoffer, Osnond and other independent investigators, niacin is capable of retarding the’ aging process and can frequently reverse senility, especially in its early stages. lot only 12 nicotinic acid a valuable vasodilator, Et has proven mst effective in reducing blood cholesterol. If massively and persistently given, it helps nearly ell cases of arthritis and, in certain rheu- fo an important adjunct in the treat- 7 7 eck "Wtiacin Therapy in Payehiatry" there will also be found considerable discssica of these several other properties of niacin. Jn oenfitty, for example, he cites a musber of authorities ant presents fifteen cace bistories of nie Conceming arthritis, he presents ‘to Kaufman, "Comon Porns of Join . Brattleboro, Vermont, Tn this volume, Kaufuan’aumarizes reaulte oa jh2 patients, a0 of 1949.” By 1955, Koufuan had treated 663 arthritics. Hoffer goes on to say “atthout exception, Keufuon reports that all patients vho took suffielent asounte experienced clinically significant and measurable inprovenent in joint ability and function." Personally I Imow of two cases of extresely severe and bedridden xheamtoia, repeatedly 20 diagnosed, vho have been completely recovered for three yeart on massive niacin, One of’ then did relapse slightly because he thought hinselT cured end discontinued the niacin for two months. He quickly recovered, hovever, when he resuned the vitasin. Several people in xy om group of friende who took niacin for its general benefits, alao report the disappearance of 35, selatics, Dursitis hangover and ether aches and pains, Tam one of these ayselt. Please also note Dr, Hofter's coment respecting the use of niacin ‘trenens, wherein he eltes seven cases. He aloo urites to ma: "acin Director, Dublin Kospttal, 87 llotre Dame, flyser, Cuebec, Calada. she has seca Whether these good results are also attributable to the removal of schizo - However, ve are surely A final question: "Have T obs ate" Here the anewer fe a qualified one: Ido Imoy four individuals vho, trying niacin, have experienced severe flushing. This frightened they diseontimed the sssozppe ‘esoqeroToun TyoUTE JO son9. ‘onoyqoasrp puamysary oTyToeds ‘AqieiBorTaTa w soz xTpUOMdE ove esueTE “Sz ‘ate ) Physical - check for all abnormalities and correct, ‘The presence of any Gefect reduces the patient's chance for recovery. ‘AL achizopbrenfe patients vio have not respoided to Type I treatuent. (®) ALL scbisoprenes who are admitted to hogpital, exeluding those who have formerly been housed in a mental hospital nore than five years. reatuont, type IT: (o) 20T, umodified and without atropine, unless therp are specific indications ‘i should be modified, e.g, old age, osteoporbeis, ote, Moan series (2) Rleotinic acid-or auide 3-6 grams per day. Appendix 1--- 26. rentuent, non-specific: (s) () () @ (e) (2) Psychotherazy ~ supportive - analytic therapy bas no proven value and often serves to fixate the patient on false causes. Peychotherany shoula be similar to kind given all people who are ill in thie hospital. Explain specific perceptual disorders to patient, if present. Motrition - ensure this-is adequate in protein, calories, minerals and vitamin, Ain for e veight increase. Weigh once per week. Baucation ~ if required, How to dress, apnly make-up, cock, relate to other people, ete, Ot and RP Correct any physical defects: 1, Pre-nonotrual tension 2) Infections 3. Hornone deficiencies A. others Contra indiestione 1, Sympethoninetic amines 21 antidepressants =~ these often give an apparent ixprovenent Ddecause patient ic activated, but this may be spurious, Depression in schizophrenia fe usually a symptom of, and not Gonelusion: Schizophrenfe treatnent for serious cases requires a conse of dedication fron ‘the physician. This {Ziness should be given the sane enduring care ae ie given to a patient with diabetes. (3) (e) If this treatment program is followed one may expect: ‘Anmarked increase in the mmber of recoveries ‘Anarked decrease in the number of relapses, Appendix 2° ~~ 25. (c) Sedatives or tranguilizers os needed ae adjuncts, but under contimucus control as in Type I, Patient may de discharged one week after last CT if he is vel enough. Preparations for discharge choulé be halted if HOD or E.W.I. scores bave not show. a sajor decrease, We will conference all patients intended for discharge if they ave high scores, All patients should have HOD or E,W.I, es soon ag discharge seens imminent. ‘After discharge keep on vitonin st iesst one year, as in Type I. Dope Dr ‘ALL schizophrenics who have not responded to type II treatment. reatment, type TTT: (a) Bor as with type IZ, but about 3-5 per patient. (0) Mostiate ‘eda 3-6 grme per day. (Note: nicotianaide oot to be used bere. (c) PenietMantne 2 grans per day concurrent with 307. Continue penicillamine 10 days unless (1) temperature elevates to 103 F., (2) patient develope « rash or other allergic sunifectations. Patient vill dose ost of those allergic changes in By house After @lacharge contime as for Type TZ, pe ‘2 schizophrenics vo have not responded to tresteents I, IT and TIE, There are several ways of dealing with failures of Type IIT treatuent, in order of preference. (a) out-patient Ber beginning with one each week for four wocks and then gradually expanting the interval between troatzents, Maintain on nicotinic, acid or amide. (>) Maintain on heavy doses of tranquilizer plus vitesin, hie will help some, Keep others out of hospital. (c) or certity to mental hospital (a) or make special research investigations. APEENEDX IT er. ‘BIBLccann Hoffer (often collaborating with Ormond) bas produced four books, and seas 30 paper: ing the whole range of the schizophrenia i2lnesa =~ its research, ‘treatment, and the results attained, These books contain extensive references to medical papers -- their ov and others, Eeferenses to Mark Aitschite, the Harvard researcher who bas iniependently confirmed APPEND TE MEAGIN AND MICOTTRANIDE WHOLESALERS 2. Sanaa Jules R. oltbert, Lt," 3701 Dundas Strect Hest, toronto 9. Kirkman laboratories, Tnc., 1B. 25th Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97208 3+. WeBaky = Bast coast Bell-Craig Pharmaceuticals, Tne., Mth 27th street, Long Toland city, tew York

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