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Vrs Ludmilla felperes ltal METRO Cash & Carry International

GmbH alperes ellen indtott gyben megrkeztek az Apostille

hitelestssel elltott okiratok, a cgkivonat s a
Srgssggel megrendelem az okiratok hiteles magyar
fordtst s utna azonnal beadom az okiratokat a brsgra.

initiate a legal action

In the case of Vrs Ludmilla, as plaintiff, against METRO Cash &
Carry International GmbH , as defendant, the certificates with
Apostille authentication - the certificate of incorporation and
power of attorney- have arrived.
I order a certified translation of the documents with priority and
then I immediately submit the documents to the court.

Lyudmila arrived brought by appellant against the Red METRO

Cash & Carry International GmbH defendant's case, the
Apostille authentication with certificates, the certificate of
incorporation and power of attorney.
Urgently order a certified Hungarian translation of the
documents and then immediately I give the documents to the

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