Evaluation - Harris

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Associate/Mentor Teacher's Summative Report ‘Yo be completed atthe end ofthe practicum. Comecetve: FALL WINTERO,SPRING® Camcarvent SPRING Q ay University ‘A ot Windsor reactien CaNpipaTe; Masse _____ Taylor a (Last Name) ~ (First Name) ASSOCIATE: TRACHER: June Harris, scoot. Marlborough P.S GHADE(S) and or SUBIRCT: GT. 3/4: Literacy Block Centres, Mathematics, Science, Art BOARD: Greater Essex County DSH (#) Windsor Essex CDSB (-) St. Clair CDSB (>) Lambton Kent DSB (-) Other L¥GEND — EXEMPLARY Gb) Diaplays very applying the mow appropriate content and independeniy may Leacng practice Consistently explores and extends understanding of profesional clang reapecting cone PROFICIENT (2) ‘vplays sound teaching si {6 naggestions for improvement Demonte ability to apply reflective tought succesfully in vanity of teaching stations, Displays solid ply appropiate conten and mnebonology Lo meet earner’ needs. Requires minimal assistance i responding \undertaig.of profesional growth and responsibility, inlading respecting con{iental formation abou student. ADEQUATE (AI uyplays adequate understanding of teaching skills. Conten and methodology selected are generally appropriate and/or adequate o meet learners" ‘needa. Requires some emitance in responding to suggestions fr improvement. Limited modifications in teaching practice are implemented a8 2 fewul of reflection. Diaplays basic understanding of professional growih and responsibilty, which may include respecting confidential information ‘DOES NOT MEET EXPECTATIONS) plays unsatisfactory understanding of aching ski, Content and methodology ae generally inappropriate andor nage ome the lees ‘ed. Thera be sme renponsoageton fr mproverent bu ha det in eectng on pace and implementing mod icabene ‘hough here ay be se underage needs profetonl growth ed profes apna then minal eden in racic, which ay icde pectin confer fomation hou tow E~ EXEMPLARY : P= PROFICIENT: A= ADEQUATE : D= DOES NOT MEET EXPECTATIONS PERSONAL AND PROFESSIONAL FACTORS E a * D wa The teacher sanddee: 1. “Models professicnal and appropriate condct z z [2 —Coaperaes with members of the school communi t t ‘1 Dresses professionally and appropriately = c c “41s punctual and prepared for school 7 = 5. Completes asigned sks satisfactory = z (6. Responds positively to constructive feedfack = is 7 1 ies independence and Actively participate nthe lif ofthe schoo | Wine Mlenas:|s very professional and ethical in dedling with students and school sia, She dresses professionally dally. Wiss Masse {tres early and has har lessons prepared. She accepts al feedback and apples these suggestions immodiataly. Sho has shown rograss in her classroom delivery and management Miss Masse is sol-mativated, creaive and produces academic lessone thet are fun, meaningful and exploratory. She is aways eager to participate in schoo! events and is enthusiastic about being involved! ‘COMMITMENT TO STUDENTS AND STUDENT LEARNING E r x D | Phe techer candidate: 1. Showa awareness offow cilren develop and learn 2 Incorporates awareness of how socio-cultural differences Tapact, student lemming into lessons 3. Demonsraes a positive rapport with sudan “4. Encourages active student pareipaton inthe leaning process ‘5 Promotes respectful pupil interactions in the school ‘Comments: ‘A strong rappor has developed between Miss Masse and the grade 3/4 students. She continues to show awareness of how children lam and has created experiences for all students, even those with IEPs, to pursue academic growth. Miss Masse tras everyone respectuly and has mainiained an etfecive, supportive environment. She motivates the students by providing Interesting lessons that ‘park thelr curiosity and promotes excellent discussions thal lead 1 leering opportunities and further discoveries. Miss Masse meets the needs of various learing abilities and allows the students to feel comfortable in their learning environment. lalate] a || bb] > bb] > Abhl> |] Assoclate/Mentor Teacher's Summative Report, p.2. TEACHER CANDIDATE. [FEACHING PRACTICR JA. Curricelam & Subject Matter Competence Uses eflectve strategies wo assess student learning — z t ‘Coraments: ‘Miss Masse continues 1o set relevant expectations forthe grade 3/4 students by referring to curriculum expectations. She has prowaes & variety of actives to engage in ranging irom independant to group work experiences. Miss Masse clearly expians the stops tar ea tc ‘successful task completion and circulates to provide Support and encouragement to students and to answer Questions that arte. Ste ‘maintains a sense of structure inthe classroom and productvy of the student is evident. Miss Masse knows how io succmtchhy ‘288es students and provides students with relevant feedback. Her competence in assessment will continue 1o develon wit experience |B. Planning and Preparation |e mecher conde: 1, Prepares appropriate and elevaniiructional sources 2. Prepares appropiate instructional plans 3. Links day lesson plas and long-range plans Includes key question in lesson panning proce Plans engaging introductory actvives Plane effective culminating activities Uses technology effective Plans opportunities for students apply pew learning, ‘Keeps an up-to-date and well organized Teacher's Day Book = ‘Comment iss Masse is very hardworking and organized when preparing her lessons. She maintains a detaled day book and makes relevant [changes to lessons, by recarding wha! alleratons could improve student achievement. Using the curioulum guidelines, she creaiec [Several exploratory actives fr the students to leam key science concepts about sructures and pulleys. Key questons were conseres in her planning, 80 that by engaging the students in ace inquiries, they could reach accurate contusions. Furthermore, Miss Masse worked aligenty to produce leracy centres that challenged the students to practise thei dictionary skits, proper senience and Paragraph formation, book report wring and longer, detailed sentence creations. She uses a clear. tiendly voice tet creates rserest [and active involverent. Students were eager to share ther learing during discussion circes. Miss Masse continues to use technology effectively in her lessons, She continues 1 improve in her questioning techniques by tying o ask hugher level thinking quessons. ¥ * v = 4 sofalele] a 3 io 7 2 C._ Lesson Execution ri wacker cone: T.~ Prescots material aan accra and meaning manor io odo Sequences leering experiene Toga Tees ovary of stages o motivate toe 4 fflecively engages students inh leaming proses 3 Demons eit and aap a essen delivery ad | ‘ala}o] a} sf} Handley lesson ansitons efecively Provides e(Tectve feedback and individual stention ‘Tulizes a vanety of questions with Nuiity within the Tearing "3. Responds appropriately to nudens questions = z i ‘Comments: ofa} =F a - ‘Miss Masse plans out her approach to teaching science and math content in a methodical manner. Her lessons folow an organized | pattem of learning, which enables students to buld upon prior knowledge. Particularly with her structure activites, actve inqutry ‘explorations permited the students to learn which shapes provided he most support in stuctures by bucing and testing hem. Through | follow-up discussions and demonstrations, the students were able to discuss thelr discoveries and make relevant conclusions and word | ‘connections. Miss Masse actively engaged the students inthe learning process, enabling them io make thew own deductions by asking thinking questions that made them reflect on thelr experiences. She provides opportunites fr all students to seek ciariicaton and | further their understanding of concepts. Miss Masse continues to work on keeping disruptions to a minimum uring transiton times. She | ‘Understands the Importance of flexbiliy with the daly schedule and adapts tothe changes that occur within a busy school emaronmert. ‘TEACHER CANDIDATE: Masse, = ¥ * D 4 splays sens wo inva learners By tailoring a varie of . eel snopes to enhunce leaning | Cement ‘Miss Masse spoaks ina clear manner, using expression and some appropriate volume. Some improvement hes been noted in Miss ‘Masse raising her volume to command attention and provide relevant instructions. She has effectively employed the bell system to get {he students attention, Misa Masse has modelled worksheets and reference charts using appropriate speling, punctuation, grammer, ‘2nd syntax. Sho has used a variety of nonverbal strategies 1o enhance learning. Miss Masse provided hands-on aciviies for practice {alata betwaen Independent anc group ates. When students were decid, se wasabi fo mmadallyrelocus hom resume their learning. ‘Learning Environment, Classroom Management and Motivation, E r a in a esha and 1 "Sapp clastoon environment caaive wo arg z ‘Values the nvidia, ad eponds nan aig é ¢ c ¢ lanes canon ach acduling ouineseTeaively Display afd model gre management and ogo aT z ¢ 3 Uses appojia laoom manageren siege ‘Comments: Miss Masse was able to set up the classroom, 30 that she could effectively reach each student and monitor hisher leaming. She shows strong desire to help each student and set goals, 80 each could reach hishher optimal evel of learing. Miss Masse was very caring and supportive, providing a productive, respectful class environment. Her conduct ensured the students would trust and fist to her directions and advice. She tolowed the ciass rues of behaviour and isciplined students for misbehaviour. Sultabla consequences were oven and Miss Masse discussed more positive ways fo soe the problem successtuly with the students ‘OVERALL ASSESSMENT: “Areas of Strengths Masse is very enihusiastic about raring. She ekly created a strong rapport withthe students, ‘2 vanes of caring and trust Mies Masse ia Provide aggeatios for Improvement Miss Masse knows hat with experience in the role of the teacher, she will lurther develop and strengthen her skits. She should continue to work on |using her voice effectively io manage classroom control, that 78 prepared for her lessons, having detailed plans relevant materials ready. She has a concept-based 10 learning and offers a variely of independent | group actives. Her lessons are creative, support al students should stop and listen before sho gives the instructions. Using Joues tke the bet system or caling out "Freeze" are effective strategies that Miss Masse has employed, as she continues to work on increasing her voice. Also, wih increased practice, managing transition ies between Inqury and have an elomont ot un, which readty _|iessone will bacome easier to compte. 08 Interest and productivity ofthe students. Miss ‘asks relevant questions to promote further ‘and ensures & thorough understanding ofthe earned. She assesses students and sets goals students to achieve, ‘icase indicate your OVERALL assessment by checking ONE box ONLY. “Hf the Cencher candidate willbe receiving # “Borderline” or “Unantisfactory” Summative report, consulation withthe Faculty Advisor is required, A supplemental asseasment form for addtional comments avaliable. C1 * Bordertine Signa (Gaicaten receipt of the report, not necesarily agreement with its cootet)

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