Offering Expression

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Expression of offering help or expressions offers help to bring something below is

an example of expression offer assistance to someone who generally will be no

answer is also the recipient of the supply is to accept or reject the offer. The
following English conversation 4 people who described the dialogue on
expression of offering to bring something.
Expression of offering help or expression of offering assistance to bring something
below are examples of phrases offer assistance to someone who generally will be no
response from the receiver also offers whether to accept or reject the offer ..

A. How To Offer a Help :
=> What can I do for you?
=> Can I help you?
=> What can I help you?
B. How To Refuse a Help :
=> No, thanks
=> That's right, thanks
=> No, I can do that
C. How To Accept a Help:
=> Yes, Please
=> Thank you
=> All right
=> Ok
D. Expression For Asking Opinions :
=> What's your opinion of . . . ?
=> What do you think of . . . ?
=> What do you think of this?
=> What do you feel about the . . . ?
=> Do you think . . . ?

Offering Expression

Offering services used to offer services or assistance to others.

Offering to older people :

Would you like a cup of coffee, Mr. Ardi?

Should I get you a bottle of water?
Could I offer you a glass of milk, Mr. Rio?
Would you care some salad?

Offering to friends:

Want some?
Have some?
Grab some for yourself

Less formal expressions:


Would you like to have a pancake?

Why dont you have some lemonade?
What can I get for you?
What will you have?

Declining an offering :
* No, thanks.
* No, really wont, thanks
* Not for me, thanks.
Accepting an offering :
* Thank you.

* Yes, please
* Id like it very much
* That would be very nice
ys to say it

Would you like a cup of coffee, Mr Green?

Should I get you a bottle of water?
Could I offer you a glass of milk, Mr. kiki?
Would you care some salad?

Ofering to friends:

Want some?
Have some?
Grab some for yourself

Less formal expressions:


Would you like to have a pancake?

Why don't you have some lemonade?
What can I get for you?
What will you have?

Declining an offering
* No, thanks.
* No, really won't, thanks
* Not for me, thanks.
Accepting an offering:

Thank you.
Yes, please
I'd like it very much
That would be very nice

contoh k

1. Let me to help you..

2. Let me to do a favor
3. If you want, come to my house at 4 o'clock to do exercise
4. If you want, tell me the truth
5. Let us to pick you up
2. 1. can i help you?
2. shall i gave you some dessert?
3. would you like me to do the ironing for you?
4. why don't you join us for lunch?
5. how about i help you with this?

3. Would you like to go to the cinema with me ?

- Do you want to stay at my house tonight ?



Accepting Offer
Declining Offer
(menerima tawaran) (menolak tawaran)

(menawarkan )
Can I give you a

Yes, please. I really

appreciate it.

It`s O.K. I can do it


Shall I turn it off?

Thanks, it`s very

kind of you

No, thanks

Would you like

Yes, please. That
another cup of tea? would be lovely

No, thanks.

Would you like to

No, not tonight


Yes, that would be


go out tonight?
Would you like some Yes, please.
more sugar?

No, thanks.

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