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International Journal of Research in Advanced Technology - IJORAT

Vol. 1, Issue 7, July 2016

An Edge Detection Technique with Image Segmentation

using Artificial Bee Colony Optimization
Simranpreet Kaur1, Prabhpreet Kaur2
Computer Science Engineering, Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar, India 1
Computer Science Engineering, Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar, India2

Abstract Edge detection methods in the subject of image processing are a significant program area. Presently, image
processing is being used in several areas. For this reason, methods used in creating more and more each day and
studies which is about PC perspective methods are being created for less errors. Optimization algorithms have now
been employed for better effects in therefore several studies. In this report, Artificial Bee Colony (ABC) Optimization
Algorithm is employed for edge detection which is about gray scale images. First, ABC algorithm is explained.
Subsequent, edge detection and edge detection with ABC algorithm are clarified. Eventually, results are showed.
Benefits show that the proposed approach may be requested edge detection operations.
Keywords- Edge detection, image processing, Artificial Bee Colony Optimization


Image processing is a technique used to transform an image

into digital form and do some operations on it, so as to
obtain an enhanced image or to gain some meaningful
information from it. It is a type of signal distribution in
which input is an image, like photograph or video frame
and output may be image or features associated with that
image. An Image Processing system includes taking images
in the form of two dimensional signals while applying
already set signal processing techniques to them. It is
among gradually growing technologies today and has its
applications in various aspects of a business. Image
Processing acts as core research area within engineering and
also in computer science disciplines [1]. Most imageprocessing methods involve treating the image as a twodimensional indicate and using normal signal-processing
methods to it [2].
Image processing involves the following three steps.
A. Publishing the image with visual reader or by
electronic photography.
B. Considering and influencing the image which
involves data pressure and image enhancement and
distinguishing patterns that arent to individual
eyes like satellite photographs.
C. Output is the last stage by which outcome may be
altered image or record that is based on image
analysis [9].

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Segmentation is the method which done before the

recognition process as it change the thing into digital
structure and then split it into the appropriate section so that
it is easy for the recognition to the object [15].
Two parts of image segmentation are as follow:
A. Region Segmentation
B. Edge Segmentation
A. Region Segmentation:
In region segmentation, the pixels of a similar things are
obtained and noted to place the forming of the region. The
pixels may be given to a similar regions if they've same
intensity prices and shut to at least one another. Side canary
operators are found in it.
B. Edge Segmentation:
In edge segmentation, it evaluates the dull value level of
circulation and provides value them in accordance with the
total amount of dull scales. This segmentation is also
known as a border centered methods. It is employed for the
image analysis. To find consequential discontinuities in the
dull level image is the important regular method in edge
detection. Image segmentation methods for locating
discontinuities are border centered methods.


An edge can be defined as pair of related pixels that types a

boundary between two disjoints regions. Edge detection is
just a essential software in image processing and computer

International Journal of Research in Advanced Technology - IJORAT

Vol. 1, Issue 7, July 2016

vision in part of feature detection and function extraction.

The main intention of edge detection is always to
identifying the items in a digital image at which image
brightness improvements sharply. Normally edge detection
is a process that inputs a grayscale image and then outputs a
binary image to suggest the ends of items [3]. Edge
detection may be the absolute many common strategy for
detecting significant discontinuities in energy prices [5].
A. Canny Edge Detection:
The key focus of edge detection in common is to
signicantly lower the total level of information while
preserving the structural qualities to be used for more image
processing in a particular image. Several supplements exist
and that worksheet is targeted on a particular one developed
by John F. Canny (JFC) in 1986. Although it is very old, it
is now one of the typical edge detection techniques and it's
however employed in research.
B. Classical Edge Detection (Sobel and Prewitt):
Simplicity is the better benefit of this method. The Robert
mix process gives a simple approximation to the gradient
magnitude. The 2nd benefit is to recognize its limits and
orientations. Combination owner is employed to find out
easy approximation and their orientations.
C. Zero Crossing:
Zero crossing gets the repaired features in all of the
directions. The disadvantage is tenderness to the noise. In
sensing the edges and their orientations are improved in the
sound to the image this will eventually degrade the
magnitude of the edges. The 2nd disadvantage is that, the
function gets diffracted by a number of the present edges in
the noisy image.
D. Gaussian (Gabor Filter):
Gabor filter for edge detection is in relation to frequency
and orientations representation. It resembles text
representations and orientations. Gabor wavelets are linked
to the Gabor filters. Bi-orthogonal wavelets are used in it
which is time consuming. Gabor purpose is its benefit which
is excellent fit for weight purpose [8]
E. Marr- Hildreth:
Main advantages of the Mar-Hildreth is tried and recognized
on the list of bigger region round the pixels. Thus obtaining
the correct places of edges seem to be super easy, which
also the outermost benefit in Marr Hildreth Edge
Detection.The Laplacian of Gaussian (LoG) user employs
the Laplacian filter for Marr's edge detection. The main
drawbacks is the deteriorating of the corners, curves and
minimal reliability [9].



A. Bee Colony Optimization

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Bee Colony Optimization is nature inspired method. It's on

the basis of the swarm intelligence technique. It's metaheuristic approach which is concern with memory based
searching. Bee colony optimization approach is employed to
find the best course from the number of the solutions. It's
bottom-up method applied to solve complicated
combinatorial problems. It's decentralized and self arranging
technique. You will find two forms of bee which exist in the
bee hive. They're in hundred and thousand in figures which
work together. There is one Queen Bee which gifts in the bee
hive and set eggs. Drone are also in several number which
partner with girl queen bee. Other bees are as follow:

Scout Bees

Forager Bees

Scout bees exist in big quantities which are go external in the

search of the food. These bees go external in direction to
attain at the foodstuff source of high quality in the direction
of the sun. Them these bees are out of power, they return to
hive. Chances are they communicate with the forager bee to
tell them the direction of the food. They communicate with
the proper execution of waggle party which is in the design
of number 8 [25].After the conversation forager bees go
external for the collection of the foodstuff which is picked by
the scout bees. Forager bees just go to that particular
direction where best quality food is available. So scout bees
are employed for the trail construction and forager bees are
employed for the trail selection. Waggle party tells
concerning the direction and quality of the foodstuff in the
exact same direction of the sun. Journey testing is used in
BCO algorithm to selects paths. In BCO algorithm,
maximum variety of problems are noticed in minimal
quantity of time with the aid of last forager bee. It's a
worldwide optimizer which has efficient searching process.
B. Ant Colony Optimization
Ant Colony Optimization is a meta-heuristic technique. It
can also be normal insipid approach which can be metaheuristic in nature and used to solve complicated
combinatorial problems. It employs the last benefits to
discover the present maximum paths. It is dynamic in
nature. It offers the idea for team coordination, their conduct
and functionality. It can also be in relation to swarm
intelligence. Ant begins from nest to achieve to destination
and follow different paths. Each ant secretes pheromone
paths to encourage different ants following that path. The
path which has the highest pheromone trails are the suitable
trails in comparison to others. So the trail is depending upon
the trails. It can also be upgradeable approach based on the
secrete pheromone trails.When they ant's results back once
again to the home they follow just like the trail of starting
may not be the shortest route [25].

International Journal of Research in Advanced Technology - IJORAT

Vol. 1, Issue 7, July 2016


The edge detection is the strategy which will discover sides
from the image. The main intent behind the edge detection
is to recognize the corners or the details of which intensity
of the pixels change instantly. The process of the edge
detection helps to know the match of the image and it helps
to know the image properties. The main intent behind the
edge detection is to analyze the changes in the image. The
many techniques has been proposed for the edge detection,
among proposed strategy bio-inspired techniques are many
effective techniques for edge detection. In the task, strategy
ant colony optimization can be used for edge detection. In
the technique of any colony optimization optimal journey is
established applying through the led search. The technique
of ant colony optimization is used for the edge detection on
the defined image. The ant will move ahead the image for
the traversing, while traversing the image ant may build
the new matrices that will be based pixel intensity. The
image which is given for the edge detection, are traversed
and part of which intensity change at constant rate is likely
to be recognized as the edge. The process of ant colony
optimization basics contains three steps. In the first step ,
the initialization occurs suggests the ant is initialized for the
image traversing. In the next step while traversing whole
image, when ant detect constant change in the image
intensity that point is likely to be recognized as the edge.
Within the last stage complete acknowledged edges set into
the matrices that matrices in the final acknowledged images
from the image. The ant colony optimization strategy is
applied in the simulated atmosphere and it's been reviewed
that processing time of the algorithm is too high. The next
issue exits which ACO is of difficulty and image quality. It's
been reviewed that image quality is reduced as a result of
high difficulty of ant colony algorithm.


In an ant colony optimization algorithm, an ant works as an

easy computational agent which brings forth a solution for
the arising problem. A technology program maintains
executing the difficulties as a constant program. The
alternatives ensuing are referred to as solution claims which
are accomplished when algorithm runs. A whole
intermediate solution is achieved following the measures are
accomplished individually. Possible expansions are
transferred from current state to the claims that can be
purchased in probability. The two outlined factors choose
the likelihood of the motion of ant from state to mention;
first could be the heuristic indication the prior of the transfer
that may display the attractiveness of the particular transfer,

trails relating to their good or bad solutions. At the end all

of the tests are updated. The possibility of ant movement in
one state to some other is decided by the amount of
pheromone. 0 parameter can be used to control the results
produced by the desirability of the state. 1 controls the
effect and presents the attractiveness and the walk types of
the state. All the trails are up-to-date when the ants have
done all executions. The pheromone evaporation coefficient
suggests the amount of pheromone deposited by the
transition state along with an ant. It is usually given by a
TSP issue, where the cost of the ant's tour is constant.
Edge detection plays an extremely crucial position in the
subject of image identification. There have been areas where
in fact the edge detection has triggered false results. Due to
such causes more changes have now been demanded which
is why more pc vision techniques are developed. Edge
detection is about gray scale photographs which are utilized
in optimization algorithm. New optimization practices are a
noticable difference of the older ongoing processes. Goggles
help in going out the ends, and their dependence can be
removed. The first image is found once the first edge is
found with ABC. The experiment formulates the size of the
colony and dimension of the image. Following the willpower
of measurement, the source is found whose number is
corresponding to the half the full total number of source.
Employed bee number means to the located resource number
simultaneously. The information facts just like the gray level
values, exercise value, disappointment counter are support
upon. The disappointment counter is improved by number if
a better one is not found to the adjacent of the sailed source.
The rate of exercise value is set by the the full total
possibility of all resource. Just the assets which are allowed
can be investigated and exploited by the process. When it is a
permitted resource, their neighbor's knowledge is presented
as sailed source. First of all the exercise values are computed
and then based on that the probability values are calculated.
The probabilities of the sailed resource and it's friend are
compared which improves it. The disappointment value is
changed in accordance with various cases. The worth is risen
to 1 if neighbor's probability is higher. Bees don't discover
these values if these values are equal. Three numerous
instances are compared which are typical computed by
studying the values of most numerous factors held. The edge
lines are found following each of the places are determined.
The border value of limit of the positioned resource is placed
as edge pixel. This value is defined to 1. In this way the
strategy maintains undergoing.

and the second which shows the level of transfer as a trial

showing how beneficent it's been to make use of that move
in the past. The trial stage is only going to assist in deciding
the goal of its use which increases or decreases the level of
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International Journal of Research in Advanced Technology - IJORAT

Vol. 1, Issue 7, July 2016

Fig1. Result images (a) Canny; (b) Roberts; (c) Sobel (d)
Bee Colony Optimization
Results shows that improved method can be used as an
alternative method.
In this study, the overall positioning of the source ABC
optimization algorithm was carried out on a random pixel in
the input image. In basic ABC, new source is determined by
the formula, but in the study 8-neighboring pixels of the
first destination resource identified new resources. Gray
level values are used as the knowledge of nectar. Colony
sizes vary depends on the pictures size, maximum number
of cycles is 2500 and the limit value is set as 5. Threshold
value, depending on the standard deviation of each image
was determined by a formula. Results showed that improved
method can be used as an alternative. Also these edge
detection operators require a pre-defined mask for edge
detection process. Besides while using these masks, corner
pixels and pixels of frame around the image are often either
ignored or taken as zero. Without this kind of loss of
information, the edge information extraction was carried out
with the ABC algorithm and the dependence on the mask
has been removed.

Table1. Quantitative comparison result of two methods

Fault Rate

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