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Free-Floating Anxiety

5 mins read
Anxiety is a common experience. It occurs when a person becomes uneasy in certain situations, is
anxious, or experiences high levels of tension. While occasional anxiety is normal, free-floating
anxiety or Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) occurs when the anxiety cannot be linked to any
known specific object, situation, or event. It can seem causeless.
Free-floating anxiety is a condition that is estimated to affect about 6.8 million American adults. As
with many health conditions, what causes GAD isnt well understood. Its likely that the condition has
several causes that may include


Brain chemistry


Generalized anxiety disorder has similar symptoms as panic disorder, obsessive-compulsive

disorder and other types of anxiety, but theyre all different conditions.



Most types of anxiety have similar symptoms. GAD is often accompanied by other forms of anxiety
disorder, including:

Panic disorder

Obsessive-compulsive disorder,


People with these conditions are more likely to suffer from depression. The symptoms of GAD
depend on the individual and the severity of the case. Symptoms may include:


Heart palpitations

Muscle contraction



Hot flashes

More serious physical symptoms include

Breathing difficulty



Heart complications

In addition to physical symptoms, free-floating anxiety may affect ones ability to think, distort ones
self-image and cause other psychological problems, including, panic, over worrying, moodiness,
irritability, insomnia, depression, and concentration difficulties. Like other diseases, GAD can worsen
if left untreated. Health experts should address minor symptoms immediately to prevent the anxiety
from escalating and becoming debilitating.
Treatment options

If you believe that you may have GAD, you can take start by recording the events that seem to
cause it.

For example, what happens before, during, and after you experience anxiety?

Are there common situations or events that seem to trigger it?

Noting your anxiety can help in several ways.

First, understanding your symptoms will help a medical professional distinguish between the
occasional anxiety that we all suffer and the more serious GAD.

Second, noting the reasons for the anxiety and identifying underlying causes are often the first
steps of talk therapy.

Third, many people find that writing down and assessing their moods helps them manage and
assess their emotions, and eliminate distorting thoughts.

Making time to note your emotions is a key part of cognitive behavioral therapy.

If you are diagnosed with free-floating anxiety, treatment will probably involve a combination of
pharmaceuticals and therapy.

The medications most often used to treat GAD in the short-term are from a class of drugs called
benzodiazepines. These medications are sometimes referred to as tranquilizers, because they leave
you feeling calm and relaxed. Common benzodiazepines include Xanax, Librium, Valium and Ativan.
Antidepressants, especially Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs) are also used to treat freefloating anxiety.

These medications are usually combined with some form of therapy. The most common is
cognitive-behavioral therapy, in which you learn to recognize and change thought patterns and behaviors
that lead to anxious feelings. This type of therapy helps limit distorted thinking and overwhelming
emotions by looking at worries more realistically.

In addition, relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing, meditation, yoga and biofeedback,
may be used to calm mind and body. For some people, these natural remedies are sufficient to learn to
calm everyday worries. Others use them to complement conventional medicine and medications.

Like other mental illnesses, GAD can cause embarrassment or shame to those suffering from it. It is
important to try to let go of such emotions and any internalized stigma. Talk to friends and family so
that they have a good idea of what you are going through and can give you ample support. If you
feel that your condition is impacting your quality of life or is more than you can handle, go to a
medical professional as soon as possible. GAD may worsen with time, so early intervention is key.

Learning how to managing free-floating anxiety is often a multi-faceted and long process, and one
that is different for every person. However, the core tenets are usually:

Avoiding triggers

Learning the tools to help you understand your emotions

Assess distorting thoughts

Engaging in those positive behaviors that ground body and mind

Medications are used to change your brain chemistry and alter your emotional, psychological and
physical response to situations.

Yoga may help you manage your anxiety by reducing tension, stress, and improving breathing
and physical wellbeing. Meditation can help you calm your mind, achieve mental clarity, and can help you
understand conflicting emotions.

To ease stress, try to distinguish between the task at hand and your emotional response to it. Try not
to set yourself up to fail with unrealistic expectations. Meditation is an excellent tool to learn how to
manage stress although unlike say, a drug, its results are not instantaneous and take time and
practice. Try to avoid things that trigger your anxiety, such as coffee and caffeinated drinks. Smoking
can also trigger anxiety.
Free-floating anxiety or Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD), is a type of mental illness that is
estimated to affect 6.8 million American adults. Its causes are not widely understood, but it is thought
to be a combination of hereditary, stress, brain chemistry and environmental factors.
Free-floating anxiety can sometimes be prevented through behavior and thought modification, if
caught early. GAD is often linked to depression and should be diagnosed and treated as soon as
possible. Family and community support are important. A growing number of people have found that

alternative remedies, such as yoga and meditation, are complementary to conventional medicine,
and help manage, control or even cure this illness.




Relaxation Techniques For Anxiety: Take A Walk

1. Gould, RA; Otto, M; Pollack, M; Yap, L (1997). Cognitive behavioral and pharmacological
treatment of generalized anxiety disorder: A preliminary meta-analysis. Behavior Therapy 28 (2):
285305. doi:10.1016/S0005-7894(97)80048-2. Retrieved 2008-11-08.
2. Wolitzky-Taylor, K.B.; Castriotta, N.; Lenze, E.J.; Stanley, M.A.; Craske, M.G. (Feb 2010). Anxiety
disorders in older adults: a comprehensive review. Depress Anxiety 27 (2): 190211.
doi:10.1002/da.20653. PMID 20099273

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