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ROMANIA MINISTERUL TRANSPORTURILOR, CONSTRUCTIILOR $I TURISMULUI MINISTRY OF TRANSPORT, CONSTRUCTIONS: AND TOURISM LE MINISTERE DES TRANSPORTS, DES CONSTRUCTIONS ET DU TOURISME AUTORITATEA NATONALA PENTRU TURISM ‘TOURISM NATIONAL AUTHORITY AUTORITE NATIONALE POUR TOURISME BREVET DE TGRISM TOURISM BREVET / BREVET DE TOURISME \VALABIL PANA LA DATA: VALID UNTIL / VALABLE JUSQU'A: in baza Hotararii Guvernului nr. 238/2001 In cemptance with the Goverment Decision no. / anformément ala Décislon du Gowernement no se elibereaza prezentul brevet de turism d-lui/d-nei this tourism brevet was issued to Me/Mrs./ on délivre le présent brevet de tourisme & M Mo. BURDUHOSU FLORENTINA CRISTINA nascut(4) in anul 1968 luna aprilie — ziua 05 tern (ear (nonh ay) / (6 en (on) rcs) Jo) inlocalitatea Falticeni judetul Suceava in (place) / county / dans ta locale / département prin care i se atest capacitatea de a indeplini functia de to attest his¢ner ability to perform the specific activities to the position of / par aque! on aiteste sa capacite accompli a fonction de DIRECTOR DE AGENTIE DE TURISM TOUROPERATOARE PRESEDINTE PRESIDENT PRESIDENT Monica BARBULETIU \ A Ne 11850 Dorin GHE! Nr. / No. / No. 09.01.2007 DIRECTOR DIRECTOR / DIRECTEUR INA Bucuresti / Bucharest / Bucarest

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