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Lauren Lyons

Lyons 1

Mrs. Whitlock
Lit and Comp Honors 1 Block 4
3 March 2015
Socratic Seminar Part 1-2
In this Socratic seminar one of my questions that I was not able to share with the
class but would like to share was "How come the theme of forgetting and remembering
little things makes a big impact on the story?" Lennie was supposed to keep his mouth
shut but he soon forgot and said, " Strong as a bull, he repeated. George scowled at
him, and Lennie dropped his head in shame at having forgotten" (22). This caused a lot
of trouble and almost cost their job. If they did not end up getting the job there would
have been a different story or no story at all. Another point in the story is when Lennie
spoke up when he was supposed to be silent, Yeah, you forgot. You always forget, an
I got to talk you out of it. He sat down heavily on the bunk. Now hes got his eye on us.
Now we got to be careful and not make no slips. You keep your big flapper shut after
this (23). This quote shows that George is constantly reminding Lennie what to do and
that he is hoping that Lennie remembers what George said. Even though he acts like
Lennie needs him, he needs Lennie to because without Lennie a lot of things for George
would not be possible. Also George always reminds Lennie that if he is ever in trouble to
hide in the brush by the river. Since George always reminds Lennie of this than it must
be an important element in the story. With the use of foreshadowing that John Steinbeck
uses I infer that when the time comes for Lennie to hide in the brush he will forget where
to go.

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