Cash Journal Configuration in Sap

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If you want to post cash journal entries in FBCJ then you have to create business
transactions in FBCJC2. Bus.transactiona can be created under different
bus.transaction types such as

R - Cash receipts/revenues
E - Cash payments/expenses
B - Bank deposits
C - Withdrawals from bank
D - Cash receipts from /payments to customers
K - Cash receipts from /payments to vendors.

In FBCJ you have to select the respective bus.transaction you created and make the
postings under the tabs cash payments , cash receipts , check receipts.

You have to check the following settings whether exists or not before posting any
entries in FBCJ:
1. Create a GL A/c (Petty Cash A/c) in FS00: Important Fields to be selected:
A. Under Control Data, select "Only balances in local currency" and
B. Under Create/bank/interest, select "Post automatically only" and "Relevant to
cash flow"

2. Amount Limit (FI_BL_CJ_V_MAXAMOUNT):

Here give the maximum amount limit for your cash journal

3. Define Document Types for Cash Journal Documents (OBA7):

Document type for cash journal: CJ is available in the std SAP system. We need not
create it. If it is not available (For example, it is not available in 4.7), we have to
create it.

4. Define No Ranges for Cash Journal (CJC1):

Create document number ranges in T code CJC1 and assign the same to the
document type: CJ (In step No.3)

5. Set Up Cash Journal (CJC0):

To set up a new cash journal for a company code, enter the appropriate data for the
following fields:
A. Company Code
B. CJ number: This is a random number for CJ identification purpose
C. G/L account: Itu2019s nothing but Petty Cash A/c created in Step 1.
D. Currency: Currency in which you want to run the cash journal
E. Document Types: AB, KZ and DZ

6. Create, Change, Delete Business Transactions (CJC2):

Business transaction types:
E (Expense): Here you can select the GL A/c for expenses (For example: Admn Exp
A/c, Rent A/c, Conveyance A/c, Miscellaneous Expenses A/c etc.)
R (Revenue): Here you can select Revenue GL A/cs like Sales A/c etc.
B (Cash transfer cash journal to bank): Itu2019s nothing but Cash deposited into
Bank. Select Bank GL A/c here.

C (Cash transfer bank to cash journal): Itu2019s nothing but Cash withdrawals from
Bank. Select Bank GL.
D (Customers-incoming/outgoing payment). Since it is related to Customers (Sub
ledger A/cs), we need not select any account number. We have to Customer A/c
number at the time of posting the entry in FBCJ.
K (Vendors-outgoing/incoming payment): Same rule for Customers.
These are the important settings before CJ posting.
Cash Journal Posting: T Code: FBCJ
1. Select suitable Business Transaction Types i.e Cash Payments or Cash Receipts
before entering any line items

2. Keep cursor under Business Transaction and press F4. You will find all the
transactions which are entered in Step No. 6 above. Select suitable business
transaction, give other necessary details and post the entry.

Hi Swamy,
thank u so much, this is realy valuable.
it means that Business Transactions are nothing but grouping? please correct me if i
m going wrong.
now please lemme if based Cash Journal's Business Transaction, will i be able to
generate a MIS/Cash Book analysis, to track the cash outflow Business Transaction

Hi Merchant,

It is a business transaction Name, Which is attached to G/L Account for carrying out
posting of cash payment or receipt entry directly to GL Account other then cash
account. This can be configured or as well as created fro SAP Menu, while entering
New Transaction.
- While Carrying out Cash journal Entry Business Transaction name will be asked not
G/L Account

Hope this is clear.

This is complied for understanding of basic concepts of cash journal configuration
with steps of:
Creating Cash Journal (T. Code FS00)
Define Document Types for Cash Journal Document (T. Code OBA7)
Define Number Range Intervals for Cash Journal Document (T Code FBCJC1)
Setup Cash Journal (T Code FBCJCO)
Create Business Transactions ( T. Code FBCJC2)
Cash Journal Entry ( T Code FBCJ)
Configuration For Cash Journal
Cash Journal:
- Create GL a/c for Cash Journal Ensure post automatically is on, so that
posting can take place automatically. [ 100000 Petty Cash A/c ]
- Define doc types for Cash Journal Docs - SK [other doc types SA GL, DZ
Customer Receipt, KZ Vendor Payment] [ OBA7 ]
- Define No range & interval for Cash Journal documents [ FBCJC1 ] - copy
from 0001.
- Setup cash journal : [ FBCJC0 ]
Give a Cash Journal Code
Various code for GL A/cs, Customers, Vendors.
- Create, Change, Delete Business Transactions [ FBCJC2 ] : These tran
types can be copied, but as they are linked to GL a/cs, change as reqd.
These can be accessed at FBCJ.
C receipts from bank GL a/c ------B payment ot bank GL a/c -------R Sales
For vendors & Customers, GL a/cs need not be given, as they will be
different for A/P, A/R.

- Setup Print params [ FBCJC3 ] copy from 0001, output device LP01.
- Posting - SAP/A/c/FA/GL/Doc Entry - Cash Journal Posting FBCJ
Posted by RaviRamanujam at 6:13 PM
P Cash Bank Accounting (cash Journal) FBCJ
Cash journal SAP T Code FBCJ
This Cash journal is a single-screen entry for making all cash receipts and
Each cash journal can be assigned to one G/L account.
Cash transactions can be saved in the cash journal and can be posted later to
the general ledger. (for eg. At the end of the day)
Choose the correct company code and a cash journal code.
Depending on what transactions you want to enter, select either the Receipts or
Payments tab.
Posted entries can also be deleted, the system will pass an reversal entry
We can see the line items / balances day wise, weekly and monthly.
We can print Cash receipt vouchers immediately on entry.
Day book / cash journal can also be printed.
Cash Receipts

Cash receipts from Bank

Cash receipt from another cash pool. ( eg. Main cash to petty cash )
Cash receipt from an employee.
Cash receipt from a Customer
Cash receipt from the Supplier
Cash receipt against sale of scrap

Cash payments

Cash payment to employee towards any expense reimbursement.

Cash payment towards travel / employee as advance
Cash transfer of one cash A/c to another
Cash withdrawal by employees against personal cheques.
Payment of wages at factories
Cash deposited in bank.
Cash payment towards spares & material purchase in some cases
Cash payment towards freight & octroi.
Cash payment towards establishment expenses.

For Cash receipt (withdrawal from bank for petty cash)

Cash withdrawal from Bank will be through a self cheque
We need to create Self as vendor.
Vendor A/c (self)
To Bank A/c
(On withdrawal of cash from bank with a self cheque)
On cash receipt in the location entry will be made in cash receipts of
Cash Journal FBCJ
A business transaction for cash receipt will be selected on receipts tab.
Entry will be as follows:
Cash Pool A/c
To Vendor A/c (Self)
(On receipt of cash in cash pool )
For Cash receipt from Sale of Scrap

On cash receipt, entry will be made in cash receipts of Cash Journal. FBCJ
The invoice for sale of scrap will also be raised (covered under PDD .xxx.)
Business transaction for scrap sale will be selected.

Accounting entry will be.

Cash Pool
To Customer A/c
For Payments expenses (other than employees)
Depending on business transaction selected, enter Cost center, Profit center
or WBS (projects) code is asked.
WBS element selected identifies all costs related to the Projects.
Example of journal entry generated :
ODE / Project cost A/c
TO Cash Pool A/c
For Employee related payments & receipts
Employees are to be created as vendors
Employee payments covered are of the following nature :

Personal Cheque Encashment.

Any kind of advance paid
Reimbursement of expenses.
Payment of wages (at factories only).
Payment of Perks / allowances
Cash is paid against receipt of employees personal cheques. For these cheques
receipt will be accounted through incoming payments from Vendor F-52 .
The entries will be :
Vendor Account (employee) A/c
To Cash Pool
(Cash paid against personal Cheque)
Bank A/c
To Vendor Account (employee) A/c
(After banking the cheque and making entry for cheque receipt )
Cash will be paid to employees as advance against travel, Salary or festival. This
payment will be booked to employee vendor account in Cash Journal (FBCJ).
Vendor Account (employee) A/c
To Cash Pool


The cashier also need to pass a Transfer Posting entry in F-51 with a special GL
Indicator. The Special GL indicator is used to identify various types of advances
made. This posting will transfer the Debit from Employee Vendor account to
advances account. Even though it is transferred from employee vendor control
account, it can still be tracked with the employee vendor.
Settlement of advances can happen through :
Travel expense voucher.
Partial cash return & remaining through expense voucher.
Payment return through cheque.
Deduction from salary.
The settlement of vouchers will be booked as employee vendor invoices. The travel
expense settlement process will result either into refund from or payment to the
employee either by cash or cheque. Cash refund from or to employee can be done
through cash journal.

Further, Advance account has to be cleared with the expenses booking voucher
using session F-44
SAP T Code to be Used
FBCJ : Cash Journal
Previous Entry: Account Receivable AR Incoming Payment Process in SAP
Next Entry: SAP Bank Reconciliation Process

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Bank Reconciliation Process
Bank Accounting End User Documents
Bank Accounting Configuration Document
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Posted in Financial Accounting

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govind agarwal
September 12, 2009 at 10:18 PM
Pls send the details of cash / bank entry creat in a SAP.


September 27, 2010 at 3:37 PM

We can print Cash receipt vouchers immediately on entry what are the steps
of Printing the Cash Receipt voucher ? I tried to click on the Receipt printer icon
but nothing happened.


January 21, 2011 at 10:14 AM
Very good explanation


August 29, 2011 at 11:28 AM
in fbcj i want to O/acct text beside Offsetting acct no. and order disription
.s_alr_87012309 how to take park doucement.


June 3, 2012 at 12:05 PM
what is cash journal configuration and how to cash withdrawal and deposit in the
bank. it must take the cheque number and bank name.
please pass me in information my mail id
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PREVIOUS ENTRYAccount Receivable AR Incoming Payment Process in

NEXT ENTRYSAP Bank Reconciliation Process
By: saket | 08 May 2008 2:03 pm
Create GL Account for Cash Journal
T-code (FS00)
Financial Accounting
General Ledger Accounting
Bank Accounting
Business Transactions
Cash Journal
Create GL Account for Cash Journal
(Make this account capable of automatic posting)

Define Document Types for Cash Journal

Financial Accounting
General Ledger Accounting
Bank Accounting
Business Transactions
Cash Journal
Define Document Types for Cash Journal

Define Number Range Interval for Cash Journal Document

Financial Accounting
General Ledger Accounting
Bank Accounting
Business Transactions
Cash Journal
Define Number Range interval for Cash Journal Document
Determine whether the number range interval 01 has already been predefined by
the system.
If number range interval 01 has not been predefined, define the interval in the
company code required.

Set up cash Journal

Financial Accounting
General Ledger Accounting
Bank Accounting
Business Transactions
Cash Journal
Set up cash Journal

Create, Change, Delete Business Transaction

Financial Accounting
General Ledger Accounting
Bank Accounting
Business Transactions
Cash Journal
Create, Change, Delete Business Transaction

Set up Print Parameter for cash journal

Financial Accounting
General Ledger Accounting

Bank Accounting
Business Transactions
Cash Journal
Set up Print Parameter for cash journal
(FF_Cash 20 SAP 18)
In order to print the cash journal and the cash journal receipts, you have to set up
the corresponding print program parameters per company code.

For Posting the transaction in cash journal


Document Entry
Cash Journal Posting
IMG/FA/BANK A/C / BUS TRANS/ CASH JOURNAL1. Create GL a/c for Cash Journal Ensure post
automatically is on, so that posting cantake place automatically. [ 100000 Petty Cash A/c ]
IMG > Financial Accounting > Bank Accounting > Business Transaction >
C a s h J o u rn a l Create G/L Accounts for Cash Journal
It refers to the activity at FS00. Petty cash items are entered thru Cash Journal while in some
cases, even receipt of customercheques is also allowed.SAP standard Petty Cash a/c no. is
100000Important settings
are:FSV G001 (with text, assignment)Post automatically on Relevant to Cash Flow yes
2. Define doc types for Cash Journal Docs - SK [other doc types SA GL, DZ CustomerReceipt,
KZ Vendor Payment] [ OBA7 ]3. Define No range & interval for Cash Journal documents [ FBCJC1
] - copy from 0001.4. Setup cash journal : [ FBCJC0 ]a. Give a Cash Journal Codeb. Various
code for GL A/cs, Customers, Vendors.
Set up Cash Journal
Here a name (usu. Petty Cash) and code (any numeric or character) is given to the Cash Journal
w.r.t the Company Code.Though CJ code shows a pop-up button, no CJ code is available as it is
created here only. So give any code desired and save.One Cash Journal can be maintained for
one currency type. However if one want to maintain more than one currency in thesame Cash
Journal, G/L Account for Cash Journal should not have Post Automatically On (FS00).
5. Create, Change, Delete Business Transactions [ FBCJC2 ] : These tran types can becopied,
but as they are linked to GL a/cs, change as reqd. These can be accessed atFBCJ.a. C
receipts from bank GL a/c -------b. B payment ot bank GL a/c --------c. R SalesFor vendors &
Customers, GL a/cs need not be given, as they will be different forA/P, A/R.6. Setup Print params [
FBCJC3 ] copy from 0001, output device LP01.7. Posting - SAP/A/c/FA/GL/Doc Entry
- Cash Journal Posting FBCJ

Financial Accounting Tcodes

Financial Accounting Define Company
0X15 Define Company Company Codes
OXO2 Assign Company Code to Company
OX16 Define Business Area
OXO3 Create Chart of Accounts
OB13 Assign Chart of Accounts to Company Code
OB62 Create the Account Groups
OBD4 Retain Earning Accounts
OB53 Creation Fiscal year Variant

OB29 Assign Fiscal year variant to company Code

OB37 Define Posting Periods Variant
OBBO Assign Posting period variant Company Code
OBBP Define Open and Closing Periods for Variant
OB52 Path for posting Period at user Level

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