Movie Review Assignment

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Review of Free Choice Movie Assignment

As you know, your final assignment in this course will be to select a

movie which describes another culture, watch it and write a review of
it. I recommend searching for movies which might take place in a
culture you would like to understand more fully. If you can find a nonHollywood created movie, and in particular a movie created in the
culture it describes, so much the better. Given the way much of the
world censors creative work, this is not a guarantee of authenticity, but
its a start. Another strategy would be to look back over the
discussions we've had this semester. You can base your decision on
themes or aspects of common human experience that seem to cross
cultural boundaries. That way you can pick a movie based on the
theme instead of the culture. Either way, more recent movies are good
choices since we may not have seen them. The review you write will
help us make the decision about whether or not to see the move.
Your goal in this assignment is to take the document of the movie and
evaluate it as evidence. Extrapolate from this evidence what you
believe the main themes and the true meanings of this movie may be.
I do not want you to summarize the plot. I want you to analyze and
interpret the movie as a historical document.
The film does not have to be about a historical event in order for it to
be examined as a historical document. For example, the film
Independence Day could be about illegal immigration and V for
Vendetta could be a commentary about Margaret Thatchers England?
Your task is to view a film as a document that reflects social and
political themes and to write an analysis of that film connecting it to
issues discussed in class.
Description: A film analysis is not a review or summary of the plot, it
should go deeper into analysis and reaction. It should discuss the
issues raised by the film, address the films importance and purpose,
state reactions to the content and quality of the film, and connect it to
ideas and material presented in class. It should be a minimum of 2
pages and include the following (in any order you choose).
Describe the film in general terms. What subjects does
it cover? Describe the plot and setting. What issues does
it raise? What do you see as the main purpose of the film?
What are the major theme(s) of the film?

Evaluate the film for quality and interest. Comment on

the screenplay, acting, direction, production values and
music. Are any literary techniques such as symbolism,
character development and foreshadowing used? Would a
young person be interested in this film?
Relate the film to class discussions, readings, notes or
knowledge. Is the film historically (or factually) accurate
and realistic? Does it contradict or support anything you
have learned?
Summarize briefly emphasizing the strengths and
weaknesses of the film.
*Remember that sections should be at least a paragraph or
more and that you should fully answer and analyze the five
points (last page) in the body of your paper.
Folks, this paper should have an introduction with a thesis statement
as the last section of the introduction, body (with a minimum of three
paragraphs), and conclusion. The rubric is printed below and the paper
should be posted in the Discussion Board so that others can read your
review and plan their next movie night.

Movie Review Assignment Sheet: Analysis Grading Sheet

5 Demonstrates an excellent understanding of the assignment. It has
an engaging introductory sentence, context, raises excellent questions
and has a strong thesis.
4 Demonstrates a thorough understanding of the assignment. It has a
good introductory sentence, some context, raises some excellent
questions and has a good thesis.
3 - Demonstrates an good understanding of the assignment. It has an
good introductory sentence, limited context, raises some questions
and has a competent thesis.
2 - Demonstrates an understanding of the assignment. It has an
introductory sentence, context, raises some questions and has a
1 - Demonstrates a less than competent understanding of the
assignment. It has little or no introductory sentence, context, or
questions. The paper may lack a thesis statement.

5 Demonstrates an excellent understanding of the assignment. All
questions are answered fully with in depth analysis and interpretation.
The answers are accurate and the writing is articulate and
sophisticated. The facts are vivid, explicit, effective and multiple. There
are few grammatical mistakes and overall the paper is well written.
4 Demonstrates a thorough understanding of the assignment. All
questions are answered fully with analysis and interpretation. The
answers are accurate and the writing is articulate and sophisticated.
The facts are vivid, explicit, effective. There are some grammatical
mistakes and overall the paper is well written.
3 - Demonstrates an good understanding of the assignment. Most
questions are answered with in analysis and interpretation. The
answers are fairly accurate and the writing is articulate. There are a
few facts. There grammatical mistakes and overall the paper is
2 - Demonstrates an understanding of the assignment. Most questions
are answered fully with some analysis and interpretation. The answers
are somewhat accurate and the writing is standard. There are few
facts. There are many grammatical mistakes and overall the paper is
poorly organized and written.
1 - Demonstrates a less than competent understanding of the
assignment. It has little or no analysis. The paper may lack answers
and the writing is poor. Limited facts and multiple grammatical error.
Organization is poor and over quality is not present.
5 Demonstrates an excellent understanding of the assignment. It has
an engaging conclusion that summarizes the evidence and connects to
the thesis and body.
4 - Demonstrates an thorough understanding of the assignment. It has
a good conclusion that summarizes the evidence and connects to the
thesis and body
3 - Demonstrates an good understanding of the assignment. It has a
conclusion which restates the introduction and summarizes the
evidence somewhat.
2 - Demonstrates an understanding of the assignment. It has a
standard conclusion that summarizes somewhat and is poorly written.
1 - Demonstrates a less than competent understanding of the
assignment. It has little or no conclusion
Assignment adapted and borrowed from the North Syracuse Central
School District at

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