Periodic Trends 1. Atomic Radius

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1. Atomic Radius
The atomic radius refers to the distance between the atomic
nucleus to the outermost stable electron orbital. This periodic trend
decreases across periods from left to right, whereas it increases while
going down a group due to the addition of a new energy level (shell).
Among the various types of the atomic radius are the three
widely used definitions: Van der Waals radius, ionic radius,
and covalent radius.
Its value may be obtained through experimental measurements, or
computed from theoretical models and may depend on the atom's
Below is a summary of the various types of atomic radius:

Van der Waals radius: refers to half the minimum distance

between the nuclei of two atoms of the element that are not
bound to the same molecule.

Ionic radius: is the nominal radius of the ions of an element in

a specific ionization state, which is a result of the spacing of
atomic nuclei in crystalline salts that include that ion. The
length of the ionic bond between two adjacent oppositely
charged ions is usually equal the sum of their ionic radii.

Covalent radius: is the radius of the atoms of an element

which is covalently bonded to other atoms due to the
separation between the atomic nuclei in molecules. In
principle, the distance between two atoms that are bound to
each other in a molecule (the length of that covalent bond)
should equal the sum of their covalent radii.

Metallic radius: on the other hand, refers to the radius of

atoms of an element when joined to other atoms by metallic

Bohr radius: is the radius of the lowest-energy electron orbit

predicted by the Bohr model of the atom in 1913. Despite it
being able to cover and explain certain phenomenon about
the properties of atoms, it is only applicable to atoms and ions
with a single electron, such as hydrogen, singly
ionized helium, and positronium..

Electrons do not have definite orbits, or sharply defined ranges

and are usually described with the use of probability
distributions which varies as one moves away from the nucleus. In
condensed matter and molecules, however, the electron clouds of the
atoms usually overlap, and some of the electrons may roam over a
large region covering two or more atoms.
Radii of isolated neutral atoms range between 30 and 300 pm.
Thus, the radius of an atom when compared to the radius of the
nucleus is roughly at 10,000 times greater. It is however at less than
1/1000 the size of the wavelength of visible light which is at 400700nm.
Atomic radius generally decrease along each period (row) of the
table, from the alkali metals to the noble gases; and increase down
each group (column). This trends of the atomic radius can be explained
by the electron shell theory of the atom

Increasing: Down and Left

Decreasing: Up and Right

2. First Ionization Energy






energy is



the energy required to remove an electron from a neutral atom in its

gaseous phase. Ionization energy is the opposite of electronegativity.
When expressed in symbols, the ionization energy is as follows
X + energy X+ + e
In the reactant side, X is the atom, energy referred to is the
ionization energy. And in the product side, the atom or X becomes
positively charged as it expels electrons.
The units for ionization energy differ in physics and chemistry. In
the former discipline, the unit is the amount of energy required to
remove a single electron from a single atom or molecule which is
expressed in electron-volts. Whereas in the latter discipline mentioned,
the unit used is for the amount of energy it takes for all the atoms in
a mole of substance to lose one electron each, and is referred as
the molar ionization energy or enthalpy expressed as kilojoules per
mole (kJ/mol) or kilocalories per mole (kcal/mol).
Ionization energy is commonly associated with ions. Ions are
atoms which have gained or lost electrons, and thus become charged.
The ionization energy is the amount of energy it takes to detach one
electron from a neutral atom. Some elements possess several
ionization energies.
In general, elements which belong to the right side of the
periodic table, such as halides, have a higher ionization energy due to
their valence shell being nearly filled. On the other hand, elements on
the left side of the periodic table, which consist of mostly metals, have

low ionization energies because they easily lose electrons. Thus,

ionization energy increases from left to right on the periodic table.
The shells are generally filled in order of increasing radius. As the
atomic number increases along each row of the periodic table, the
additional electrons go into the outermost shell; whose radius gradually
Ionization energy and atomic size increase in opposite directions.
One should take note that as the atom gets smaller, the valence
electrons become closer to the nucleus. This phenomenon causes the
attractive force holding the electron become stronger and thus more
energy is required to pull the electron off.

Increasing: Up and Right
Decreasing: Down and Left

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