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EUG ia GH CEP ARTMENT EDLC RECEIVED Y Repuilic of the Philippines COMMISSION ON ELECTJONEETE Iuamuros, Manila pve a ig aera ie IN THE MATTER OF THE NATIONAL Chatman 4 Andres. D. Bautista REGISTRY OF OVERSEAS VOTERS cnet Are cee. Ly (NROV) AND CERTIFIED \IST OF Commiissioner (uie Tito £ Guia Commissioner Aithut D Lin OVERSEAS VOTERS (CLOV) FOR Commissioner Ma. Rowena Amelia V. Guanzon PURPOSES OF THE MAY 9, 2016 Commissioner Sheriff M Abas NATIONAL AND LOCAL ELECTIONS x Promulgated: “AA 125 2016 af / RESOLUTION NO. 10033, 4 This pertains to the Memorandum dated January 5, 2016 of Ally, Maria Juana S. Valeza, Head, OFOV Secretariat, relative to the National Registry of Overseas Voters (NROV) anil Certified List of Overseas Voters (CLOV) for purposes of the May 9, 2016 | lalional and Local Elections The Memorandum of Ally. Valeza reads: “Ube Olfice for Overseas Voting (OFOV) most respectfully submits wo (2) CDs containing the eleckonic copies of the National Registry of Pwelseas Volers (NROV) and Certified List of Overseas Volere (CLOV) for purposes of the May 9, 2016 Nalional and Local country is hereto attached In compliance with S&tions 12 and 20 of RA 10590 and COMELEC Resolution No 981, OFOV will furnish alt Philippine embassies, consulates, and «iher foreign servige establishments with electronic copies of the NROV aiul CLOV on or before January 10, 2016 Based on our existing atrangements with the Department of Foreign Affairs ~ Overseas Volniy Secretarial (DFA OVS), all Posts shail print the hard copies of thelr resyicclive CLOVs for posting in their bulletin boards and/or websites within tei: (10) days from receipt of the electronic. copies OFOV Shall likewise putlish the NROV and CLOV al the COMELEC website. Respectlully recommendir) the approval of the NROV and CLOV For your Honors’ information and guidance KW " boge2of2 Reso 100, © The Commission RESOLVED, as it hereby RESOLVES, as follows '" fo approve the printing of the hard copies of the National Registry of Overseas Volers (NROV) and Certified List of Overseas Voters (CLOV) for purposes of the May 9, 2016 National and Local Elections, submitted Secretariat; a= contained in the two (2) compact disks (CDs) by Ally, Maria Juana S. Valeza, Head, OFOv 2. lo direct the OFOV Secretariat to furnish all Philippine embassies, consulates, and other foreign service “establishments with electronic copies of the NROV and CLOV on or before January 10, 2016, in compliance with Sections 13 and 20 of Republic Act No 10590, and to direct the OFOV Su elariat in coordination with the Information Technology Departmen! to publish the NROV and CLOV at the COMELEC website Let the OFOV Secrejariat Department implement this Res« lution SO ORDERED. J. ANDREYD, BAUTISTA ae A. PARRENO Chairman CHRISTIAN ROBERT S. Lim LUJE TYTO F. GUIA Sommissioner Commissionet Ce Chawman - Deputy Execs Over for Operations Doputy Ev tnrmaton Ally Matta Justa S Valesa, Head OFOV Seci-s.uat rs MA. nh “call os a and the Information Technology Commissioy es A ARTHUR D. LIM Commissioner SHERIFF M. ABAS Commissioner a

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