Overseas Voting (COMELEC Resolution No. 10036)

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EPC) OES eon woMES conti PLECTION® EDUCATION #35005. oF it DEPARTMENT REC#&iveD aoe |, Christian Robert S,, ymnissioner FILIPINO COMMUNITY (FILCDM), NON- paRRENO, Al A. Comumeeie GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATION | GUIA, Luie Tito F, Commissioner (NGO), OR CIVIL = SOCIETY LIM, Arthur D. Commissioner GUANZON, Ma. Rowena Amelia V. Commissioner ORGANIZATION (CSO) AS PARTNERS OF THE COMMISSION ON ELECTIONS IN CONNECTION WITH THE CONDUCT OF OVERSEAS VOTING UNDER REPUBLIC ACT NO. 9189, OTHERWISE KNOWN AS “THE OVERSEAS ABSENTEE aa VOTING ACT OF 2003" AS AMENDED By P¥0™Ulgation:_danuary 13, 2016 Milind, REPUBLIC ACT NO. 10590 FOR PURPOSES OF THE MAY 09, 2016 NATIONAL AND LOCAL ELECTIONS. se —X RESOLUTION NO. ses ( WHEREAS, duly accredited Filipino Communities (FilComs), _ Non- governmental Organizations (NGOs), or Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) are hereby recognized as partners of the Commission in implementing the overseas voting; ABAS, Sheriff M. Commissioner WHEREAS, Section 20 #f Republic Act No. 10590 provides that non governmental organizations and other civil society organizations may be accredited by and work with the Commission as partners on overseas voters’ education and to participate in the electoral process; WHEREAS, it is expected that the 2016 Automated National and Local Elections will generate higher voter interest and that a great number of FilComs, NGOs and CSOs may be accredited as partners of the Commission in voter education, information campaign, and other voting related activities; NOW, THEREFORE, pursuant to the powers vested in it by the Constitution, Republic Act No, 9189 as amended by Republic Act No. 10590, the Omnibus Election Code, and other election laws, the Commission on Elections has RESOLVED, as it hereby RESOLVES, to promulgate the following guidelines: Sec. 1. Definitions. - Unless otherwise indicated, as used in this Resolution: a. FILIPINO COMMUNITY refers to a group of Filipinos of any size whose members reside in a specific locality organized due to their common regional, cultural and historical heritage, interests, occupation which are perceived to be or perceiving itself as distinct in some respect from the larger society within which it exists. b. NON-GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATION refers to a Philippine organization that is neither a part of the Philippine government nor a conventional business establishment. It is organized by ordinary citizens, and may be funded by Philippine government, foundations, businesses, or Filipino citizens. ¢. CIVIL SOCIETY ORGANIZATION tefers to the aggroupation of Filipino non- governmental organizations and institutions that manifest the interests and will of the citizens of the Philippines and are independent of the Philippine government. Sec. 2. General requirements for accreditation. - All parties requesting for accreditation shall be required to submit the following a) A duly accomplished Accreditation Application Forny; b) List of officers and members including their addresses and contact numbers; and ©) Photocopies of Valid! IDs of officers and members, Sec. 3. Application forms. - Application forms for accreditation shall be available at the Office for Overseas Voting (OFOV) and at the Posts. Application forms may also be downloaded from thé COMELEC website (http://swww.comelec-gov.ph) and the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) website Sec. 4. Period for filing applications for accreditation, - The period for filing applications for accreditation shall be from 1 February 2016 to 31 March 2016. This Period shall be non-extendible. Applications filed after the last day for filing shall not be entertained. Sec. 5. Filing and approval of applications for accreditation. - Applications for accreditation shall be filed at the Posts. Approval of applications for accreditation shall be issued by the Head of Post Sec. 6 Treatment of applications for accreditation. ~ Within seven (7) days from the end of the period for filing applications, the Head of Post shall immediately furnish copies of all applications, with attachments, including copies of Certificates of Accfeditation, to the OFOV, Sec. 7. Certificate of Accreditation. ~ Upon accreditation, FilComs, NGOs or 60s, ‘shall be issued their Certificates of Accreditation duly signed by the Comunissioner-in-Charge of OFOV or by the Head of Post. The Certificate of Accreditation shall be strictly non-transferable and is valid only for the purpose for which it was issued. Any abuse thereof shall result in revocation Sec. 8. Guidelines. - The duly accredited FilComs, NGOs and CSOs shall observe the following guidelines: * a) They shall be under the supervision and control of the COMELEC or the Posts; b) They shall assist in organizing, managing, or operating the Voting Centers including field and mobile voting; ©) They shall coordinate the activities of all NGOs and private organizations that are interested in involving themselves in the elections for the purpose of ensuring free, clean, honest and fair conduct of the elections; 4) They shall deploy volunteers who may assist in the operations of the voting centers and who may also provide assistance to registered voters during the voting period; e) They shall assist the COMELEC or the Post by monitoring the conduct of voting and by being made a member of the Task Force that may be organized by the COMELEC or the Post for the purpose; ) They shall assist in the dissemination of information to educate and fully inform the public about election lgws, procedures, decisions, and other matters relative to the work and duties of the COMELEC and the Posts and on the necessity of clean, free, orderly and honest electoral process; 8) They shall observe the voting to ensure free, honest and orderly voting process; h) They shall be strictly non-partisan and impartial during the voting period; i) They shall undertake to police their ranks and prevent infiltration by persons or groups of persons who may, directly or indirectly, destroy its character of non- partisanship and impartiality; j)_ They shall commit to submit themselves to the direct and immediate control and supervision, and comply with the orders, of the COMELEC or the Post in the performance of their functions and activities provided by law, and such other functions and activities which the COMELEC or the Post may assign; k) They shall not be supported by or be under the influence of any foreign government or any of its agencies or instrumentalities, or any foreigner, whether natural or juridical person; and 1) They shall not solicit or receive, directly or indirectly, any contribution ot aid of whatever form or nature from any foreign government or any of its agencies or instrumentalities, or any foreigner, whether natural or juridical person, Sec. 9, Effectivity. - This Resolution shall take effect on the seventh (7!) day after its publication in two (2) daily newspapers of general circulation. Sec. 10. Dissemination and publication. - The Office for Overseas Voting shall furnish the Office of the President, the Office of the Press Secretary, the Department of Foreign Affairs, the Philippine Information Agency, FilComs, NGOs, and CSOs copies of this Resolution. 3 vy Reso 10036 The Department of Foreign Affairs shall furnish copies thereof to all foreign embassies and consulates, ee J. ANDRES p. BAUTISTA Chairperson Ze on CHRISTIAN ROBERT 5. LIM ALA-PAR Commissioner Commissioner Ue a She Cf) LPIE VITO F. GUIA RTHUR D. LIM Corfimissioner Commissioner MA, eeeeebe ¥ ‘GUANZON RIFF M. ABAS Commissioner Commissioner NES e ig Republic of the Philippines COMMISSION ON ELECTIONS NATIONAL AND LOCAL ELECTIONS May 9, 2016 OVERSEAS VOTING INFORMATION SHEET (FilCom, NGO, GSO Accreditation) (Please type or print) Name of FilCom/NGO/CSo: Office Address: Z Nature of Organization: __ Number of Members: _ Mobile No.: _____ Tel. No: ___ Email Address: (Name and signature above printed name of authorized representative) Noto: please attach the following: 4. List of officers and members 2. Photocopies of valid IDs of officers and membors 3. Authority of the applicant to apply for accreditation

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