Dua Al Mashlool

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Twenty-second: This supplicatory prayer for repelling the evil of Iblis (i.e. Satan) is also quoted
from the book of al-Mujtana

Twelfth: This supplicatory prayer is ascribed to the Holy Prophet (s) who used to say it for
security against jinn and human beings:

Thirteenth: Anas is reported to have quoted the Holy Prophet (s) as saying: Whoever says this
supplicatory prayer every morning and every evening, Allah the All-exalted will order four
angels to defend him from the front side, the backside, the right side, and the left side, he will be
kept under the security of Allah the Almighty and All-majestic, and no harm can ever affect him
even if all jinn and all human beings try to cause him harm:


Sayyid Ali ibn Fazlullah al-Husayni al-Rawandi has mentioned the following incident in his
book entitled Nathr al-Laali:
When a man complained to Prophet Jesus the son of Mary, peace be upon them, about the debts,
Prophet Jesus (a) taught him to say this supplicatory prayer, adding, If your debts are filling the
globe, Almighty Allah will certainly help you to settle them after you say this supplicatory prayer
constantly. This is the supplicatory prayer involved:


Twenty-ninth: Consisting of nineteen phrases, the following supplicatory prayer brings about
relief to those who say it. It was taught to Imam Ali Amir al-Muminin (a) by the Holy Prophet
(s). It has been also recorded in Shaykh al-Saduqs book entitled al-Khisal, Chapter: NineteenNumbered Characteristics.

You may now submit your requests. You will not leave your place before having your prayer
responded, by the will of Allah the All-exalted.

Dua Al-Mashlool (The Supplication of the Lame Man).

This supplication is also called the supplication of the young man punished for his sins. Being
recorded in the books of al-Kafami and the book of Muhaj al-Daawat, this supplication has
been taught by Imam AliAmeer al-Momineen(a.s.) to a young man who was paralyzed due to the
wrongdoings and sins that he had committed against his father. After he said this supplication,
the young lame man slept and saw in dream that the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) came to him and
passed his hand over his body saying, Hold on to the Greatest Name (alism al-azam) of
Almighty Allah and your deeds will be good. When he woke up, he found himself healed from
The supplication is the following:

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Then you may pray Almighty Allah to grant you your personal requests and they will be granted,
Allah willing. According to the narration mentioned in Muhaj al-Daawat, one must say this
supplication while being in a state of ritual purity.


Muhammad ibn Harith al-Nawfali, the servant of Imam Muhammad al-Taqi (a), has reported that when al-Mamun,
the Abbasid ruler, decided to give his daughter in marriage to Imam Muhammad ibn Ali (a), the Imam (a) wrote
to him this message:

Every wife must be given a dowry from the property of her husband. As for us, Almighty Allah has put off our
properties to give them to us in the Hereafter just as He has given you your properties in advance in this worldly life.
I thus decide to dower your daughter with the means to the response to the petitions. A number of confidential
prayers, my father has given me these supplicatory means and said that he received them from his father Musa, who
told that he had received them from his father Jafar, who told that he had received them from his father
Muhammad, who told that he had received them from his father Ali, who told that he had received them from his
father al-Husayn, who told that he had received them from his brother al-Hasan, who told that he had received them
from his father Ali ibn Abi-Talib, who told that he had received them from the Holy Prophet Muhammad, who told
that he had received them from Archangel Gabriel who said, Muhammad, the Almighty Lord conveys His greetings
to you and says that He is carrying to You the keys to the treasures of this world and the Next World. He thus advises
you to use them as the means to the response to your petitions. Through these confidential prayers, you can attain
your desires and succeed in winning your requests. Therefore, do not use them in this-worldly requests rather than
the otherworldly requests; lest, you will lessen the value of your otherworldly prizes. These means are ten
supplicatory prayers by which you can knock on the doors of your desires and they will be opened before you, and
you can ask for things, and you will be given access to them.

)(1) Munajaat for Guidance (to the best

(2) Munajaat for True Repentance

. )
(3) Munajaat for Help in Travel

(4) Munajaat for Sustenance

(5) Munajaat for Seeking Protection

(6)Munajaat for acceptance of repentance

(7) Munajaat for Hajj

(8) Munajaat for safety from persecution

(9) Munajaat for Thanksgiving

(10) Munajaat for Granting of Requests

Fourteenth: It is reported that a man came to Imam Ali Amir al-Muminin (a) and complained
about the delay in response of his prayers.

Have you tried the swift-responded prayer? Imam Ali (a) asked.
What prayer do you mean? asked the man.
Imam Ali (a) thus taught him to say this supplicatory prayer:

You may now submit your requests.
Fifteenth: Amr ibn Abil-Miqdam has reported the following: Imam al-Sadiq (a) dictated this
supplicatory prayer, which achieves benefits for this world and the other world: After praising
and thanking Almighty Allah, you may say this:


Sixteenth: Muawiyah ibn Ammar has reported that he once asked Imam al-Sadiq (a) to teach
him exclusively a special supplicatory prayer. The Imam (a) therefore taught him to say this:

) (

Commenting on this sentence, Imam al-Sadiq (a) said, Upon hearing this verse, the Holy
Prophet (s) used to say:

You may now submit your requests.
Seventeenth: A man from al-Kufah city, named Abu-Jafar, is reported to have asked Imam alSadiq (a) to teach him a supplicatory prayer to say. The Imam (a) thus taught him to say this:

Eighteenth: Imam al-Baqir (a) is reported to have instructed his brother, Abdullah ibn Ali, to
say this supplicatory prayer:

Twenty-second: Abu-Hamzah is reported to have said: I have received this supplicatory prayer
from Imam al-Baqir (a) who used to describe it as the all-inclusive supplicatory prayer:

Twenty-third: Muhammad ibn Muslim is reported to have quoted Imam al-Baqir (a) as advising
of saying this supplicatory prayer:

Twenty-fourth: Imam al-Sadiq (a) is reported to have used to said this supplicatory prayer:

Twenty-fifth: Imam al-Sadiq (a) is also reported to have used to said this supplicatory prayer:

Twenty-sixth: This supplicatory prayer is also reported from Imam Jafar al-Sadiq (a):

Imam al-Sadiq (a) added: This is the supplicatory prayer of Imam Ali Amir al-Muminin (a):

Twenty-seventh: Ali ibn Ibrahim has reported on the authority of his father on the authority of
Ibn Mahbub on the authority of Ala ibn Ruzayn on the authority of Abd al-Rahman ibn
Sayyabah who said: Imam al-Sadiq (a) gave me this supplicatory prayer:

This section comprises a number of brief supplicatory and evil-repelling prayers that I have
selected from the two books entitled Muhaj al-Daawat and al-Mujtana compiled by Sayyid Razi
al-Din Ibn Tawus.
First: Imam Musa ibn Jafar (a) is reported to have quoted the Holy Prophet (s) as instructing
Imam Ali (a) to say this supplicatory prayer whenever a hardship would bother him:

Second: This evil-repelling prayer is ascribed to Lady Fatimah (a):

Third: This evil-repelling prayer is ascribed to Imam Ali ibn al-Husayn Zayn al-Abidin (a):

Fourth: This evil-repelling prayer is ascribed to Imam Jafar ibn Muhammad al-Sadiq (a):

Fifth: Ali ibn Yaqtin has reported that when Imam Musa ibn Jafar (a) was with some of his
relatives, he was informed about the decisions that Musa ibn al-Mahdi, the brother of Harun the
Abbasid ruler, had made about him. He asked his relatives, What do you think? They said,
We think that it is better for you to avoid him and hide yourself since no one can be immune
from his wickedness. Imam al-Kazim (a) smiled and quoted this poetic verse as example:

He (a) then raised his hands towards the sky and said this supplicatory prayer:

The attendants then separated. Their next meeting was to discuss the news of the death of Musa
ibn al-Mahdi.
Sixth: Yasir, the servant of al-Mamun the Abbasid ruler, has reported that when Imam AbulHasan Ali ibn Musa al-Rida (a) arrived in the palace of Hamid ibn Qahtabah to live in, he took
off his shirt and handed it over to Hamid, who took it and gave it to one of his she-servants to
wash it. Soon after that, the she-servant returned carrying a patch. She gave it to Hamid and said,
I have found this in the pocket of Abul-Hasan.
Asking about it, Hamid said to Imam al-Rida (a), May Allah accept me as ransom for you! The
she-servant has found a patch in your pocket. What is it?
Answering him, the Imam (a) said, Hamid, this is a supplicatory amulet that I never put aside.
Hamid said, Will you kindly honor us with it?
Imam al-Rida (a) further explained, Whoever carries this supplicatory amulet in his pocket,
will be saved from tribulations and it will protect him from Satan the accursed.
Then, Imam al-Rida (a) dictated its form to Hamid. It is thus the following:

This supplicatory amulet is connected to a miraculous story that was reported by Abul-Salt who,
reporting this story, has said: One day, my master Ali ibn Musa al-Rida (a) was sitting in his
house when a messenger of the ruler, al-Mamun, came to him and informed that the ruler had
summoned him to present himself before him. Ali ibn Musa al-Rida (a) stood up and said to
me, Abul-Salt, it is not usual that the ruler summons me at such time unless there will be a
catastrophic matter. No, by Allah! He will not be able to inflict any misfortunate thing upon me,
because I carry with me a few words that came to my hand from my grandfather, the Holy
Prophet (s).

I, Abul-Salt, then came out with the Imam (a) to respond to al-Mamuns summon. The
moment Imam al-Ridas eyes fell on al-Mamun, he said this supplicatory amulet entirely. When
he was present there, the ruler looked at the Imam (a) and said, Abul-Hasan, I have ordered
one hundred thousand dirhams to be given to you. You may also write to me whatever you need.
When the Imam (a) left, al-Mamun looked at his back and said, I wanted something, but Allah
wanted another. However, what Allah wants must be better.
Seventh: This evil-repelling prayer is ascribed to Imam Muhammad ibn Ali al-Jawad (a):

Eighth: This evil-repelling prayer is ascribed to Imam Ali ibn Muhammad al-Naqi al-Hadi (a):

Ninth: This evil-repelling prayer is ascribed to Imam al-Hasan ibn Ali al-Askari (a):

Tenth: This evil-repelling prayer is ascribed to our master the Rising Imam al-Mahdi (a):


Seventeenth: This supplicatory prayer is described as Imam al-Sadiqs evil-averting prayer (i.e.

Eighteenth: This is Imam Musa ibn Jafar al-Kazims evil-averting prayer:


Nineteenth: This is the evil-averting prayer (Hijab) of Imam Muhammad ibn Ali al-Taqi (a):

The Supplication of Consulting.
)Sayyid Ibn Tawus, in Muhaj al-Daawat, has narrated that Imam AliAmeer al-Momineen(a.s.
said, The Messenger of Allah (a.s.) taught me this supplication and ordered me to say it under
all circumstances - sorrow and joy. He also instructed me to convey it to my heir and not to leave
)it as long as I am alive until I meet Almighty Allah. Additionally, the Messenger of Allah (a.s.
ordered me to say the supplication every morning and evening, for it is one of the treasures of the
Divine Throne. As Abdullah ibn Ubayy begged the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) to tell more about
the merits of the supplication, the Holy Prophet did. Anyhow, for acquaintance with the merits of
this supplication, the gentle reader is advised to refer to the book of Muhaj al-Daawat.

The supplication is as follows:




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The Supplication of the Minor Sword.

Also called Dua al-Qamus (The Supplicatory prayer of the Ocean), the trustworthy, noble
Shaykh Mirza al-Nuri - may Allah honor his tomb - has mentioned this supplicatory prayer in his
book entitled al-Sahifah al-Alawiyyah II, adding, This supplication has been explained by the
master scholars of talismans and spiritual sciences with strange words referring to marvelous
effects ensuing from reciting it. Yet, I will not refer to these details because I cannot depend
upon their accuracy. Rather, I, imitating our master scholars and avoiding falling in faults, only

text of the supplication, which is as follows:

mention the original

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The following supplicatory prayers are quoted from considerable reference books:

The Verses of the Greatest Name

The reverent Sayyid Ali Khan al-Shirazi - may Allahs pleasure be with him - has mentioned in
his book of al-Kalim al-Tayyib that Almighty Allahs Greatest Name (alism al-azam) stands for
each statement that beings with the word Allah and ends up with the word huwa (He),
provided that the statement (in Arabic) be empty of any dotted letter and that its recitation does
not change whether it is parsed or not. Such statements can be found in the Holy Quran in five
verses of five different Surahs:al-Baqarah (2:255), Al-Imran (3:2), al-Nisa (4:87), Taahaa
(20:8), and al-Taghabun (64:13). Shaykh al-Maghribi says, If one betakes to these five verses as
a supplicatory prayer that is repeated twelve times a day, all his general and particular affairs will
be made easy for him without delay, Allah willing. These five verses are as follows:
First: Verse 155 of Surah al-Baqarah (No. 2), which has been previously cited in this book.
Second: Verse 2 of SurahAl-Imran (No. 3):

2 (

Third: Verse 87 of Surah al-Nisa (No. 4):

3 (
Fourth: Verse 8 of SurahTaahaa (No. 20):

4 (
Fifth: Verse 13 of Surah al-Taghabun (No. 64):

5 () .

The Supplication of Relief:
In his book of al-Balad al-Amin, Shaykh al-Kafami has mentioned a brief supplication entitled
Dua al-Faraj (The Supplication of Relief). This supplication comprises the following seeking of

advocacy. Presumably, seeking of the advocacy (tawassul) of the Holy Twelve Imams (a.s.) that
is ascribed to Khajah Nasir al-Din is an installation of this supplication in addition to the
supplicatory prayer of invoking Allahs blessings upon the Immaculate Imams with a brilliant
composition mentioned by al-Kafami in the end of his book of al-Misbah. Quoting from the
book of Qabas al-Masabih by Shaykh al-Sahrashti, Sayyid Ali Khan has mentioned a
supplicatory prayer with an explanatory commentary in his book of al-Kalim al-Tayyib. Yet, this
commentary will not be mentioned herewith for fear of lengthiness. Dua al-Faraj is thus as








Shaykh al-Kafami, in al-Balad al-Amin, has mentioned a supplicatory prayer that is reported
from Imam AliAmeer al-Momineen(a.s.) saying that no grief-stricken, worried, depressed,
distressed, or aggrieved person recites it but that Almighty Allah will certainly take the edge off
him. This supplication is as follows:

You may then mention your personal needs.

It is worth mentioning that the following supplicatory prayer is reported from Imam Muhammad
al-Jawad(a.s.) who said that if it is recited regularly, it achieves relief and releases from grief and


In Muhaj al-Daawat, Sayyid Ibn Tawus has narrated that a man who had been imprisoned in
Syria for a long time saw in dream Lady Fatimah al-Zahra teaching him to say the following
supplicatory prayer. When the man did, he was set free and thus he could return home

The Supplication of the Light.
In Muhaj al-Daawat, Sayyid Ibn Tawus has mentioned a narration quoting Salman as saying,
Lady Fatimah al-Zahra(a.s.) conveyed to me some words that she had learnt from the Holy
Messenger (s.a.w.a.) and she used to repeat them each morning and evening. Moreover, she said
that if you would like not to be afflicted by the harm of fever as long as you live in this world,
you may say this supplicatory prayer regularly:

Salman then added, As I learnt by heart these words, I conveyed them to more than one
thousand persons in al-Madinah and Makkah who had been infected with fever and they all were
healed by the will of Almighty Allah.


A supplicatory prayer taught by Archangel Gabriel to the Holy Prophet:
Sayyid Ibn Tawus, in Muhaj al-Daawat, has narrated on the authority of Imam Muhammad alBaqir (a.s.) that Archangel Gabriel, once, came to the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) and said, O
Allahs Prophet, indeed, I have never loved any prophets as much as I loved you. You thus may
repeat the following supplicatory prayer as many times as possible:


Imam Musa al-Kazims supplicatory prayer for urgent response:
Shaykh al-Kafami, in al-Balad al-Amin, has mentioned a supplicatory prayer that is reported
from Imam Musa al-Kazim (a.s.), commenting that it of great importance and it achieves
swiftness in response:

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You may then mentioned your needs.


Within the recommended rites on Fridays, Shaykh al-Tusi, in his book of Misbah al-Mutahajjid,
has mentioned the following:
A group of our companions have reported on the authority of Abul-Mufazzal al-Shaybani that
Abu-Muhammad Abdullah ibn Muhammad al-Abid related to them in al-Daliyah, saying: In
the year 255, I asked my master Imam al-Hasan al-Askari, peace be upon him, in his house in
Surra-Man-Raa (Samarra) to dictate to me an invocation of blessings upon the Prophet and his
Successors, peace be upon him and them, after I had brought with me a big sheet of paper. The
Imam (a) dictated to me orally, saying: Write down the following:




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The reporter, Abu-Muhammad al-Yamani, said: When it was the turn of the invocation of
blessings upon him, Imam al-Hasan al-Askari (a) stopped. I asked about the reason, and he
answered: Had this question not been part of the religion that we are ordered to convey and
transmit to its people, I would have preferred keeping silence. However, this is the religion. You
may write down:


In the book of Tuhfat al-Zair, Imam al-Sadiq, peace be upon him, is reported to have said that
one who wants his request to be granted by Almighty Allah or fears something, may write down
the following supplication on a white patch and then fold it and put it in a dried round clay and
throw it in current water. Verily, Almighty Allah will relieve one who does so from grievances.
The supplication is as follows:

You may then mention your need.
In his book of Miqbas al-Masabih, Allamah al-Majlisi says: Imam al-Sadiq(a.s.) is reported
through valid chains of authority to have said: There are three hours at night and three others at
day at which Allah, the Almighty and Majestic, glorifies Himself. The three hours of days begin
when the sun in the east side is in the same rising in the afternoon on the other (west) side; that is
at early forenoon. The three hours of night begin at the last third of night up to dawn. Any
servant glorifies Allah, the Almighty and Majestic, at these hours with full heart presence,
Almighty Allah will settle his needs, and if he is unhappy (because of sinning), I expect that he
will be made happy.
It is most suitable to say the following words of glorification at these hours:


In his book of Miqbas al-Masabih, Allamah al-Majlisi says: Imam al-Sadiq(a.s.) is reported
through valid chains of authority to have said: There are three hours at night and three others at
day at which Allah, the Almighty and Majestic, glorifies Himself. The three hours of days begin
when the sun in the east side is in the same rising in the afternoon on the other (west) side; that is
at early forenoon. The three hours of night begin at the last third of night up to dawn. Any
servant glorifies Allah, the Almighty and Majestic, at these hours with full heart presence,
Almighty Allah will settle his needs, and if he is unhappy (because of sinning), I expect that he
will be made happy.
It is most suitable to say the following words of glorification at these hours:

Ibn Baabwayh reports Imam al-Sadiq(a.s.) to have said: Any servant (of God) that repeats the
following supplication seven times everyday, Hellfire will ask Almighty Allah to protect him
against it:

Through another valid chain of authority, Imam al-Sadiq(a.s.) is also reported to have said:
Almighty Allah will certainly forgive any believer who commits forty grand sins every day and
night but he then feels sorry for that and prays Almighty Allah to forgive him by saying the
following imploration of forgiveness:

Through another valid chain of authority, Imam al-Sadiq(a.s.) is also reported to have said: He
who repeats the following doxology seven times everyday is considered to have thanked
Almighty Allah as it should be for the past and the coming graces:

Through another valid chain of authority, Imam al-Sadiq(a.s.) is also reported to have said: He
who repeats the following supplication twenty-five times every day, Almighty Allah will record
for him rewards as many as the number of all believers that have passed and all believers that

will exist up to the Resurrection Day, will erase sins of the same number that he committed, and
will raise him ranks of the same number, too:

Through another valid chain of authority, Imam al-Sadiq(a.s.) is also reported to have said: He
who repeats the following litany ten times every day, Almighty Allah will fend off from him
seventy kinds of tribulations the easiest of which is distress (or, according to another narration,
he will never be afflicted by poverty):

Al-Kulayni, al-Yabrisi, and other scholars have reported through many chains of authority, some
of which are acceptable (hasan) and others are valid, that Imam al-Sadiq(a.s.) said that the Holy
Prophet (s.a.w.a.) used to repeat the following two supplicatory statements seventy times each:

In the books of Kashf al-Ghummah and al-Amali by Shaykh al-Tusi, it is reported through a
valid chain of authority that the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) said: He who repeats the following
statement one hundred times every day, will be secured against poverty and loneliness in grave,
will be granted richness, and the doors to Paradise will be opened before him:

However, this statement has been mentioned in the book of al-Amali as follows:

According to the narration mentioned in the books of Thawab al-Amal and al-Mahasin, this
statement is repeated thirty times.
In his book of al-Daawat, al-Qutb al-Rawandi reports Imam al-Rida(a.s.) to have quoted the
Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) as saying: He who wishes that his status in the Highest Group excels the
status of the warriors for Allahs sake, must repeat the following words of glorification every
day. If he has a request to be granted, it will be granted; if he has an enemy to overcome, his
enemy will be suppressed; if he has a debt to be settled, his debt will be settled; if he passes by
an agony, he will be relieved; and his words will penetrate the Seven Skies to be written down in
the Reserved Tablet (al-lawh al-mahfuz):

Through a valid chain of authority, Imam al-Rida(a.s.) is reported to have related the following
A man found a sheet of paper with an inscription and brought it to the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.)
who, once he read it, called out at people to gather for a congregational prayer. As everybody
came, the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) ascended the minbar (i.e. a pulpit in the mosque) and said: This
is the scripture of Yusha, the son of Nun (Prophet Joshua), the successor of Prophet Moses (a.s.).
The inscription reads the following: In the Name of Allah; the All-beneficent, the All-merciful.
Your Lord is certainly Kind and Merciful. The best of Allahs servants are the pious, pure, and
affectionate; while the most wicked of Allahs servants are so identified that fingers can point at
them. He who wishes to have his deeds measured by the fairest balance and to carry out his
duties towards the graces that Almighty Allah has bestowed upon him, must say the following
litany every day:

In the book of al-Balad al-Amin, the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) is quoted to have said: He who
repeats the following statement ten times every day, will be released from his sins as if he is on
the day when his mother gave birth to him, and Almighty Allah will fend off from him seventy
categories of tribulation, including lunacy, mycobacterium, leprosy, and paralysis, and Almighty
Allah will appoint seventy angels to pray Him to forgive that person:

Imam al-Sadiq(a.s.) is reported to have said: He who repeats the following litany one hundred
times every day, will not be afflicted by poverty:

Whoever repeats the following statements one hundred times every day, Almighty Allah will
prohibit Hellfire to consume his body:


In the book of al-Balad al-Amin, the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) is reported to have said: He who
says these words ten times every day, Almighty Allah will forgive four thousand of his grand
sins, will save him from the death agonies, the grave pressure, and one hundred of the horrors on
the Resurrection Day, will also save him from the evil of Iblis (i.e. Satan) and his troops, will
help him settle his debts, and will relieve him from his distress, grief, and anguishes:

Al-Kulayni, Ibn Baabwayh, and al-Barqi, may Allahs mercy be upon them, have reported
through valid chains of authority that Imam al-Sadiq(a.s.) said: He who repeats the following
statement ten times every day, Almighty Allah will record for him forty-five thousand rewards,
erase forty-five thousand of his sins, raise him forty-five thousand ranks towards Paradise, his
saying will be shelter against Satan and despotic rulers, and no grand sin will surround him.
According to another narration, he will be granted the reward of one who has recited the entire
Quran twelve times and Almighty Allah will build a house in Paradise for him.
In the narration of Ibn Baabwayh, it is not mentioned that the statement must be repeated ten

In the book of Thawab al-Amal, al-Mahasin, and al-Kafi, Imam al-Sadiq(a.s.) is reported to have
quoted the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) as saying: He who repeats the following saying fifteen times
every day, Almighty Allah will receive him with His Face and will not turn His Face away from
him before he enters Paradise:

In the book of al-Mahasin, the following is reported from the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.):
To glorify Almighty Allah one hundred times every day is better than offering one hundred
camels as presents to the Holy House of Allah:

To praise Almighty Allah one hundred times every day is better than manumitting one hundred

To profess Almighty Allah being the Greatest (i.e. too great to be described) one hundred times
every day is better than offering hundred horses, along with their saddles and reins, in the way of
Allah (i.e. in holy wars):

To profess Almighty Allah being the one and only god one hundred times every day is better than
the deeds of all peoples, except those who repeat it more than one hundred times:

Al-Qutb al-Rawandi has related the following story:
A worshipper from the children of Israel (i.e. Israelites) asked Allah the Almighty and Majestic,
saying, O Lord! What is my status with You? If it is praiseworthy, then I will try to add up to
my good deeds; but if it is blameworthy, I will repent to You before I die.
Replying to his question, Almighty Allah sent to him one of His angels to tell him that he has no
good point with Allah.
O Lord! asked the man, Where are then all my deeds?
The Lord answered, Whenever you did a good deed, you told people about it so that they would
consider you virtuous and mention you reputably. Therefore, no reward will be given for your
deeds except the reward that you have accepted for yourself.
This fact disturbed and aggrieved the man extremely; therefore, Almighty Allah sent the same
angel to convey the following message to him: Allah, the Blessed and Exalted, says to you that
you must purchase yourself from Him with alms that you must give every day for each one of
your veins.
The man asked, O Lord! Is there any creature able to do that?
The Almighty instructed, You may repeat the following statement three hundred and sixty
times, the number of your veins, every day:

The man said, O Lord! Please, give me more.
The Almighty said, If you add to the number, I will add to you.

Al-Kulayni has reported through a valid chain of authority that Imam al-Sadiq(a.s.) said: The
Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) used to repeat the following doxology three hundred and sixty times, the
number of the veins, each day:

Another tradition reported from Imam al-Sadiq(a.s.) holds: He who says the following
imploration for Almighty Allahs forgiveness four hundred times each day for two successive
months, will be granted much knowledge or much fortune:

Al-Tusi and other scholars have stated that it is a highly recommended tradition to say the
following supplicatory prayer every day:

Al-Kafami has reported Imam al-Baqir (a.s.) as saying: He who says the following supplication
every day, Almighty Allah will suffice him from the troubles of his two abodes (i.e. the worldly
life and the Next Life):

It is also reported that whoever repeats the following litany seven times every day, Almighty
Allah will suffice him from the troubles of his two abodes:

It has been also reported that whoever says the following words of glorification every day for a
whole year, will not die before he sees (in dream) his place in Paradise:

)The Prayer of The Bedouin (Salat Al-Rabi

This section comprises some highly recommended (but not obligatory) prayers that have not
been mentioned in the book of Mafatih al-Jinan.
In his book of Jamal al-Usbu, Sayyid Ibn Tawus has reported the following story from Shaykh
al-Talakbari through his own chain of authority that is connected to Zayd ibn Thabit:
One day, a man from the Bedouins stood up before the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) and said, May
Allah accept my father and mother as ransoms for you, O Allahs Messenger. We live in the
desert away from al-Madinah and it is unfeasible for us to present ourselves every Friday before
you. I therefore want you to teach me an act, which collects the rewards of performing the Friday
Prayers so that, when I leave for my people, I will teach them to do it.
The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) said:
When the daylight rises up, you should offer a two-unit prayer. In the first unit, you may recite
Surah al-Faatehah once and repeat Surah al-Falaq seven times. In the second unit, you may recite
Surah al-Faatehah once and repeat Surah al-Nas seven times. When you accomplish the prayer
(by saying the Taslim statement), you may recite Ayah al-Kursi seven times. After that, you
should stand up to offer eight units of prayer with two Taslim statements. After every couple of
units, you may sit (for a while) but do not say the Taslim statement. When you accomplish
offering four units of prayer, you should say the Taslim statement and then stand up for offering
the other four units as same as you have just done. In each unit, you may recite Surah alFaatehah once, Surah al-Nasr once, and Surah al-Tawheed twenty-five times. If you accomplish
these four units, you may say the tashahhud and Taslim statements and repeat the following
supplicatory prayer seven times:

You can now mention what you need.
Repeat the following litany seventy times:

Then say the following:

I swear by Him Who has sent me and chosen me in truth, I will certainly guarantee Paradise for
any believer, man or woman, who offers this prayer as exactly as I have explained. Moreover, he
who offers this prayer will not leave his place before Almighty Allah has forgiven his and his
parents sins, given him the reward of every individual who performed a prayer in all regions of
Muslims, recorded for him the reward of every individual in the east and the west of the earth
who observed fasting and offered prayers on that day, and given him rewards that no eye could
ever saw and no ear could ever heard.
In his book of Misbah al-Mutahajjid, al-Tusi has explained this prayer, yet he has not mentioned
the aforesaid supplicatory prayer; rather, he said that when you finish the prayer, you may repeat
the following statements seventy times:


The Infallible Imams (a.s.) are reported to have said that a servant (of Allah) may offer eight
units of prayer on Friday, separating each couple of units with the Taslim statement. Four of
these units may be dedicated to the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) while the other four units to Lady
Fatimah (a.s.).
On Saturday, other four units of prayer are offered and dedicated to Imam AliAmeer alMomineen(a.s.). Likewise, four units of prayer may be offered every day and dedicated to one of
the Holy Imams respectively. Thus, on Thursday, four units are offered and dedicated to Imam
Jafar ibn Muhammad al-Sadiq(a.s.). On Friday, eight units of prayer are offered; four of them
are dedicated to the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) and four to Lady Fatimah (a.s.). On Saturday, four
units of prayer are offered and dedicated to Imam Musa ibn Jafar al-Kazim (a.s.). Likewise, four
units of prayer may be offered every day and dedicated to one of the Holy Imams respectively.
Hence, on Thursday, the four units of prayer are dedicated to Imam al-Mahdi the Patron of the
Age, may Allah hasten his reappearance. The supplicatory prayer to be said between each couple
of units is the following:

You should mention the name of the Imam to whom these units are dedicated.

You may now pray Almighty Allah for any thing you wish.

The prayer to be offered at the burial night consists of two units. In the first unit, Surah alFaatehah and Ayah al-Kursi are recited. In the second unit, Surah al-Faatehah is recited one time
and Surah al-Qadr repeated seven times. When you say the Taslim statement, you may say the
following supplication:

Sayyid Ibn Tawus, may Allah have mercy upon him, has reported that the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.)
said, The harshest time for a dead is his first night in the grave. Therefore, have mercy upon
your dead people through almsgiving. If you do not have anything to give as alms, you may offer
a two-unit prayer, reciting Surah al-Faatehah once and Surah al-Tawheed twice in the first unit
and Surah al-Faatehah once and Surah al-Takathur ten times in the second unit. When you
accomplish the prayer (by uttering the Taslim statement), you may say the following:

If you do so, Almighty Allah will immediately send one thousand angels to the grave of that
individual; each angel carrying a dress and a garment. Moreover, Almighty Allah will expand his
grave, saving him from tightness up to the day when the Trumpet will be blown. As for the one
who has offered this prayer, he will be given rewards as many as every thing touched by the
sunlight and he will be raised forty ranks.
Al-Kafami has recorded this prayer in the same aforementioned method. Yet, he added that he
saw in some books of our master scholars that in the first unit of this prayer, Surah al-Faatehah
and Ayah al-Kursi are recited once and Surah al-Tawheed twice.
The following is quoted from the book of Zad al-Maad by Allamah al-Majlisi, may Allah have
mercy upon him:
It is highly advisable not to neglect mentioning the dead, because they are now too short to do
any righteous or charitable deed. They therefore hope that their sons, relatives, and brethren-infaith will do charitable acts on behalf of them or pray for them, especially at the nocturnal
prayers. An individual is required to pray for his parents in the post-prayer supplicatory
utternances and at visiting the holy shrines and to do charitable and righteous acts on behalf of
A tradition holds that an individual who may be impious to his parents can be recorded as pious
to them after their death when he does charitable and righteous acts on behalf of them; while an

individual who is pious to his parents in their lifetimes may be decided as impious to them after
their death, because he disregards doing any charitable or righteous act on behalf of them. The
best charitable favor that is done to ones parents or relatives is to settle their debts and to release
them from any liability towards Almighty Allah or towards other people. Hence, one may do his
best to go on the ritual pilgrimage (Hajj) on behalf of the dead or to make up for the obligatory
acts of worship that they missed to do, either voluntarily or by employing someone to do that for
a certain wage.
In this respect, an authentic tradition holds that Imam al-Sadiq(a.s.) used to offer a two-unit
prayer each night on behalf of his son and another two-unit prayer each day on behalf of his
parents. In the first unit, he used to recite Surah al-Faatehah and Surah al-Qadr, and in the second
Surah al-Faatehah and Surah al-Kawthar (No. 108).
Another authentic tradition holds that Imam al-Sadiq(a.s.) said, It happens that the tight grave of
a dead is expanded for him. He is then informed that this expansion has been made due to the
prayer of your brother-in-faith, so-and-so, for you.
The reporter asked, Is it permissible to dedicate a two-unit prayer to two dead persons?
The Imam (a.s.) answered, Yes, it is. Indeed, a dead person takes pleasure in the prayers and
forgiveness-seeking implorations that are dedicated to him just as a living person feels happy
when a present is gifted to him. The reward of such act is recorded for both the dead and the
dedicating person.
According to another tradition, Imam al-Sadiq(a.s.) said, Prayers, fasting, going on Hajj,
almsgiving, charitable acts, and supplications - these things join the dead in his grave.
According to another tradition, Imam al-Sadiq(a.s.) said, Any Muslim who does a (righteous)
act on behalf of a dead, Almighty Allah will double his reward and make his act beneficial for
the dead.
Other traditions hold that when one gives something as alms on behalf of a dead, Almighty Allah
will order Archangel Gabriel to lead seventy thousand angels to the grave of that dead, each
angel carrying a saucer and saying to the dead, Peace be upon you, O Allahs intimate servant.
This is the gift of so-and-son, the faithful, to you. The grave of that dead will then glitter.
Moreover, Almighty Allah will give him one thousand cities in Paradise, one thousand
Paradisiacal women in marriage, one thousand garments to dress, and will grant him one
thousand of his requests.

The prayer for the parents is of two units. In the first unit, Surah al-Faatehah is recited once and
the following supplicatory prayer is repeated ten times:

In the second unit, Surah al-Faatehah is recited once and the following supplicatory prayer is
repeated ten times:

When the prayer is accomplished (by uttering the Taslim statement), the following supplicatory
prayer is repeated ten times:

Imam al-Sadiq(a.s.) is reported to have said:
He who feels hungry may do the ritual ablution (wudu) and offer a two-unit prayer, after which
he may pray Almighty Allah, saying:

According to another tradition, the supplication is as follows:

If he does so, Almighty Allah will immediately give him food.
Imam al-Sadiq(a.s.) is reported to have said, No forty mornings passed on a believer unless evil
self-inspirations jump to his mind. When you are attacked by such evil inspirations, you may
offer a two-unit prayer and pray Almighty Allah to protect you against so.
Imam al-Sadiq(a.s.) is also reported to have said: When Prophet Adam (a.s.) complained to
Almighty Allah against evil self-inspirations, Archangel Gabriel came down to him and asked
him to say the following:

Once Prophet Adam (a.s.) did, he could get rid of evil self-inspirations.
Imam al-Baqir (a.s.) has reported that when a man complained to the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.)
against obsession, evil self-inspiration, and unbearable debts, the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) taught
him the following litany:

After some time, the man returned to the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) to tell him that Almighty Allah
had removed obsession from him, helped him settle all his debts, and saved him from poverty.
The following holy verse is reported to be said for fending off Satans evil inspiration when
doubt is arisen in ones mind:

Imam al-Sadiq(a.s.) is also reported to have said: To get rid of Satans evil inspirations, you may
rub your chest with your hand and say the following:

You may then rub your abdomen and repeat the same supplication three times. If you do so, evil
inspirations will fade away, Allah willing.
For fending off obsessions, it is useful to wash the head with the leaves of lote-trees (jujube
trees), to cleanse the teeth with the stick known as siwak, to eat pomegranates, to drink from the
rainwater in April, and to observe fasting on three days in every month: the first and the last
Thursdays and on Wednesday in the middle of the month.
The following guard-seeking supplication may be also said for fending off evil inspirations:

Istikharah is the process of praying Almighty Allah for leading to the best option from among
many options.

When you are too confused to decide on a certain matter and you thus intend to ask Almighty
Allah to lead you to the most suitable option, you may take six sheets of paper and write down
the following on three of them:

On the other three sheets of paper, you may write down the following:

You may then put all these sheets under your prayer-rug and offer a two-unit prayer. Upon
accomplishment, you may prostrate yourself and repeat the following words one hundred times
while prostrating:

You may then take the position of sitting and say the following:

You may then put your hand on the sheets of paper and scatter them randomly and then take
them out one by one. If the three sheets carrying the word do it come out in sequence, then you
may do what you have intended to do. If the three sheets carrying the word do it not come out
in sequence, then you must not do what you have intended to do. If the first sheet you pick up
contains the word do it while the second contains the word do it not, then you must put all
the sheets together again and pick up five sheets. If three out of these five sheets contain the
word do it, then you must do what you have intended to do, and vice versa.
Istikharah means asking for goodness. Hence, if you intend to do something, you may ask
Almighty Allah to lead you to the best option. A tradition holds that one may ask Almighty Allah
for the best option in the last prostration of the Night Prayer, repeating the following statement
one hundred times:

Istikharah is also recommended in the last prostration of the supererogatory Dawn Prayer and in
every genuflection of the supererogatory Noon Prayer.

It is worth mentioning that Allamah al-Majlisi has reported from his father that his mentor,
Shaykh al-Bahai, said: In one of their instructions, we heard from our mentors that the Rising
Imam (al-Qaim), may Allah hasten his reappearance, instructed a method of Istikharah with
rosaries as follows: Hold the rosary in your hand and invoke blessings upon the Holy Prophet
and his Household three times.
You should then grasp two edges of the rosary randomly and pull each two beads together. If the
remaining is one bead only, then you may do what you have intended to do. If the remaining is
two beads, then you must not do it.
The sublime and well-versed jurisprudent, the author of Jawahir al-Kalam, says: There is another
method of Istikharah practiced by some people of this age and probably ascribed to our master,
the Rising Imam, may Allah hasten his reappearance: You may grasp a rosary from two ends
randomly and pull each eight beads together after you say some holy verses and a supplication. If
the remaining (to the other end) is one bead, this means that it is good in general. If two beads
remain, this is an indication of warning against doing what you have intended to do. If three
beads remain, then you have the choice to do or not to do. If four beads remain, then this is
double warning. If fives beads remain, then the mission will be tiresome (according to some
scholars) or blameworthy (according to others). If six beads remain, this means that the matter is
utterly good to do and it must be done as soon as possible. If seven beads remain, the matter is as
same as the remaining of five beads. If eight beads remain, this means that warning is extremely
In his book of Taqwim al-Muhsinin, al-Muhaddith al-Kashani has mentioned special times in the
week for practicing Istikharah with the Glorious Quran, stating that these special times have
been specified according to what is familiarly known by people, yet I have not found any
tradition reported from the Ahl al-Bayt (a.s.) in this respect.
On Sundays, the suitable time for Istikharah is from the beginning of the day up to the noon and
then from the afternoon up to sunset.
On Mondays, the suitable time is from the beginning of the day up to sunrise, from lunchtime to
noon, and from afternoon to later evening.
On Tuesdays, the suitable time is from lunchtime to noon and from afternoon to later evening.
On Wednesdays, the suitable time is from the beginning of the day up to noon and from
afternoon to later evening.

On Thursdays, the suitable time is from the beginning of the day up to sunrise and from noon up
to later evening.
On Fridays, the suitable time is from the beginning of the day up to sunrise and from midday to
On Saturdays, the suitable time is from the beginning of the day up to lunchtime and from
midday to afternoon.
This table is quoted from the versified book of al-Madkhal by al-Muhaqqiq al-Tusi, may Allah
purify the soil of his grave.
Al-Tusi has reported that a man came to Imam al-Sadiq(a.s.) and complained, My master, I
complain to you about the debt in which I am involved and the ruler who has oppressed me. I
thus want you to teach me a supplication by which I can win a treasure so that I will settle my
debts and protect myself against the oppression of the ruling authorities.
The Imam (a.s.) thus said: When night befalls you, you should offer a two-unit prayer. In the first
unit, recite Surah al-Faatehah and Ayah al-Kursi. In the second unit, recite Surah al-Faatehah and
the last four verses of Surah al-Hashr (No. 59):
You should then carry the book of the Holy Quran, put it on your head, and say the following

You should then repeat each of the following words ten times:

You may then ask for what you need.
The reporter added: After some time, the man returned to Imam al-Sadiq(a.s.) after he had settled
his debt, built good relations with the ruling authorities, and become financially well-appointed.
It seems this supplication must be said after the prayer.

In al-Rawandis book of al-Daawat, it is reported that Imam Zayn al-Abidin (a.s.) passed by a
man sitting at the doorstep of another mans house. What for are you sitting at the door of this
lavish tyrant? the Imam (a.s.) asked.
It is because of ordeal, the man answered.
Stand up, the Imam (a.s.) said, I will guide you to a door better than this tyrants door and to
a Lord who is better than this man.
Hence, the Imam (a.s.) took the man from the hand to the Holy Prophets Mosque where he
instructed him to turn his face towards the kiblah direction, offer a two-unit prayer, raise the
hands towards Almighty Allah to praise Him, invoke His blessings upon the Holy Prophet and
his Household, pray Him by reciting the last verses of Surah al-Hashr (No. 59), the first six
verses of Surah al-Hadid (No. 57), and the two verses in SurahAl-Imran (either verses 81-19
according to al-Rawandi, or 26-27 according to al-Majlisi), and then pray Him for the personal
needs. Any prayer that is said in this situation will be definitely granted.
It is worth mentioning that Imam AliAmeer al-Momineen(a.s.) said, If you need something to
be settled, you may go for seeking it on early Thursdays and you may recite the last verses of
SurahAl-Imran, Ayah al-Kursi, Surah al-Qadr, and Surah al-Faatehah before you leave your
house, because these holy verses and Surahs contribute to solving all the needs for this life and
the life to come.
You may offer a four-unit prayer with precise Qunut and other pillars (i.e. genuflection,
prostration, and the other parts of prayers). In the first unit, you may recite Surah al-Faatehah one
time and repeat the following verses seventy times:

In the second unit, you may recite Surah al-Faatehah once and the following verse seven times:

In the third unit, you may recite Surah al-Faatehah once and the following verse seven times:

In the fourth unit, you may recite Surah al-Faatehah once and the following verse seven times:

You may then mention your need.

Imam al-Sadiq(a.s.) is reported to have said: When you face a difficulty, you may offer a twounit prayer at midday. In the first unit, you may recite Surah al-Faatehah, Surah al-Tawheed, and
the first three verses of Surah al-Fath (No. 48):
In the second unit, you may recite Surah al-Faatehah, Surah al-Tawheed, and Surah al-Inshirah
(or al-Sharh No. 94).
This prayer has been personally experienced.
It is reported that a man came to the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) and said, I have many dependants
and I am suffering too much because of debts. Therefore, instruct me a supplication by which
Almighty Allah will provide me sustenance so that I can settle my debts and cover the needs of
my dependants. The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) taught him to do the following: You may do the
ritual ablution very accurately and then offer a two unit prayer with accurate genuflection and
prostration. Upon accomplishment, you may say the following supplication:

Before you go to your shop (or place of work), you may go to the mosque to offer two or four
units of prayer after which you may say the following supplication:

You may offer a two unit prayer; in the first unit, you may recite Surah al-Faatehah once and
repeat Surah al-Kawthar (No. 108) three times. In the second unit, you may recite Surah alFaatehah once and repeat Surah al-Falaq and Surah al-Nas each three times.

Five in number, the supplicatory prayers for sustenance are as follows:

First: Muawiyah ibn Ammar has reported the following: I once asked Imam al-Sadiq (a) to
teach me a supplicatory prayer for more sustenance. He therefore taught me a supplicatory
prayer that I have never seen more effective than it. It is the following:

Second: Imam al-Baqir (a) is reported to have said to Zayd al-Shahham: For sustenance, you
may say the following supplicatory prayer in the obligatory prayer while you are in the position
of prostration:

Third: Abu-Basir is reported to have said: I complained to Imam al-Sadiq (a) about poverty and
asked him to teach me a supplicatory prayer for sustenance. He therefore taught me a
supplicatory prayer after which I have never needed anything. Precisely, the Imam (a) instructed
me to say the following supplicatory prayer in the Night Prayer while I am in the position of

Referring to the same supplicatory prayer, Shaykh al-Tusi, in his book of Misbah al-Mutahajjid,
has mentioned that this supplicatory prayer may be said in the second prostration of the eighth
unit of the Night Prayer.
Fourth: The Holy Prophet (s) is reported to have instructed that this supplicatory prayer might be
said for asking for sustenance:

Fifth: Reporting this supplicatory prayer for seeking sustenance from Imam al-Sadiq (a), AbuBasir added that Imam al-Sadiq (a) ascribed this prayer to Imam Ali ibn al-Husayn (a):

In Section Two, I have mentioned some prayers that are offered for asking for increase in
The following are two supplicatory prayers for settling the debts:
First: Imam al-Sadiq (a) is reported to have advised of saying this supplicatory prayer:

Second: This supplicatory prayer is reported from Imam Musa ibn Jafar al-Kazim (a):

The following is quoted from the book of Makarim al-Akhlaq:
At midnight, you may bathe yourself and offer a two-unit prayer. In both units, you should recite
Surah al-Faatehah once and repeat Surah al-Tawheed five hundred times. After repeating this
Surah in the second unit, you may recite the last verses of Surah al-Hashr:
You may then recite the first six verses of Surah al-Hadid. While standing up, you may then
repeat the following holy verse one thousand times:

You may then accomplish your prayer and praise Almighty Allah.

If your need is not settled, you may repeat this prayer. If it is still not settled, you may repeat it
once more and your need will be settled, Allah willing.
As quoted from Makarim al-Akhlaq
When you go to sleep at night, you may put close to the side of your head a clean vessel full of
pure water and covered by a clean piece of cloth. When you wake up to offer the Night Prayer,
you may drink three doses of that water and perform the ritual ablution (wudu ) with the rest of
it. You may then turn your face towards the kiblah direction, recite the adhan and iqamah
statements, and offer a two-unit prayer, reciting whatever Surah you would like to recite. While
genuflecting, you may repeat the following supplicatory statement twenty-five times:

When you stand erect again after the genuflection, you may repeat the same statement twentyfive times. In the two prostrations of the prayer and the position of sitting between them, you
may repeat the same statement twenty-five each. When you stand up for offering the second unit,
you may do the same thing as exactly as you have done in the first unit. By this, you have
repeated this statement three hundred times. You may then finish your prayer after uttering the
statements of tashahhud and Taslim. Keeping yourself in the position of the prayer (i.e. sitting),
you may raise your head towards the sky and repeat the following statement thirty times:

You may then submit your request, and the response will come very shortly, by the permission of
Almighty Allah.
Sixth: Imam al-Sadiq (a) is reported to have said: Ali ibn al-Husayn (a) used to say: After I say
these words, I do not care even if all men and jinn support each other against me:

Seventh: The following supplicatory prayer of the Ahl al-Bayt (i.e. the Holy Prophets
Household) may be said to fend off agonies, horrifying matters, and sways of ruling authorities:

You may now submit your requests.

Eighth: Imam Muhammad al-Taqi (a) is reported to have said: In order to reach at relief (from a
trouble), it is recommended to say this supplicatory prayer regularly:

Ninth: Imam Zayn al-Abidin (a) is reported to have said to his sons: Whenever one of you is
inflicted by a misfortune or troubled by a crisis, he should perform the ritual ablution (wuzu) as
perfectly as possible, offer a two-unit or four-unit prayer, and say the following supplicatory
prayer thereafter:

No one uses this supplicatory prayer but that Almighty Allah, if He wills, shall relieve him from
what he is suffering.
Tenth: Imam al-Sadiq (a) is reported to have said: To remove any distress and grief, you may
bathe yourself, offer a two-unit prayer, and say the following supplicatory prayer:

You may then recite Ayah al-Kursi, Surah al-Falaq, and Surah al-Nas.
Eleventh: To pray for removing agony, it is reported that one may repeat the following
supplicatory prayer one hundred times in a position of prostration:

Twelfth: Imam Musa ibn Jafar (a) is reported to have said to Sumaah: If you have an urgent
need to be granted by Almighty Allah, you should say this supplicatory prayer:

You may now submit your request.

Indeed, on the Resurrection Day, all archangels, missioned prophets, and tested faithful believers
will be in need for Muhammad and Ali, Allahs peace be upon them and their Household.
[ The author of the book] Let me, the poor, refer to this tradition on this occasion:
Ibn Abil-Hadid has reported the following incident from Imam Ali Amir al-Muminin (a): One
day, I asked the Holy Prophet (s) to implore God to forgive me. Responding to me, the Holy
Prophet (s) stood up, offered a prayer, and raised his hands for supplicating. Listening carefully
to him, I heard him saying:

Surprisingly, I said to him, O Allahs Messenger, what kind of supplication is this? He (s)
answered, Can I find any other person who is dearer to Allah than you are so that I can beseech
Him in his name?
Within the supplicatory prayers of the Thanksgiving Prostration in the first section of the book, I
have mentioned a number of related supplicatory prayers.


In Makarim al-Akhlaq, the following is quoted from Imam al-Baqir and Imam al-Sadiq(a.s.):
With a saffron liquid that is put in a clean vessel, you may write Surah al-Faatehah, Ayah alKursi, Surah al-Qadr, Surah Yasin, Surah al-Waqiah, Surah al-Hashr, Surah al-Mulk, Surah alTawheed, Surah al-Falaq, and Surah al-Nas, and wash the patch with water taken from Zamzam
Spring, rainwater, or clean water. Then, you may put two mitigalsof olibanum (an aromatic gum
formerly used in medicine but now chiefly as incense), ten mitigals of sugar, and ten mitigals of
honey. You may then put it under sunlight and put a piece of iron on it. At the last hours of night,
you may offer a two unit prayer in each unit of which you may recite Surah al-Faatehah and
repeat Surah al-Tawheed fifty times. Upon accomplishment, you may drink that water, which is
very useful and time-tested for strengthening memory, God willing.
At the end of Chapter Six, we will mention matters that strengthen memory.
Offer a two unit prayer in each unit of which you may recite Surah al-Tawheed sixty times (of
course, after Surah al-Faatehah). When you finish, your sins will be forgiven.


Within the devotional rites on Friday, Shaykh al-Tusi, in Misbah al-Mutahajjid, has quoted the
Abdullah ibn Masud is reported to have quoted the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) as saying: Whoever
offers a two unit prayer on Fridays after the Asr (afternoon) prayer, in the first unit of which he
recites Surah al-Faatehah and Ayah al-Kursi and repeats Surah al-Falaq twenty-five times, and in
the second unit, he recites Surah al-Faatehah and Surah al-Tawheed and repeats Surah al-Nas
twenty-five times and repeats after accomplishment the following statement twenty-five times,
will not depart this world before Almighty Allah shows him Paradise in dreams and shows him
his place therein:

Sayyid Ibn Tawus, in Jamal al-Usbu, Chapter: 33, has mentioned a form of prayer for
forgiveness. About this prayer, he added, This is a great and noble prayer that is known well by
the bearers of the divine secrets. Hence, beware of belittling this prayer.
However, refer to the book involved in order to acquaint yourself with this prayer.
Advised by the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.), this prayer consists of two units and is offered between
the Maghrib (sunset) and Isha (evening) obligatory prayers. In the first unit, you may recite
Surah al-Faatehah (once) and Surah al-Zalzalah thirteen times. In the second unit, you may recite
Surah al-Faatehah (once) and Surah al-Tawheed fifteen times. Whoever offers this prayer
regularly every evening, will win innumerable rewards.
This prayer consists of two units in each of which Surah al-Faatehah and Surah al-Qadr are
recited once each. After the recitation of these Surahs, the following supplicatory prayer is
repeated fifteen times:

The same supplicatory prayer is repeated, yet ten times, in the genuflection of the prayer. Then,
the prayer is accomplished just like the famous prayer of Jafar.
It is worth mentioning that the prayer for forgiveness is offered as same as this prayer for pardon,
except that its supplicatory prayer should be as follows:

This prayer is also useful for beseeching for expansive sustenance, Allah willing.
Sayyid Ibn Tawus quoted Imam al-Hasan al-Askari(a.s.) to have said: In the books of my
forefathers (a.s.), I have read that whoever offers on Saturdays a four unit prayer; reciting in each
unit Surah al-Faatehah, Surah al-Tawheed, and Ayah al-Kursi, Allah the Almighty and Allmajestic will grant him the rank of the Prophets, the martyrs, and the righteous people. How
excellent the company of these is!
Imam al-Hasan al-Askari(a.s.) is also reported to have said that whoever offers on Sundays a
four unit prayer; reciting in each unit Surah al-Faatehah and Surah al-Mulk, will be allowed by
Almighty Allah to occupy any place in Paradise he likes.
Imam al-Hasan al-Askari(a.s.) is also reported to have said that whoever offers on Mondays a
ten unit prayer; reciting in each unit Surah al-Faatehah once and repeating Surah al-Tawheed ten
times, Almighty Allah will grant him on Friday light that shines the place of the Assemblage (on
the Resurrection Day) due to which all the creatures of Almighty Allah will wish to have its like
on that day.
Imam al-Hasan al-Askari(a.s.) is also reported to have said that whoever offers on Tuesdays a
six unit prayer; reciting in each unit Surah al-Faatehah, the last two verses of Surah al-Baqarah
(i.e. amana al-rassulu), and Surah al-Zalzalah, Almighty Allah will forgive all of his sin as if
his mother has just given birth to him.
Imam al-Hasan al-Askari(a.s.) is also reported to have said that whoever offers on Wednesdays a
four unit prayer; reciting in each unit Surah al-Faatehah, Surah al-Tawheed, and Surah al-Qadr,
Almighty Allah will accept his repentance from all sins and will give him in marriage a
Paradisiacal woman.

Imam al-Hasan al-Askari(a.s.) is also reported to have said that whoever offers on Thursdays a
ten unit prayer; reciting in each unit Surah al-Faatehah once and repeating Surah al-Tawheed ten
times, the angels will say to him, Ask, and you will grant it.
Imam al-Hasan al-Askari(a.s.) is also reported to have said that whoever offers on Fridays a four
unit prayer; reciting in each unit Surah al-Faatehah, Surah al-Mulk, and Surah Fussilat (No. 41),
Almighty Allah will allow him Paradise, grant him the right to intercede for his household, and
guard him against the grave pressure and the horrors on the Resurrection Day.
When the reporter asked Imam al-Askari(a.s.) about the best time of offering these prayers, the
Imam (a.s.) answered, The best time is the period between sunrise and midday.
Sayyid Ibn Tawus (may Allah have mercy upon him) in his book of Muhaj al-Daawat has
reported Said ibn Abil-Fath of Wasit as saying:
I was once inflicted by a serious disease that overtired all physicians. Therefore, my father took
me to the hospital where all physicians, headed by the Christian doctor of medicine, tried to find
me treatment, but failed. Finally, they had to confess, This disease cannot be healed except by
God the All-exalted. With breaking heart and distress, I had to go back home. Browsing one of
my fathers books, I found the following inscribed on the back of the book:
Imam al-Sadiq(a.s.) is reported to have said: Any diseased person who repeats these statements
forty times immediately after the Dawn Prayer and then rubs the painful part with his hand,
Almighty Allah will free him from the disease and restore him to health:

I, the patient, waited for dawn, performed the obligatory prayer, and sat in my place repeating
these words while I was fearful lest the pains would return to me. Keeping on this state for three
days, the disease was gone. My father, after I had told him about this, thanked Almighty Allah.
When he informed one of the physicians about the restoration of my health, the physician, who
was non-Muslim, visited and examined me. When he was sure that my disease had gone, he

converted to Islam, bore witness that Muhammad is the messenger of God, and committed
himself to the teachings of Islam.
Al-Kafami, in his book entitled al-Misbah, has mentioned that whoever is diseased, may rub
over the place of his prostration (in prayers) with his hand and then rub the ailed organ after each
obligatory prayer seven times. He may then say the following supplicatory prayer:

[ Instead of the three dots, you may submit your requests and mention your ailed organ.]
Quoting Misbah al-Mutahajjid, al-Kafami has reported that whoever is ailed, may say the
following supplicatory prayer in the second prostration of the first two units of the Night Prayer:

The disease or ailment may be now mentioned

It is recommended to supplicate earnestly, because the more earnest the sooner in response.
Quoted from Uddat al-DAI, Imam al-Sadiq(a.s.) is reported to have said:
When you are ailed, go outdoors, raise your hands towards the sky, and say the following
supplicatory prayer:

) :

It is also reported that any believer who is diseased or ailed, should rub the ailed organ with his
hand and repeat the following (holy verse) with sincerity:

If he does, he will be restored to health no matter what his disease would be. Confirming this, the
holy verse corroborates that it carries healing and mercy to the believers.
An ailed person is recommended to purchase one saof wheat, lie on his back, disperse the wheat
grains on his chest, and say the following supplicatory prayer:

He may then sit, gather the wheat grains around him, repeat the same supplicatory prayer, divide
the wheat grains into four shares, give each share to a poor man, and repeat the same
supplicatory prayer. Once an ailed person does all that, he will be restored to health, Allah
Imam Ali(a.s.) is reported to have said: Put your hand on the ailed organ and repeat the following
supplicatory prayer three times:

Imam al-Sadiq(a.s.) is reported to have said in this regard: You may put your hand on the ailed
organ and say:

You may then rub the ailed organ with your hand and repeat the following evil-repelling prayer
(udhah) seven times:

It is reported that when a child is ailed, the mother may ascend to a roof, throw the head cover
away, expose the hair of her head under the sky, prostrate herself, and say the following

The mother will not raise her head from the prostration but that her child is restored to health.
Al-Shahid, may Allah have mercy upon him, has reported that whoever is tensely ailed may
recite Surah al-Faatehah forty times on a glass of water. He may then pour the water on his body.
He may have a measure of wheat near him and hand over each beggar a measure and ask him to
pray Almighty Allah to cure him. If he does so, he will be restored to health, Allah willing.
Medicate your patients with alms. This saying is reported through considerable chains of
With reference to removal of diseases, al-Shahid has also reported that the right arm of a patient
may be held while reciting Surah al-Faatehah seven times. After that, the following supplicatory
prayer may be said:

If this does not work, Surah al-Faatehah may be repeated seventy times, and it will be effective,
Allah willing.
Imam al-Baqir (a.s.) is reported to have said, Whoever is not healed by Surah al-Faatehah and
Surah al-Tawheed, nothing else will heal him. Verily, these two Surahs cure of all ailments.
Imam al-Sadiq(a.s.) is reported to have said: Allah will certainly cure any ailed believer who says
the following verse sincerely while rubbing his ailed organ with his hand:

Imam al-Rida(a.s.) is reported to have said: For all ailments, you may say the following
supplicatory prayer:

Sayyid Ibn Tawus, may Allah have mercy upon him, has mentioned the following narration in his
book entitled Muhaj al-Daawat:
Ibn Abbas is reported to have said that he was once present with Imam Ali(a.s.) when a faintfaced man visited him and said, O Commander of the Faithful, I am diseased person and many
ailments and aches have afflicted me. So, please teach me a supplicatory prayer that helps me
endure my ailments. Answering him, Imam Ali(a.s.) said, I will lead you to a supplicatory
prayer that was taught by Archangel Gabriel to the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) when al-Hasan and alHusayn fell ill. This is it:

Ibn Abbas added: One year later, I saw the man fresh-faced and glowing. He said, Whenever I
said this supplicatory prayer in sickness, I would be soon restored to health, in ailment, I would
be soon cured, and before a despotic authority, I would be protected against him.
It is reported that al-Najashi, an ancient king of Abyssinia, inherited from his fathers a four
hundred year old bonnet that appeases any pain that it touches. When the bonnet was untied to
inspect its secret, the following supplicatory prayer was seen written therein:

According to Makarim al-Akhlaq, al-Najashi, having had headache, wrote a message to the Holy
Prophet (s.a.w.a.) complaining about his ache. In response, the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) sent him a
supplicatory amulet written in a patch. When al-Najashi put the patch in his bonnet, his headache
was relieved.
This is the supplicatory amulet:


Imam al-Baqir (a.s.) is reported to have said: Whoever suffers from headache may rub his head
with his hand and repeat the following statement seven times:

Imam al-Sadiq(a.s.) is reported to have advised the same supplicatory amulet to be repeated
seven times by those who suffer from earache.

Imam al-Sadiq(a.s.) is reported to have advised those who suffer from earache to do the
Bring a piece of very old cheese, crush it, add milk to it, boil it on fire, and pour some drops of it
in the ached ear.
Recite the following holy verse on a glass of water and then drink it:

It is reported that whenever the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) was ailed or suffered from headache, he
would open his two hands, recite Surah al-Faatehah, Surah al-Falaq, and Surah al-Nas, and then
rub his face with his hands. Then, the ache would disappear.
For those who suffer from headache, while rubbing their heads with the hands, the following
holy verse should be recited:

The following incident is quoted from the book of Rabi al-Abrar:
In Turtus (a city western Syria), Al-Mamun, the Abbasid ruler, was once affected by headache
that none could treat. Having heard about this, the Roman emperor sent him a bonnet and a letter
in which he wrote, Having been informed about your headache, I sent you this bonnet so that
you would put it on your head and your ache would vanish. Anticipating that the bonnet would
be poisoned, al-Mamun ordered the messenger to put it on his head. However, no harm
happened to the messenger. Al-Mamun then ordered the bonnet to be put on the head of another
man who suffered from headache. Therefore, his pain vanished. Only then did he put it on his
head and his headache vanished. Surprised, al-Mamun untied the bonnet and found the
following inscription written therein:

Put your hand on the ached half of your head and repeat the following supplicatory prayer three


Imam al-Baqir (a.s.) is reported to have said: Put your hand on the ailed organ and recite the
the last four verses of Surah al-Hashr]: [ following holy verses
These holy verses have been previously cited in this book.
Imam al-Sadiq(a.s.) is reported to have said: As for those who suffer from mouth ache, they may
put their hands on the ached organ and say the following:

Imam al-Sadiq(a.s.) is reported to have said: As for those who suffer from toothache, they may
put their hands on the ached organ and recite Surah al-Faatehah, Surah al-Tawheed, Surah alQadr, and the following holy verse:

Likewise, Imam Ali(a.s.) is reported to have said: You may rub the place of your prostration (in
ritual prayers) with your hand, rub the ached tooth with it, and say the following:


You may recite Surah al-Faatehah and Surah al-Tawheed. With each Surah, you may recite:

After Surah al-Tawheed, you may recite the following holy verses:

You may then say the following supplicatory prayer:

It is also reported that one who suffers from toothache may take a blade or a leaf of a date-palm
tree, rub the ached place with it, and repeat the following statement seven times:

It is also reported that one who suffers from toothache may put a stick or a piece of iron on the
tooth and use this supplicatory amulet from the side of the tooth by repeating it seven times:


The previous method may be repeated seven times.
It is also reported that the previously mentioned verse (i.e. and when you killed) may be
recited by those who suffer from chest pains.
A tradition reads, Seek healing from the Holy Quran, for Almighty Allah says, O men! There
has come to you indeed an admonition from your Lord and a healing for what is in the breasts.
An all-inclusive supplicatory prayer is reported for curing of coughing. This lengthy supplicatory
prayer, which is quoted from Bihar al-Anwar, Book of Supplicatory Prayers, begins with the
following statement:

The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) is reported to have advised those who suffer from colic to mix honey
with hot water and recite Surah al-Faatehah seven times on the mixture so as to seek Almighty
Allahs protection against the pains.
As to Imam Ali(a.s.), he is reported to have directed those who suffer from stomach pains to
drink hot water and say the following supplicatory prayer:

For a stomach pain or any other ailment, the sick is recommended to put his/her hand on the
ailed place and repeat the following evil-repelling prayer:

The sick may then put his/her right hand on the ailed place and repeat the following three times:

For those who suffer from colitis, they are required to write Surah al-Faatehah, Surah al-Falaq,
and Surah al-Nas on a paper or a sheet and then adds the following statement thereunder:

Then, the sheet may be washed with rainwater and drunk (1) in the beginning of the day before
eating anything and (2) before going to sleep. This is blessed and useful way.
It is narrated that a man complained to the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) about colitis from which his
brother had suffered. The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) instructed, Tell your brother to drink a mixture
of honey and hot water. The next day, the man returned to the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) and
informed that the prescription was not useful. The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) commented, Allah is
truthful, but your brothers colon is not. Go back, give him the same drink, and recite on it Surah
al-Faatehah seven times as prayer for Gods protection. When the man left, the Holy Prophet
(s.a.w.a.) said to Imam Ali(a.s.), The brother of this man is hypocrite; therefore, the drink was
not effective with him.

To treat warts - small, benign, and hard excrescence on the skin or on the hand occasionally - for
each wart, you may take seven barley seeds. Recite the verses 1-6 of Surah al-Waqiah (No. 56)
seven times over each seed. Then, recite the following verse seven times over each seed, too:

You may then blow over it. Take one seed at a time and rub each seed on one wart. Then, put all
of the seeds in a piece of cloth, tie up a rock on the piece of cloth, and throw it in a well.
This act is said to be advisably done in the waning of the moon.
A warty person is recommended to rub the warts with a piece of salt and recite three times the
last four verses of Surah al-Hashr:
The piece of salt may be then thrown in an oven and the warty person may pass over it hurriedly.
Then, the warts will vanish, Allah willing.
The author of the book of al-Khazain has mentioned that warts may vanish when they are
overlaid with the hair-removing powder.
Recite the last four verses of Surah al-Hashr with ponderation while you are ceremonially pure
after you have performed the ritual ablution (wudu) before and after an obligatory prayer:
The swelling will then vanish, Allah willing.
For women suffering from dystocia (i.e. difficult or abnormally painful childbirth), the following
holy verses may be written on a parchment and tied to their right thigh. It must be untied after
they give birth:

It is also reported that the following holy verse should be recited over women suffering from

The reciter should then raise the voice with the following holy verse and the statement following

For easy childbirth, Imam al-Sadiq(a.s.) is reported to have advised of writing the following
supplicatory prayer on a sheet of paper or a parchment:

You may now mention the womans name and her mothers:

The following holy verses and statement may be written on a paper, which may be then hanged
to the bewitched person (usually a man bewitched by a woman so as to make him marry her):

(1) It is recommended to say this supplicatory amulet, which the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) taught to
Imam Ali(a.s.) against fever:

(2) A feverish person is recommended to say repeatedly in mornings and evenings the
supplicatory prayer known as Dua al-nur - a supplicatory prayer that Lady Fatimah alZahra(a.s.) taught to Salman. This supplicatory prayer can be found in Mafatih al-Jinan.

(3) The Holy Imams (a.s.) are reported to have used to treated themselves against fever with cold
water. Successively, they used to wet their clothes by putting one on and leaving the other in
water. When the dressed one dried out, they would put on the other wet one.
(4) Handwritten by Imam al-Rida(a.s.), a feverish person may write the following inscriptions on
three sheets of paper as follows:
On the first sheet, the following may be written down:

On the second sheet, the following may be written down:

On the third sheet, the following may be written down:

On each of these sheets, Surah al-Tawheed may be recited three times. After that, the feverish
person may swallow the sheets in three days; each one on a day. If this is practiced, the fever will
be healed, Allah willing.
(5) The feverish person my untie the buttons of his shirt, hang his head down to his chest, say the
adhan and the iqamah statements, and recite Surah al-Faatehah seven times. If this is practiced,
the fever will be healed, Allah willing.
(6) The Holy Imams (a.s.) are reported to have instructed that the following supplicatory prayer
should be written on a parchment and hanged to the feverish person:

Then, it is recommended to write down the name of a non-Muslim or an enemy of Almighty
(7) On the right arm of the feverish person, it is advised to hang a sheet of paper (or the like) on
which the following inscription has been written down:

(8) On three pieces of sugar, the following three phrases may be written down and the feverish
person may eat them in the mornings of three days as the first meal, each piece a day:
The inscription on the first piece of sugar is this:

The inscription on the second piece of sugar is this:

The inscription on the third piece of sugar is this:

It is reported that a man complained to Imam Musa al-Kazim (a.s.) about suffering from
continuous tenesmus (i.e. a frequent, excessive, and painful desire to defecate). As treatment, the
Imam (a.s.) taught the man to say the following supplicatory prayer after the Night Prayer:

Imam Musa al-Kazim (a.s.) is also reported to have advised the same previous supplicatory
A man said [ prayer to be said after the Night Prayer by those who suffer from stomach gurgling.
to him, I suffer from stomach gurgling that never stops. Therefore, I feel embarrassed when
]people to whom I speak hear the sounds of such gurgling. So, please pray Allah to cure me of it.

Imam al-Sadiq(a.s.), advising those who suffer from stomach gurgling, said, Black cumin may
be mixed with honey and then eaten.
Yunus has reported that whitish scales between the eyes affected him. He therefore complained
about this disease to Imam al-Sadiq(a.s.) who, leading him to a treatment, said: You may pure
yourself ceremonially, offer a two-unit prayer, and say this (supplicatory prayer):

Reporting the same narration, the author of Uddat al-DAIhas reported Imam al-Sadiq(a.s.) as
In the beginning of the last third of night, you may perform the ritual ablution (wudu) and offer
the prayer you usually offer at this time. In the second prostration of the first two units of the
prayer, you may say the following (supplicatory prayer) while you are in a state of prostration:

You may pray Almighty Allah so persistently.
Yunus added, Before I returned to al-Kufah, Almighty Allah has removed from me all the traces
of that disease.
For this disease as well as hemorrhoids, it is reported to write down Surah Yasin with honey in a
cup that must be then washed and drunk.
It is also reported to have the soil of Imam al-Husayns tomb after being kneaded with rainwater.
It is also reported to overlay the ailed organ with henna and hair-removing powder for those
suffering from mange, furuncle, and herpes. For the same diseases, it is reported to recite, write
down, and hang on the diseased person the following holy verses and supplicatory statement:


One of the companions of the Holy Imams (a.s.) is reported to have uncovered his private parts
in a situation where it is improper to uncover ones private parts; he was therefore affected by an
ailment at that place. When he complained about this to Imam al-Sadiq(a.s.), he was taught to do
this supplicatory amulet:
Put your left hand on the ailed part and repeat the following supplicatory prayer three times. If
you do, you will be restored to health, Allah willing:

Quoted from the book of Yibb al-Aimmah (Medicine of the Imams), Jabir al-Jufi reported
Imam Muhammad al-Baqir (a.s.) as saying:
I was present with al-Husayn ibn Ali(a.s.) when a man from the descendants of Umayyah, yet he
was loyalist to us, came to him and said, O son of Allahs Messenger, I could hardly come to
you walking because of a pain from which I am suffering in my leg.
The Imam (a.s.) asked, How are you turned back from the supplicatory amulet of al-Hasan ibn
What is that, son of Allahs Messenger? asked the man.
The Imam (a.s.) explained, You may recite the first seven verses of Surah al-Fath.
Afterwards, the man said, As I had carried out this direction, I felt no pain at all.
It is also reported that one who suffers from knee pains may say the following supplicatory
prayer after the ritual prayers:

For those suffering from pains in the legs, it is reportedly recommended to recite the following
holy verse seven times over the legs:


For those suffering from eye aches, many traditions have recommended saying the following
supplicatory prayer after the ritual obligatory prayers of dawn (subh) and sunset (maghrib):

Al-Bizanti reported Yunus ibn abyan to have said: One day, we visited Imam al-Sadiq(a.s.) and
found him tensely sore-eyed; therefore, we were depressed. The next morning, we visited him
while he was completely healed. Surprised by this, we asked him, May Allah accept us as
ransoms for you! Have you treated your eyes with a certain medicine? The Imam answered,
Yes, I have. I have treated them with the best of all medicines. What is that? we asked. The
Imam (a.s.) answered, It is a supplicatory amulet. We therefore wrote down that supplicatory
amulet, which is as follows:

When we asked the Imam (a.s.) about the meaning of jamallah, he said, It means the wholeness
of Allah.
It is also reported that one who suffers from eye pains may recite Ayah al-Kursi and believe in
his inner self that the reciting of this holy verse will cure him of that pain.
Before reciting this holy verse, one suffering from eye pains is advised to put his hand on his eye
and say the following:

This will be useful.
For those who suffer from nyctalopia (i.e. reduction or loss of vision in dim light), they are
recommended to write down Ayah al-Nur several times (on a sheet of paper) in a cup, wash it,
put it in a flask, and use it as eye ointment.
Ayah al-Nur is the following:

It is also reported that whoever recites the Holy Quran from copies of the Holy Quran, will
enjoy strong sight.
It is also reported that whoever repeats the following holy verse every day, his eyes will be saved
from all optical troubles:

Al-Kafami says: According to experiments, to seek the advocacy of Imam Musa al-Kazim (a.s.)
is useful for cure of eye pains as well as the troubles of the other organs.
For those suffering from nosebleed, it is recommended to pour cold water on their heads and
Imam Ali(a.s.) is reported to have advised those who intend to neutralize the spell that is cast
upon them to write down the following statements on a parchment made of an antelopes skin
and then hang it on the body:

For dispelling the evils of devils and sorcerers, the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) is reported to have
advised of reciting Ayah al-Sakharah:

According to other traditions, the second verse (i.e. call on your lord) is not included.
The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) is also reported to have said, For each tree, leaf, and fruit of harmel
(also harmala; a plant having aromatic seeds containing various alkaloids and used locally for

medicines, oil, and dye), there is an angel entrusted with them until they are wrecked. Verily, in
the root and branches of these trees is an amulet against distress and sorcery. In the grains of this
plant, there is remedy of seventy-two maladies. So, treat yourselves with this plant and with
It is reported that when Imam al-Rida(a.s.) once passed by an epileptic person, he ordered a cup
of water to be brought to him. The Imam (a.s.) then recited Surah al-Faatehah, Surah al-Falaq,
and Surah al-Nas on the cup and expectorated in it. He then ordered them to pour that water on
the head and face of the epileptic person. Immediately, the man restored consciousness. The
Imam (a.s.) then said to him, This will never affect you again.
Fourth: The companions of the Holy Prophet (s) are reported, in one of the military expeditions,
to have complained to him about fleas that annoyed them. Instructing them, the Holy Prophet (s)
said: When you go to sleep, you may say this supplicatory prayer:

Fifth: Imam Ali Amir al-Muminin (a) is reported to have said: When you see a beast, you
should say this:

Imam al-Sadiq (a) is reported to have said: When you face a beast, you should recite in its face
Ayah al-Kursi and these words:

If you do so, the beast will go away, by the will of Allah the All-exalted.
Sixth: The Holy Prophet (s) is reported to have said to Imam Ali Amir al-Muminin (a): When
you fall in a trouble or an ordeal, you may say the following words. Once you do, Allah the
Almighty and All-exalted will ward off from you whatever sort of misfortune He wills:


The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) is reported to have said: Whoever is thrown by a jinni with a stone,
may pick up the stone, throw it to the direction from which it came, and say this:

To secure oneself from jinn, it is useful to breed chickens, roosters, and young goats in ones
To secure oneself from jinn in journeys, wastelands, and places expected to be haunted, Imam alSadiq(a.s.) is reported to have advised that one should put his hand on the center of the head and
recite the following holy verse with the lowest tone:

It is also reported that when the lands expected to be haunted are entered, it is advisable to utter
the adhan.
To fend off the evil eyes, it is reported to recite verse No. 51 of Surah al-Qalam (No. 68):

Imam al-Sadiq(a.s.) is reported to have said: Once you fear lest you will be affected by an evil
eye or you may affect others with it, you may repeat the following statement three times:

It is also reported that whoever puts on an attractive attire, should recite Surah al-Falaq and
Surah al-Nas before leaving his house. If he does, nothing will harm him by the permission of
Almighty Allah.
To fend off the evil eyes, you may raise your hand to the level of your face, recite Surah alFaatehah, Surah al-Falaq, and Surah al-Nas, and rub your forelocks with your hands.
The following supplicatory amulet may be said to fend off the evil eyes:

Another supplicatory amulet against evil eyes is the following:

Having applied this supplicatory amulet to Imam al-Hasan and Imam al-Husayn (a.s.), the Holy
Prophet (s.a.w.a.) said to his companions, Apply this supplicatory amulet to your children.
To protect the animals and other things from the evil eyes, Imam Ali(a.s.) is reported to have
advised of using this supplicatory amulet:

Those who suffer from Satans evil insinuations are advised to pray for Almighty Allahs
protection and say the following:

Shaykh al-Shahid has quoted the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) to have said: There are two kinds of
devils. The jinn devils can be dispelled by this saying:

The human devils can be dispelled by invoking Almighty Allahs blessings upon the Holy
Prophet and his Household.
In a previous chapter, I have referred to a prayer offered for dispelling evil self-suggestions as
well as some supplicatory amulets against devilish insinuations.
To protect your house against theft, it is recommended to recite the following holy verses on the
handle and the lock of the door of your house:


To fend off the stings of scorpions, it is recommended to look sharply at the suha star (a dim star
in Ursa Minor) and repeat the following supplicatory prayer three times:

It is also reported that one (who intends to evade the stings and bites of scorpions and snakes)
may look at this star and repeat the following supplicatory prayer three times:

Imam al-Sadiq(a.s.) is also reported to have advised the following supplicatory prayer to be said
at evening for fending off the stings and bites of scorpions and serpents:

To protect oneself against scorpions, it is recommended to recite the following holy verses:

It is also reported that when Prophet Noah (a.s.) embarked in the Ark, he refused to take the
scorpion with him. Hence, the scorpion said to Prophet Noah (a.s.), I take upon myself that I
will never sting one who says these words:

According to many traditions, to rub the places stung by scorpions and other insects with salt
removes the effect of poison.
The following are ten supplicatory prayers that are advisably said in mornings and evenings:
First: Imam al-Sadiq (a) is reported to have said that Imam Ali ibn al-Husayn Zayn al-Abidin
(a) used to begin his day with the following supplicatory statement:

Second: Imam al-Sadiq (a) is reported to have said: Whoever repeats the following saying three
times in the evening, will be surrounded by one of the wings of Archangel Gabriel up to the next

Third: Imam al-Sadiq (a) is also reported to have said: You may receive your evening with the
following supplicatory prayer:

You may now submit your requests.
Fourth: Imam al-Sadiq (a) is also reported to have said: My father (a) used to begin his
morning with the following supplicatory prayer:

It is then recommended to repeat ten times the invocation of Almighty Allahs blessings upon the
Holy Prophet and his Household.
Fifth: Imam al-Sadiq (a) is also reported to have said: When you perform the Sunset and the
Dawn Prayers, you should repeat the following statement seven times:

Whoever utters this statement, will be saved from leprosy, mycobacterium, lunacy, and seventy
kinds of misfortune.
In mornings and evenings, you may repeat the following doxology twice:

You may then say the following doxology:

You may then recite Ayah al-Kursi (2:255), the last (four) verses of Surah al-Hashr (59:21-24),
ten verses of Surah al-Saffat (No. 37), and the following holy verses and doxological statements
following them:

Sixth: Imam al-Sadiq (a) is also reported to have advised the following supplicatory prayer to be
said in mornings:

Seventh: Imam al-Sadiq (a) is also reported to have said: You may neglect to do anything, but
never neglect saying the following supplicatory prayer in mornings and evenings:

Eighth: Imam al-Baqir (a) is reported to have advised of the following:
Repeat the following litany ten times at dawn:

Then, repeat the invocation of blessings upon the Holy Prophet and his Household ten times.
Then, repeat the glorification statement (tasbih) thirty-five times:

Then, repeat the statement of professing Almighty Allah being the one and only God (tahlil)
thirty-five times:

Then, repeat the statement of praising Almighty Allah thirty-five times:

Whoever says all that at dawn, will not be included with the inadvertent ones on that day.
Similarly, whoever says the same at night, will not be included with the inadvertent ones at that
Ninth: Muhammad ibn Fuzayl has reported that he wrote a letter to Imam Muhammad al-Taqi
(al-Jawad) (a) asking him to teach him a supplicatory prayer. The Imams answer came: In
mornings and evening, you may say the following statement:

You may then submit your requests.
The previous statement is thus an introductory to the beseeching for any request by the
permission of Allah the All-exalted.
Tenth: Imam al-Sadiq (a) is reported to have said to Dawud al-Raqqi: Do not miss repeating the
following supplicatory prayer three times in mornings and three times in evenings:

The Imam (a) added: My father (a) has said, This is one of the divinely hoarded supplicatory

Seven in number, the supplicatory prayers at bedtime and at waking are as follows:
First: Imam al-Sadiq (a) is reported to have said: Whoever repeats the following doxology three
times before going to bed, will be released of his sins as exactly as he was on the day his mother
gave birth to him:

Shaykh al-Saduq has also reported the same tradition.
The author of Uddat al-Dai has added that Imam al-Sadiq (a), having declared this saying,
commented, This is the least praise one may say to the Lord.
However, according to this narration, the third phrase replaces the second.
Second: Imam al-Sadiq (a) has mentioned that whenever the Holy Prophet (s) went to sleep, he
would recite Ayah al-Kursi and then say the following statement:

Third: Al-Mufazzal ibn Umar reported the following: Imam al-Sadiq (a) said to me: If possible,
you should not go to bed at night before you pray for the protection of the following eleven
items. However, you can use them whenever you wish:

Fourth: Imam al-Sadiq (a) is reported to have said, Whoever repeats Surah al-Tawhid (No. 112)
one hundred times before he goes to sleep, Almighty Allah will forgive him the sins of fifty
Imam al-Sadiq (a) is also reported to have said, Whoever recites Surah al-Kafirun (No. 109)
and Surah al-Tawhid before he goes to sleep etc.
Fifth: Imam al-Sadiq (a) reported the Holy Prophet (s) as saying: Whoever intends to offer any
amount of night worship, may say the following words before he goes to sleep. If he does,
Almighty Allah will order an angel to awaken him at the very time he intends to wake up:

The time at which one intends to wake up may be mentioned now.

Sixth: Imam al-Sadiq (a) is reported to have said: When one of you wakes up at night, he may
say the following doxology. If he does, Almighty Allah will say, My servant has said the truth
and has thanked Me.

Seventh: Abd al-Rahman ibn al-Hajjaj has reported that Imam al-Sadiq (a), whenever he woke
up at the last hours of night, would raise his voice with this supplicatory prayer so that the people
of his house would hear him:

These are eight supplicatory prayers to be advisably said before one leaves his house:
First: Imam al-Sadiq (a) is reported to have said: When one intends to leave his house, he may
say the following words just before he leaves. If he does, he will be kept under the custody of
Almighty Allah until He returns him to the place he has left:
Repeat the following word three times:

Then, repeat the following statement three times:

Then, say the following supplicatory statement, yet one time only:

Second: Imam al-Sajjad (a) is reported to have said: At the door of your house just before you
leave it, you may say the following words:

Third: Imam al-Baqir (a) is reported to have said: Whoever says the following statement when
he leaves his house, Almighty Allah will save him from whatever of his this-worldly and
otherworldly affairs that concern him:

Fourth: Imam al-Sadiq (a) is reported to have said: Whenever you leave your house, you are
advised to say the following supplicatory prayer:

Fifth: Imam al-Rida (a) is reported to have said: My father (a) used to say the following words
whenever he would leave his house:

Sixth: Imam al-Sadiq (a) is reported to have said, Whoever repeats Surah al-Tawhid ten times
before he leaves his house, will be kept under the safeguard and protection of Almighty Allah
until he returns home.
Seventh: Imam Abul-Hasan Musa (a) is reported to have said: When you intend to travel, you
may stop at the door of your house and recite Surah al-Fatihah (No. 1) in front of you as well as
to your right and left sides. You may also recite Surah al-Tawhid, Surah al-Falaq (No. 113), and
Surah al-Nas (No. 114). You may then say the following supplicatory prayer:

Eighth: Imam Musa al-Kazim (a) is also reported to have said: Whenever you leave your house,
whether going on a journey or going to a certain place in your city, you may say the following


Although they are numerous, I will mention only thirty supplicatory prayers for this-worldly and
otherworldly requests:
First: Imam al-Sadiq (a) is reported to have advised of saying this supplicatory prayer:

Second: Imam al-Sadiq (a) is also reported to have advised of saying this supplicatory prayer:

Third: This supplicatory prayer wards off sinning and brings about all this-worldly and
otherworldly requests overall:

Fourth: Imam al-Sadiq (a) is reported to have said this supplicatory prayer:

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