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HL MEIKE DEAL n FON ELECT. YA ea END RECEIVED Anan, 41 + Republic of the Philippines COMMISSION ON ELECTIONS Manila * EN BANC IN THE MATTER’ OF AMENDING | COMELEC Matty FAD, Cha RESOLUTION = NO. 10001 paren a Commissioner PROMULGATED ON Gain th, Commissioner aa im, ‘omnssioner OCTOBER 5, 2015. Guatizon, ALIA, Commissioner Abas, §.81 Commuissumer Promulgated: December 1, 2015 RESOLUTION No. 10018 sSinianeetE iA, WHEREAS, on October 5, 2015, the Commission En Bun Promulgated Resolution “No, 10001 entided “RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR THE CONDUCT OF RAFFLE OF ACCREDITED PARTY-LIST GROUPS TO DETERMINE ‘Tur: ORDER OF THEIR LISTING ON THE OFFICIAL BALLOT” WHEREAS, in the same Resolution, the Office of the Clerk of the Commission was directed to give nolice to all parly-list groups, organizations, or coalitions, not later than ten (10) days before Ue scheduled conduct of the raffle for the determination of the order of the listing of the party-list groups, organizations, or coalitions on the official ballots, of the date, lime and place of the same; WHER S, voluminous number of petitions and motions lor reconsideration, filed under Republic Act N&. 7941, or the Parly-List System Act, are still pending before the Commission En Banc: WHEREAS, the final list of candilates to appear in the ballots shall be approved by the Commission Fn Bait on December 15, 2015; ¥ L WHEREAS, after careful deliberation and in due regard to the strict implementation of the timeline of the preparatory activities for the upcoming, elections, the Commission En Banc finds a weed to resel the schedule of concfuct of raffle; WHEREAS, such resetting will give the C ommission more tine fo study the pending cases and will afford the Clerk ot the Commission time to finalize the list and lo notify the participants in the said raffle; NOW, THEREFORE, the ¢ ommission on EI lections, by virtue of the powers vested in it by the Constitution, RESOLVED, as it hereby RESOLVES, to AMEND Resolution No. 10001 and RESET the date of conduct of raffle from 05 December 2015 to 14 December 2015, 10:00 AM, at the Commission En Bane & ession Tall. Let the Office of the Clerk of the € mmission implemeut this Resolution. . FURTHER, let the Education & Taformation Departnent cause the publication of this Resolution in twe (2) daily newspapers ol general circulation SO ORDERED. J. ANDKES D. BAUTISTA Chairman Commi

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