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and dynein. Sperm dynein, which is the principal protein in the arms of the axonemal microtubules, has been shown, 0 be a divalent cation-activated ATPase, Sex Chromosomes: X and ¥ Spermatozoa ‘The process of sperm formation in most mammals results in two types of spermatozoa relative to sex chromatin. Mam. malian males are heterogemetic in that one-half ofthe sper- matoroa contain an X-chromosome and the other half Y-chromosome. Of the two types of gametes produced by ‘mammalian males, spermatozoa carrying the X-chromosome produce female embryos upon fertilization of an oocyte, whereas spermatozoa carrying the Y-chromosome produce male embryos. The males of avian species, however, are omogametic in that they produce spermatozoa with only ‘one Kind of sex chromosome. Sex determination in birds ‘occurs with the egg. Although the difference in DNA content bemeen X-chromosome-bearing and Y-chromosome-bearing sper- matozoa in domestic livestock is only about 3 to 4%, this ‘small difference can be resolved using fluorescent staining and flow cytometric analyses. Furthermore, flow cytometer: ‘have been modified so that they can sort viable mammalian spermatozoe into relatively pure X and Y sperm populations. When these sorted sperm were inseminated into females che sex ratio of the progeny was nearly identical to that ‘predicted by the ratio of X-spermatocoa to Y-spermatozoa ip the flow-sorted inseminate. Considerable effore is being ed on developing this appruch as a practical means ining the sex of domestic livestock. seminiferous epithelium, lining the seminiferous tu- is composed of two basic cell types: the Sertoli cells the developing germ cells. The germ cells undergo 2 tinuous ceries cf cellular divisions and developmental beginning at the periphery and progressing towards lumen of the tubule (Fig, 7-4). The stem cals, called togonia, divide several times before forming sperma- ‘The spermatocytes then utalergo meiosis, thereby ing the DNA content of the cells to one-haif that of tie cells. This series of cellular divisions, including the iferation of the spermatogonia and the meiotic divisions, 26 spermavocytogeness. The haploid ccils resulting this process are called spermatids. The spermatids then 8 progressive series of seruccual and developmental 8 to form spermatozoa. These metamorphic changes Known as :permiogenesis. The developing ge ells Apog plozeuiony> o4p poyfe> amon pyuosejdondo pocieroads e ‘enay>uew peoupuyéo ay Uy, S}UBUOXE atf spumnonns {|as00] 31 294} wOsOIDE 2xp YO19p, 30g fepne> 24p woy {LoyDIod sivolord yr ‘onaypEW ap peqte> Wheaups [e>tspurys> Aresodure3 w wo} 09 axe1908se sppnqmossrr ‘usejdonko sip unpiyy’ pe Susdojaaap =p jp vomod jewnxoud 2p spunosns 23 s19ys8 snoppMw aE jp edse yepnes ayp 01 woeydoxso ay jo wuowsDE dp 43 payueduioace are Adojoyshous wapamts wy sodkuey> aq] “soja yea Jo} 2pstoeneyp ome Ietp pozoymauzode Twa ue spniewiods poresuoj9 us ajnsay ene pur eaysate ae ay auarepEp ApYBYs axe saBueyD 218ojoydiow ay “s]99 1219S mpunoams aun 4 ,papjou, 29 01 1eadde adeys [ewose1s¢ ppue zeafonu ur suorieoy}pow 2:o4 5 “sn]ama 942 Jo adeys at (a puodsa1o> 01 sexeSuoye pure sasuapuos ospe ‘snajan 3p ‘a uaroype Sjasopp s1ypnyr ‘ouososse ay “suIIOM jEUOR asuen Aq poejdar Apparssaxgosd axe souoisiy se9ponu yp ‘supwdojsaop t1 suod sup ay “ssmonns pouaney ‘pareuoy> ‘ue xt snajonu jeprorayds ayy Jo Furdeysos pue synues3 s1139 Wua9 qa9 Moiuas, wnrnaHitéa Snowasiniwas suap ¢ntn Une oan oFe 36 uonesuapues apnpsuT saBuEyD Sig) YauAy aya paeaon Pu oyngma sieuanurutss axp yo yee gaano 46 UBUD ning ott pa ai retp os prrewuods yp yo op Poreuyz!9e; ae seBuEyD jenuawdojanap ULL “spreuszads Sutdojaa9p atp jo sie ayp pue “sauioscase 21p “ofonu ayy ur sadlueyp aofem hq pacizaiserey> a sieou9d ds jo aseyd pewosone ayy “ASvHg WHOSOMDY sayngm jo sued uy 4q Aqjesoydued papunonns sajaqm jenu29 04a Jo sisisuoo 2826p tunyp> © jo suntonns aip $2]quI3503 Ay9s0 > auIsU -oxe atp uawdojaaap Ajea ayp Sunagy “wse}dox49 renyp20 ap Jo Aroyduad 3xp puokag jam arefuop> “sJounu29 joaIp 2qp fo siusia}> wo powoy axe ypitp ‘fea atp Jo siuauod lo jeurauoxe Surdopeaap atp ‘oseyd dna spp Strancy “3d0], -2aua feapanu ay 01 Sar2\ppe AypsO> yp Des snoUeAqUIDW parate]-ajgnop ‘urya & 4g porasoo st snajonu pheuads yea JP Yoniod sovaIuE otf JO Spayp-oma Ajanext [HUN santMvED sssooud sey “(Jp sda3s ‘C-1 Aig) snafonu pheuuods ap Jp aoRpins oyp 190 Jjouess FEMOTODE IusLaype sp Jo Su -peards Aq portsersezeyp s; aseyd dea ay -ssvHg av ‘peey ayn 2 [22 otp Jo auoury>ene 205 sseg wv wos 02 ayshorp st suet snoyonu atp o1sesoy> saeriten sjoua39 euroxd oy, AE-T dais ‘6-2 844) 2qnues® yemosorre axp Jo souareype 2p Jo amp arwoddo 30d ayp ae au2usdojanap jr Jo sans ‘pea 2up pure ‘edojeauo se3janu at on 3ynUes8 yecsosox>e Cp61 914 seampery 24 aon Laan pe AIAG EP eo] SG SU FEY 2 ALL aoe wy pSXlepY) > OoS axzoetpe v2oniog sis session popme am dadrmoo spo uta’ ong ‘ROY snoys tunouptds moras tp Jo wonepossp apewetpS “(399) spieuuds panedu0jeSyeuy pu (Sy) Spoewueds punar ways “(2g) sao “twas swnoog “g) sruasoreiods Se sooo persoudoppasp soya Ur8oq sye> wuss 2 Sioned aso Sump uouny oy p:en01 sueIquDL buon ay) Wey aot pur syo> young oeipe ussnaog. sede my gers ng Hypo wad doyan P aL aye seo skp yo won ‘pomp Sunordap sorenemt eystn Suoqe sp wd Ruxdejanop ap FUE sqp>yousg uzamiog ueneraese 0 oe ofduo> ay Buhwonp sR Nowwpnaowssy 40 ABOTOIEAN “T149¥d_OOT Charter 2: SrERMatozon AND SeMINAL PLasMa 101 CELL TYPES ijAjinj ep aye S[utalin|eletis & La [ie Pe [a fas ELV[Ajinj ela | olvlalelels ls Flufa ele lia Rimejatelet7? | E aleclele g pA eee pod ¢ al[z |e [io E alzfelu r alz|ule Teoria, Ficune 7- ble in the center indicates the seminiferous epithelivm. The “ars preleptotene sperm eytesfeom stages I, the Golgi phase (steps 1 to 3 the maturation phage (steps 13 1974:140167-180) Tmatids into cells to be released into the lumen of the iniferous tubule. The reshaping of the nucleus and aero. ne of each spermatid, initiated during the previous phace ces spermatozoa characteristic foreach species" pusleus, the chromatin granules undergo pr tdeneetion as the transivioral proceins are rep e-—— [The varios seeps in spermatogenesis in the ull hpianing particular cellular assacation of the 12 cell typer are: 3, tei leptotene spermatocyte 2 Sry ef candy spenmaroye: through I are ep of spermicgensschowicg the cop phase (ters and 14). (Adapted 10 8.86 A spermazoponium, sages of the cyele of the 1, B, successive stages of spermatogonia, PEs gotene spermatocyte; P, pachytene spermato, 4 %0 7) the acrosome phase (steps 8 to 12} and fiom Bemdton WE, Desjardins C. Am } Anat procamines as they lunufoemly fils form a fine homogeneous material that the entire sperm nucleus (Fig. 7-5, steps F fibrous sheath and che coarse fibers are formed around the axo. theme. 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Ajpenpess axe peo 1p cngm axp 01 Aqzejno!puaciad porusi0 are y>rys ‘sprzunzeds pateSuoya ati, "uopeyueds se uouy| st sjnqm snorayrururos Sup JO UauiN] 1p CIM} s|fa> UPB pauuo} yo aseajax oy wopmrusads -eozoneunrads se 221 30) Apeas a1e sprreunads pore top ap RE i ft stp sssydes09 {Pog yenpIs “a1 2p jo Wonewog "(6-1 1g) sssua8ouoorewstads Bonanp syjo> we exp jo uortarp ajdeo2u) tp woH porns ey spa sejyjeozane} 4q soip0q Jonpis# soKpO TAIN pox “uoototul osje st ‘useylouk> Jo pean sopus © Aq prew “ads pateSuoyo axp on porsouto9 suremo: Yprtp "use| donk 40 ajnqoy su -époq fenpssos aup payTe> 2]nq0) jeproroyds 2 ont phewisds aip jo uopefuoys aye fuyuyecar wseyd vendo aap sodeys woe j}99tousg 2xp pue steoddestp aay nawia ip ‘sausBorasds jo 5 uernq snjouue xp 2 pau aq) Woy) Suypuarxe ypeoys snonupaca# ony payped days 2uosaq eupUOKPOR Hy, ‘yet otp go 2oaid jedisunad axp woy a9a1d apppruroip aresedas §qnuanbasgne yon 3 asaya zutod © 0 yea tp Buoye snojanut soe peau eigenen ecu jo Supeutfog 292 92 9psu op Woy WIE ox atp sv9n02 tpeayp sno3gy SUL -Preutds atp Jo 291d Bunsouu09 ayp yo ou axp UF SUUINIOD YpEN sHoNUAUOS fre pur suauoxe op jo sopnqmaosovin jo sited ura ou aE woizgnaoway 40 AooTDISAHE =IT-L'Va ZOT spematoceness extouarion spermatanoa fom the Serolt cells, is termed spermiarion, can be thought ofa "“raduation.” Thi, seurs sequentially for the thie previous cycles or clas Dee the ste cell completes the deveioy inental proces t beeen Sesroroon, oF “the inceming freshman student camplecs the _Jeer curriculum a5 a college graduate." The analogy breaks dows, gre ft tharthestem cele ivide many mes during the spermaoge, and primary spermarocite sages resulting in mote than a honieed formed sperm or graduating sensors, (A ps PT, ed, Reproduction in Bamescic Animale th of Soa Academic Press, 1991.) (Bouom) Isolated spermatogonia cel Mvorw Laven. The basement me = that nds FEontractile cells (F wf che ceil jancuams of this Cuarrer 7: Srenuatozon ann Semivat Plasma 103 rey E1GURE 7-7. Loops of the seminiferous nubules,the rete testis, and the excurrent duet yen of the ram. The pathway by which spermore, 8 are transported to the exterior it indicated by tows, (Mediéed itom Setchell BP, In: Cole HH, Coppe PT, eds. Repredhetion in Domestic Animals. New York: Academie Press 1977) apposition of the adjacent cell membranes. This barrier; however, is not well developed in the bull, ram, or boa ard may be a relatively unimportant permeability barriee in the testis of farm animals. Senrots Ceut Junctions. The principal permeability barrier between the blood and testis is thought to be the complexes at junctions between adjacent Sertoli cells, These Serroli-Sertali junctions, which are situated neat the cellular tase, contain multiple zones of adhesion (tight junctions) where the opposing membranes are fused. The occluding Junetions divide the seminiferous tubules into two distince compartments: (1) a basal comparement containing sper ‘matogonia and preleptotenc spermatocytes and (2) an als tninal compartment, containing the more advanced stages of spermatocytes and spermatids, shich freely communicates with the lumen of the tubule Th compartment is freely accessible t0 compo- ents that have previously penetrated the myoid layer. The second barrier composed of the occluding junctions be- ‘ween Sertoli cells, demonstrates a wide range of permeabil om complete exclusion of some substances to early of others. This differential permeabiticy ap tant in maintaining an environment suitable on of the tubuies. The blood- testis barrier not only exeluvles entry of certain substances 1 spermarogenic NOLLwOs \a3anvax3 wyinoiisan aingni snowaaininas 40 NoILo3s-ssouo o3ouvang: “sunipipids andes axp om ustorpus jo nsuen susse xoyduioo auerynses auf “sppso ApLoy op Aq poonp oad suadoupur ov tps xajlauo> e suioy Gay oul mo Nouag 2x7 4q 21nqra snorojrumuss axa Jo UDUN] aA ove, Fos 5 yoy ‘aqy Sumpnjsur sursaosd anbrun qespaoe SueIuo> PING shy] "U>ypex3 snows uw BumumD) Agora “uounedwo> eujeamppe op eauy sainjos ysnd sossapond ict >xp pu syas yoy 547 RG Jo woRaIDes aEsodMIOD w ay piny se, ‘tonp auaioy2 SF Suyuy eID ayp Aq pus “(ajnsdeo sejnonse pue sy Plofts “32) snsoa stp jo suauay9 aynvenuoa ayp Aq se 39H ayp woy suon2i286 49 popre 5 smutprpide arp olen ewes] 9 No'9s axp wy Burreursno suoTOIDs pony s2inges yp mo adaaas ane “apowsm aze yaya ‘soo tod 3OU, oronunods santewu se s3jnqm snorpunuos ay 4 uatuny op onuy uonermads Supp poseajas a7 sieoved “Pruuads yo oseyd jeuy aya Stamp paonposd spreads 34 suona.veg pnp saqngma ayp yo siuoun “Pedy yeurany op orga ‘songryuy atau pue gn (aay) wieieed Suypmg-s8oupu se ypns‘sooueasyn uj0 #519831 sypads BunutEiox wy uon>uNy 02 seadde oxen ‘siwaaigtsa vanvo TurHapida smo:RUHEES yo Sc pane 1 242 oy 02 uondas 3013 ur pope bre paiqus pur sso 9p wy pq ny 224 ram snosgputuas auc “angry ap yo oun exp on syp99 ouag min hy poms 8 BPW 2ejanm| IRE au Jo rss sonp URL nays onufpelaroxa re pe sine ase {40 posses suno309 spony osq4 spiny oes 919" ue none Jo sainog “6-2 anon sansns I snowasinas ans sus31 3138 SENOS tee few ana serpnaas ene UY aos oe 2AUOA PAE av ea Yee o mle pooumape ss a age See ts ake op dgruonea tp pos omgra op yok yve SBM Teese: a tp Nc 0 | ses Jo woptnone ay See 38 1 0] op Buoys pricoasdas ApeomeuanDs yates es ‘Tommoren posea 9 YpryKurspM sossTNTy Ges atccong Baym SUSSLSI3Y oIaogIVMSES Twsyanay ik : Noldnaowsy to ‘OOIoISIY “TT Lad $OT ig Control of Spermatogenesis testicular function requires hormonal stimulation. -sonadozrophins, which are in curn controlled by togenesis can be achieved in the hypophysect sat by treatment with both FSH and LH or ad testosterone, indicating that pituitary support is Hal because hypophysectomy, surgical removal of the in cessation of spermatogenesis, High dos ferone alone, however, will maintain spermatogene- SE 7-10. The endocrine control of erticuar function in mam: ‘The hypothalams secretes gonsdoteopin, a hormone releasing se (GaRH), thac stiles the secetion of LH and FSH fore scerior pituitary. The LH stimulates the intesttial cells of Lay ce androgens, mainly restosterone. The androgens ate secre he bloodstream mhere they cause the development of secondary sEaracteritics of the male and development and maintenance of snsle reproductive wee. The androgens suppress GnRH, LH, and escretion by negative feedback onthe pituiteryand hyp. chalarns erone is also secreted ints the seminiferous tubule where its for maintenance ! spermatogenesis. The FSH interacts with 1s on the Sertoli cells to cause proction of anirogen-hinding SABP), conversion of testosterone a cihydrotestosterone and n, stimulation of the spermatoertogeness, completion of sperm (spermition) and secretion of inhibin. The inhibin secreted she bloodstrcam hus @ nepative feedhack ctiect on FSH bot ne BBE secretion, (From Kalrenback CC, Dunn TO. Endvetinology ot fection. Ini Hafes ESE. Repeodaction in Facin Animals deh ed elphia: Lea & Febiger, is.) (Citarren 7: Speumaroz0a AND SeMINaL PLaswa 105 sis in hypophysectomized rats, provided treatiient begins immediately after removal of the pituitary. Ocher species, however, require FSH in addition to the steroid for mainte, nance of spermatogenesis. Other pituitary hormones (e-¢., hormone, and thytoid-stimulating hoe. mone) may have secondary roles in support of testicular fanction. The testes not only produce the major androgen, testos- terone, but also a series of related steroid hormones. The ‘major action of androgens is on the Sertoli cells rather than, directly on the germ cells, The mayoid cells also appear to bbe androgen dependent. This steroid dependency is met by pulssele production of androgens by the interstitial Leydig cells, which are adjacent to the seminiferous tubules (Fig. 7-10), The Leydig cells are stimulated to secrete androgens bby pulses of pituitary LH. The androgens produced by the Leydig cells not only diffuse into the adjacent Sertoli cells but are secreted into the blood where they feed back both ac the hypothalamus and the pituitary to block release of additional LH (Fig. 7-10). The other principal gonadotzo- phin, FSH, stimulates production of ABP and inhibin by the Sercoli cell. ABP forms a complex with androgen and is carried along with the spermatozoa into the epididymis, ‘The epithelial cells of the epididymis require relatively high levels of androgen for normal function. Inhibin has « nega- tive feedback effect on FSH secretion but not on LH. Al- though much of the testosterone sccreted into the serninifer- ous tubules is converted into ditydrotestosterone (DHT) by the enzyme, Sa-steroid reductase, some of the testosterone is converted vo estrogens by the enzyme aromatase. A relatively high level of testosterone is required for spermmatid manu. ration. Sertoli and germ cells reciprocally regulate each other's cyclic secretion of proteins along the length ofthe seminifer- ‘ous tubles. This process is amplified by the mysid cells through transforming growdh factors, humoral modulators, and extsacellular matrix modification. Activin and inhibin, which are secreted by the Sertoli cells, have remarkable characteristics to generate a diverse ‘ceries of signals, Activins, potent FSH-teleasing dimers (dimers of inhibin B-subunits), have paracrine (inhibiting growth hormone and adrenocorticotzopin secretion), and autocrine (stimu: lating FSH secretion) mechanisms. Activin and inhibin also act within the gonads as autocrine and paracrine ‘modulators of the production of steroids, other hormones, and growth factors. Transforming giowth factor (TGF), 2 multifunctional may be involved with regulation of testicular function. Tio groups of compounds are invoived with regulation of the hypothalamo-pituitary-gonadal axis. These include (2) newrotransmitters, dopamine, serotonin, and norepi- J other peptides. Other cq peur & eaMsods S80 fe eoxoiwuniads poreynoefaun asojy, vo2opnusody poyrnavlour Jo jsodsicy Ajauuyppur pansasaad ow 18 wororeuniads “estan atoyp oF >pqeI0Ae) st atau syouaua atp yBnoysyyy Po. |NseL9 aq wD [69 24 Jo WOHRD MMP 2y1 UI eso jfuO Whorp UaAs s9arosar fepeUoeNxa ‘tp pawiny 976 [er aq 02 peay 2yp wos roMp Jeurkpypids aif UNpIm peureuo> Fo-owunade stp °9z AqUO surcUED suoayop Sta alp seaays.‘sianp yuasinoxe O49 UI RozaeuLads {yo 29qUUNU [e302 axp Jo 9,9) suFEAUOD sIMAApIpIda axp Jo [rea +24, ‘stuipipide ap yo jHe1 10 uopiod jepnea agp 51 35en. sannpondo) afew atp wnyiea afieiows unods jo a's sores ayy vorommuuiads Jo aSni0ag “guioso1de atp Jo uno, 24p jo ‘sar20ds awes u 3509] 2e ‘won, <5 4}poU (3) pu 2] doup oymsejdoxoxd axp jo ss} pue rua. -2n0Ul (2} ‘aueiquiou euse;4 aup jo aaepns a yo ammeU UL ssiueyp (p) ‘meworyp sespons uy saatreyp (2) “2ypaueio ie oypoods jo arms feumanas ayp pue swoued ajogerou. 21 Jo voReree (¢) “iyjnow aayssasfoad paureasns 40) jo -uanod amp jo auatdoj2nap (2) -wozoreuuods axp Jo faye euopouny aip yo si2odse exoaae uy soBtuey ys pareyoosse s, Aomiqe Burz72123 30 yuewdojanap ay 1 suyodpuers jeuoH=umy 1 woy audio on ayroqyp ale Aaxaw1d ay>ods U1 asea13 a at pur ‘ss0] pue ueci2aout yojdoup se ypns nodsuen [wkprpids Fusanp Suun200 safueyzy “wonenc! 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They Ss their fectlcing ability, then their motility, and Shey disintegrate, Ejaculates collected after prolonged 2 high percentage of degenerating icance of seminal plasma is question- f= that pregnancy can be induced in some species ination with epididymal spermatozoa. It, however, fo be an essential component in natural mating it serves as a carrier and protector ofthe spermato, importance of this role varies because spermatoron lated directly into the urerus in some species (eg, ‘sod mare). Seminal plasma appears to be more impor, 8 of the ewe and cow where the ejacu including the testes, epididymides, and accessory ‘of the male (Fig. 7-11). The only accessory gland ‘0 all mammals is the prostate. The epididjznis or ‘tonal analogue and the vas deferens are the only ‘organs present in male birds and reptiles. Constituents of Seminal Plasma »lasma contains unusually high levels of citric acid, eins fructose, glycerylphosphorylcholine, and sor, (Table 7-1). Appreciable quantities of ascorbic act, cids, peptides, proteins, lipids, fatty aces, and nu enymes are also present. Antimicrobial constituents ing immunoglobulins ofthe IgA class are constituents Sst plasma. In addition, a variety of hormonal sub. including androgens, estrogens, prostaglandins, LH, chorionic gonadotrophin-like material, growth, relaxin, thyroid re- aad enkephalins have been detected in “Seoxile character of spermatozoa provides an terns of assessing their physiologic status. But by itself, is nor an accurate predictor of potentis! ‘aracity. The energy required gor motility isappar- Serived trom intracellular scores bf ATP (adenosine CHAnTER 7: Sronmatozoa AND Semintat PLasma 107 Es a5 | eh GLAND [7] TF GLAND ies SEMEN Fiours 7-11. Ejaculaed semen of most of in addition oa smal! amount of testicular uid, contibacions ‘gveral accesory organs including the epididymis (CAPUT CORPS EPID and CAUDA EPID), ampulary glands (AMP), vesicular land. prostate gland, and bulbourthral glands. The relative contribision of the glans vary noe only among species, but also among invades ‘ich @ species and among ejacuates from the sane mieal farm animals is compored axeunang, equssadso810) ssulsognay amare “008 -oxpod jenusiod areuruny2 “Caymnou FRe2129q ‘vonwiedaid uoneuruzsm susie] ‘sovpogqiue wiodsaue’areumint ‘=n a10)99 passayy pe pauses Joypour uupds ao] “quadsooce84Q aus ‘mpets toon Jatpo 20 "uONN| Tues ponsardoG) 08 es spony “upoU OT SEH wonenaela apenloney Paugpoyy “@>HIOST MHA “wIfOrg men uareds (so) sensseus wads oeusepdo ‘pros aun my susie yo aomeynsnueworsyy wonenipsgjennyy onmirede> ant uy tanop mss pue dn ins dai 20) vonendnew 830!9g agen’ wsods 2se2:0u) uumop wig Soygonb unas 3563294] ‘wads Jo woR=P>g din ways ead ‘wou syuauoduno> ayog yea Jo sso] tsasard sosoooud 2100 Tsuon aanoe ar], soueaquiows yeoxonEuLsas jo sesso niodsuen anne ap jo fay axp ures 1 pass atos “foypiow jo sovosd Burunsuoo-ABouo ofp 205 Pon st LV oxp 30 ot Winowp|y “yLV OTe ABuoue axp jo 2800 2A sooo eororeunnds ap “ossaooxd aqoqene9 54H BUSES ‘oom texp ASsous Jo uoranpoxd ay uF aeIayP 2008 Age “roprstoo st etpuoyonn atp wm paaeooy # Yor ‘Seawped aanopixo sm Tate pure appxcip vox ptt 0 soroMI 30 Tunopezeang ap io1y Amynsor azeanakd 20 sxe] ap Busn jo sueaw atp sepisomd Garanse drovesdsex stay “uaHAxo jo souasaid axp Ut sovensgns Jo Sate © osn EozowEULIOdS, uopmadsoy ‘yoneuwesyy JE}OyAA UI 9sn 10} voxOLUIIEdS Jo esos Suuunp weeuod} s| sRsueDeIey> sty] “suOMpUCD Digorseue 2tp r2pun aajazns or eoroxeweds smoyye ‘resins purse yediouud yp st asorony asnevaq fatanoe onAjoronA Apoasiog ayow 10 “ayanse omsjoosiS sty] ‘poe INDE] OF “yget 2abgag 9 21 RENN Pe 9 “TEAREY wey UI voNDRPOHI [pe 35a SVEN 1 pH wR “OR6I "ABTA 9 OT ANSPPUINA FO PF HUEY wry oF woponpoNsy pe aS HAH “MOM MOY PRAY se-so go-¥0 sone ut aaaed zo-s00 s0-¥o oso st aid ening 5-90 wt sues zI-01 Best 0-100 se 6 06-06 €0-0ro sous ad s1-10 oor-ve cos w-08 ort oreo sea #9 rI-80 oe cos sta zo-t0 ost-oor ost ws (re w3401) (qu) suvinoveg Gy mE SG Spun NOULYEINIONOD s0-9T0A, ews {ar onaamug 40 ONINNION, NoLLneoway Jo ,OTCISAHE HT LIVd BOT the sperm cel. Inthe absence of exogenous substrates, sper ‘smatozoa use their intracellular stores of plasmalogen to pro- vide energy on a short term basis. IMMUNOLOGIC ASPECTS OF SPERMATOZOA Antigenicity of Spermatozoa ‘An important function of the blood-testis barcier is the immunologic isolation of developing gametes. Its impor- tance is thar the spermatocytes, spermatids, and spermatozoa are readily recognized as forcign cells by the immune system ‘ofthe adule male. Thus, sequestering of the developing germ cells behind an immunologic barrier prevents an adult male fiom developing antibodies against his own sperm, Autoimmunity Immunization of a male against spermatozoa or isolated spermatozoal antigens results in varying degrees of autoim- ‘mune orchitis (inflammation of the testis) and, in some cases, cesation of spermatogenesis. As.aresult of autoimmu- nity, the concentration of antispermatozoal antibodies ean be high in the seminal fluid. Such spermatozoal specific antibodies can interfere with spermatozoal_ functioning thereby reducing male fertility. In more severe cases, damage to the blood-testis barrier or the epididymal portion of the excurrent duct system through traumatic injury or infection often results in autoimmune orchitis affecting both testes. Vasectomy, the transectioning and ligation of the vas deferens, also resulis in varying degrees of ‘esticular inflammation. The severity of the orchitis de- Pends on the species and the postoperative time. The autoimmune response of vasectomized males is thought x occur because intermittent distention and rupture of ligated duct results in release of spermatozoa into thé In Vitro EVALUATION OF SEMEN Males should be evaiuaced for seminal quality before use as breeding animals (Table 7-2). Once the semen has been collected from the male, several approaches may be used to ases the quality of the sample. Classic semen evaluation sechniques, as well as new automated semen assessment fechnologies, yield oniy estimates of potential fertilizing ‘capacity of spermatozoa, CHAPTER 7: SPERMATOZOA AND StMINAL PLasma 109. ASSISTED REPRODUCTIVE cs TECHNOLOGIES Various techniques for micromanipulation of spermatozo (Table 7-3) ean be used to enhance the reproductive poten’ tal of genetically superior sires. In vitro fertilization (IVE) procedures can be used if sperm numbers are insufficient for fercilization to take place within the female tract. Another technique isto physically insert a single spermatozoon into an appropriately matured oocyte using micromanipulation.. This procedure, which is called intracytoplasmic sperm in- ection (ICSI), can overcome a variety of male infertility problems. The application of this method remains contro- versial in that the actual fertilizing sperm is selected by- ‘Passing the screening systems inherent to the female repro- ductive tact that prevent defective spermatozoa from fertilizing oocytes. Considerable laboratory skill is required when manipulating the gametes in vito, SuGGESTED READING ‘What is semen? How does semen analysis asist in understanding the reproductive stas ofthe male? In: Robaire B, Pryor Jl ‘Trasler JM. eds. Handbook of Andeology. Am Soc Andrology, ‘Amman RP, Hatemersted¢ RH. nitro evaluation ofspenm quality: ‘An opinion. J Androl 1993;14:397-406, Dados: JP, Demoulin A. Structure and functions of the zestis. In: ‘ThitaultC, Levasseur MC, Hunter RHF, eds. Reproduction in Mammals and Man. Part: Ellipses, 1993. Gamer DL. Ancillary tests of bull sperm semen quality. In: Van Camp SD, ed. Veterinary Clinics of North America: Food ‘Animal Practice. 1997513:313-330, Carer DL. Arefcial Insemination. In: Cupps PT, ed. Reproduc- ton in D.smestie Animals 4th ed. San Diego, CA: Academic Press, 1991. Johnson L. Spermatogeness. In: Cupps PT, ed. Reproduction in Domestic Animals. 4th ed. San Diego, CA: Academie Press, 1991, Laraming GE. Marshall's Physiology of Reproduction: Vol. 2, Re- production in the Male. New York: Churchill Livingstone, 1990. ‘Mann T, Lurwak-Mann C. Male Reproductive Function and Se- men. New York: Springer-Verlag, 1981 (Otc RS. Breeding soundness of bulls. fn: Current Therapy in Theri ceenology: Diagnosis, Treatment and Prevention of Repro. ductive Diseases in Small and Large Animels. Philadelp hi: WB Saunders, 1986:125-136, ‘Senger FL. Pathways te Pregnancy and Parturition, Pullman, WA, ‘Current Conceptions, 1997,

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