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erst HE Pa NELEC” egeamission ON EDUCATION AND INFORMATION RECEIVE Republic ofthe Philippines py COMMISSION ON ELECTIONS ©" Manila oer IN THE MATTER OF AMENDING SECTION BRILLANTES, Sixto, Jr. S. Chairman 3 OF RESOLUTION NO. 9387 AND TAGLE, Lucenito N. Commissioner SECTION 18 OF RESOLUTION NO. 9853. YUSOPH, Elias R. Commissioner x x LIM, Christian Robert S. Commissioner PARRENO, ALA. Commissioner GUIA, Luie Tito F. Commissioner LIM, Arthur D. Commissioner Promulgated: _A¥gust 19, 201% RESOLUTION NO. 9895 a WHEREAS, Resolution No. 9387 promulgated on April 13, 2012, entitled “GUIDELINES ON THE RELEASE, DISTRIBUTION AND REGENERATION OF THE VOTERS’ IDENTIFICATION CARDS,” particularly Section 3 thereof provides that: “a voter may authorize in writing any person to claim his ID card. In such case, said authorized person shall present the notarized authorization document with his own valid ID and sign in the logbook indicating thereon that he claimed the voter’s ID card in behalf of the registered voter.” WHEREAS, the Commission on Elections received various reports on voters’ complaints relative to the burden of executing notarized document to be presented by the authorized representative in claiming voter's ID Cards especially those of senior citizens, persons with disability, individuals confined with illness or injury and indigents; WHEREAS, Resolution No. 9853 promulgated on February 19, 2014 entitled “RULES AND REGULATIONS ON THE RESUMPTION OF THE SYSTEM OF CONTINUING REGISTRATION OF VOTERS, VALIDATION AND UPDATING OF REGISTRATION RECORDS FOR THE MAY 9, 2016 SYNCHRONIZED NATIONAL, LOCAL AND ARMM REGIONAL ELECTIONS AND OTHER REGISTRATION POLICIES” particularly Sec. 18 thereof provides that: “SEC. 18, Procedure for filing of applications for change of name by reason of marriage, or court order or order by the Civil Registrar or Consul General. — xxx This may also be availed of in cases where the marriage of a female registered voter has been annulled or declared as void by competent court. In which case, the affected voter may request to revert back to her maiden surname and for the change of signature. The applicant shall attach a certified true copy of the Court’s final ORDER/DECISION, annulling the marriage or declaring the marriage a nullity.” a : Es RESO. NO, 9895 WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 5(D) of RA 8239 (The Philippine Passport Act of 1996), a woman may also opt to resume the use of her maiden name by virtue of divorce decree obtained by foreigner husband or death of her husband; WHEREAS, relatively in the case of Yasin vs. Honorable Judge Shari’ah District Court, 311 Phil. 696, 707 (1995), the Supreme Court ruled to allow the woman to resume the use of her maiden name in view of the dissolution of her martiage by divorce under the Code of Muslim Personal Laws of the Philippines; NOW THEREFORE, the Commission RESOLVED, as it hereby RESOLVES, to promulgate ‘A. To amend paragraph No. 3 of Resolution 9387, to wi A voter may authorize in writing any person to claim his Voter’s ID card. In such case, said authorized person shall present the authorization document, whether notarized or not, with his own valid 'D and sign in the logbook indicating thereon that he claimed the Voter’s ID card in behalf of the registered voter; provided that the authorized representative is also a registered voter of the same city or municipality or a relative of the voter within the fourth civil degree of consanguinity or affinity. In all cases, the authorized representative shall execute a sworn statement (sample of which is hereto attached as ANNEX A). For this purpose, the Elegtion Officers are authorized to administer oath, free of charge. B. To amend Section 18 of Resolution 9853, to wit: SEC. 18. Procedure for filing of applications for change of name by reason of marriage, court order, order by the Civil Registrar or Consul General, divorce decree or death of husband. - Any registered voter whose name has been changed by reason of marriage or court order or by order of the Civil Registrar or Consul General may file an application for change of name by personally accomplishing three (3) Copies of the prescribed application form (CEF-1D — Application for Change). It is important that the EO shall check the box corresponding to the appropriate type of application. In support of the application, the applicant shall submit any original/certified true copy of the following: 1. Certification by the solemnizing officer; 2. Marriage contract or court order with certificate of finality; 3. Order by the Civil Registrar or Consul General, as the case may be, A female voter Fequest to revert back to her maiden surname and for the change of signature in the following cases: 1, The marriage has been annulled or declared as void by competent court 2. Divorce obtained by foreigner husband Divorce decree for Muslim women 4. Death of the husband = RESO. NO. 9895 case of annulment or nullity of marriage, the applicant shall submit_original/certified true copy of her annotated Marriage Contract or Certificate of Registration and the Court Order effecting the annulment or declaring the marriage void. In case of divorce decree obtained by foreigner husband, the applicant shall submit original/certified true copy of the Divorce Decree duly authenticated by the Philippine Embassy or consular post which has jurisdiction over the place where the divorce is obtained or by the concerned foreign diplomatic or consular mission the Philippines. In case of divorce under the Code of Muslim Personal Laws of the Philippines, the applicant shall-submit original/certified true copy of the Divorce Decree issued by the Shari’ah Court, In case the marriage is dissolved by the death of the husband, the applicant shall submit_original/certified true copy of the Death Certificate of the husband or the Court Declaration of Presumptive Death. Let the Election and Barangay Affairs Department implement this Resolution. SO ORDERED. Jie 3 BRIELA res, itinaon Gn Official Business during tBe deliberation (cERITO N.. ELIAS R. YUSOPH Commissioner Commissioner ae a : oh) CHRISTIAN ROBERTS. LIM ALI PARRENO Commissioner Commissioner a wuyf tifo F. Guia ARTHUR D. LIM fomhnissioner Commissioner a

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