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Call for participants

10 days workshops
in Belgium
Free of charge

Jorge Rojas

The thematic workshop Between Nature and Culture
is a 10 days artistic residency for10 participants coming
from various European countries to immerse themselves
together in order to reflect on issues regarding
environment, society and landscape.
During the whole time of residence, observation
facilities(log cabins) will be set up both in the city and in
the countryside. In the beginning, scientists and artists
will help the participants to collect the sensitive and
sensory information. This work will initiate the creative
process. In the 2nd phase, each participant will be
completely immersed in experimental workshops about
movement, sound and video. These experiments and the
collected information (material and immaterial) will form
the foundation on which the creation of a short-film will
be completed in the 3rd phase.
A presentation of the work-in-progress will be
shown during a closing event. Short-movies will be
post-produced in the weeks following the event
and will be broadcasted on the web and throughout
networks dedicated to sustainable development and
contemporary art. They will also be broadcasted for the
event Mons 2015, European capital city of culture. Each
participant will receive a DVD with their short-film and
will be free to broadcast it wherever they want.
To whom is it addressed?
The thematic workshop is addressing every curious
person willing to participate to an art residence around
Nature and Culture.
Participants come either from EU or Croatia, Lichtenstein,
Turkey, Island, Norway or Switzerland. They will come
either for a personal adventure and/or with the prospect
to enrich their professional life. Candidates will have
to demonstrate an interest for the contemporary art
expression but do not need to have any significant
background in contemporary arts.
This thematic workshop is open to everyone over 21
years of age who has a reasonable command of the
english language.
Who is organising this workshop?
Faons de Voir:
Organisation, co-artistic-management, educational and
scientific ressources.
The organisation Faons de Voir gives to its cultural
and scientific activities the direction of sustainable
development, protection of Nature, (its ecological
environments, its inhabitants) in the prospect of
a permanent education and the preservation of
biodiversity. The association pursues its aim by setting
up a participative dynamic by making the population
aware of their responsabilities and implicating them and
through the use of art-media.

With the expert assessment of artists and scientists,

this awareness appears through the realisation of
educational tools allowing people novice at art and
discovery of nature to comprehend those through
different ways. For instance, tools can be a work of art
displayed in a peculiar surrounding, and they can also
be the creation of an edition which will enlighten the
art creation and the different fields of the scientific
Among co-realisation made by the association
Faons de Voir: Le Festival des 5 Saisons (www.
Faons de Voir has also been working in collaboration
with the collective Paracommandart and the artistfounder Werner Moron (
Where ?
Workshops take place alternately in emblematic cultural
places in Mons ( , and Thuin
( Accomodation is planned at the
lAuberge de Jeunesse de Mons (single rooms) or
From June the 30th to July the 9th 2013
The workshop starts Monday 1st of July and ends
Monday the 8th of July. The programme will be online in
May on the website Faons de Voir.
The Grundtvig program covers all the expenses
relating to the workshop : journey, accommodation,
transportation, along with meals and outings.
We will be in contact with the selected participants, and
proceed to the booking of the tickets together.
This thematic workshop has the capacity to welcome up
to 10 participants.
To apply, you need to fill your profile and motivations
and send the attached form by e-mail before March 29th
Candidates will receive the result of the selection before
April 8th 2013.
Infos et contacts :
Dorothe Luczak
42, Rue Haut des Tawes
4000 LIEGE

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