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Quick Start Guide

Getting Started with InspectAll

Getting Started
InspectAll is a software program hosted in the cloud and designed to help companies streamline
compliance programs, asset reporting, and business processes by taking workflows typically
completed with pen and paper and making them mobile.
To get started, youll need to sign up for a Free Trial. InspectAll offers a Risk Free Trial for 30-days
that will grant you access to the Mobile iOS App, Web Application, Sample Data and Forms,
Reporting, Automated Emails, Asset Management Capabilities, and other core InspectAll features.
To sign up for a 30 day trial, simply fill out a sign up form at: http://www.inspectall.com/signup.

Understanding Your Trial

After signing up for a 30-day trial, access will be granted for you to login to InspectAll. You will be
granted access to InspectAll with a username and password. You will receive an automated email
that lists your username and password within a few hours of signup.
Before logging in for the first time, its a good idea to change your password. To change your
password, access the InspectAll password reset at: https://app.inspectall.com/password_resets/
The person that fills out the sign up form will be assigned as the Account Owner - and will be
granted Administrator privileges for the InspectAll program. Your trial features a Risk Free
introduction to InspectAll - and youll have the opportunity to convert your current trial to an active
subscription at any time by contacting InspectAll Support.

Logging In

InspectAll features two core components, a Web App accessed by any modern browser on your
computer and a Mobile iOS App that you can download for your iPad, iPhone, or iPod Touch.
Youll access each App with your username and password as an Administrator. More details on
each App are below.

Web App

The InspectAll Web App is used to manage the setup of the program, perform administrative
functions, download historical reports, and perform a variety of other administrative and
management tasks.

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To use the Web App, youll need a computer with a modern web browser thats connected to the
internet. Access to the InspectAll Web App is granted to web users and administrators who log
on via www.app.inspectall.com with an active InspectAll username and password. Users that only
have mobile permissions will not be able to login to the Web App.

Mobile iOS App

InspectAll comes with a robust Mobile iOS App for your Apple iPhone, iPad or iPod touch. The
iOS App is designed for entry of the various Forms and field data that you will be capturing with
InspectAll. The InspectAll iOS App syncs data for the users in order to work without internet
As a security feature, users of the iOS App will only be able to see Accounts that are in their
appropriate Team as well as Folders and Forms that are directly scheduled to them for their
completion or review. Administrators, Web Users, and Mobile Users will be limited to their scope of
services based on these robust controls.
To use the iOS App, you can download the App from the App Store - https://itunes.apple.com/us/
app/inspectall-v3/id672289539?mt=8. Access to the iOS App is granted to mobile users and
administrators who have an active InspectAll username and password. Users that only have web
permissions will not be able to login to the iOS App.

Core Components
There are a few moving parts that youll need to understand as you get started with InspectAll.
Those parts include Forms, Accounts, Folders, Assets, and Contacts. So, lets get started.


Forms capture the list of questions and responses that youll be filling out on the iOS App,
reviewing on the Web App, and running Reports on from both. Forms are generally associated
with assessments, audits, inspections, and checklists that youre filling out with pen and paper.
Forms can be setup to capture the following information as a typical Question and Response:
Single and Multiple Choice Selections
Text, Date, and Number Values
Image and Annotations
Barcodes, QR Codes, and RFIDs

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Before you can ever fill out a Form, youll need to use some of our samples or build a Form
Template under the Admin Menu. See the Administration section for more details on Building


Accounts represent the companies, customers, facilities, and departments that youre working with
in InspectAll. Everything that you do in InspectAll must be associated to an Account, and we
suggest matching Accounts to the Customer, Facility, or Branch setup that youre using currently.
Every Account needs an Account Name and ID - usually the Company Name, Customer, or
Branch Code that youre working with already. Optionally, you can also add Address, City, State
and Zip to help with reporting and locating Accounts.
You can further enhance your accounts by adding Locations and Areas. Locations and Areas
help you keep track of all of your Assets, Forms and Contacts by letting you assign the objects
accordingly to a corresponding physical or logical structure.
Heres how an Account with many Locations and Areas may look conceptually:
Acme Company

Machine Shop





QA Desk

Electrical Shop

Panel Desk


NOTE: You dont have to use Locations and Areas. Theyre there if you need them, but feel free to ignore them.

(Copyright 2013 - InspectAll Software, LLC - All Rights Reserved)


Folders help you organize the Forms that are being completed on the iOS App by your users. You
can Add Folders on the Web App and schedule them to your Users, or you can allow your users to
Add Folders on the fly from the iOS App. Either way, youll be able to create a workflow that fits
your company.
Whenever a Folder is created, youll need to make the following selections:

Folder Type: Required - Folder Types are sequenced and bucketed together as a
workflow. The Folder Type determines the Report Style that will be generated for the
Forms, and it can even create a Default Group of Forms when created.

Account: Required - Selecting an Account for the Folder will let you group all of the Forms
under one Account. This allows you to roll-up reports to the Account level - eliminating the
arduous task of selecting an Account or Grouping every time you fill out a Form.

Location: Optional - Selecting a Location when creating a Folder will automatically filter
any Assets that you may be tracking on the Folder to the selected Location. Selecting a
Location will also set the Forms to the appropriate Location when theyre added inside the

Description: Optional - The description allows you to apply a free-text descriptive detail of
what the Folder represents to you. Typical descriptions include details like what needs to
be done, who is involved, or what is required for completion.

Schedule Details: Required - The schedule details allow you to pin a Folder to a User over
a period of time. When that User syncs the iOS App, all details for that Folder will be pulled
down to the users iOS device for use.

Sharing Options: Optional (Mobile Only) - Sharing allows you to schedule other Users to a
Folder from the Mobile. Sharing allows multiple users to work on the same Folder at the
same time.

When we setup your Trial, we created a few Folder Types for you to test. Youre free to get to work
with what weve created - or even create a workflow with your Folders that better represent what
youre trying to accomplish. Details for setting up Folder Types are found in the Administration


Assets represent pieces of equipment, persons, buildings, or tools that you want to track and
manage using InspectAll. Examples of assets include Fall Protection Equipment, Generators,
Vehicles, Employees for your Company, and much more.
Assets can be setup to capture the following information:

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Serial Number, Barcode, QR, and RFID Tagging
Custom Attributes (such as size or capacity)
Urgent Notes
To start tracking Assets, youll need to setup a Form that Tracks Assets. Youll do this by either
creating a new Category, Class, and Form, or you can go into any existing Form and Edit the
details to turn Asset Tracking on or off. Once youve set a Form to track Assets, youll be able to
create Assets, complete Forms about those Assets, and track the history on the Asset.
Once youve established a few Forms that track Assets, you can further customize your Asset
options by adding details to the Class for the Asset that includes:

Default Attributes: Default Attributes are searchable attributes that are used to find,
identify, and organize assets. Default Attributes include the ID1 and ID2 fields - which can
be labeled appropriately for your Class - to reflect the unique identifiers for the Asset like
Serial Numbers, RFIDs, Barcodes, QR Codes, and Numbers.

Custom Attributes: Custom Attributes identify characteristics about the Assets that
you're tracking. You can capture Custom Attributes with text, picker, or a free text picker
options. Custom Attributes are not searchable fields on the App or Web, but they can be
used for Reports and Analytics. Use Custom Attributes to capture Model Numbers, Dates
of Manufacture, Custom Components, Asset Details, and much more. Custom Attributes
endure with the Asset, so use the custom attributes to answer questions about an Asset
that persists over time.

Excluded Questions: Exclude Questions from any Asset Form based on answers given
for custom attributes (picker and free text picker only). When excluded questions are setup,
the questions on a Form are shown or hidden based on your answer to the Custom
Attribute. Use Excluded Questions to remove Questions from Forms that don't pertain to a
specific type or configuration of Assets.


Contacts are the people associated with your Accounts that youd like to have available to every
InspectAll User. Contacts wont have access to InspectAll - theyre simply for your reference by
Account. You can add, update, or delete Contacts at any time. You can even track Contact
phone numbers, email addresses, addresses, departments and notes with InspectAll.
Details You Can Capture:
First Name, Last Name, Title, Phone, Mobile, Email
Address, City, State, Zip, Country, Department, Notes

(Copyright 2013 - InspectAll Software, LLC - All Rights Reserved)

We suggest using Contacts when you want to share the Contact names for your customers or
company divisions that you manage as Accounts in InspectAll.

When you start your Trial, youll be given full access to the InspectAll Admin Menu for your
Account. Youll access the Admin Menu by logging onto the Web App and clicking the drop down
on your name. Administrators will be the only users with this access and can update the following:

Company Settings

Company Settings allows you to change your Billing Details and Mobile Configuration. Billing
Details includes your Account Address, City, State, Zip, and Phone Number.
Mobile Configuration allows you to set the Sync Window for your company. The Sync Window
defines how many days of information are stored and syncd to a users iOS device. Increase the
sync window to pull down more information for a User - but remember that having more data on
the iOS App will cause the App sync time to increase when logging in and synchronizing.


You can update the Branding for the Reports that are generated for your Folders and Forms by
accessing the Branding menu. Upload a Logo in *.png, *.jpg, or *.tiff to have the Logo
automatically appear on the top of any of your reports from InspectAll.
A Custom Footer can also be added to your reports from the Branding Page. Under the default
setup for Reports, the Custom Footer will show up on the Form Report at the bottom of the page.
Use the Custom Footer for confidentiality notices, disclaimers, and other information that youd like
to add to the bottom of every report.


After youve had a chance to login as an Administrator to the Web App, you may want to share
your access to the InspectAll program with other members of your organization. To share access,
you will create a new User for InspectAll. Users feature the following attributes:
Email: Unique
Name: First, Last
Roles: Mobile, Web, Administrator

(Copyright 2013 - InspectAll Software, LLC - All Rights Reserved)

Teams: Optional
As you establish users, its critical to set the user in the appropriate role - in order to maintain
adequate security and privacy on your account. User roles can be one or many and are defined
Mobile: Access granted only to the iOS App.
Web: Access granted only to the Web App.

Administrator: Access granted to the iOS App, Web App, and the Admin Menu on Web

Users can be inactivated at any time, which will remove the users access to login to the InspectAll
iOS or Web App.


You can create different Teams (groups of Users) to provide additional levels of security and
organization for your company. Users assigned to a Team can only access the Accounts, Folders,
and Forms assigned to that Team.
When you setup a Team, you will provide the Team the following information:

Name: Gives the Team a name.

Users: Selection of any InspectAll Users that go in the Team.

Accounts: White-list of Accounts for the Team members to access by Mobile Users.

Folder Permissions: Folders that can be created by Mobile Users.

Form Permissions: Forms that can be created by Mobile Users.

By default, InspectAll is setup with an All Users Team. Every User is part of the All Users Team
automatically and by default. Note: Seeing Accounts, creating Folders, and creating Forms can
always be done by both Admin and Web users when on the Web App.

Asset Statuses

Asset Status allows you to setup a set of levels for your Assets. The Status of an Asset is often
associated to the current state of the Asset. For example, common Asset Status options are
Operational, In Repair, and Disposed.
Asset Status can be turned on or off on for an individual type of Asset within the Form Builder.

(Copyright 2013 - InspectAll Software, LLC - All Rights Reserved)

Folder Settings

Setting up different Folder Types is easy. Youll be able to create Folder Categories and Folder
Types from the Folder Settings Menu. Folder Categories are a top-level grouping of the Folder
Types. Folder Types create the standard settings for any Folder created of that Type.
If you plan on having different workflows in InspectAll, we suggest setting up a different Folder Type
for each workflow. For example, if you plan to manage a Quality and Safety process in InspectAll,
you may choose to organize your Folders in the following manner:
Quality (Folder Category)

Quality Assurance Checks (Folder Type)

Quality Control Measures (Folder Type)

Safety (Folder Category)


Hazard Assessments (Folder Type)

Inspections (Folder Type)

Accident Investigation (Folder Type)

When you setup your own Folder Type, youll be asked to setup Folder Details, Assign Team(s),
and optionally setup Default Forms for the Folder Type. More details on those settings are below:

Name: Adds a name type to every Folder.

Default Report: Fetches when the Folder Report is downloaded from the iOS or Web

Color: Adds a color to every Folder.

Calculated Folder IDs: Composed of the Folder ID Prefix and Folder ID Counter. Once
established, every new Folder will be sequenced by the Folder ID settings.

Assign Team(s): You can restrict which users of InspectAll can create a specific type of
Folder with the Team Assignment. For example, if you have a Folder Type (like Accident
Investigations) that only your Safety Team work with - youd want to assign the Team of
Safety to the Folder Type. Users that are not in the designated Team would not be able to
create a Folder of that type.

Default Forms: Allow you to create workflow for the folders by automatically adding Forms
to every new Folder.

Form Builder

Before you ever fill out a Form, youll need to build a Form Template in the Form Builder. Its
important to understand that youll be building a structured database for your Forms when youre

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setting up InspectAll. Dont worry about getting it exactly right in the beginning, because you can
change and update your Forms and setup at any time.
Building a Form requires you to apply the following parameters to the Form Type:

Name: Adds a name type to every Form thats created.

Form Instructions: Form Instructions are available to the Users on the iOS App.
Instructions are good for prompting the User what needs to be done to complete the Form.

Default Report: The Default Report for the Form will fetch when the Form Report is
downloaded from the iOS or Web App.

Asset Tracking: Turning Asset Tracking on or off will eliminate or require the Form to be
filled out for an Asset. Asset Tracking can be turned on or off at any time.

Team Assignment: Team Assignment will allow you to restrict which Teams are able to
create the Form on the iOS App.

Once youve created the new Form, you will build the Form with the following components:

Headings: Provide a section to group Questions.

Questions: The question is composed of a Title, Definition, Option or Selection, a Default

Answer, the option to be Required, and other features for each type of question.

Canned Comments: Canned Comments are available to Mobile Users when filling out a
Form on the iOS App. The Canned Comments will automatically place the corresponding
text in the Comment field for the question and select the appropriate Priority for the

Resources: Resources are available to Mobile Users when filling out a Form on the iOS
App. The resources have a title and definition that will automatically be placed in the
Comment field for the question.

Files: Files can be uploaded to the InspectAll program. Files are helpful to Mobile Users
when they are in a PDF, image, or video format.

Formulas: You can add formulas to the Default Answer of a Question to automatically
calculate the value of a Question based on responses from other Questions.

As you begin to build more Forms, youll want to keep them in an organized fashion. The Form
Builder gives you this structure by allowing you to place your Forms in Categories and Classes.
Here are some details about Categories and Classes:


Categories are the highest level of the outline when you're building Forms. Once you Create a
Category, youll simply need to give it a Name. Remember that your Forms are going to be
organized into Classes and Categories, so try to create an outline that's flexible but not overly

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There's no real magic to Categories - you can have one or many. Categories are primarily built to
help with navigating the App. Always try to have a Category with multiple Classes underneath it.
Heres a few good examples of Categories:
Workplace Exposures & Protections
Fire Protection & Prevention
Buildings and Equipment
Material Handling


Classes are the glue that binds your Forms together! During setup, youll simply need to give a
Class a name to get started. You can improve the organization of your Classes by adding an Icon
to the Class which is a visual representation of the Assets, Forms, or process that youll be working
Classes fit between the Category and the Forms. Classes enable Asset Tracking to work inside
InspectAll, and they hold all of the relevant Identifiers, Attributes, Exclusions, and Forms for Assets.
You can also use Classes to easily group Forms that don't track Assets into a clear outline.
As you move forward try to consider a Class as the parent of a Form. Classes should define and
create order for the Forms underneath them - not the other way around.
Heres a few good examples of classes:
Category: Workplace Exposures

Class: Machine Guarding

Class: Lock Out / Tag out - Energy Control

Class: Personal Protective Equipment

Class: Sanitation

Category: Material Handling Equipment

Class: Overhead Cranes


Class: Powered Industrial Trucks

Class: Slings & Rigging Equipment

Class: Conveyors

We think that youll find that filling out Forms in InspectAll is much faster, easier, and effective than
working with a pen, paper, and digital camera. Later, well go over all about filling out Forms on the

(Copyright 2013 - InspectAll Software, LLC - All Rights Reserved)

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