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INTERNATIONAL s!SO STANDARD 261 ISO general purpose metric screw threads — General plan Ficiages métiques (80 pour usages généraux — Vue densemble Tso 361010) 180 261:1996(6) Foreword 150 ih International Organization for Stadaczation) i a wordwis federation of national standards bodies (150) mente bodes) The wort of preparing inmalenal Standarés ls normaly cared cut veugh 1SO tecical rumatees, Each member body reread in a ejot fe which a ecvical crwntee has been established Pas the ngtt to be representa on thal cores, tational organizations, govereraial and non-governmental, in lineon wit ISO, aco fake part sn the work. ISD colaborates cesely win the Inematonal Eloctechnical Gommiion (0) onal mates of eecolecnical sandava abe. Dratt international Stands adopted bythe lchial cerns ate crculsted othe member bias fr wong ‘Pubeaton as an infematona Slandar eaqires approval y al east 75 sof he mernber bodes casing a vote, Intemational Standare ISO 261 was prepare by Technica! Commitee \SOITC 1, Screw treads, Sutcommt “This second exionconces ard replace the fst een (ISO 261-1978) when has been technical rove, 1 hs ur nn rine oid op ot pean mayb pes fae man fem ob ny rm ac SURES Tiilatgpactontyg aman sin penn wanton ate” (iogeaae is Oni f0c Seed INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ©150 180 261:1990(6) ir ISO general purpose metric screw threads — General plan 1 Scope Ns Itematonal Standard species ISO gonerl pupose metre screw head (M) having bask protle according 0160 68-1, Basic amensons are given m SO 724, For wlrances ace IG 51 2 Normative references ‘The following standards contain provisions which thcugh relerance in this txt, conetiute provisions of tis (ntemational Slandard. Aho imo of publeaton, ie edo tadcated wore vad: Al standards aro subject 10 revision, ans partes to agreements based on iis niamatoral Standard are encourages 10 iwesigate te Botably a aplig te most recent editors ol he slandurs cated below. Members of IEC and 180 arte ‘ogists cf curerty vad Itematone! Stands 80 68-:1008, 180 genera pumose screw treads — Basic pofie — Par 1: Mets srew thcad '50 262-1980, 90 genera purpose metre serew threads — Selected sees or screws, bots and ut. 190 728,190,180 gener purpose mate sre threads — Basi mensions. 25212 52 vee ee mates — Tomcat — Pat Pc aba 1S0 5408-1983, Cynical srew threads — Vacabulay. 3. Definitions Forth purposes of this Intemational tanta the detintons gv in 150 5408 sep 4 Designation A screw thread in conform wth his Irtematonal Standard eal be dsignated accor o 190 966-1. 180 261:1998(€) 5 Choice of diameter and pitch e 15.1 Choceo or prelorence, damstors in column of able 2 an, necessary, nebtume 2 and inn in eoar 3. Diameter 85mm, and pith 1.251mm of eamater 14:mm chal be sed only forthe special cases indcated inthe fostraine ches shown in parentheses are tobe avoided as ar as posse 15.2 The wor coarse" and tine are given nerd to conform te usage. Ne concept of qusky shal, however, be ‘ssoctted wih these wore Icha be understood thal he “corse ches ar the largest metic pices used in curen pracice 152. Forthe dameter (rth darretor range) selected, chaose one a he itches shown on the corresponding ine (ort). 4 | screw treads rer han hose appearing in table 2 te found necescary, ony te allowing piches shal be 2h 2 1 mt 027505 0:25 em: 025m 02m e ten sein seh pies aka inp scout the facta hei rreasng cy contig wth Tolerances a3 Gareter is creseed for a given plc I's suggested, hat larmaters ager than those shown tablet sould general not be uses wih the pches aces. ‘Table 1— Maximum nominal diameter Maximum nominal diameter 20 “7 1SO 261:1998(E) 130 261:1998(E) iso e epee tastes e (amy me ees mar Cot Cok 2 Ca.3 | cowree fine car | Caz Cas | coarse tine va |mte sie | yas Jom | + yom] os jun jam] : “ {itu e : = “ + iHitilile @j-1* at titel |: a: se e vm eT Told _— 180 261:1998() 150 261:1908(€) e roca = Pott e a sfets | a eat = wa lean pe} tstit: L oo _| sje a Sraaate e Deserptors: soron theacs, ISO mere head, fom apeotcatons, Semonsins, damstes, road ch, doegraten e

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