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College Essay

All my life I have been thinking of what I am planning to do with my life and what I
would like to learn more about when I grow up. Well today I know what I want to do
and what career I want to take as a grownup. The career I would like to take is to
become a neonatal nurse. I have wonder that what I like to do the most is to take
care of babies and what better to become a neonatal nurse and take care of new
born babies and what treatments I need to give to the babies. I would also like to
become a neonatal nurse because I believe it is bautismo to see a new baby is
being taken care of with no chance or gettin harmed.

Hi my ame is Maria D. Barajas Gonzalez and I wad born in Guanajuato,Mexico. I

came to the United States when I was 5 years old and I have been living in
California for ten years. When I first arrived to California I lived in Oxnard, CA. It was
a very safe city and i lived theta for 4 years and then my family decided to move to
Oakland, CA. I have been living here for 6 years. I am 13 year old girl who next year
is going to high school. Right now I go to a small middle school call Urban Promise
Academy. I am a very quiet shy girl who wishes to sometimes come our of her shell
and be who I want to be. What it is true is that today I came out of my shell to tell
you about my family,challenges,why I am a leader and as you already read about
why I whant to become a neonatal nurse and why I whant to gO to collage.

Life in Oakland is very diffrent from Oxnard they both are wonderful but I feel that
life in Oakland has made me expediente a lot of challenges. One of many
challenges was that my English was not as good as the other students in my class
and has to spend 5 years in ELD classes. Today I am in 8th grade and I do not have
to attent to ELD classes. Last year it was my lastima year to gO to a.m.boost, a
special program for students who need help on English and learn how to write and
speak it well laso know as ELD clases. I had to wake up early in the morning go to
school before it started and go to my ELD clas. Last year I graduated and this year
in 8th grade I dont have to go no more. Clases now are better and easy for me to
understand and I am able to speak it. Another challenges I had in life was when I
had an interview to apply to go to Washington DC. At the end.of the week I got the
wonderful news that I was going to go to the trip. Out of two hundred students only
seven got to go and I was one of those students. I had to collect give hundred
dollars in about four months it was hardware because me and my family had to
collect that money in orden to go to the trip. At the end of those four months I was
able to collect that money and I got the best experience of my life. I visit a lot of
new places that I never imagine I was going to see like museams and more.Those
for me were the most hardest challenges I had to overcome.

Now I have not talo about my family but my family is the most wonderful thing it
has happened to me. With out them I would have never went to Washington DC. or
made any of my dreams come true. Every person in my family is diffrent but they all

have their own way to show love to my sister,brothers and me. Even tough my
parents are divorced they never forge that they have the most important Job ,wich
is being a parent. They are always there for me when something bad happens to
any of my brothers they put their diffrences and come together to help us out.

What I like about Oakland is that not only I have learned how to take Challenges ,
but to also make museos a a strong and better leader to others. I believe that I am a
leader bu a showing my brothers what stepsto take in life and how to overcome
challenges. I also relieve that I am a leader because I show how to Respect people
and also to fight for the things I believe in. A third reason is that my own family sees
me as a leader because they believe I am a good example for my brothers. I am
going to show my family to always tollos their dreams annd to never give up.

Now I believe that I should be able to go to College for All because I have shown
that in the past that I can be a responsible when I went to Washington DC. Also
because all my two and ahalf years that I have been at UPA I have never had
problems with another students never gotten one single culture form. Also all my
time in UPA I have received good gradesand good cOmments by teachers. What I do
need to work on is to try alittle more hardware on my math work. hedores that I jet
good grades only one time I got a 2.75 or 50. Thats some of the reasons why I
shOuld go to College for all trip.

I feel that everything I have lived so far in my life is going to help me to overcome
more challenges in life and is going to help me to go to College and to always
believe in what I believe in. Never give up on what I thinking is fight for . In closing,
when I grow up all I ask for is for my dreams to come true, to become a neontal
nurse. To always have the support of my teachers and friends. I am a very positive
person, therefor I Williams agujeta everything I set myself out to do in life.

Past, Present, Future

Teaching the Verb Tense System

Stacia Levy by Stacia Levy 461,642 views | 26 comments

Verb tenses receive a lot of attention in English instructionin fact, they receive
perhaps more attention than any other aspect of grammar.

And with good cause: there are thirteen verb tenses in English, if you look at tense
as ways to discuss time. The English-speaking world is obsessed with time and its
passage: clocks of various types are ubiquitous in most English-speaking countries;
a watch is still considered a fine gift marking the passage into adulthood; tardiness
is frowned on, and so forth. This value of time may be why so much attention is
given to verb tense instruction: given our obsession with time, we need a way to
talk about it. So the attention to verb tenses is not the problem. The concern is
student papers coming in, even after weeks of drill in the simple present and past,
missing all of the -ed -s endings. Teachers often shrug and say Its

That may be so, but it begs the question of whether drills in verb tense make sense
if students arent developmentally ready for the material anyway. I suspect,
however, something else is going onthere is a problem with the sequence of
instruction. Rather than plowing through simple present, then simple past, and
simple future, because supposedly these are easier to learn, I suggest all of the
present tenses be taught together, then all of the past, and then future. Why should
the tenses be taught in this manner?

There are multiple reasons tenses should be taught within a time frame.

Put the verb tense in context
Language learning, like learning in general, occurs in relation to other learning. The
simple present tense is best learned in relation to the present continuous: I drive a
car every day, but I am not driving right now, demonstrates the contrast between
the simple present and present continuous: a habitual activity rather than one
engaged in at the moment.

Give students more language to use
Students have a difficult time with a typical assignment like My Likes and Dislikes
and My Daily Routine if they only know one present verb tense well. Even if the
assignment calls on the use of mostly the simple present, students can write more,
and write more correctly, with other present tense verbs, like the continuous and
the perfect.

How to Teach Verbs According to their Time Frames

About Verb Tense in English
Verbs in English actually have two parts: the time and the aspect, or way of looking
at that time. So, for example, within the present time frame, there are three aspects
commonly used: simple, continuous, and perfect. In the present time frame, simple
is used to show habitual activity: I drive every day. Continuous shows ongoing
activity or activity in the moment: I am driving right now. Perfect in the present
time frame shows activity that began in the past but continues into the present time
frame: I have driven this car for ten years. The past and future time frames also
have simple, continuous, and perfect aspects (and in some cases, perfect
continuous tenses).

Introduce students to the system
Give students an overview of the entire verb system in the different time frames.
The purpose of this is not to get students to learn or memorize the material right
away but to get an overview of this variety of tenses and see how they relate to
each other. I find it helpful to put the time frame across the top of the board or
handout and the aspect down the side:





I walked.

I walk.I will walk.


I was walking.

I am walking.

I will be walking.


I had walked.

I have walked.

I will have walked.

Students will get an overview of the various tenses with a chart like this. I keep it
simple on a chart like this, whose purpose is just to introduce students to this
complex system, not addressing for now variations of these basic tenses like the
perfect progressive: I have been walking. I also use a regular verb to model the
tenses, such as to walk, whose variations and inflections are easier to teach and
remember: ed for past, for example. I also try to use intransitive verbs, or verbs
that dont require a direct object, like walk, when introducing the verb tense
system, so focus can stay on the verb. If I used a verb like to throw to introduce
verb tenses, students would have to focus on the irregular forms of the verb
threw, thrown, and also consider a direct object that makes sense.

Focus on one time frame at a time

Its very helpful to students to learn all the present verb tenses together rather than
switching from present to past to future because this is how we tend to use
language: when relating an incident that happened to me on the way to work
yesterday, for example, Im going to tend to stay in the past time for the duration of
that story, perhaps switching between past progressive and simple past: I was
driving to work yesterday, and this other car appeared out of nowhere I am not
going to suddenly switch to present or future tense until perhaps the end: Now I
need to call my insurance company.

Focus on only one tense at a time but show it in relation to other tenses in that
When introducing these tenses, stay in one tense at a time, practicing its form and
meaning, as you would have before, but keep showing the tenses in relation to each
other, keep referring back to the chart. Meaning is learned best in context and how
an item relates to the overall picture.

Give plenty of authentic opportunities to practice: have students tell a story, plan
out a schedule, give a series of directions in writing, and so forth, all authentic
writing tasks that highlight different verb tenses.

Understanding verb tense is indeed developmental, in the sense that it takes time
and practice to really understand the tenses in English, more than passing a test
will show, so continually revisiting the tenses will help students in this process.

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