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Graded Quiz 10 questions point 1. ‘The marketing chief of Fossil is considering the introduction of a super functional, fashionable wristwatch for men and women priced at $99. For this, he decided on 30 telephonic interviews from their customer database, 50 valid survey responses from individuals whose income is greater than $60,000 and 2 focus-groups. To which of the steps of the marketing research process do the actions of the marketing chief for Fossil fall into? © Analyze and interpret data Reporting Formulate the problem Design data collection method ooo0o°o Design sample and collect data point 2. Which of the following is the best example in which to apply causal research? © The Andrew Jergens Company periodically conducting surveys to measure consumer's perceptions, attitudes and use of soap bars and related personal care products. To determine the relationship between sales promotion and advertising expenditures and sales of Mercedes. To gain insights on why Nokia is losing market share in Asia. To understand how consumers evaluate the Home Depot brand compared to competing brands. o 00 0 One-on-one depth interviews matching respondents and interviewers by gender. point 3. ‘An experiment was conducted to test the effects of coupon value on redemption. Personal interviews were conducted in New York with 280 shoppers who were entering a supermarket. These shoppers were given a coupon for one of four brands prior to entering the store. Two coupon values were used, one offering 15-cents off and the other 50-cents off. Shoppers were randomly assigned to these two coupon-value levels, Four brands—Tide detergent, Kellogg's corn flakes, Aim toothpaste, and Joy liquid dishwashing detergent were used. These same shoppers were re- interviewed upon leaving the store and asked to report on any coupons used in the store, What extraneous variable most likely will influence the results of this experiment? O Testing effect Experimental mortality Maturation effect History effect o0o0o°o Regression towards the mean point 4. In a Pepsi project the researcher is interested in examining the effect of humor and the effect of various levels of brand information on advertising effectiveness. Three levels of humor (no humor, some humor, and high humor) are to be examined. Likewise, brand information is to be manipulated at three levels (low, medium, and high). The resulting table would be three rows (levels of information) by three columns (levels of humor), producing nine possible combinations or cells, The respondents would be randomly assigned to one of the nine cells. Respondents in each cell would receive a specific treatment combination. After exposure to a treatment combination, measures would be obtained on attitudes toward Pepsi advertising, brand, and the celebrity from respondents in each cell. To which category of design does this fall into? Latin Square Design Static Group Design One-shot case study Factorial Design oo0o0°0 Randomized Block Design point are aistinguisned by tne tact that tne researcher can randomty assign test units to experimental groups and also randomly assign treatments to experimental groups. O _ Between and Within Subject Designs Pre-experimental Designs Quasi-experimental Designs Concurrent Designs oo0o0o°o True experimental Designs paint 6. Which of the following research designs is NOT a type of descriptive research? O Regression Analysis Case Study Observational Study Survey Report oooo°o Normative Analysis point 7. ‘When marketing researchers conduct exploratory research, the purpose of the research is all of the following EXCEPT: O Generate hypothesis Eliminate impractical ideas Understand casual relationship between a dependent variable and independent variable(s) O Establish priorities for future research Refine a problem point Whirh tune af tect marketing invaliec nnitentireing the field avneriment tn Wenn Ye UF KESe Har NeUNE HIVUHNES UULSUUF Ig UE HE EAPEH NN HEHE Aw better predict the effectiveness of one or more marketing actions? oO oooo°o point Standard Test Market Simulated Test Market Virtual Test Market Controlled Test Market Electronic Test Market validity measures the extent to which a causal relationship found in a study can be expected to be true in the entire population Oo ooo0o°o 1 point 10, Construct Dependent External Internal Independent To find evidence of causality under causal research, researchers make sure that there are no common factors that causes both the dependent variable and the independent variables. This is called ° o0oo0oo°o Concomitant Variation Eliminate Alternative Causes Predictive Validity Extrapolation Time Order of Occurrence |, Louie Juera, understand that submitting work that isn't my own may result in permanent failure of this course or deactivation of my Coursera account. Learn more about Coursera's Honor Code 8 questions unanswered Submit Quiz 9

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