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I had five close friends....(1) I was tenth gender. We enjoyed good friendship.

used to be in happiness and sadness together. this has been existed for about
two years. . ...(2), last month one of us had to leave due to hear that. we
decided to maker her a scrapbook containing our sweet memories of friendship
we had made, as a moment. we ... (3) pictures of our togetherness. we combined
and wrote on each picture. time flew by, she had to leave and we gave her the
scrapbook. we were sad, but we were satisfied for the momento that she could
remember us everlastingly.

1. a. unless, b. since, c. although, d. before, e. because

2. a. therefore, b. moreover, c. otherwise, d. furthermore, e. however
3. a. collected, b. enriched, c. saved, d. eliminated, e. reminded

Mercury and the Woodman

A woodman was felling a tree on the bank of a river, when his axe, slipped on
the trunk, flew out of his hands and fell into the water. he stood sad by the
water's edge at his loss, Mercury ...(4) and ask him the reason of his sadness. on
learning what had happened and out of pity for his distress, Mercury dived into
the water, surface with a golden axe and asked him if that was the one he had
lost. the woodman replied that is was not, then mercury dived a second time,
surfaced with a silver axe and asked that was his. "no, that is not mine either"
said the woodman. Once more Mercury dived into the river, ssurface with the
missing axed. The woodman was overjoyed at seeing his ... (5) and thanked his
benefactor warmly. the latter was so ... (6) with his honesty that he presented
the Woodman with the other two axe.

4. a. emerged, b. appeared, c. whispered, d. optioned, e suggested

5. a. dagger, b. asset, c. property, d. clothes, e. body
6. a. pleased, b. disgusted, c. shocked, d. worried, e. relieved

Bidadari island is one of the many charming islands in the seribu islands Marine
national park in the Bay of Jakarta, which also ...(7) Tidung and Pramuka Island.
this beautiful island, formerly known Sakit Islands. This beautiful island, is
located close the capital city, approximately lies in the middle of cluster of small
islands, among which are Onrust, Khayangan, Kelor, Anyer Islands.

The beach of Bidadari Island ... (8) beatiful white sand, and crystal sea water.
there are also several mangrove forest where you will have the opportunity to
see many rare and exotic plants, such as the tree of peace (Baring exelsa),
willows, pempis acidula, ebony trees (diospyros maritama), and Glodokan trees,
to name of few. around the forest are also several fruit orchards which are lovely
and colourful, especially when in season! Approximately 60% of plants on this
island are .... (9) protected species.

7. a. compromise, b. comfort, c. commit, d. comprise, e. combine

8. a. Display, b. Disclose, c. Discover, d. Disdain, e. Dispute
9. a. Rare, b. Spare, c. Fair, d. Bare, e. Aware

Aku punya lima teman dekat .... (1) aku kesepuluh gender. Kami menikmati
persahabatan yang baik. kita dulu dalam kebahagiaan dan kesedihan bersamasama. ini telah ada selama sekitar dua tahun. . ... (2), bulan lalu salah satu dari
kami harus meninggalkan karena mendengarnya. kami memutuskan untuk
pembuat nya lembar memo yang berisi kenangan manis kami persahabatan
kami telah membuat, sebagai sejenak. kami ... (3) gambar kebersamaan kami.
kami menggabungkan dan menulis pada setiap gambar. waktu terbang oleh, dia
harus meninggalkan dan kami memberinya lembar memo. kami sedih, tapi kami
puas untuk momento bahwa dia bisa ingat kita senantiasa.

1. a. kecuali, b. sejak, c. meskipun, d. sebelumnya, e. karena

2. a. Oleh karena itu, b. apalagi, c. sebaliknya, d. Selanjutnya, e. namun
3. a. dikumpulkan, b. diperkaya, c. disimpan, d. dihilangkan, e. mengingatkan

Merkuri dan Woodman

Sebuah woodman itu penebangan pohon di tepi sungai, ketika kapaknya,
tergelincir di bagasi, terbang dari tangannya dan jatuh ke dalam air. ia berdiri
sedih dengan tepi air di kehilangannya, Mercury ... (4) dan memintanya alasan
kesedihannya. belajar apa yang terjadi dan kasihan untuk kesusahannya,
Mercury menyelam ke dalam air, permukaan dengan kapak emas dan bertanya
apakah itu yang ia telah kehilangan. woodman menjawab yaitu tidak, maka
merkuri menyelam untuk kedua kalinya, muncul dengan kapak perak dan
meminta itu nya. "Tidak, itu bukan milikku baik" kata penebang tersebut. Sekali
lagi Mercury menyelam ke dalam sungai, ssurface dengan hilang axed. woodman
itu gembira saat melihat nya ... (5) dan berterima kasih pengasuhnya hangat.

yang terakhir itu begitu ... (6) dengan kejujuran bahwa ia mempresentasikan
Woodman dengan dua kapak lainnya.

4. a. muncul, b. muncul, c. bisik, d. optioned, e disarankan

5. a. belati, b. aset, c. properti, d. pakaian, e. tubuh
6. a. senang, b. jijik, c. kaget, d. khawatir, e. lega

Pulau Bidadari merupakan salah satu dari banyak pulau yang menawan di pulau
seribu Kelautan taman nasional di Teluk Jakarta, yang juga ... (7) Tidung dan
Pulau Pramuka. pulau yang indah ini, sebelumnya dikenal Sakit Islands. pulau
yang indah ini, terletak dekat ibukota, sekitar terletak di tengah-tengah gugusan
pulau-pulau kecil, di antaranya adalah Onrust, Khayangan, Kelor, Kepulauan

Pantai Pulau Bidadari ... (8) pasir putih cantik, dan air laut kristal. ada juga
beberapa hutan mangrove di mana Anda akan memiliki kesempatan untuk
melihat banyak tanaman langka dan eksotis, seperti pohon perdamaian (Baring
exelsa), willow, pempis acidula, pohon eboni (Diospyros maritama), dan pohon
glodokan, untuk nama beberapa. sekitar hutan juga beberapa kebun buah yang
indah dan berwarna-warni, terutama ketika musim! Sekitar 60% dari tanaman di
pulau ini .... spesies (9) dilindungi.

7. a. kompromi, b. kenyamanan, c. komit, d. terdiri, e. menggabungkan

8. a. Display, b. Mengungkapkan, c. Temukan, d. Penghinaan, e. Perselisihan
9. a. Langka, b. Spare, c. Adil, d. Telanjang, e. Sadar

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