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Motion Animation Pre-production Booklet


Pre-Production Booklet for Animation

Order of contents (italics show areas you must add in yourself)
Assessment criteria

Mind maps of ideas

Risk assessment

Format of your animation

Subject and storyline

Character notes and profiles

Movement of characters



Audio and soundtrack

Sound table

Props list


Storyboard and script (add script to booklet)

Frame rates

Lighting design

Production schedule

Crew details


Frame Numbers

Dope Sheets

Stop Motion Animation Pre-production Booklet

How to use this booklet

You will need to complete every page of this booklet, and all sections / questions
Assessment criteria for Distinction grade;
Plans will show a full consideration of movement and continuity, perspective, point of view,
transitions and special effects.
Precise and workable planning of timing and synchronisation to a soundtrack will be
produced. It will be clear at this stage, from the documentation, what the finished piece will
look and sound like.
Learners will follow industry conventions and terminology used in storyboard production
Plans for the construction of models, sets and props will be realistic and clear.
Drawings, script and storyboard will all show a creative interpretation of the idea.

The documentation linked to the production will be full and detailed and there will be
evidence that the production management and scheduling of the project has been effective
and carried out in a professional manner. The techniques used in the production of the work
are likely to be related to an understanding of current trends in the industry.

Both LO2 and LO3

In all practical activity learners will be capable of working autonomously and effectively. They
will work on their own initiative, will not need constant support or supervision, will give the
work their full commitment, work positively and cooperatively with others, and meet
deadlines. In other words, they will have the kind of self-management skills that would be
expected of them in a professional context. Note also that this criterion should not be taken
to mean that learners do not seek advice or that they work without discussing things with
their tutor, but rather that they are not dependent upon the support of others and that when
they take advice they weigh it carefully for themselves.

Stop Motion Animation Pre-production Booklet

Brainstorm / mind map (add extra pages if necessary)

Attach a 400 word treatment of your idea

My stop motion idea is to show the journey of money, what happens to one
note. This will be achieved by using a Perspex sheet to draw facial features on
the objects while move the objects behind the sheet as to animate them and
also using live action.
The story will start off with someone dropping the 5 note, once it hits the
ground it will come to life and start walking, and they start flying through the
air and just as it starts picking up speed it hit someones leg and is stopped
dead in its tracks.
He then picks up the note and continues to walk but then drops it into a
homeless mans hat in which we see the 5 in amongst poor pennies and coins
The hat then gets kicked over and the coins and the note fall out and begin to
run away again, the note then floats into a door and into a cube
The note then walks around the club seeing the nots fly around smiling, the
note then gets picked up quite aggressively and is taken to the bar to be used
to buy a drink and placed in darkness
In the darkness we can hear someone shouting and commotion then glimpse
of light as the money is shoved in a bag, we then hear cars and transport and
then a sudden light appears from a blur
We see a bag on a table with a happy guy next to the table as he has just stolen
the money successfully. Our 5 friend then begins to sneak out of the bag and
run across the table and climbs out of the window.

Stop Motion Animation Pre-production Booklet

We then see the 5 falling towards the camera and the falls pass the camera
and we hear a thud and then see the 5 on the floor slowly getting up it then
looks up and we then see what he sees a foreign note who says Hola and
then it ends.

How will you meet the requirements of your brief?

I will meet the requirements of the brief by reading the brief carefully and to be sure
all my decision are made based on the brief. I will be sure to keep referring back to the
brief throughout out the making of my production.

Risk assessment: Are there any health and safety issues you may encounter?

Stop Motion Animation Pre-production Booklet

Discuss any legal issues you may face. Eg; sound, plagiarism, age restrictions

My short animation will not affect many laws but any music I uses I will be sure that I
have permission so as not to breach any copy right. Or use royalty free music.

Use of possible formats

Circle which of the following formats your animation will take;
stop-frame techniques
time lapse photography

Stop Motion Animation Pre-production Booklet

plasticine animation
using found objects
combined formats

Why are you using that particular format?

I will be using the formats of stop frame techniques and using found objects. I have
chosen to use these formats as my idea is to incorporate animated characters into
real life, and order to achieve this I feel using everyday objects to animate is more
appropriate. Although harder to animate as they are not solely made for that purpose
they can provide a more quirky and humorous motion which is the look I am going for
as it will add the comedy side.

What are the different possibilities you could explore using this format?
Using these formats, I have the choice to ether go with the realistic motion where I would
just move the objects, making them appear as if they can move on their own or I could
develop characters with in the objects and give them more of a life like personality which is
defiantly the side of animation I wish to explore using these techniques.

What are the limitations of using this format? (i.e what problems/ obstacles might you
have?) Problems I might face is the animating side as everyday objects are not made for
animating so getting them to move it the way I intend will be difficult and may restrict my

Stop Motion Animation Pre-production Booklet

What imaginative or inventive animations have you seen which use this format?
Add in links and screen shots of three examples of animations using this format.

Stop Motion Animation Pre-production Booklet

What will the subject of your animation be?
My production is a short comedy stop motion to do with the journey of a 5 note.

Describe the storyline of your animation. What events will happen to your characters?

The story follows the adventure of a 5 note and how he begins in someones pocket
and then in a homeless mans hat and then into a club to and then ending up in a
robbers bag flying to another country.
This Idea was changed and the story line was It starts with the 5 note getting up off
the ground a being blown through the air and then picked up and put into a homeless
mans hat where he meets the coins but before he can say hello the hat is kicked
accidently which sends him flying through the air.

What characters will be in your animation?
The 5 note
The Robber

Stop Motion Animation Pre-production Booklet

Stop Motion Animation Pre-production Booklet

Complete the character profiles for each character in your animation





His mum and dad where a poor family who only had 5 between
them he were there only hope so they had to use him to get a home
so he was split from his family so now he is on a search to find


Home less man

Rags shorts and jumper


He doesnt have one

Playing the guitar

He is more in common with fiver than people would think as also

was separate from his parents from a young age and now steals to
maintain a standard on living.

Stop Motion Animation Pre-production Booklet

Add in images and drawings/ sketches of what they will look like.

What will they be made of?

Money attached to a candle with wires to hold it up
The coins will simply just have blue tack behind them

Stop Motion Animation Pre-production Booklet

Movement of characters

How are you going to make your characters move?

Using mental wire to support the note and be able to maneuver it in the way I want
And with the coins I will use blue tack

What is the purpose of an armature?

Armature is the steel skeleton structure of a model, used to provide a study and more mobile
structure to the model so as it can be moved more freely and hold the position, making it
easier to take photos of it and move it.

Will you use them for your characters?

I will not use an armature per say but just some metal wire to support my 5

If so, how will you make it?

I will celitape two pieces of wire vertically to the back of the 5 note.

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