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Marketing Process Efficiency in Cox and King India Ltd.

What we do:

We identify process and operational inefficiencies in setting strategy, marketing planning

and program execution

We develop financially justified recommendations for organizational alignment, modified

roles and responsibilities, more effective use of existing technology as well as new

We implement technology and process improvements, overseeing a change management

program to communicate and deliver recommendations to achieve desired and defined

Value you receive:

Significant cost savings and improved marketing ROI from an organization that runs
more cohesively and seamlessly in delivering effective marketing to your customers

Improved employee and customer satisfaction/engagement, creating an environment

where people and teams are encouraged and incented to perform at higher levels

In Cox & Kings India Ltd, change is difficult to implement inhibited by a weve tried that
before mindset. Creating more efficient and effective marketing organization often involves
significant change. But more efficient organization are more adaptable, and are better positioned
to capitalize on dynamic changes rather than just react to them. Marketing process efficiency
helps marketing of Cox & Kings India Ltd to transform, supported by performance metrics that
monitor progress, identify areas for continued improvement, and deliver results. Our range of
services includes:
Marketing Process Improvement in Cox & Kings India Ltd
Within the Marketing department, there are multiple functions that may not be performed as
efficiently as desired. Many of these internal activities would significantly benefit from a deepdive into how the current process is being performed, including understanding critical pain
points, inputs/outputs, roles/responsibilities, tools/systems being utilized and interfaces with
other departments. These activities would include, but are not limited to: Marketing Planning,

Campaign Management, List Management, Marketing Performance Management, Analytics

Management, and Resource Management. We can review selected activities/functions or the endto end marketing department. We will assess the current process, identify quick-hits and longerterm solutions in each area reviewed, develop a prioritized plan for implementing changes, and
support implementation based on client needs. We will also develop KPIs to monitor progress
and identify areas for continued improvement. Operating efficiently will enable more timely and
effective performance and results, and add value to the bottom line.
Marketing Operating Model in Cox & Kings India Ltd
Marketing is expanding its responsibilities beyond the traditional Four Ps (Product,
Placement, Pricing , and Promotion). In fact, marketing has become the insights-supporting
functions across the entire value chain (e.g., billing system deployment, distribution network
development, and manufacturing). As the role of marketing has grown, the challenge has become
establishing an efficient and effective operating model. Cox & Kings India Ltd, with decades of
experience in helping to establish effective operating models, offers a service that provides a
blueprint of effective operation and the associated transformational roadmap. Connected CRM is
the key asset that facilitates this service. It is a systematic way to identify, serve and retain highvalue customers better than competitors by delivering customer interactions that improve
financial results, create competitive advantage and drive shareholder value. With connected
CRM, an assessment of internal and external organizations is performed. This not only includes
the marketing function, but also related functions such as sales, service, and finance
organizations in addition to external marketing partners and agencies. Recommendations outline
target metrics, governance, processes, roles, responsibilities and interactions; implementation of
this model will gives each functional area greater insight into how to perform their functions
more effectively and align across the extended organization.
CRM Process Improvement in Cox & Kings India Ltd
As marketers expand their role to support customer sales and service, and even beyond to other
customer-related functions across the enterprise, the processes can become complex, inefficient,
and ultimately ineffective. It becomes increasingly harder to capitalize on opportunities to
leverage deep customer insight consistently across the organization. Our business process
improvement services focused on driving our insight deep into processes. Using industry-specific

processes and maturity maps in a series of discovery sessions, a target state is identified and gap
analysis is performed. From that, we develop process improvement recommendations that are
prioritized based on business impact and compiled into a roadmap for change.
Effectiveness of the sales and marketing function in Cox & King India Ltd
We have comprehensive range of consulting services related to sales, marketing and customer
service. We have extensive experience gained in the Marketing Departments. Areas where we
get support are :

building marketing and sales strategies and support in their implementation,

streamlining processes that cover marketing, sales and our customer relation building,

improvement of operating and cost effectiveness in the sales and marketing areas.
Building marketing and sales strategies and support in their implementation
Building of a market position, understood as a specific share in the segment, increase of
revenues and of the value of our portfolio, means much more today than just manufacturing and
delivery of products or services to customers. Access to a wide offering makes customers more
demanding not only in terms of quality and price, but also in terms of, for instance, shopping
experience. It is often difficult to establish factors that enable creating a significant competitive
advantage because of the lack of access to relevant models or the lack of an external perspective
on the companys activity and offering. Our research conducted in many countries show that our
effectiveness on the market are to exactly know the revenues and costs generated by specific
customer segments. Another key success factor on the market is understanding and ability to use
the distribution channels that are most attractive for customers.
We establish the target market position for the company. We provide competition analyses and
case studies of the best practices of the Polish and international markets that may provide
inspiration for developing a strategy that fits the status and aspirations of your company. We
conduct research and analyses to be used for establishing customer segmentation (B2B and
B2C), the potential of specific segments and for building a value proposition based on actual
expectations and insights. We support the implementation of the changes we propose, which

results in the establishment of a strengthened and clearly differing company position. Our work
include analyses of the margin level of specific customer segments (e.g. using an activity based


on our ABC


proprietary methodology)



recommendations for specific segments in terms of: products offered, Cox & Kings India Ltd of
before- and after-sales service, pricing policy and value proposition. We also get advisory
services in terms of streamlining distribution channels in view of various related aspects such
as: own vs. partner sales networks or the development of modern distribution channels.
Streamlining processes that cover marketing, sales and customer relation building
In many cases, problems that Cox & Kings India Ltd face on the market result from the lack of
coordination of sales and marketing operations, as well as from the lack of consistency in
building customer relations. Very often, sales, marketing and customer relations are treated as
separate functions in a company and the decisions concerning these functions are taken
independently while their strategies are contained in separate documents. This leads inevitably
to a lack of consistency in messages that reach the customer and in extreme situations to the
non-performance of sales targets and churn of some customers.
How we work
We are working on a number of process streamlining projects and we have developed our own
methodology for diagnosing process issues and designing the target status. We work to include
both the best practices in the sector and the specific requirements of our company. Our work
outcomes include:

development of customer service standards and scenarios;

definition of the optimum course of marketing and sales processes, as well as principles
of decision-making;

improvement of time to market;

design of a streamlined organisational structure for marketing and sales, adjusted to the
specific requirements of the business;

establishment of the roles of specific individuals in the process, allocation of

responsibilities and tasks.

Improvement of operating and cost effectiveness in the sales, marketing and customer
service areas
Cox & Kings India Ltd look for savings: that is why we are more prone to cut on marketing
budgets. In addition to an immediate improvement of the operating result, such cuts usually
entail long-term consequences such as a decrease in brand awareness ratios or even a loss of
market share. Our research shows that there have a system in place to monitor the operating
effectiveness of marketing costs. Consequently, in many cases, decisions on the level of the
marketing budget are strongly related to historical data and are not sufficiently adjusted to the
existing product portfolio and prevailing market trends. According to our research findings form
many countries, most our company are the ones that can adopt self-discipline in the planning
and performance of sales (so called pipeline management). This enables them to reduce the
number of failed offers and negotiations. Cox & Kings India Ltd emphasise talent development,
employee training and effective use of sales supporting tools (e.g. customer analysis based on
information available in the CRM database).
When working on the allocation of marketing expenditure, we use the results of an annual
Communication and Media Outlook study that shows current global trends on the media market,
sector benchmarks as well as tools for reviewing the actual media presence. We assist in
analysing the previous expenditure and suggest re organisation of marketing spend. Cox &
Kings India Ltd in the area of streamlining activities, which leads to revenue growth or cost
reduction, for instance, by offering new organisational solutions, changes to processes related to
sales, marketing and customer service, as well as by making recommendations on sales
Marketing's processes and ability to set performance targets, develop metrics, and measure the
areas where a marketing-operations function can make a difference.
Putting the Three Ps Into Practice The following three Psprocess, performance management,
and planningprovide a foundation on which to build a marketing-operations function.
1. Process

Marketing as "the activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating,
delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society
at large." Key to the definition is the reference to a set of processes.
A performance-driven marketing needs 10 essential processes:
1. Market intelligence and customer insight
2. Planning
3. Budgeting
4. Market asset development and management
5. Performance measurement, management, and reporting
6. Metrics and performance target-setting and benchmarking
7. Auditing
8. Data management and collection
9. Professional-development processes
10.Infrastructure management
The best-in-class marketing-operations functions should focus on developing, managing, and
optimizing those processes to enable the marketing organization to improve performance.
2. Performance management
MPM is the process of analyzing and improving both the efficiency and effectiveness of
marketing through a framework of metrics that monitors Marketing's contribution to business
Although it is the responsibility of every marketing professional to engage in performance
management, Marketing Operations plays a pivotal role.
It is the marketing-operations function that governs the process and provides the data, analysis,
systems, and tools that enable Marketing to link its initiatives to the business and then monitor
and report on performance through a marketing dashboard.

Properly developed and deployed dashboards give the performance-driven Cox & Kings India
Ltd an advantage over competitors that are still operating with little or no essential data,
analytics, or performance standards.
3. Planning
The point of any marketing plan is to identify the initiatives, strategies, tactics, and activities that
the Cox & Kings India Ltd will deploy to help the organization succeed.
Therefore, a key part of the marketing planning process is to have a clear road map to
demonstrate how Marketing is moving the needle for the Cox & Kings India Ltd. That requires
clearly linking Marketing's objectives, strategies, programs, and tactics back to business
Doing so requires the marketing-operations function to interface with the organization's finance,
sales, service, product, and management players; that interaction is vital to capturing the business
outcomes, clarifying which ones Marketing is expected to influence, and defining the
corresponding key performance indicators (KPIs).
Cox & Kings India Ltd that have dedicated resources for the marketing-operations function
ensure that the Cox & Kings India Ltd adopts and implements performance management bestpractices to positively affect their organization's business outcomes.
They enable Marketing to become a performance-driven team and provide the processes,
performance management, and planning skills, tools, and systems that empower Marketing to
demonstrate value and be more effective and efficient.
By creating or expanding the marketing-operations role and skill set to include performance
targeting skills, process and technology optimization, and strategic capabilities to drive change,
Marketing can reach the next step in its performance-management journey.
The bottom line: Marketing Operations facilitates a much better return on marketing
Promoting Marketing Measurement and ROI Analysis

With responsibility for financial governance, marketing operations is the logical entity to
champion and facilitate a measurement mindset within the marketing department, in five
important ways.
1) Ensure alignment of the marketing budget, and marketing activities, to corporate and
departmental objectives. Marketing operations works with the leadership team during the
budgeting process and aligns budgets with measureable objectives. Its planning and oversight
ensure that the marketing investment portfolio supports only those measurable objectives (with
slight exceptions where may be a strategic reason to fund other programs, such as research into
new communication channels.) Then, throughout the financial year, Marketing operations
monitors alignment and performance in cooperation with finance.

2) Provide the tools for measuring and reporting marketing performance. Marketing
operations provides the automation and technology infrastructure to support the department. Key
to gathering data for mROI calculations is a marketing resources management (MRM)
application for connecting budgeted and actual spending with activities, tasks and related
objectives. Another important tool is a business intelligence and reporting platform that collects
data from many sources, including the general ledger and the procure-to-pay application, and
delivers information through dashboards and reports, alerts, drill-downs and what if analysis.
3) Establish the framework for measuring marketing performance and calculating ROI. A
marketing organization must first decide what it wants to measure. Marketing operations leads
development of key performance indicators (KPIs) from the collective customer, financial and
operational data as a first step in creating a framework. As an organization evolves to more factbased decision-making, additional layers of analysis, including marketing ROI (mROI) analysis
of each program will become the standard. Marketing operations manages the mechanics of
measurement, performs the mROI calculations, and publishes them along with other relevant
metrics and KPIs.
4) Translate between the languages of marketing and finance. The languages of the two
departments are fundamentally different, with marketing accustomed to talking about the longterm value of a customer, or the cost of acquiring a new customer. Finance, on the other hand,

has a shorter-term focus on line-item budget performance and quarterly results. Marketing
operations interprets marketing metrics in a language familiar to finance and operates a
marketing dashboard to facilitate translation between budgets, marketing activities, and
5) Create the environment for a measurement mindset. Acceptance for fact-based mROI
analysis will not just happen. Marketing operations, in its financial governance role, should
construct and maintain an environment that allows marketing leaders to better use marketing
metrics and analysis. Over time and in tandem with the deployment of a technology
infrastructure, training and change management, the marketing organization will adopt a
measurement mindset and use mROI as a key measure to guide decision-making.

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