Import Secrets

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Import Business Secrets

A FREE Report

Efe Imiren
Author, Trainer, Importer and Marketer

Amazing Discovery
"REVEALED! How To Buy Products From
From China, Thailand, USA and UK for Less
Than $1 Each And Resell Them For N15,000
Naira And Above - Risk Free!"
Special Feature
Car Importation Business Training Session

"If You Always Wanted to Know How to Manufacture Products Inexpensively from
China, But Were Bewildered on How to Get Started, You are About to Discover
How You Can Quickly, Easily and Successfully Manufacture and Import From
China within 30 Days!"

Registration Closes on Thursday Click Here To See

Seminar Date on Website.

About The Trainer

Efe Imiren
Efe Imiren is widely considered Nigerias foremost and leading Female Information Publishing
Expert. She is a Trainer, Speaker, Author, Consultant and Successful Entrepreneur.
Efe started honing her entrepreneurship skills while an undergraduate and eventually turned
her passion and ideas into a profitable business named ServiceForts Ltd.
The ServiceForts brand name has grown into four major operations including ServiceForts
Technologies (a technology-based importing firm), ServiceForts Travels, ServiceForts
Publishing and ServiceForts Business Academy.

Dear Friend,
If youre looking to start a simple, no-hassle business that gives you all the freedom you
want in the world to be with your family and enjoy yourself, I have the perfect business
for you.
Its called Importing!
Why Importing?
Importing is the practice of having goods manufactured very cheaply in other countries
according to specification and bringing them into your own country to sell at very high
margins and profit.
Its a very lucrative business to start and has the ability to make you very rich quickly.
But Was a Problem
It was pretty hard to break into this business.
Why so?
Because. . .the people in this business DO NOT ever want others to join them.
Think about this. In fact, I challenge you to go out to any major market or to any major
importers office and ask them to let you in to their secrets. Good luck with that.
Itd be easier to have a camel pass through the eye of a needle before any one of them
will ever teach you their secrets.
Why is this?
Simple. Nobody likes competition. In fact most business people will rather have their
family and friends depend on them for scraps rather than show them how to fend for
Successful importers do not want others to know their secrets because importing is a
very profitable business, in fact its ranked as the second most profitable after the oil
Its almost like a secret old boys club. Outsiders are not welcomed.

Even if you did find the money to get started, youd need to go through a lot of hassles,
youd make a lot of mistakes and may end up losing all the money you invest in it.

Back In The Day,

If you wanted to become an importer, you needed to have a lot of money, at least
=N=1,000,000 (1 Million Naira) because manufacturing was expensive.
You also needed to travel to whatever country youre sourcing your goods from,
physically arrange them yourself and have them shipped.
When the goods arrived, you then needed to battle with import agents, and grease all
the palms of Customs officials to have them cleared and released to you.
Then you needed to find a market to sell the goods.
It was hard, very hard. No wonder why there arent very many people doing it that

But Now Things Have Changed. . .

The old way of importing has been replaced by a new system thats easy, cheap and still
extremely profitable.
Because two things happened
The first one is called . . . China.
The second one is . . . the Internet.
First lets talk about

The emergence of china as the manufacturing production powerhouse of the world
suddenly made sourcing of products very easy.
China with a population of over 1 billion people has tens of thousands of industries and
factories churning out thousands of products.
Here is an example of the number of manufacturers just in China...

Agriculture (69,033)
Nuts & Kernels Plant &
Animal Oil ...
Apparel (259,698)
Jackets T-Shirts ...
Automobile (168,244)
Auto Parts Motorcycles ...
Business Services
Logistics Services
Consulting ...
Chemicals (99,447)
Rubber & Products Fine
Chemicals ...
Computer Hardware &
Software (149,069)
Hardware Components
Peripherals ...

Excess Inventory (3,188)

Apparel Stock ...
Fashion Accessories (307,071)
Baby Shoes ...
Food & Beverage (46,841)
Aquatic Products Beverages ...
Furniture & Furnishings (265,655)
Home Furniture Outdoor Furniture ...
General Industrial Equipment (57,734)
Air-Separators Boilers ...
General Mechanical Components
Bearings ...
Gifts & Crafts (237,562)
Candles Holiday Gifts & Decoration ...
Hardware (139,002)
Brackets Clamps ...

Construction & Real

Estate (315,068)
Flooring & Tiles Pipe &
Fittings ...

Health & Beauty (129,764)

Personal Care ...
Home Appliances (191,822)
Air-conditioner ...

Electrical Equipment &

Supplies (165,205)
Wires, Cables, Cable
Assemblies ...

Home Supplies (398,564)

Garden Supplies Bath & Toilet ...

Electronic Components &

Supplies (31,956)
Active Components ...
Energy (7,373)
Petroleum & Products ...
Environment (8,354)
Recycling Water
Treatment ...

Lights & Lighting (98,709)

Lighting Fixtures Lighting Bulbs & Tubes
Luggage, Bags & Cases (145,404)
Handbags, Wallets & Purses ...
Manufacturing & Processing Machinery
Apparel Machinery ...
Measurement & Analysis Instruments
Analyzers ...

Minerals, Metals & Materials

Iron & Steel ...
Office Supplies (126,691)
Stationery Photography & Optics
Packaging & Paper (121,269)
Paper & Paper Products
Packaging Materials ...
Printing & Publishing (20,005)
CDs, Records & Tapes ...
Security & Protection (61,572)
Fire-fighting Safety Products ...
Shoes & Accessories (161,127)
Baby Shoes ...
Sports & Entertainment
Camping Pet & Products ...
Telecommunications (235,718)
Mobile Phones, Accessories &
Parts ...
Textiles & Leather Products
Bedding Chemical Fabrics ...
Timepieces, Jewelry, Eyewear
Watches Eyewear Clocks
Jewelry ...
Tools (83,120)
Agricultural & Gardening Tools
Toys (77,760)
Electrical Toys Stuffed & Plush
Toys ...
Transportation (54,470)
Bicycles Boats & Ships ...

These companies also include those from different parts of the world like USA, United
Kingdom, Germany, Japan, Singapore, Switzerland, Norway, Italy, and many more!

Companies like Nokia, Apple, Samsung, Sony, Amazon etc all have their business
manufacturing from china and importing into their own countries.
Why are these companies from these countries rushing to China to manufacture their
1. China has a population thats eager to work for cheap. Theres no need for the
company to worry about paying huge salaries.
2. The Chinese work hard too. Very hard.
Its plain old commonsense, If you owned a company and you could use a willing
worker whom you can pay slightly lesser, and by doing so, you spend less and make
more when you sell your product.
Now lets talk about . . .

The Internet
The emergence of the internet has made getting into the very lucrative importing
business very easy.
These days, theres no need to go to China to source your products. Now you can
simply, browse company websites from your computer screen and pay the exact
products you want from right there.
Recently, my friends company Bio-Lab Naturals ordered a ton of Sodium Hydrate,
otherwise known as Saccharine from a company in China.
He never visited China to buy this product. He simply found the company on a website
Ill give you later. The company paid for it and had it sent via Air Cargo.
It was cleared and sold it all in about two weeks. It cost about =N=600,000 for all of this
and made a profit of about =N= 1,200,000 naira after expenses. Bingo.

And Guess What?

Some other countries are now also giving manufacturers in their countries incentives.
Due to the explosion of the manufacturing industry in China, it has made the economies
of some other countries slow down, leading to job losses.

In other to stop this, their governments have given their manufacturers incentives like
tax reductions, free access to funds etc.
This has enabled them to at least catch up with China to an extent. They have also been
able to drastically reduce their expense and can now manufacture goods cheaply!

3 Reasons Why You Should Choose To

Start an Importing Business
1. Its easy.
Look around you. Almost everything you see, buy and use is now made in China.
Your phone, to your toothbrush to the fancy gold band on your finger, perhaps even
your toothpicks, theyre all made in China now. And contrary to popular opinion, not
all Chinese products are fake. Chinese factories produce according to specification. That
is, they produce exactly what you want them to produce.
You want something authentic and durable, theyll make it. And if you want fake,
theyll make you fake.
Unlike in the past, the importing business has become very very easy to get into. All
you need is expert knowledge and an internet connection. Finish!

2. Its cheap and extremely profitable

Most products you can import from overseas, China, USA, India etc can be sourced for
very little amounts of money and sold at very high prices, many times at up to 3,000%
Most products can be sourced for as low as $.0.32 cents (=N=53.44). Some for $1
(=N=167). Some for $7 (=N=1169), or $10 (=N=1670).
Heres a classic example.
My friends Company, Bio-Life imported this sex toy. Its called Penis Enlarger, and
aims at helping men increase the size and width of their penis, so they and their
partners can enjoy sex more.

See? Bought for $7 (=N=1169) and sold it for =N=15,000 each! On each one (=N=53.44)e
made a profit of =N=13,831!
Another example is the Sodium Hydrate (Saccharine) I showed you earlier we got for $4
(=N=668) per kilogram, and sold it here in Nigeria for =N=2,505 per kilogram).
Heres yet another product we imported. Its the Rechargeable Television imported by
our very own company ServiceForts Technologies.

We bought each one for $100 (=N=16,700) and sold it for $250 (=N=41,750). Thats 150%
gain on each!
Other things weve imported and sold and still made a lot of money selling them
include Inverters, Mini-Laptops, etc.
Now on to the third reason why you should start an import business. . .

3. You can start from as low as =N=50,000 to as high as you want!

Another reason why this business is so good is you dont need a lot of money to start, In
fact, you can actually get started with as little as =N=50,000 and make as much as 700%
- 3000% profits or more.
I have a friend, who lost his job and needed something to do. He came to me I showed
him how to start this business and after we did our research, he decided to start with
colourful Blackberry Phone covers.
We found a supplier online which suited his budget (he had only =N=50,000 to start

A week later, we found a reseller here in Nigeria who bought them off him for =N= 500
each, netting him a profit of =N=363.06 naira on each one! (By the way, he didnt have
to pay any custom duties on this import. Ill tell why later).
All 300 of them were sold and he made over =N= 108,918 in profits!
Wouldnt you too like to make this kind of profits?

You Need To Know One Important Fact!

You can actually try to emulate them and start your own import business. You can go
online and do a little search and in a few seconds be inundated with millions of pages of
information that show you how to start an import business from scratch.
And if you do this, youll most likely fail!

Do I wish you bad luck?

Am a bad belly who doesnt want anyones progress?
Far from it. I actually want you to succeed when you start this business otherwise I
would have written this report and sent it to you.
The reason why I say that is I know for a fact that 93% of people who start an import
business fail. They fail because they out-rightly ignore the first un-written rule of
importing which is. . .

The Devil Is In What

You Do Not Know. . .
Believe me, no matter what you learn from searching Google, there a lot of hidden
secrets you do not know about this business that if you ignore and dont use daily, will
eventually destroy you.
Secrets like. . .
* How to Flawlessly Import Millions In Products From China
* How To Get China, USA and European Factories To Private Label Their Products For
You. (They will put any name you want on the product, effectively giving you your
personal brand name!)
* How To Pick The Best Products To Import From China
* How To Source Chinese Products From The Canton Fair (Do you know vhat it is?)
* How a Guy That Doesnt Speak a Word of Chinese Can Import $1,000,000 in Products
From China
* How To Make Chinese Manufactures Give You Rock Bottom Prices
* How To Get 100s Of Free Samples From Chinese Factories
* How to Get 60% off Sea and Air Freight From China
* How To Get Free Items From Your Chinese Factories
* How to Make =N=1,169 Every Time You Dash/Give Away a =N=50 Cent Item.
* How To Source Products From China On Your Computer Without Travelling
* How To Import From China In Micro Small Quantities
* How Chinese Brokers Will Rip You Off and How To Prevent This From Happening
* How To Sell Everything You Import On The Internet
* How To Avoid Paying for Custom Duties ever.


You see theres a lot you need to learn to succeed in this business.

The Good News Is

You can learn it. Its easy once we point it out to you.
Thats why we decided to showcase a training program designed especially for you
read more about it below.
We will take you by the hand and lead you to success. We will reveal everything weve
learnt about this business and speak right from our experience in the last 3-4 years.

A Note of Warning Though!

Because we are extremely busy people, we have decided to limit this training to just 50
This is going to be a hands-on training and we want to be responsible for the success or
otherwise of every person who will attend.
Of course, only those who desire a strong and lasting change in their financial status
starting this year need apply.
Heres what well do for the attendees
When you attend our Import Success Golden Keys Training , well. . .

Work with you (not for you) for a further 4 weeks to make sure you get all the
pieces and moves right.

Help you determine the best products to import based on your current budget

Youll get a 7-week email mentorship course which will help smoothen out any
grey areas you dont understand.

Youll get our direct phone lines so you can call us anytime for suggestions,
answers and advice.

Obviously we cant do this for everybody.

We are extremely busy and have our own businesses to attend to. Thats why we are
limiting this Training to just 50 people.

If youre serious about becoming rich with importation, be sure youre among the first
50 people who apply for our personalized training.
Below, we have explained all the details of our training, read it up and make your
decision. Lets show you the way to Importing Riches just as we have done others.
Are you ready to change your life starting right now? Then read the training letter
below. . .

But Wait!
What if you decide not to come for our training and decide to go for it on your own?

Youll do nothing because youll be afraid to lose your money and afraid you fail

Youll get duped. If they see youre not a Pro, theyll treat you like a novice and
cheat you blind, because after all you dont even know theyre cheating on you.

Youll simply limp along and learn the business over the next few years Big
education cost

Is the shortcut, which is coming for our training worth =N=35,000. . . You bet it is.
This is the easiest money youll ever make apart from owning an oil well.
Start making money from importing today. Start your own importing business and
become wildly rich.
See details below

"REVEALED! How To Buy Products From

From China, Thailand, USA and UK for Less
Than $1 Each And Resell Them For N15,000
Naira And Above - Risk Free!"


Hi, My name is Efe Imiren. I import products from China, the US and the UK.
If youre thinking about getting into the import-export business this may be the most
important letter you'll ever read...
Because the import-export business is extremely lucrative, exciting and prestigious.
However, without the right information and being armed with the right tools, its easy
to lose big in the import business.
But once you know the tricks of the trade, you can make amazing profits. Many
times without any risk using other peoples money. Thats what makes the import-export
business so attractive.
Amazingly, you can do it . . .

without an office

without stockpiling any inventory

starting with only =N= 50,000 only

In addition you do not:

require a time investment in product creation

you dont need an office

and gosh, you dont even need an employee.

How is this possible?

Ill explain, but first let me tell you why you probably have never heard about this all this
Its because

Most People In This Business Never Reveal It To Others

Most people in this business are WILDLY successful. But most importers are
greedy and very secretive. Call them tight lipped.
They dont tell anybody about what they do or how they do it. They dont want
anybody else in their business.

Here's why. They are on a run-a-way cash train with no end in sight and they do not
want anyone else to join them. I know there is plenty of room for new importers. Just
look at this growth curve...

"Get In On The Three Trillion Dollar

China, UK, and USA Import Boom"

(China Export Growth Curve)

Weve been in this business for a few years now and people ask us all the time what
we do and how we do it. Even when we tell them a lot of times, they dont understand
right away.
So we finally designed a training course for some friends and some colleagues, and
weve decided to share it with you.
For the first time Im going to reveal facts to you that have been kept secret in this
industry for years. Its almost like a secret society or an old boys club and nobody
tells anybody about what they do. I didnt see why.

"How I Became a China Importer"

Let me tell you a little bit more about me. I started off as an internet publisher,
creating and selling books and information online.
Eventually, I started teaching marketing strategies and offering marketing advice to
companies and start up entrepreneurs as a consultant (which I still do)


I got started in importation when I started working with a client who was an importer.
He runs Divine Glory Electronics in Computer Village and he is a BIG importer of
consumer electronics. I saw the big profit margins and decided this was another stream
of income to get in to.
Today, I import computer accessories, office equipments, inverters even crowd
control equipment and all sorts of different equipment and tools.
Ive imported gift items; Ive imported food additives; Ive imported just about
anything that could be imported. Thats the beauty of this business.
The thing that really attracted me to the import-export business is that I get bored
easily. Maybe you do too; most entrepreneurs do. With the import business you never
get bored. It changes every day. If you want to do something different, just pick another
line of business. Its really easy.

"How We Flawlessly Import Millions In

Products From China"
My partners and I have personally imported millions of naira worth of products. Im
not the guy who does seminars on how to import and makes a whole lot of money
selling a course; I think thats a bunch of nonsense!.
I actually run an import business under the business name ServiceForts. I do small
scale and big scale importing, depending on the product. I bring in some 20 feet - 40
feet containers, sometimes less, of brand new products to Nigeria. Sometimes its
even more.
My friends and marketing clients bring in theirs too, and Ive asked them and quizzed
them and learned everything that they do, too.
So I am pretty much of a bank of information and as far as I know Im the only guy
thats ever been willing to share these secrets.

"How To Import Over 800,000

Products From China"
There are a lot of different models in importing. People import to be wholesalers, and
thats the most common model; thats been going on for years.
In the last few years new import business models have emerged, retailers like
Olumide Shitta of Watch Locker, Dipo Tepede of Dipo Tepede and the guys at
Wires and Waves Technologies. They bring in products directly from overseas and
sell them in their stores and online at enormous profit margins.


Ill give you an example.

Pick up a copy of Complete Sports newspaper, even an old one. Theres this guy
who runs a business called Mens Healthcare. In Complete Sports they advertise a
penis enlarger toy for =N=15,000. This product cost them just =N= 750 each to import.
This means theyre making a profit margin of =N=14,250! Thats over 1,400%
Heres the guys advert and the product from where he bought it.

(This is where he bought it from)

You have to think. Its not only in sex toys. You can do it in shoes, computers, food,
phones, or any particular item that one might retail. There are tons of other ways to
retail products, but the margin is so enormous when you go directly from import to retail
you dominate whatever market youre in; you just totally slaughter it.
Here is an example of the number of manufacturers just in China...
Agriculture (69,033)
Nuts & Kernels Plant &
Animal Oil ...
Apparel (259,698)
Jackets T-Shirts ...
Automobile (168,244)
Auto Parts Motorcycles ...
Business Services
Logistics Services
Consulting ...
Chemicals (99,447)
Rubber & Products Fine

Excess Inventory (3,188)

Apparel Stock ...
Fashion Accessories (307,071)
Baby Shoes ...
Food & Beverage (46,841)
Aquatic Products Beverages ...
Furniture & Furnishings (265,655)
Home Furniture Outdoor Furniture ...
General Industrial Equipment (57,734)
Air-Separators Boilers ...
General Mechanical Components
Bearings ...

Minerals, Metals & Materials

Iron & Steel ...
Office Supplies (126,691)
Stationery Photography & Optics
Packaging & Paper (121,269)
Paper & Paper Products
Packaging Materials ...
Printing & Publishing (20,005)
CDs, Records & Tapes ...
Security & Protection (61,572)
Fire-fighting Safety Products ...


Chemicals ...
Computer Hardware &
Software (149,069)
Hardware Components
Peripherals ...

Gifts & Crafts (237,562)

Candles Holiday Gifts & Decoration ...
Hardware (139,002)
Brackets Clamps ...

Construction & Real

Estate (315,068)
Flooring & Tiles Pipe &
Fittings ...

Health & Beauty (129,764)

Personal Care ...
Home Appliances (191,822)
Air-conditioner ...

Electrical Equipment &

Supplies (165,205)
Wires, Cables, Cable
Assemblies ...

Home Supplies (398,564)

Garden Supplies Bath & Toilet ...

Electronic Components &

Supplies (31,956)
Active Components ...
Energy (7,373)
Petroleum & Products ...
Environment (8,354)
Recycling Water
Treatment ...

Lights & Lighting (98,709)

Lighting Fixtures Lighting Bulbs & Tubes
Luggage, Bags & Cases (145,404)
Handbags, Wallets & Purses ...
Manufacturing & Processing Machinery
Apparel Machinery ...
Measurement & Analysis Instruments
Analyzers ...

Shoes & Accessories (161,127)

Baby Shoes ...
Sports & Entertainment
Camping Pet & Products ...
Telecommunications (235,718)
Mobile Phones, Accessories &
Parts ...
Textiles & Leather Products
Bedding Chemical Fabrics ...
Timepieces, Jewelry, Eyewear
Watches Eyewear Clocks
Jewelry ...
Tools (83,120)
Agricultural & Gardening Tools
Toys (77,760)
Electrical Toys Stuffed & Plush
Toys ...
Transportation (54,470)
Bicycles Boats & Ships ...

"How To Get China Factories To Private

Label Their Products For You"
Do you know one thing I really like about Chinese imports or about importing from
other countries? I didnt know until I found out by accident. If you want something made
differently, theyll change it for you; theyll do it your way.
Theyll put your own product name and brand on it! Theyll design it anyhow you
want, and its amazing what happens.
You can actually build brands of products that you didnt make, you didnt
manufacture, you didnt even see until they landed in Nigeria, but they have your name
stamped on them as the manufacturer.
Theres nothing more exciting than seeing this big carton of products or container
(depending on your scale of importing) at the airport or seaport with a bunch of products
they load off of it that have your name on the box and your name on the product.

Whats even more exciting is getting these goods and knowing that all those
products are already sold and you did it with somebody elses money. Thats what Im
about to teach you how to do.

"How To Pick The Best Products To

Import From China"
Well talk about different types of markets, commodity markets. These are products
that people have to have everyday like tires, flour, light bulbs, clothes, fabrics, and
things that we buy and we already know an established price for.
Theyre not necessarily the best markets to be in, but they are stable, and if you
have a lot of cash theyre great. Theyre not the ones that I play in most of the time. but
theyre really good for stabilizing your cash flow to your business. Ill show the ones I
like to bring in.

"Import Products From China Using

Other People's Money"
The next step in the training will be pre-selling. This is a BIG secret; this is the one
thing that I do better than, I think, anybody in this industry does. I pre-sell products
before I ever get them so I dont put my own money at risk. Ill show you my exact
system for doing this.
By pre-selling I dont mean that I go out and knock on peoples doors or attend
meetings. Ive never walked into a business before and tried to sell them a product. Ill
show you how to get more leads than you could ever imagine to sell as much product
as you want just by walking up and down an aisle. Its easy.

"Learn How To Source Chinese Products

From The Chinas Biggest Trade Fair"

In the course were going to talk a lot about China, and well even talk about where
to find products in China like the biggest trade fair in China, this fair is the worlds
largest trade show. The Fair has been going on for 182 years and just last year alone,
there were 26,000 exhibitors and 60,000 visitors from the whole world who attended the
fair, I plan to be there this year and that trade fair is not stopping anytime soon.

If you can imagine the size and enormity of this show, it takes up over 30 football
fields filled with product over a five-day period. Then the show breaks down and they
move in a whole new show directly behind it. So you get another 30 football fields of
merchandise to look at.
Its worth the trip, if youd like to be there. Were hosting a trip this year and I invite
guests like you to go along with me. Youll learn all about the Chinas Largest trade fair;
youll learn your way around all the ins and outs of it, how to find translators, how to get
people to work with, whether you want to use a broker or not, how to freight your
products in the United States, everything.
Youll learn about business cards, manners, the way you should dress and the way
you should carry yourself when you talk to somebody; how to talk and who to talk to.
Chinese culture can be complicated, but you know what? In the training class, youre
going to get 100% of what you need. Youll Iearn how to fly first class to China for
less than most people fly economy and Ill share that secret with you, too.


Now in case youre still wondering if the importation business is one you should learn
about, heres what some folks whore in it have to say about it.
Dipo Tepede of
Hear what he has to say
We import a Mini-Washing Machine and have sold 5,300 units of this product from April
2010 till date; its quite hot! You can team up with your colleagues to procure it or simply
sell to them. The choice is yours!
Obinna Amadi of Obiamad Enterprises
Hear what he has to say...
I make millions of naira every month importing products from China and the USA. Its no
secret. Importation is a very lucrative business. Thats why many Ibo guys are into it.
At the training well also teach you. . .

"How a Guy That Doesn't Speak A Word of Chinese Can

Import $1,000,000 in Products From China, UK, or USA"
Youre going to learn how to write a great product specification. In other words, youll
learn how to tell the factory exactly what you want.
Were going to teach you how to find the customer first before you even start
looking for the product so that you dont waste time and money importing
something nobody will buy. I never, ever buy a single thing from China or the USA
that I dont already have enough sold to pay for the order before I order.
Ill show you how to protect yourself when you do make mistakes. One of the great
things that nobody ever knows about the import business is that you rarely ever lose.
BIG POINT: The liquidation value of the products is usually higher than the
cost of the product to start with, so you sell what you can at the highest price
possible and the rest you just sell off in liquidation if you have to.
Most people in import who write good specifications dont lose money and Im going
to teach you exactly how to do that.

"How To Make Chinese Manufactures Give

You Rock Bottom Prices"


Ill teach you how to properly place an order the right way the first time so that you dont
look like an amateur.

The thing is, in working with these countries, if you look like a trader and look like
you know what youre doing, youre going to get a lot of respect and you will be
treated like a trader.
You will get the best prices and the best service and you will get the fast delivery
times and the highest quality.
If you look like somebody who doesnt know what theyre doing, they will treat you
like somebody who doesnt know what theyre doing. Thats why this information is so
valuable to you.

"Get 100's Of Free Samples From Chinese Factories"

Next well talk about getting samples. Everybody thinks that Chinese companies
dont want to send samples in. Thats not true; they will send samples to you, all kinds
of samples.
As a matter of fact, we get tons and tons of boxes everyday, but theres one secret
that nobodys probably ever going to tell you that will get these Chinese companies to
send you samples in droves. Ill share it in the course.

"How to Get Credit From Chinese Factories"


Then Ill teach you everything I know about payment terms. This is one of the most
important elements of this business. Its easy to get credit terms from China. You just
have to know how to ask.
We dont pay for anything up front from China that we buy, and Ill show you
exactly how we do it and how theyll grant credit to you even if youve never bought a
single thing before.
Its actually easier to get credit on purchases from China than it is to get credit in the
United States.

"How to Get 60% off Sea and Air Freight From China"
Ill explain shipping costs, the size of containers, how they all work, and how to get the
biggest bang for your buck when it comes to shipping.
Ill talk about co-ops and less-than-load shipments and even air freight. Nobody
thinks about air freight. There are a lot of products that you can buy from China they can
make in just a few days and you can air freight to the States.
If theyre small enough and efficient enough, it may only cost you a few cents each
for air freight. Its not as expensive as you think, and you can be selling an import
product in a matter of a few days from ordering.

"Chinese Importer Tariff and Tax Loopholes"

Well completely cover tariffs, taxes, harmonized codes, and a bunch of other stuff
that you have never heard of before. All of this stuff may sound really intimidating; its
really not. Its like any other industry.
The import business has its own vocabulary, its own words that they use to
describe things and youll learn that vocabulary in this one course.
Once youre done with it, youll have this knowledge for life; youll be an importer;
youll be somebody whos important. Youll join a club of people that make a lot of
money and control a lot of power.

"How To Get Free Items From Your

Chinese Factories"
Most products that you bring in are going to have other products that are needed to
make them work. Those include parts, accessories, and supplies. This is where most
companies in the import business make the vast majority of their profits.
Supplies and add-on things sometimes are free. I just bought a piece of equipment

not too long ago. It was a small, inexpensive tool and it came with two replacement
The tool sold for about $10 (=N=1,670) and it always break, this one little
replacement part. We decided to call the factory and ask them what to do about it. The
factory said, Well just include two or three replacement parts in every tool that you get.
Oh, by the way, thats free. It wont cost anything. Thanks for being a good customer.
As soon as we received the tools to our factory here, we took the three parts out.
Now every time we sell one of the tools we ask the customer, Would you like three of
the replacement parts for an extra =N= 500? Thats almost the half of the full price of
the tool to start with, and 90% answer with a resounding, Yes.
It made our product go from a =N= 1,000 to =N=1,500 on average overnight. Do you
see how easy that was? It was just an extra =N=500 on every sale that we make for
free, just for asking.

"How I Make =N=15,000 Every Sale Giving Away

=N=450 Items"
Lead generation for import products is a great one. A good friend of mine imports
computer flash drives and sells them cheaper than anybody else does.
Why? Is there a lot of money in flash drives? Heck no! Theres a lot of money in
laptops and thats his real business.
But in order to acquire those customers and bring them into the fold, he dashes
away flash drives (something they want) when you buy a laptop from him. He has no
real risk in dashing the flash drives because he covers it up in the sale of the laptop.
I bet you never thought of that, did you?

"How To Source Products From China On Your Computer

Without Travelling"
Next, well move onto where to source products from. There are a lot of different
ways to get your products, and you dont necessarily have to go to China to buy them or
even another foreign country.
The cost of travelling is high and besides, you may not even want to do that.
Well talk about how to use the Internet to source other foreign companies in China
and other countries. Ill tell you the best countries to import goods from depending on
what kind of product it is, if its high tech, no tech, or low tech.

"How To Import From China In Micro

Small Quantities"
Well talk about the import cottage industry. This is one of the most exciting parts
of import for me right now. There are certain countries in India, Pakistan, UK, USA, the
Philippines, Thailand, and other places, where, instead of having big factories where
they make things, they lot the work out to small houses and small families that do work
for them.
Youll just have one little central place and then a bunch of homes do the work.
Where this really comes in handy is making odd amounts of a lot of products. When
you go to China to import something, youre going to have to import a fairly large
quantity of things and they dont like to mix up the styles a lot.
When youre using cottage industry, theyll make one designs and two designs of a
lot of different things for you. It doesnt work for every industry but Ill tell you the ones
where it does work and Ill give you some of the success stories where Ive used cottage

"How Chinese Brokers Will Rip You Off"

In the next section Im going to talk about how to not get ripped off by middlemen.
Everybody is going to want to help you once you get to China physically or through the
There are brokers and freight brokers and translators and middlemen, people who
want to work for you to source products, and people who want to do all sorts of things.
Most of them have a real, genuine intent and theyre actually good people. But boy,
there sure are some are scammers, people that will rob you of every kobo.

"How To Sell Everything You

Import On The Internet"
Recently I bought a product in China, the goods were on their way in and I started
selling it on the Internet before the container ever landed. By the time the container
landed at my door, I had sold a full one-third of it and paid for 100% of the merchandise.
The rest was complete profit. Thats over =N=1,000,000 in pure profit and I risked
somebody elses money to do it, not mine. Ill explain exactly how I do that, too.
The way I sell the majority of the product I import now, though, is by the Internet. It


seems to be the easiest, most efficient channel to distribute products. Ill show you
exactly how I do it and how much money I make doing it and how you can do it easily.

"This Is A Limited Time Offer"

This all might sound like a lot to take in, but I promise you that when youre through
at the end of the Training Day you will get it 100%. Youll have an education that you
couldnt get in 20 years of hit and miss in this industry.
When we decided to do this training, we knew it would sell for well over =N=75,000,
but right now we just doing it this one time and we need people using the ideas and
getting used to it so we can hear your feedback and figure out how we can make it
better, add to it, and continue updating it.
Right now you can get to attend entire training course, where well teach you
everything, plus give you a set of instructional manuals and a step by step video on a
DVD all for =N=35,000

I Am Offering You 3 Ethical Bribes To Get You Off The

Fence...Yours FREE! No Matter What!
I know that you want to get started but you might just need that extra push to get you off
your duff so I have put together 3 ethical bribes that are so good you would have to feel
stupid not to act now.
Bribe #1 A digital copy of my FAVORITE book of all time "Think and Grow Rich" I
have just acquired the rights to this classic and it's my gift to you
Bribe #2 One of the most important books I have Ever Read
"Discover How to Efficiently Decode People's Inner Feelings and Emotions Through
Their Body Movements, and How You Can Use This Knowledge to Succeed in Your
Career, Relationships, and Personal Life!"
This is important to know when sizing up customers or negotiating for locations.
Bribe #3: A Free 30-Day Mentorship called The Import Success Golden Keys
Launch Club" where we mentor you through all the steps so you start your own
business within 30 days of leaving the training. You have to order for your first
consignment within 30days of completing this training to get this bribe.


We aim to charge =N=15,000 per month for admittance into this club but you get the
first month (30 days) free. You'll learn in-depth details about the business which you
never thought of and techniques.
Your first 30 days is 100% on us. If you decide to stay in (and you will want to) youll be
renewed at a charter members rate of =N=7, 000/mo. Not the normal =N=15,000
But thats not all.

If Youre Among the First 50 To Apply

Well also. . .

Work with you for a further 4 weeks (after your 30 days of admission into the
Import Launch Club ends) to make sure you get all the pieces and moves right.

Help you determine the best products to import based on your current budget

Youll get a 7-week email mentorship course which will help smoothen out any
grey areas you dont understand.

Youll get our direct phone lines so you can call us anytime for suggestions,
answers and advice.

"I'll Guarantee You'll Be an Import Superstar"

I know what youre probably thinking. What if this doesnt work for me? Thats the
reason Ive guaranteed the course. Im going to give you my full 6 months
guarantee, as a matter of fact.
I know it sounds ridiculous, but you can attend our training and get the DVDs. You
can listen to it, you can watch it, you can even rip it off and copy it, I guess, if you
wanted to, if youre a dishonest person but I know youre not and still ask for a
refund. But if you still do this, no problem.
Let us know anytime within six months exactly what steps of the training you
followed on that absolutely didnt work for you and you will a full refund. Its that simple.
Thats how much I know this information is going to be valuable to you.
No questions asked; no small print; thats a guarantee for a full 6 months, 182 days.
Even if its on the last day, well refund 100% of your money if youre not 100% satisfied.
Is that fair enough?

"Every Minute You Wait Is Costing You Money"


Now its time to get started. What I need you to do is go directly to the bank and
make your deposit to register order right now. This may be the last chance that you get.
We dont have plans run this course again this year. This is because we also need to
focus on our individual businesses.
So right now, remember you get this price only if youre willing to use the training and
give me your honest feedback about it.

Training Details:
Registration Closing Date for
Lagos Attendees:
Warri Attendees:
Port Harcourt Attendees:
Abuja Attendees:

See Website for This Months Date

See Website for This Months Date
See Website for This Months Date
See Website for This Months Date

Time: 11am to 5pm Prompt

Lagos Venue: 2B Oyetola Street, Off Salvation, Opebi, Ikeja.
(Payments at the venue attracts an additional N5,000 surcharge, so
please use the bank)

You know what to do next ...

Step 1: Send an SMS with your Name + Email + GSM + Code: ImportSeminar +
Location (Lagos,Warri,PH or Abuja) Date you are making payment to 0803 297 8011

Step 2: Head straight to the bank and pay N30,000 yes, that's right, Thirty Thousand Naira

ServiceForts Business Academy

GTBank Account Number: 001 141 2778
Account Name:
First Bank Account Number:

201 679 1231


Step 3: Send an EMAIL with Your FULL Name + Email + GSM + Teller Number + Name
on the teller + Bank Paid to + code ImportSeminar to payments @
Title of the email - "I Paid for ImportSeminar + Location (Lagos,Warri,PH,Abuja)"

Step 4: Once we have verified your payment, seminar venue details will be sent to
you. And you too can soon make this Import Success Golden Keys Training your
blueprint to get the most out of your business life.

Unable To Attend?
If you are unable to attend the seminar due to Location or Time, We would dispatch
the recorded Audio CD, Resource Materials and Videos to you Any where in Nigeria,
and outside Nigeria.
It does not matter if you are on Vacation or in Diaspora, in the US, UK, Ghana,
Switzerland, any where. Your materials will be delivered to you. Simply use the
online or bank payment options as listed above.
When sending your notification email, Title of the email should be - "I Paid for
ImportSeminar + Location (Lagos,Warri,PH,Abuja, UK, US, Ghana, etc)". Include your
FULL Delivery address along with the details requested for above.

Online Payment Option

You can choose to pay with your ATM Card by clicking the button below

Best Wishes and Good Luck,

Efe Imiren
P.P.S. Remember, I take all the risk; you risk nothing. Youre 100% protected. Not only
do you get our 6 Months guarantee, You are protecting yourself from getting burned.

P.P.P.S The biggest mistake people make when importing goods from China is not
knowing what to look out for during each phase of the importing process, and not
knowing what to ask. That's how you get BURNED. This Training will make you equip
you from to "getting duped and ripped off" by those greedy players in the importing
process chain. Make sure you are well-informed before you start! You know that you
have nothing to lose at all, so go ahead and try my training today.
P.P.S. I will close with one warning. My grandmother used to tell me the definition of
insanity was doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.
If youre really serious about being in the import business, what are you going to do?
Take a chance, risk it, just try it on your own and see how you do? How has that worked
out for you in the past?
P.P.P.S. Come on, you know better. =N=30,000 is an absolutely tiny price to pay for this
much information; you know it and I know it. So go on right now and make the right
investment for your financial empowerment and get started if youre really serious. If
youre not, good luck in your life..

Summary of Course Content

You will Learn Secrets like. . .
* How to Flawlessly Import Millions In Products From China
* How To Get China, USA and European Factories To Private Label Their Products For
You. (They will put any name you want on the product, effectively giving you your
personal brand name!)
* How To Pick The Best Products To Import From China
* How To Source Chinese Products From The Canton Fair (Do you know vhat it is?)
* How a Guy That Doesnt Speak a Word of Chinese Can Import $1,000,000 in
Products From China
* How To Make Chinese Manufactures Give You Rock Bottom Prices
* How To Get 100s Of Free Samples From Chinese Factories
* How to Get 60% off Sea and Air Freight From China
* How To Get Free Items From Your Chinese Factories
* How to Make =N=1,169 Every Time You Dash/Give Away a =N=50 Cent Item.
* How To Source Products From China On Your Computer Without Travelling
* How To Import From China In Micro Small Quantities

* How Chinese Brokers Will Rip You Off and How To Prevent This From Happening
* How To Sell Everything You Import On The Internet
* How To Avoid Paying for Custom Duties ever.
* How To Source Chinese Products From The Chinas Biggest Trade Fair
* How To Make Chinese Manufactures Give You Rock Bottom Prices
* How To Get 100's Of Free Samples From Chinese Factories
* How to Get Credit From Chinese Factories
* How to Get 60% off Sea and Air Freight From China
* Chinese Importer Tariff and Tax Loopholes
* How To Get Free Items From Chinese Factories
* How I Make =N=15,000 Every Sale Giving Away =N=450 Items
* How To Source Products From China On Your Computer Without Traveling
* How To Import From China In Micro Small Quantities
* How Avoid Chinese Brokers Ripping You Off
* How To Sell Everything You Import On The Internet
Special Feature on Car Importation Business From USA
* How to Buy and Sell Used Cars and make profits of N250,000 to N500,000 per car on
a part-time or full-time basis even if you don't know anything about cars!
* How to buy U.S. cars at low wholesale prices from auctions and dealers.
* How to safely ship your cars to Nigeria after purchase
* 500+ Addresses and Telephone Numbers of Wholesale Car Auctions for all 50 states
in the USA
* Buying Cars from a Womans Perspective: How Not to Get Reaped off when buying a
car as a Female
* How to Deal with Car Dealers so you dont get reaped off
* 3 Little Words You Can Tell Any Person in The Car Importation Business To Save
Money Without Pissing Them Off
* 3 step formula to knowing how much Profit you will make selling a car
* The number one sign that you should RUN away from a car and not even think of
purchasing it to sell or import
* The red flags that you should know so you dont waste your time on cars that you cant
make a dime on
* How To Make Money Selling Cars As A Middle Man Using Other People To Do The
Work For You

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