Undergraduate&Graduate Report en

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Graduate Survey Department

Graduate Survey 2015:

Undergraduate and Postgraduate
This report compares Graduate Survey 2015 results of undergraduates
and postgraduates. The first section of the report discusses the working
status of undergraduates compared to the working status of postgraduates and specified by gender, working sector and several other variables
including the acquired skills required in the labor market. The second
section compares and discusses the differences between postgraduates
and undergraduates based on year of graduation 2010/2009 or
2013/2012, and discusses their current employment status and job sector.
The main findings presented in this report are summarized below:

The employment of post-graduate is (4.5) points higher than the

employment of undergraduates .

Most of postgraduates and undergraduates are employed by the

public sector, however, a higher percentage of postgraduates has
been employed in the private sector compared to the undergraduates employed in the same sector .

Both postgraduate and undergraduate males are generally more employed than the females who graduated with the same educational
qualification. Postgraduates females generally tend to be slightly
more employed than undergraduate females .

It was found that there were increased opportunities of training offered to graduates of 2009/2010 compared to graduates of
2012/2013 .

Graduate Survey Department



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