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FLUID FLOW/VALVES | Allowable liquid control valve pressure drops Provi ig valve pressure drops at minimum, normal and maximum flows enables selecting the proper valve for the full Operating range F. YU, Jacobs Engineering Group, Houston, Texas 50 1535 89 No. 893 Ba 72 Yes, (4350 1526 882 co 1190 76 829 Yes i520 803 No io iasinan ater fow = 91.8 gpm ep ae or = 356 273 pn en por van Sr ope oa WO open = eb 7a eo) he BO pe a = 60 126 1326 120.0 ves 93 203, 165.0 aT Yes, i897 009 a 595 358 1226 96.8 Yes “30 452 1525, 107.3 Yes. 393 305 Tia a3 Yes Tis5_s33>50 1517 98a No i190 Ma We a0 Yes 1860 *599>50_—_1513, 4 cS Pais a/e- 1+ DP, / DP, + DP, / DP, 5) TABLE 4c. Globe control valve performance—valve ium 2 (,} +00, jor, ‘selected based on maximum flow at 150% of normal flow sium ute flow = 6825p Sn i prt = ae From Eq 5 flow at a cern convo ave opening cn be BAG O%epen = 15.70 epee rez PASE sure calculated easily since CV, is known. DP. psi Seflowat — Se flowat_ Range in Covered = Y ioisopen _soopen "ow _ 5030 tow ithe Applications. The previous equations are used to study the 9) 186 1526 1340 Ye abe tslatonhi of alomble igi contol ae presure dp and "465309 vas ws its process system. To simplify the analysis, water at 60°F will be 93. a7 _ 15051068 Yes low used asthe proves ad. Line seis chosen so that linepesure 35a aot 3, ——_-drpisabout 2 p00 ear maximum fowrate teases — a Inn) 8 Sc hae ee Mn aw = 12273 gp iT pate ore Iiudonslvde pono npscgradicton naman 2a ecg Q) flowrate, Q,. For each flow case, a control valve is selected using __23_"68) ine 163 i the manufacturer's control valve catalog. 65. 286 1536 135.0 wes, wi suf the stad or globe and rotary contol ves a: a a fol- A. For a globe control valve, maximum water flowrates of 8, 521513 1061 ie 3b) ndi- gat 4 odin 50, 300, 900 and 1,800 gpm are selected using I-in.,2-in. 4-in, Gin., and Bein, lines, respectively. Five system pressure drops (based on maximum flow) are selected: 5,25, 50, 75 and 100 psi foreach flow case. ‘The following factors are seu: 1 Allowable liquid coneeo valve pressure drop, DP,, at maxi- ‘mum flow, Qy Allowable liquid contro valve pressure drops of 5, 10 and 15 psi are selected. The control vale is selected close to the maximum, acceptable valve opening (90% open) with an equal-percentage characerstc. Table 1 shows the results From Table 1, we sce that a larger globe control valve is requited ifthe allowable control valve pressure drop is smaller and vice versa 2. Control valve peeformance at different system pressure dleops, DP, “This study is based on a contro vale selected usingan allowable control vale pressure drop of 10 psiat maximum water flow (Table O>50 15101000 1), Acacceptable minimum and maximum contol valve openings (200% and 90%), low through the contol valve in ems of percent age of normal flow calculated for various system pressure drops (at ‘maximum flow). Results re listed in Table 2 for maximum water flows of50, 300 and 900 gpm. Our targets that the contol valve is able t operate over 50-1 10% of norinal flow. From Table 2, we see that the seleced globe control valves ate able to operate over a 50-1109 flow range. Operating low range is 107-1169 of normal flow for a system pressure drop of 5 psi and 100-76% of normal fw fora system pressure drop of 25-100 ps. 3. Selec control valve away from he aeeptable maximum control valve opening Fronocaton cessne sar 207 | 18 FLUID FLOW/VALVES TABLE 5. Effect of pump head—increase pump head ‘at 20% opening, decrease pump head at 90% opening Maximum water flow = 50 gpm; se 1.5 in. 1% in, port valve, v= 23.1: ev (20% open) + 158, ev (50% open) = 18.2 DP psi Yeflowat — Yeflow at seflowat se lowat 20% open, steeper, 20% open, 90% open Increase’ decease increase decrease Spsihead 25 psihead 1Opsihead 5 psihead 382 < 10 5 155 B aT 30 aa wose< 10173 waas< 10, ‘900 gpm: use 6 in, 7 in. port valve, cv = 394; 258, cv (90% open) = 368, Ter Ts TET 197, a 249 Sao Tsao “Table 2 contol vas ar selected close tothe acceptable maxi mum opening (90% open). Performance of con valves selected away fom the maximum opening sisted in Table 3. Comparing the lobe contto valve performance co the cor- responding one in Table 2, it can be scen that a larger control valve is selected if valve selection is away from the maximum acceptable opening (higher capital cost). Comparing the oper- Ming ranges of Table 3 control valves co those in Table 2, Table 3 control valves are notable to operate atthe minimum flow (50% of normal flow) fora sytem with a larger sytem pressure drop (75100 psi) since valve opening will be less than 20% ‘open. A separate calculation shows that, for the 900 gpm case, ‘fa contol valve (6 in 7 in, port, cv = 394) is selected at 76% valve opening, iis able to cover the whole low range. Table 3 control valve operating flow range is larger than Table 2 control valve operating flow range ony fora system pressure drop of 5 psi case [(15096 vs 1079% (50 gpm case), 1419 vs 116% (900 pm case), and i smaller for che res of the system pressure drop 110 | suanor wronocatoon mrocssne ‘TABLE 6. Rotary control valve selection at different pressure drops ‘Maximum water flow = 900 gpm Dra psi___ eval Deg valve open ‘cases [for 25 psi DP,» 91% vs 94% (50 gpm case), 879% v5 98% (000 gpm case); for 100 psi DP, 57% vs 76% (50 gpm case), 52%6 vs 80% (900 gpm case] 4, Effect of higher maximum flow limit (wider flow range): Table 1 control valve sclection is based on maximum flow being 110% of normal flow: In this section, we will study the control valve selection based on higher maximum flows: 120% and 150% of normal flow (system with wider flow range). The results are shown in Tables 4a and 4b, Maximum flow and maxi- ‘mum system pressure drop are increased proportionally to have a fai comparison. Table 4a shows that, when increasing maximum flow from 110% to 1209 of nomal flow, the same size globe control valves are selected. ‘Table 4b shows that, when increasing maximum flow from 110% to 150% of normal flow, larger globe control valves are requited. The selected control valves are not able to operate at minimum flow (50%6 of normal flow) for a system with a larger pressure drop. An option co avoid this problem isto increase the allowable contol valve pressure drop (Table 4c) orto use a second smaller control valve for the low-flow service Increasing allowable contro valve pressure drop to 20 psi does not improve the valve performance atthe lower flow limit but makes it worse 5. Effect of pump head change with How: ‘A centrifugal pump curve shows pump head variation with flow (Fig 1). The shape ofthe pump curve depends on pump design. Most centrifugal pump curves are Type A. Depending oon the pump curve and the operating point, pump head or dis- charge pressure will increase or not change when pumping rate is decreased, oi will decrease or not change when the pumping rate is increased Since the contol vale is selected based on maximum flowrate and a valve opening close o 90% open, pump head will increase ‘or not change forthe 20% valve opening case and it will decrease ‘or not change forthe 90% valve opening cas. The effects of pump head increases of and 10 psi (11.5 and 23 f) ar 20% valve opening and pump head decreases 2.5 and 5 psi (5.8 and 11.5 fo) at 90% valve opening are calculated. The results ae listed in Table 5, From these tables we sce the effect of a pump head increase on the globe control valve performance at 20% valve opening (che ger the ond but ‘ich ing sing mp sing ithe ‘TABLE 7. Rotary control valve performance at different process system pressure drops Maximum water flow = 900 gpm; use 3. vale ev = 321; FLUID FLOW/VALVES ‘TABLE 8. Select rotary control valve away from the acceptable maximum control valve opening (90° open) Maximum water fi 300 gpm; use in valve, ev = 36; ev (20°9pen) £720" open) = 8.72, ev (90° open) = 321 2214, €¥(90" open) = 596, DPo.psi flow at “eflowat Rangein Covered DP,a,psi_ flowat_‘eflowat Rangeln Covered 20" open $0" open__eflow __5S0-110% flow 20° open__90° open_Soflow__ 50-10% flow 5 a6 Tas 1142, Yes 3 Too. 1579 Ta79 Yer B70 135, 1065 ¥6 B 152 iaas 5a Yes 30 32 1120) 028 Yes, = a7, 178 98.1 Yes B “08 ia 1005 ves 5 23 1154 x ves 100 Ba iii 87 Yes i) 253 Hat a8 es Maximum water flow = 16,000 gpm; use 14 in. valve, cv = 5,610; 1 (20" open) = 250, v (30° open) = 5,610, ‘Maximum water flow = 16,000 gpm: use 20, valve, ev = 10.300: ev (20° open) = 459, cv (90° open) = 10,200 5 o7 17 Tas 7 5 Taz 565, Tas % 3 ax iat 1030 Yes % 18s nas 18 Yes 50 132 me 386 te 0 240 a7 937 Yes 5 137 ma 355 ves 5 72 1153 an Yes 100 7a tas Br Ye. 10 ae Tia wz Yes pene sate ie ted bse or ras hon wth ease a> lowest acceptable opening). As the pump head increased (5 or 10, psi), low also increased, but slightly. The increase is about 2.1 to 0.7% (based on normal flow) fora 5-psi pump head increase and 3.9-1.406 fora 10-psi pump head inerease at different maximum system pressure drop cases. The largest inercase occurted forthe system with the smallest system pressure drop. Also shown isthe effect of pump head decrease on the globe contol valve perfor- ‘mance at 90% valve opening (the highest acceptable opening). Fora 2.5-psi pump head decrease % flow (based on normal flow) decrease is about 11.2 to 1.2. For a S-psi pump head decrease, 4% flow decrease is about 23.6 to 2.5. The largest decrease again occurs for the system with the smallest system pressure drop. ‘This table also shows that selected globe control valves are able to ‘operate at a lower flow limit (50% of normal flow). Since selected ‘control valves are based on the upper flow limit, they are able to ‘operate over the whole low range. Ac the acceptable maximum valve opening (90% open) selected globe control valves may not bbe able ro operate at the upper flow limic due co a pump head dlecrease, especially for a smaller control valve and system with a smaller system pressure drop (<25 psi), or larger pump head decrease (5 psi). B, For rotary control valves, maximum water flowrates 900, 5,000 and 16,000 gpm are selected using 6-in.,12-in. and 20-in. lines, respectively. Five system pressure drops (based on maximum flow) are selected 5, 25, 50, 75 and 100 psi foreach flow case. ‘The following factors are studied: 1. Allowable liquid control valve pressure drop, DP, at maxi- mum flow, Q. Allowable liquid control valve pressure drops of 5, 10 and 15 psi are selected. The control vale is selected close to the maximura acceptable valve opening (90 degree) with an equal-percentage characteristic. Table 6 shows the results, From Table 6 we sce that a larger rotary control valve is required ifthe allowable control valve pressure drop is smaller and vice versa 2. Control valve performance at different system pressure drops, DP, ‘This study is based on a contro valve selected sing an allow- able control valve pressure drop of 10 psi at maximum water flow (Table 6). Ac acceprable minimum and maximum control valve ‘openings (20° and 90°), flows through the eonerol valves in terms of percentage of normal flow are calculated for various system pressure drops (based on maximum flow). Results ae listed in Table 7 for maximum water flows of 900 and 16,000 gpro. Ou target is that the control valve sable to operate over 50-110% of normal fox. rom Table 7, we sce thatthe selected rotary control valves ate able to operate over 50-110% flow range. Operating flow range is 114-111% of normal flow fora system pressure drop of 5 psi, and 107-93% of normal low for a system pressure drop of 25-100 psi. (Compared oa globe contol valve (Table 2,900 gpm case, a rotary ‘contol valve has a slightly narrower flow range atthe 5-ps system pressure drop case (11496 vs 116), bur ichas wider ow range for the res of the system pressure drop cases (107-999 vs 98-80%). A. roxary control valve has a wide flow range than aglobe contol valve, «specially fr the system with the larger system pressure drop. 3. Select the control valve away from the acceprable maximum control valve opening: “Table 7 control valves are selected close to the maximum open- 1g (90" open). Performance of contro valves selected away from the maximum opening is listed in Table 8 ‘Comparing the rotary control valve performance to the cor- responding one in Table 7 itis seen tha a larger control vale will be selected if control valve selection is away from the maximum acceptable opening (higher capital cost). Comparing the operat- ing ranges of Table 8 contto valves to those in Table 7, Table 8 control valve operating ranges are large fora sytem pressure drop of 5 psi [14896 vs 114% (900 gpm case), 14496 vs 111% (16,000 pm case) and 25 psi (109% vs 107% (900 gpm case), 10696 vs 103% (16,000 gpm case) cases, and is smaller forthe rest of the system pressure drop cases [(for 50 psi DP, 98% vs 103% (900 gpm case), 94% vs 99% (16,000 gpm case); for 100 psi DP. ‘88% v3 99% (800 gpm case), 82% vs 93% (16,000 gpm case) Selected rotary control valves ae still able to operate atthe design love range (50-110% normal flow). Honocaston fmocesnG guy 207 | 111 FLUID FLOW/VALVES ‘TABLE 9a. Rotary control valve performance - valve selected based on maximum flow at 120% of normal flow ‘TABLE 9b. Rotary control valve performance - valve selected based on maximum flow at 150% of normal flow Maximum water flow = 596; Maximum wate low = 981.8 gpm: use 3 in vave, ev = 32; 120° open) 9.72, ev (90° open) = 321 DP. psi ‘eflow at SaflowatRangein Covered Din. psi eflowat — eflow at Rangein Covered 20" open __SU"open__eilow__S0-T503 flow Joropen 30° open__eflow—_S0-120% flow 333 Tar Tar te CE Tas we es 183 1583 1380 Ye EY 75 wos ca Boe saa 1286 6 “5 39a 07 Yes Tes ms 0 Tat we 3 ta i204 T086 Ye esq ina Yes Ba 1203 1069 1% = valve, Max water flow = 21,8182 gpm use 16 in. vale, cv = 8.270; ‘&¥ 20"open) = 318, cv (90° open) = 6.270, 3 ea = 60. 12 ‘Yes. “es 16.4 154.2, 1378 ‘Yes “ee 1205 Ye “ag ata Yes 335 1203 Ye ies eas Ye Ba wa02 Ye i803 sia wa Yes i190 iia YS se ta agate mmm ng en TTR TABLE 10. Effect of pump head—increase pump head at 20° opening, decrease pump head at 90° opening Maximum water flow = 900 gpm: use 3 in. valve, cv = 321; {1 (20" open) = 8.72, ev (90° open) = 321 DPoopsi ‘eflowat —Taflowst _seflowat __Seflow at 20° open, 90° open, 20" open, 90" open, incense decrease increase deer Spsihead 25 psihead 1Opsihead __S psi head 5 33 TWsa

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