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John LaBonte
Cultural Geography
Mrs. Bullock
12 January 2017
The Difference between Continental and Mediterranean Europe
Europe is the second smallest continent in the world. Its landmass can be divided into two
sections: Continental Europe and Mediterranean Europe. Continental Europe refers to the main
landmass of Western Europe, rather than the islands and peninsulas. Countries in Continental
Europe include France, the Netherlands, Germany, Switzerland, etc... The Mediterranean section
consists of three large peninsulas jutting into the Mediterranean Sea. These two sections differ in
climate, history, and location.
First of all, Continental Europe and Mediterranean Europe have different locations.
Continental Europe refers to the main landmass of Europe, the biggest country in size being
France. All of the countries in Continental Europe are connected to one another, and some are
even landlocked. On the other hand, Mediterranean Europe consists of peninsulas and islands, so
they are not connected to each other, except for Spain and Portugal.
Secondly, because the locations are different, their climates are different as well.
Continental Europe has a marine-west-coast climate. This means that countries in this section
experience relatively cool summers compared to other countries at the same latitudes, and they
also experience cool, but not cold, winters. Mediterranean Europe on the other hand sports a
subtropical mild climate that features rainy winters with hot, dry summers.
Finally, these two sections differ in history. While Mediterranean Europe isnt particularly
known for any historical events other than Italy participating in WWII, Continental Europe is

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alive with its great influence on the world. For example, the Reformation split the continent into
areas of Protestant and Roman Catholicism. Another example is Germanys Adolf Hitler, a huge
influence on the modern world.
In conclusion, two sections of Europe, Continental and Mediterranean, differ significantly
in three categories. First, their locations differ, as Continental Europe is a landmass while the
Mediterranean section consists of islands and peninsulas. Secondly, because their locations are
different, their climates are different as well. The Continental climate is marine-west coast one,
while the Mediterranean climate is a subtropical mild climate. Finally, their histories differ

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