Mayor Kuhn's Resignation Letter and Council's Acceptance Resolution

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CITY OF LANCASTER Brian S. Kuhn, Mayor Municipal Building 104 East Main Street Room 101 Lancaster, OH 43130 740-687-6600 ~ 740-687-6698 (Fax) January 30, 2017 Dear City Council, believe I have performed the duties of Mayor in a manner that has served the city well during 2016. However, 1 do understand that confidence in me as a leader has diminished since taking office thirteen months ago. The citizens of the City of Lancaster are important to me, as well as how we are portrayed to outside communities and future investors. To that end, I will resign my .. office as the Mayor of the City of Lancaster, effective midnight on Friday, February #9, 2017. > This future effective date will permit my office to conclude any business currently in process, (> S4— and allow the City Law Director and City Council to work together to ensure a scamless transition. From the members of City Council, I respectfully request that you remember and consider the great work all the employees of the city do each and every day in service to the citizens and that none of these dedicated public servants be scrutinized, penalized, or punished. I have had the considerable and immense pleasure to serve with these fine people and they are a fantastic group of public servants. 1 ask that any and all fault or perceived fault be solely and completely attributed to me. To my family, friends, supporters, and the citizens of Lancaster, I sincerely apologize to you all and Lask for your forgiveness for past actions in my personal life. With my resignation, I hope you will remember only the positive achievements and accomplishments of our great city in the past year and my sincere efforts to be a good public servant. Singgely, (5 LC Cs rian S. Kuhn TEMPORARY RESOLUTION NO,__25-17 PERMANENT RESOLUTION NO._)-I’7 A RESOLUTION TO ACCEPT THE RESIGNATION OF MAYOR BRIAN KUHN, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY WHEREAS, — City Council continues to see, hear, and leam of the professional and private lack of character, trustworthiness, and bad behavior of Mayor Brian Kuhn since his taking, office as Mayor January 1, 2016; and WHEREAS, Mayor Kuhn was charged and convicted of criminal offenses in December, 2016 due to this lack of character, trustworthiness, and bad behavior and is currently serving 90 days of house arrest, 100 hours of community service, and is under the supervision and control of the Fairfield County Adult Parole Authority serving out a term of probation for his criminal activities; and WHEREAS, — City Council has received numerous complaints and concems from the residents of the City of Lancaster demanding the resignation of Mayor Brian Kulhn; and WHEREAS, City Council fully recognizes and appreciates the damage Mayor Kuhn’s, behavior and negative publicity has caused and continues to cause the City in which they were lected to serve and represent; and WHEREAS, — City Council finds that the immediate resignation of Mayor Brian Kuhn is necessary and proper to protect the health, safety, welfare, and peace of the citizens of the ‘municipality, including the restoration of confidence in the governance of the City of Lancaster; BE IT RESOLVED BY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LANCASTER, STATE OF OHIO. SECTION 1, That City Council, on behalf of themselves and their constituents, hereby accept the resignation of Mayor Brian Kuhn. {CTION 2, That this resolution is declared to be an emergency measure necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, safety, and welfare of the City in that th fe resignation of Mayor Brian Kuhn will cease the damage his negative publicity is causing and restore confidence in the governance of the City of Lancaster, Ohio. SECTION 3. It is found and determined that all formal actions of this Council conceming and relating to the passage of this resolution were adopted in an open meeting of this, Council, and that all such deliberations of this Council and of any of its committees that resulted in such formal action were in meetings open to the public in compliance with all legal requirements, [30/077 ater Approved: “h < ig fhe Z President of Council Clerk: ee Ng IO) Passed:

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