English 4º Eso

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Circle the correct relative pronouns.


Thats the boy who / which I met at Janes party.


The village where / which I used to live is a large town today.


These are the books that / where I got from the library.


Do you think animals who / that live in zoos are unhappy?

Complete the sentences with who, which or where. Then tick ( ) the sentences where that cannot also
be used.

Did you watch the DVDs you borrowed from Tony? .


The woman led the nature tour was very informative. .


The gym I exercise is becoming too crowded. .


This is the shirt Linda gave me. Isnt it beautiful? .


Yesterday I met someone looks like you. .

Combine the sentences with the relative pronouns in brackets. Make any necessary changes.


Ive got a friend. She went on a safari last year. (who)


We took photographs of two squirrels. The squirrels were eating nuts. (which)


This is the pet shop. I work here on Saturdays. (where)


There was a nature documentary on TV. We watched it. (that)

Circle the correct answers.


My blue socks arent somewhere / anywhere in my room.


Im going to ask anyone / someone to explain the maths problems.


Did you buy something / anything for Debbies birthday?


There isnt anyone / someone in the office to help you at the moment.


I want to go somewhere / anywhere warm on holiday.


Lets listen to something / anything by U2.

Combine the sentences. Use who, where or which. Make any necessary changes.

This book is by a bat expert. I heard him on a radio interview.


There are many CDs of whale sounds. They were recorded in the wild.


I did voluntary work in an African village. There was no running water there.


Dr Morton is a scientist. He refuses to do experiments on animals.


Our class ran in a race. The race was held to raise money for charity.

Complete the sentences with the words below.

anywhere something someone somewhere anyone anything




Have you ordered online recently?


Yes, I ordered about a week ago.


Liz is giving her phone number.


Does know why shes doing that?


We couldnt find the dogs toy in the house.


Maybe its outside, in the front or back garden.

21 Complete the second conditional sentences with the verbs in brackets. Translate.
1 If I ____________ (have) enough money, I ____________ (buy) you a present.
2 We ____________ (look) online if we ____________ (not know) the train times.
3 If you ____________ (talk) to your parents, they ____________ (help) you.
4 I ____________ (lend) you some money if I ____________ (have) any.
5 She ____________ (not go) out with Tim if she ____________ (know) him better.
Write sentences. Use the first conditional. Translate.
1 If / you / give / me / your email address, / I / send / you / a message.
2 If / David / go to the party, / I / not go.
3 His parents / be / worried / if / he / tell / them.
4 If / I / get / my results, / I / call / you.
Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the past perfect or would have + past
1 If Id been a boy, my name ____________ (be) Alan.
2 If she ____________ (know) you were ill, shed have phoned.
3 We ____________ (not go) if wed heard about the accident.
4 They ____________ (move) house if shed got the job.
5 If hed left later, he ____________ (not meet) his future wife.
6 I would have stayed if he ____________ (ask) me to.
24 Write third conditional sentences.

1 If / I / not eat / the meat, / I / not be / ill.

2 If / it / be sunny, / we / go / to the beach.
3 James / arrive / yesterday / if / he / take / the train.
4 If / it / not snow, / there / not be / a problem.
5 She / pass / her exams / if / she / study / harder.
6 I / send / the email / if / my computer / not be / broken.
Read the situations. Write third conditional sentences.
1 I ate the meat. I became ill.
If I _____________________________________________
2 It was sunny. We played tennis.
We _____________________________________________
3 James didnt get up. He missed the lesson.
If ______________________________________________
4 You looked out of the window. You saw the accident.
You ____________________________________________
5 She didnt pass her exams. She didnt study.
She ____________________________________________.
6 The computer was broken. I didnt send an email.
If ______________________________________________.
7 They felt dizzy. They climbed the mountain.
They ___________________________________________.
8 He had a vaccine. He didnt die of malaria.
If _______________________________________________.
Complete the conversation by changing the verbs in brackets into the appropriate form or
tense, Past Simple or Present Perfect.

(Rosie is talking to Marcus, who has recently come to work in the same company as her.)
Rosie: So, Marcus, are you settling in here OK, do you think?

Marcus: Oh, yes. Everyone here (1) (Be) very friendly. I (2)..
(expect) to have quite a lot of problems, but I (3)..(not/Have) any really. Not here at
work, anyway.
Rosie: Do you mean there (4) .(be) other problems?
Marcus: Well, I have had to move out of the flat I (5) . (have) when I first (6).
Rosie: Oh, dear. Why (7). . (you/ have) to do that? Wasnt it comfortable?
Our personnel department (8).. (help) you to find it, (9)... they?
Marcus: Thats right. It was a good flat. I (10) (like) living there very much.
Unfortunately, the journey to work was too long. The bus routes changed just before I (11)
.(start) to work here and it (12) .. (take) me two hours to get here every
day. So I (13).. (move) to a place just round the corner from here. Everything is fine

Fill in with the PRESENT SIMPLE OR PRESENT CONTINUOUS the following sentences:

It (snow) quite often in Britain during the winter.

I ..( go to bed) now. Good night.

Wheres Simon? -He . (cook) the dinner.

The River Thames (flow) through London.

Sarah has got an exam soon, so she (work) very hard at the moment

Dont forget your umbrella when you go out. It (rain) now.

I . (sleep) on a sofa this week because my bed is broken.

Use your own ideas to complete these sentences. Use the Past Continuous.
1. Tom burnt his hand while he ....

The doorbell rang while


We saw an accident while we ...


Mary fell asllep while she .


The television was on but nobody

Put the verbs into the correct form; Past Simple or Past Continuous.
1. I . (see) Sue in town yesterday but she .(not/see)me. She
. (look) the other way.
I (meet) Tom and Ann at the airport a few weeks ago. They
.(go) to Madrid. We .(have) a chat while we.(wait) for our

I (cycle) home yesterday when suddently a man

(step) out into the road in front of me. I .(go) quite fast but quickly I
..(manage) to stop in time and .(not/hit) him.

Use the verbs in the box to complete the following dialogue. Use the Present Simple or Continuous, or
the Past Simple or Continuous. Read the whole conversation before you start.











Fred: Hello, Jane, Its Fred here.

Jane: Oh, hello Fred. What . ?
Fred: Nothing much. I But I had to stop because my computer
at the moment.
Jane: Oh, dear. Well, I mine. Would you like to come and borrow it?
Fred: Thanks, but Id rather go out. Would you like to come to the cinema? They ..
two tickets for the price of one this afternoon.
Jane: Whats on?
Fred: Im not sure.
Jane: Well, I . If I dont know what film well see.
Fred: Wait a minute. I . to find the right page in the newspaper. Oh, its a
horror film. How about it?
Jane: Definitely not. You know I .. nightmares when I . Horror
films. We . To see one last year and by the end I . with terror.
Fred: Oh, all right. Well, I see you on Monday I suppose.
Jana: Yes, OK.Bye.
Match the two halves of these sentences:
1. If you are promoted

a) youd be able to change the system.


If you lost your job

b) would you have left the firm?


If you were promoted


If you hadnt been

c) you wont be sacked.

d) you wont get a reference.

5. If you had lost your job

e) will you make any changes?

6. If you apologise

f) youd regret it.

7. If you are tired

g) you would have lost your car as well.

Complete the table with the tenses used for conditionals.

First Conditional

If +


Zero Conditional
Second Conditional

Which conditional do we use to talk about:


real situations- things that might happen?


general information and rules?


unreal or unlikely situations ?

Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets.


If we .. a fire, somebody . us. (lit/see)


If it we (not/go) to the beach.


If I . (help) my mum now, I ...(go out) later.


If I knew your telephone number, I.. (phone) you


If I (not/feel) so tired, Id go out.


Susan would work there if they . (offer) her the job.


I . (not/do) it if I were you.


If you wake up the baby, she (cry).


If you are ill, .. (go) to the doctor.

Use your own ideas to complete these sentences.

If you took more exercise,

Id feel very angry if .

Would you go to the party if ..

If you bought some new clothes, .

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