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ee] Febrary 207 “senor emitter Sunday ater ephany 19 ena oy erg 26 27 28 Anendance coe canton Hea ecamber 8-120, [oa Sy tr Eaprarystguior December 24-00-20 a cae) orn How many marbles do you have? ‘The older I get, the more I enjoy Saturday mornings. Perhaps it’s the quiet solitude that comes with being the first to rise, of maybe i's the unbounded joy of not having to be at work, Fither way, the first few hours of ‘Saturday moming are most enjoysble. A few weeks ago, Tas shuffling toward the kitchen, witha steaming cup of coffee in one hand and the ‘moming paper in the other. What began as atypical Saturday morning tamed into one of those lessons that life seems to hand you from time to tine. Let me tell you about it, [turned tie volume up on my radio in onder to listen toa Saturday moming tlk show. 1 heard an older sounding chap with a golden voice, You know the kind, he sounded like he should bein the broadcasting business himself. ‘He was talking about "a thousand marbles" to someone named "Tom”. I was intrigued and sat down to listen to ‘what he had to say. "Well, Tom, i: sure sounds like you're busy with your job. 'm sure they pay you well but it's ‘ashame you have tobe away from home and your family so much. Hard to believe a young fellow should have to work sixty or seventy hours a week to make ends meet. Too bad you missed your daughter's dance recital.” He continued, "Let me tell you something Tom, something that has helped me keep a good perspective on my ‘own priorities.” And thas when ke began to explain his theory ofa "thousand marbles.” "You see, Isat down one day and did a ltl arithmetic. The average person lives about seventy-five yea. ‘know, some live mote and some live les, but on average, folks live about seventy-five yeas.” "Now then, I ‘multiplied 75 times 52 and I eame up with 3900 which isthe numberof Saturdays that the average person has in their entire lifetime. "Now stick with me Tom, Tm geting tothe important par." It took me until I was fifty-five years old to think. about al this in any detail", he went on, "and by that ime I had lived through over twenty-eight hundred Saturdays." I got to thinking that I lived to be seventy-five I only had about a thousand of them let to enjoy. "So I went toa toy store and bought every single marble they had. I ended up having to visit tree toy stores to round-up 1000 marbles "I took them home and put them inside ofa large, clear plastic container right here in ‘my workshop next tothe radio, Every Saturday sine then, I have taken one marble out and thrown it away. "1 found that by watching the marbles diminish, [focused more on the really important things in life. Thee is nothing like watching your time hee on this ert run out to help get your priorities straight. Now let me tell. ‘you one last thing before I sign-off with you and take my lovely wife out for breakfast. This morning, took the ‘very last marble out ofthe container. | figure if T make it until next Saturday then God has blessed me with a Title extra time to be with my loved ones... It was nie to talk to you Tom, I hope you spend mare time with your loved ones, and [hope to meet you again someday. Have a good morning!” ‘You could have hewed a pin drop when he finished. E'ven the show/s moderator dda't have anything to say for a few moments. I guess he gave usall alot to think about. had planned to do some work that morning, then g0 to the gym. Instead, | went upstairs and woke my wife up with a kiss. "Cimon honey, Tm taking you and the kids to breakfast." "What brough: this on?” she asked with a smile. "Ob, nothing special," I said." It has just ‘been along time since we spent e Saturday together with the kids. Hey, ean we stop ata toy store while we're ‘out? I need to buy some marbles." From: ASH WEDNESDAY March 1, 2017 CEE Minden United Church of Chris! Minden, Iowa Youth Group 3:16 is helping with the Soup Supper & Worship Freewill Donation will go to Group 3:16 ‘Thank you received fromDuane & Shelly McDonald Family | Pasha Brae + Chuck fami — aks for gor Magram # lent betabin «bt tat BEC bre w LEE Voce ta, Car basins banked bile oar le Corte here Bop fp, Ing debgon— Get on dettutenks Canis tener b pry Peed Luprph- prodea wer» Ma~ - Peml « got Al be. Mogt Z %@ roasted Chichey, Minden United Church of Christ, 106 Lincoln Street, Minden Iowa Mashed potatoes & gravy, Green Beans, Corn, Dinner Roll, Salad, Pie & Beverage Adults - $10.00 Children 12 & under - $6.00 | Under 2 - Free x Va Carry-outs available 712-483~ a if | ¢vents in our Church Life February 1 — Group 3:16, Minden, 6-7:30 February 8— Good News Club, 4 ~ 5:00 - Board Meeting 7:00 February 14 ~MOPS, 6-7:30 February 15 — Group 3:16, Neola, 6-7:30 February Scripture Readings February 5 —Issih $8:1-9a, (90-12), Paslm 112:1:9 (10), 1 Corinthians 2:1-12, (13-16), ‘Matthew 5:13-20, February12 Deuteronomy 30:15-20 or Srach 15:15-20, Psalm 119:1-8, 1 Corinthians 3:1-9, Matthew 5:21-37 February 19 —Leviticus 19:1-2, 9-18, Psalm 119-33-40, 1 Corinthians 3:10-11, 16. ‘Matthew 5:38-48, February 26 —Exodts 24:12-18, Psalm 2 or Psalm 99, 2 Peter 1:16-21, Matthew 17:1-9 Abbreviated Nominating Committee Report ‘Board Members whose terms expire 2017: Charles Leaders, Sara Amold, Shane Baker, ‘Amanda Murley Nominated Trustee ~ Charles Leaders, Deacons = Amanda Murley, Christina Richard ‘Bonnie Dellea (Clee term Expires 2017: Joyce Olson Nominated: Phylisha Wolfe ‘Nominating Committee Member ferm expires 2017: Pam Danker ‘Nominated: Vivian Daw Each Thursday during Lent March 8 - April 12 Snacks & Daycare provided 00 1:00 ANNUAL CONGREGATIONAL MEETING January 8, 2017 Pastor Brian called the meeting to order and went through some highlights of the committee reports. Nominating Committee Report was accepted. Lynn Petersen motioned to accept. ‘Tom Nelson seconded the motion and it was approved. We still need one or two people to take over the job of Sunday School Superintendent. Tracy and Amanda have served this position for 10 years. Meeting adjourned. Clerk: Joyce Olson February Usher List March Usher List Jat Sheet ete, ihr Ve ‘Art & Kris Erockhot? am Danker, Judy Martens etary 12.2017 of Kai Bebe, Trey Roane Time Bassa ebm 18.2017 rch 19,2017 David & Cindy Manhart ee ae Kaylee Schneckloth, Sally Dea February 2017, 2017 ‘Caroll & Karen Olsen March 26,2017 Amy Andersen, Carolyn Sebels God's conversationhearts | “hoa fale covertion ests show up evry ‘ebruy cia Be mote ut tte oman fey sayings Use them sei ya or teh ld — fe gate lovee als Gaon fox wich em overs our ove fr ther or example 7 TRUBLOVE: Wha eine ving op tock xy Son np mig be evs Gea 1 BEMINE or lao sing sid aos i dcp Nocti Goon 0273) 7 SOME ts Geum), LOWEN The rss commanéna iste Gotrthour we keng le 0) w RUTME'Terotyerfeniecaled” — | ‘ecancouno Jo ow er if Gesnisiy, Si PAK: Got wots than | | Baaey Pan 1198103) \¥ BE GOOD: We howe love C by Ieeping his omnes (Jn 1.5) 1 CALLME: Gol ngs oe in llerhip swan al thin yin in age Geren 333). (» FRIENDS. "The grees ove aves ying down eur ie your fends Jobo 1519)—pecely | ‘i Jen 1 BL We love Beco [Gal fist ls Goma, ‘Special dates * Afcn-Ameria Histy Monts ‘oy See Sandy, Fay 3, 2077 ‘Niece’ Day, Pray 2, 2077 ‘ Pesidents Da, Pray 20,2017 ‘Tasfgancion of Oat Lord, Feary 26,2017 ‘What uigue dcr oft jadge Hh cabled ‘im oprsace King Elan of Mea, who ad bee op presing ancien Il? ‘A. He wa efctaode, 5B. He ws bind He wa very He was eaceolingly ong. coe zTE pag) y amy answers When ead orp to bth it ts revel apres ltd to the chin of ao’ wildress experience. Use the cles to sone tesa outer | Camping shelter 2. To rack wid game Home to Adam and Eve 4. Middle Eastern tee ‘Aform of precipitation ‘otollow commands Maria's sistr | alse god sca’ fst king ‘o.Vally int Samuel 17 11. Unable to hear 42, Smlr than an ocean or sea 18, Jezebe's husband 14, Mount climbed by Moses 15. Morning’ ht, Prappeere “ERTS | ‘i fm aur web (Gans) Shs admin Néwsletfer....... ACTIVITIES PAGE VoLume 38, wumsen 2 Jheat FRUIT. SALAD ke i x,y sack ror tre ens on one a. ‘What you nee: ‘Adal help + Washed fuic(varermelon, catlp sabe pe) + Rife and cuting board + Small heareshaped cookie + Bow! and spoon, + Mintleaves (optional) ‘What you do: 1. Slice the watermelon and tse the cookie enter ca make heare shapes 2, Slice che cantaloupe and fut chunks int heart Shapes. 3, Remove strawberry sms and cut berisin hal CCucasmallVatop each half form a bear 4, Cut grapes inhale Place ruin bow and sti. Wash and cue the mint. Sprinkle strips on the ‘lad, Enjoy! peceatray Joe go igh aes gous Valentine’ Day ie the perfect opportunity to lve out Gots love "iw does Jesus say we ould teat cher people? Dre: Fide wane etre Far example here (U2 Rs Haha el" 12) mars te sien nor stash 29 er fae uta) Us he arses cong ston 1213, MY, (1) Youraly aca reamt De (16) Cary has. realy atari rah, > 4 (21) My favre armas remot, erin anos. (4) "He, Vera” called Joseph. (11) When tose neg boredom gs. —_ (17) Tet dt Kara st patty, (6) "That yours othe fay yale, —_ »~ Sen AINAESL AN JpMOG sega ay pu pur pi oma SO AY 1eont70 MINDEN UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST Receipts and Expenses forthe Moth af Doceaber alance in Bank December 1, 2016 81338068 Income: Envelopes & Loose Ofiings 8 4989.00 Sunday School 20000 Church Sale all Reet 100.00 Fuse 00.00 Coffs Hour vas Miscallancous:Foinstis 400 (Church Avetion & Lach ‘otal Isom sos Expenses ‘ocwa 32000 Salaries 5,916.90 ‘ave Expense 1s.74 Insurance — Pastor 290989 Anmlty~Pstr 1,863.25 Social ecurty Pastor (Church surance 1557.00 ies Church 506.25 Postage 255.20 once Supplies 2940 copier 150 CCastdianSuplise 2635 Maintenance chars 10596 Ground ‘amomage ‘Worship Supplies 15.00 (Chistian Fa, Deparment, Sun Soh, Marval ther: Pinstias ain Misslnoous: Taner to Parking Lot Fa. m0 ‘Toad Expenses: son Balance in Bank Decenber31, 2016 s nun THE CORNERSTONE NON-PROFIT ORG, U.S. Postage PAID MINDEN, TOWA Permit #7 Return Service Requested Mailed January 30, 2017 Spirit Lovet FORGIvE! "KEEP THE SPIRIT" B 7 iy "BE YOURSELF" eg] cng. ting isp ad pape,

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