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THE BASIC TENETS OF HINDUISM ‘Acquire knowledge and donot be gui a nacence. One only hha the rightto perform one's task othe bes of hisher abies ‘ving un attachment and concer, heresuk willbe proportonste tothe efor and circumstances, Chatty should be agit, without expectation of ary return. shouldbe given atte rightine, pace anda aworhy person oF worthy cause. ‘The human body is tke @ Boat, the fist and foremost use of ahi isto cary one, across the ocean of Ife, to the shore of Immartally, lebwara has oréaine tranemigration of cou. ‘mortal takes birth again and again and enjoys fate as aut of ‘he consequence of his actions in his fe as wel as that of is previous births. Accidents, unexpltined mishaps as well as super successes to one of a group of people is result of such ‘cumulated sins orvitues of previous births (One shall ove /shwara with heat, soul, an all his stength [Any one who shows distospect to Ishwara's an enemy ofthe uma ‘One should not il commit adultery, seal or te or cover others property and must lve a ite of honesty, be of an amiable ‘apaciton and do hard work, ‘One who forgives men oftheir ttespasses and sins, Ishwara wil forgive him of his sins. ‘One should sharpen his mental power astitwere an araw which ‘an reach the cause of sorrow and be its ultimate end, One ne not know Manta or Stora to pray. Invocation oF contemplation snot mandatory. One needs only fo open up one's heart lshnara No priests needed, ‘The sous immoral Le. te is reyelebe. The body perishes vith deat but he soul remains unperturbed The souleannatbe ‘ulby sword or burnt by fe. Life isan eternal struggle beswaen the forces of good and ev ‘One shouldbe very careful th his thought and words o as nat, tohurta good man. ‘One shouls never give way to the dealy emotions of ange, ‘envy, fear and grt. Aways be optimistic about ishivara's ang temmplan and beleve that everything wileome oul ght inthe end, Everyone comes naked into the word and departs inthe same ‘ay During tis short peti o fe ane must work to make hs ‘environment better so Ina when he leaves the worl, remains ‘better place than whathe hag func. Everything this universe the craton of lshwaraand every ‘one has ect rights and responsilties to use Ishwaras gts Inthe realm of Iehwara, no one na higher cli, Is incumbent upon allpersons above the age often t pray to Ispwara at east wie a day (Inthe moming chant Mantras and pray forthe success ofthe days plan and in the evering chant -Mantrasr thank lehwaratrtne success scheved anlintospect ‘oral tfleg). One must do Pranayama atleast orton mites inaay. ‘One must organise or attend Bho) Usavin fll moon night once snamonth [Atleast onee ina week every one should go to a common pace Le tomple and pray jonly withthe community members. The priest should conduct prayer and shoulaceeuss the meaning of atleast ve slokas trom he Gis, Veda Shasras and Upanisad ang exalin how their essence can help mankind of today ©

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