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Public Economics

Econ 535, IIT Kanpur

July-Dec 2015
Course Description
This course provides a general introduction to the economics of government expenditures and taxation.
We will consider the appropriate role of government in the economy and use economic analysis to predict
and verify the effect of government intervention on the behavior of individuals, households and firms. We
will discuss the implications of policy for efficiency and equity. We will discuss public goods,
externalities, and information asymmetries; market failure resulting from these conditions and policies to
address those failures - taxes, expenditures, and collective decision making under majority voting. Policy
applications include welfare, education, healthcare spending and tax policies such as income taxes,
consumption taxes and taxes on environmental degradation. In the context of these topics, we will discuss
relevant examples from across the world. Below I have provided a rough course outline.
Microeconomics is a pre-requisite for this course. I also expect you to have basic understanding of
Econometric tools like OLS, Random and Fixed Effect models and Instrumental Variables.

Myles, G. Public Economics. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, 1995. ISBN:

Gruber, Jonathan. Public Finance and Public Policy. Worth Publishers, 2009. ISBN:

Atkinson, A., and J. Stiglitz. Lectures on Public Economics. New York, NY: McGraw Hill, 1980.
ISBN: 0070841055.

Assignments: I will give you some practice problems from time to time. While assignments do not carry
any weights and I would discuss them in class, I strongly encourage you to try solving them before the
Quiz1 (20%), Midterm(40%), Endterm(40%)

There would be 2 quizzes in this course.

Econ 535, Tanika Chakraborty

Course Outline
1 Why study public finance?
2 Externalities in theory and practice
Public goods in theory and practice
3 Basic theory, optimality and pricing
4 Cost/benefit analysis
5 Political economy
6 Local public goods and fiscal federalism
7 Public provision of private goods: education
Midterm exam
Taxation and individual behavior
8 Taxation and labor supply
9 Taxation and savings
10 Taxation, risk taking and wealth
11 Corporate taxation
12 Tax reform
Social insurance and redistribution
13 Overview
14 Redistribution and welfare policy
Final exam

Econ 535, Tanika Chakraborty

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