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Project 2.1.

4 Frame Design of Engine Mount

Frame construction is used throughout the aerospace industry in the creation of
welded steel-tube fuselages, piston-engine motor mounts, ribs, and landing gear. In
this activity you will design a frame assembly for a motor mount structure for a
Lycoming O-300 to be installed in a light aircraft.


Computer with Autodesk Inventor software

1. Your frame must meet the constraints shown below.
a. The large plate represents the aircraft firewall as shown in the image
below. This must be grounded as the stable part of the frame. Use fixed
constraints on the six firewall to structural member attachment points.
b. The structure will support one Lycoming O-300 engine (250 lb) attached at
the three points indicated.
c. The structure will be loaded with negative 3 G and positive 6 G which is
simulated by exaggerated engine weight due to sudden aircraft
acceleration or a change in attitude.
d. The structural members will be 1 in. ANSI pipe.
e. Frame members should be mitered as necessary.

2011 Project Lead The Way, Inc.

Aerospace Engineering Project 2.1.4 Frame Design of Engine Mount Page 1

2. Calculate the forces that must be simulated with the positive and then the
negative G loads. Label the frames below with the forces that will be modeled for
each loading condition. Also label the structural members below as compression
or tension. Predict where the critical point will be for each loading condition.

Negative 3 G

Positive 6 G

3. Use Autodesk Inventor to create a model of your frame design.

a. Copy the P2_1_4_Frame_EngineMountTemplate.ipt file into the project
b. Create a new assembly file.
c. Place P2_1_4_Frame_EngineMountTemplate.ipt.
4. Click Design then Insert Frame to design the frame.
5. Conduct frame analysis to ensure that your frame meets design specifications.
6. Calculate the weight and cost of materials needed to produce the frame design.
84lb Tube and $368.75 from
7. Create a presentation outlining your design, showcasing its benefits, and
explaining why it should be selected for production.

1. Explain how the frame analysis showed that the critical area was different
than the critical area that you predicted. I didnt predict that the answer would
be very low.

2011 Project Lead The Way, Inc.

Aerospace Engineering Project 2.1.4 Frame Design of Engine Mount Page 2

2. Explain what additional loading conditions that an aircraft designer needs to

include as a constraint. The rest of the conditions.

2011 Project Lead The Way, Inc.

Aerospace Engineering Project 2.1.4 Frame Design of Engine Mount Page 3

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